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Red Hom Mali/ Where To Buy/ To Sell?

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intrigued by the discussion here on red hom mali rice I suggested this to the family.


Reaction= no one plants it here (typical killer argument)

Where to buy?

And if you try it first on say 20 rai how to sell such a small quantity, would the local mill accept the rice at all?

Dont shoot me, you can tell I know nothing about farming, just trying to generate some more cash for the folks.

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Where to sell?

Some good/well known local restaurant? They have many customers, they can offer things that are a tad bit more expensive than other places, because of their reputation they can propose dishes that are less common. If the place is good enough and your rice is a real quality improvement, it will become popular in the restaurants, among the customers and the mouth to mouth will soon spread the words.

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thank you, must learn to think small. Up scale local eateries is a valuable thought.

Any other ideas?

And where can one buy the seeds?

Red Mali is grown in small lots for local consumption in my village as well. Try the local feed and grain store for seed and clues on selling points. Havent grown any but I would suggest the local rice merchants would be interested if there was a large enough supply, possibly a 20 tonne truckload. There are rice merchants in Bangkok who will buy rice (milled) at good rates but you have to transport.


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1 truck load = 20 tons as critical mass makes sense. Dont know if the quantity per rai is different from other rice, probably not.

Transport to Bkk probably too expensive. As a yard stick I paid 6000 b for a smaller truck / 300 km return trip.

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1 truck load = 20 tons as critical mass makes sense. Dont know if the quantity per rai is different from other rice, probably not.

Transport to Bkk probably too expensive. As a yard stick I paid 6000 b for a smaller truck / 300 km return trip.

OK, last November I hired a six wheel truck with a 6*3 metre tray say 1.8 to 2 metre high sides. 10,000 baht round trip BKK. Intention to move to Sisaket. As for rice itself, minimum order from BKK Merchant was 17 tonnes when we looked last (circa 2003).

Extrapolate away at this stage, we were selling paddy locally at 8 bahtback then, BKK RM was offering 17 milled and Big C was selling at 25. Take the difference then of 9 baht per kilo and say the locals could squeeze 10 Tonne of such a truck. That would yeild 9000 per run, not enough to cover transport costs. Even if it was 15 tonne there still isnt enough there to justify the effort.

We were living in Nonthaburi at that time, so we milled as much as we could carry back in the pickup and went back to the city. We bagged the rice in 5 and 10 kg lots and sold it from the doorstep at 20 baht. Gone faster than we could bag the stuff courtesy of the bamboo telegraph. We also sold by the 50Kg bag to local restaurants we frequented at the same price. Again gone quickly followed by "see you next week". From memory about 11,000 baht per trip income.

My opinion for what it is worth, look outside the square. Too many players inside the fence.


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Another naive question may be forgiven=

I assume the small quantities when sold were peeled. Also assume that no special machines are required.

Sold in plastic bags, what about small insects or whatever breeding in the rice?

Extra-drying out ?

Thinking outside the fence.......... in psychological terms =

divergent thinking .

I love it!

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