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Seh Daeng - On Guard At Bangkok's Frontlines


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There are reports of ID cards being taken and kept by redshirt organizers and then you have the men in black mingling with the crowds essentially using them as human shields a la Al Quaeda.

According to posters here who live nearby Rajprasong , people are free to come and leave the protest as they wish .

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There are reports of ID cards being taken and kept by redshirt organizers and then you have the men in black mingling with the crowds essentially using them as human shields a la Al Quaeda.

According to posters here who live nearby Rajprasong , people are free to come and leave the protest as they wish .

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Which posters are those, ones named Porsasi? He's totally unreliable as a source, at least they won't be coming and going after midnight.

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There are reports of ID cards being taken and kept by redshirt organizers and then you have the men in black mingling with the crowds essentially using them as human shields a la Al Quaeda.

According to posters here who live nearby Rajprasong , people are free to come and leave the protest as they wish .

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Which posters are those, ones named Porsasi? He's totally unreliable as a source, at least they won't be coming and going after midnight.

TallForeigner for one who lives directly in the area

Note : Was talking about ID card not this midnight situation

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There are reports of ID cards being taken and kept by redshirt organizers and then you have the men in black mingling with the crowds essentially using them as human shields a la Al Quaeda.

According to posters here who live nearby Rajprasong , people are free to come and leave the protest as they wish .

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Which posters are those, ones named Porsasi? He's totally unreliable as a source, at least they won't be coming and going after midnight.

TallForeigner for one who lives directly in the area

I go by or in the protest site most days. Its true you can freely walk in and out (up to 4pm today, the last time I was in the area), but that is not the point. If you are a protester and the red guards have your ID card, it means they know who you are and where you live. You can run but you can't hide. It also means you won't get paid for your two months 'work' if you run now.

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What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

For once we agree .

Am not against dispersing crowds and the governement has been patient enough .

i think they have to do their job and the reds got an early election promise

so they wont leave empty handed .

Even water cannons and tear gas i would have nothing to say .

Just that no deadly , lethal force is used .

And that means by BOTH sides

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What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

For once we agree .

Am not against dispersing crowds and the governement has been patient enough .

i think they have to do their job and the reds got an early election promise

so they wont leave empty handed .

Even water cannons and tear gas i would have nothing to say .

Just that no deadly , lethal force is used .

And that means by BOTH sides

And if internationally accepted crowd dispersal techniques are used by the government but they are met with lethal force, what then?

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The protests started when? March 15th? Today is ..May 12th? So about 2 months ago. We had a botched dispersal attempt and that's about it. The US probably needs less time invading a country than Thailand needs clearing an alleged '5000 protesters', of which the majority are elderly women.

Most of the police and army generals are Thaksin's friends, you're right. Not all of them, but even if the generals that are not his friends give the orders to use force on a majority of elderly women, do you think that the foot soldiers will end up doing it? I don't think so. Most of them are even from the North and North-East, so chances are their mothers and their grandmothers are sitting among those they're supposed to shoot at.

So, your "yet" is the misleading part. There's no crackdown coming.

You are right . There will be no crackdown .

But there will be a blockade of the red shirt protest site

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What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

For once we agree .

Am not against dispersing crowds and the governement has been patient enough .

i think they have to do their job and the reds got an early election promise

so they wont leave empty handed .

Even water cannons and tear gas i would have nothing to say .

Just that no deadly , lethal force is used .

And that means by BOTH sides

And if internationally accepted crowd dispersal techniques are used by the government but they are met with lethal force, what then?

Then the redshirts will become international pariahs , and be accused of beeing terrorists , which so far has not happened .

More to the point , even if they dont care about the foreign opinion , which not the case , most thais would turn

against them then

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And if internationally accepted crowd dispersal techniques are used by the government but they are met with lethal force, what then?

We have to understand that protesters are what they are .

They are protesting for what they believe is their right .

i put no opinion on that

If just because the gov declares a SOE , protesters disperse

why not declare SOE just before the protest start ?

Basically its a fight . But there should be some rules .

And of course negociation to end the protest

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What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

For once we agree .

Am not against dispersing crowds and the governement has been patient enough .

i think they have to do their job and the reds got an early election promise

so they wont leave empty handed .

Even water cannons and tear gas i would have nothing to say .

Just that no deadly , lethal force is used .

And that means by BOTH sides

And if internationally accepted crowd dispersal techniques are used by the government but they are met with lethal force, what then?

Then the redshirts will become international pariahs , and be accused of beeing terrorists , which so far has not happened .

More to the point , even if they dont care about the foreign opinion , which not the case , most thais would turn

against them then

Most Thais are against them now. That share of foreign press not getting their press releases from Thaksin's PR firm have already sussed out their charade.

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There are reports of ID cards being taken and kept by redshirt organizers and then you have the men in black mingling with the crowds essentially using them as human shields a la Al Quaeda.

According to posters here who live nearby Rajprasong , people are free to come and leave the protest as they wish .

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Which posters are those, ones named Porsasi? He's totally unreliable as a source, at least they won't be coming and going after midnight.

I live in the protest area and have had to go through the red shirt checkpoints daily. They search people coming in for weapons - farang are usually spared that - but I haven't noticed any kind of control on farang or thais leaving the area. There's also a few small soi that bypass the red checkpoints altogether.

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"It is the thought process of homosexuals, using tanks and armor against the population," he said, laughing wildly while describing the evening street battle on April 10.

"The tactics you are supposed to use are to fight early in the morning, or during daylight hours, not at night. But the army acts with homosexual emotions."

Apparently he needs to come out of his own closet. :)

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Kimincm (post#59.)

I realize some time has past since my first post. However, I would like to thank you for acknowledging my post. It seems from your reply that I have pushed some sort of button in your psyche. For your information I would like to share the following with you about butyric acid:

IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) is a plant growth regulator , used to promote and accelerate root formation of plant clippings and to reduce transplant shock of nonfood ornamental nursery stock. IBA is also used on fruit and vegetable crops, field crops and ornamental turf to promote growth development of flowers and fruit and to increase crop yields. IBA does not have the same properties as butyric acid, including smell.

From Wikipedia: A stink bomb or stinkbomb is a device designed to create an unpleasant smell. They range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade or riot control chemical agents….. the governments of Israel and the USA are developing stink bombs for use by their law enforcement agencies and militaries as riot control and area denial weapons….. The most often encountered compounds are:………. Butyric acid (rancid dairy).

Also: Whale Wars: Butyric Acid (Stink Bombs) The Sea Sheperd's weapon of choice is butyric acid. Bottled and thrown onto the decks of whaling ships, it spoils any whale meat it comes in contact with, and makes it almost impossible to work on the deck.(Google "whale wars")

Might I suggest that in future you focus on fact in your replies, rather than resort to argumentum ad hominem. And as a final aside: I do not have to inform the PM of my opinion, the Thai military are already aware of the uses of butyric acid.

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Presumably this guy will be appearing on the 'Wanted' posters - though no doubt he's expecting first bail and then amnesty as he aims these rockets at helicopters flying over Rajadamri road.


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Presumably this guy will be appearing on the 'Wanted' posters - though no doubt he's expecting first bail and then amnesty as he aims these rockets at helicopters flying over Rajadamri road.

"Rockets"? Haha, don't make me laugh.

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What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

Dissolve parliament tomorrow, hold elections in 45 days? If the Democrats really have the majority of Thais behind them and nobody supports the red shirts anymore, why not seize the opportunity to get not a coalition government like they have now, but the absolute majority? And deal the red shirts a humiliating blow? Then if the Democrats have the absolute majority, they can easily pass all the bills they want and still have enough time to do the army reshuffle at the end of the year.

Yes, Then our great foreign minister Kasit Promiya can really sock it to foreign press and evil foreign diplomts who meet with the redshirts. It will prove to the world that the Democrats and Abhist and Sutep are as popular as they claim.

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Anyone can CLAIM working with the CIA....but that doesn't make it true.

"Those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak"

The rest is male cow fecal matter...to make the phrase more polite sounding.

It's entirely possilbe he had some contact with some CIA types in Laos....but I doubt he ever worked for them.

For one thing, I doubt he would pass the psychological tests required.

A legend in his own mind.


You are 1000% correct , this guy is a Red dreamer

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