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i have driven in thailand over the last 3 years, although eventfull never had an accident.

Back in england

two days ago while approaching a roundabout on the way home from a hard days work i am following a red corsa, i am looking at the corsa in front and also looking to my right to see what is coming, their is nothing approaching so i do not expect to stop however the corsa stops dead and yes i hit the back, i get out to exchange insurances and get a mouthfull of colourfull language from a sixty year old blue rinse brigade. upon asking her why did she stop her reply was have you not past your test you should always stop at a roundabout.

Although this is deemed as my fault it makes my blood boil when you get these sad people on the road that do not consider keeping the flow of traffic going :o .

any way i've got that out of my system for now.

question has an over cautios driver caused any body else problems

i have driven in thailand over the last 3 years, although eventfull never had an accident.

Back in  england

two days ago while approaching a roundabout on the way home from a hard days work i am following a red corsa,  i am looking at the corsa in front and also looking to my right to see what is coming, their is nothing approaching so i do not expect to stop however the corsa stops dead and yes i hit the back, i get out to exchange insurances and get a mouthfull of colourfull language from a sixty year old blue rinse brigade. upon asking her why did she stop her reply was have you not past your test you should always stop at a roundabout.

Although this is deemed as my fault it makes my blood boil when you get these sad people on the road that do not consider keeping the flow of traffic going :o .

any way i've got that out of my system for now.

question has an over cautios driver caused any body else problems

That is one of the most common accidents in the UK, frustrating and yes you are at fault.


While the vehicular law of most countries provides that anyone who hits from the back (rearender) is at fault, it is an arbitrary law that doesn't take into consideration the reality of the situation, merely expediency in administration of the law.

Obstructing the flow of traffic is a violation of most traffic laws. She did that.

Stopping in a moving lane of traffic. except when caused to do so by traffic or emergency is likewise a traffic law.

Failing to stop in time when the driver ahead makes a "panic stop" because he is following the car ahead of him too close is a defense when the issue is litigated.

The traffic laws of most countries and those who administer them are arbitrary by necessity. However, when a jury trial of the issue is involved, reason comes into play.

My guess, is that if you were to litigate your accident before a jury, the other driver would be held equally at fault in your accident since she obstructed your path without reason, probably broke laws on regarding how to drive around a roundabout and impeded the flow of traffic without reason.

The general rule of highway safety requires that one operate your motor vehicle such that it caused no danger to another vehicle, which she clearly didn't. The accident wouldn't have happened, sine qua non, ("but for"} her uncalled for action, thus she could be held entirely at fault by some juries comprised of sensible citizens.

Unfortunately, the expense of a jury trial forbids such actions except in majory injury cases.

I am with you on this one, her operating her vehile in such a way as to create a hazard to you, makes the accident her fault.

i have driven in thailand over the last 3 years, although eventfull never had an accident.

Back in  england

two days ago while approaching a roundabout on the way home from a hard days work i am following a red corsa,  i am looking at the corsa in front and also looking to my right to see what is coming, their is nothing approaching so i do not expect to stop however the corsa stops dead and yes i hit the back, i get out to exchange insurances and get a mouthfull of colourfull language from a sixty year old blue rinse brigade. upon asking her why did she stop her reply was have you not past your test you should always stop at a roundabout.

Although this is deemed as my fault it makes my blood boil when you get these sad people on the road that do not consider keeping the flow of traffic going :o .

any way i've got that out of my system for now.

question has an over cautios driver caused any body else problems

What's the law here in Thailand? Yield to moving traffic but is there a need to stop?


On the subject of roundabouts. Does anyone know the correct procedure for joining one in Thailand? I would have assumed you give way to people already on it, however observations of Thais driving in Hat Yai suggests the opposite.


We from the west are accustomed to the traffic law prevailing in most cases.

Here in Thailand, as a falang, that is not the case.

The best I have been able to determine is that the vehicle that is "ahead" of the other vehicle, even a millimeter, prevails.

Notice how the motorbikes come up along side and stick their wheel ahead and across your left front wheel. They have the right of way.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, chances are, as a falang, you will be held at fault, regardless.

Notice how the motorbikes come up along side and stick their wheel ahead and across your left front wheel.  They have the right of way.

That is exactly why drivers sit right up the @rse of the vehicle in front... to stop those <deleted> moto-psyches from getting through... :o

<rant over... calm now... :D >

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I think the law here is to give way to those not yet on the roundabout - in an attempt to see how many cars it is possible to gridlock on the roundabout... :D

And yes, I have a roundabout on my way to work, and it has been deemed so difficult to understand the concept of it, that they've posted a policeman to assist those confused motorists who don't know what to do.... - invariably he stops anyone on the roundabout, and gives priority to those approaching it. :D

AND YES, it drives me mad - if you hadn't noticed :D ....

But, readers, I've found a cunning plan, which thwarts our little policeman every time... Simply arrive at the roundabout and start driving the wrong way around it! Smile at him, and if he recovers from the shock before I'm gone, he figures that it didn't seem to cause a problem and encourages other drivers to follow suit.


On the subject of roundabouts. Does anyone know the correct procedure for joining one in Thailand? I would have assumed you give way to people already on it, however observations of Thais driving in Hat Yai suggests the opposite.

Yeah, if you've got more wheels you have right of way, unless you have a millitary sticker in your windscreen or a ranked police cap on your parcel shelf, in which case you automatically get right of way.

i have driven in thailand over the last 3 years, although eventfull never had an accident.

Back in  england

two days ago while approaching a roundabout on the way home from a hard days work i am following a red corsa,  i am looking at the corsa in front and also looking to my right to see what is coming, their is nothing approaching so i do not expect to stop however the corsa stops dead and yes i hit the back, i get out to exchange insurances and get a mouthfull of colourfull language from a sixty year old blue rinse brigade. upon asking her why did she stop her reply was have you not past your test you should always stop at a roundabout.

Although this is deemed as my fault it makes my blood boil when you get these sad people on the road that do not consider keeping the flow of traffic going :o .

any way i've got that out of my system for now.

question has an over cautios driver caused any body else problems

:D been there as well mate but i hit a car at 30mph in a 44 ton lorry so he didnt go round the roundabout he went over it!!! at quite a rate of knots as well, when he got out i said why the ###### did you stop? (this particular roundabout you can see for about 500 yards in every direction so there was no way you needed to stop. The guy gets out, asian guy and he dosent speak a word of English starts screaming at me then calls someone on his mobile btw he was chatting on his mobile when he was sat at the roundabout, then all his friends turn up and start shouting at me, at this point i decide it is time to call the police. They turn up and tell me yes the accident is my fault, then i mentioned about him talking on his mobile while sat at the roundabout, the police check his mobile and see that he was on a call at the time i hit him ( checked the time on my tacho with the time on his phone) then proceed to do him for driving without due care and attention so there is some justice in this world after all :D


:D been there as well mate but i hit a car at 30mph in a 44 ton lorry so he didnt go round the roundabout he went over it!!! at quite a rate of knots as well, when he got out i said why the ###### did you stop? (this particular roundabout you can see for about 500 yards in every direction so there was no way you needed to stop. The guy gets out, asian guy and he dosent speak a word of English starts screaming at me then calls someone on his mobile btw he was chatting on his mobile when he was sat at the roundabout, then all his friends turn up and start shouting at me, at this point i decide it is time to call the police. They turn up and tell me yes the accident is my fault, then i mentioned about him talking on his mobile while sat at the roundabout, the police check his mobile and see that he was on a call at the time i hit him ( checked the time on my tacho with the time on his phone) then proceed to do him for driving without due care and attention so there is some justice in this world after all :D

i like it :o

when they start to prosecute people for driving like numpties the sooner the better

as for thailand i balieve any accident seems to be the falang at fault

On the subject of roundabouts. Does anyone know the correct procedure for joining one in Thailand? I would have assumed you give way to people already on it, however observations of Thais driving in Hat Yai suggests the opposite.

The Thai "highway code", such as it is, requires you to give way to traffic to your right when approaching a roundabout, i.e. the vehicle on the roundabout has priority.

Not many Thais know this.

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