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not just thailand peoples. every country is as bad if not worse. its a blight on our society that men feel they have the right to treat women this way.......

You might not believe it, little fella, but we're not all rapists. Duh. :)

And as they say....'Thais love Thais!

A classic real dumb idiotic comment.

Obviously the bus driver is a maniac and this poor woman was at the receiving end of it`s brutality.

She probably will never make a full recovery, physically or mentally.

I would call this much more than an assault, this is attempted brutal murder.

My sympathy to this lady and hope they catch this vermin. Should be put down like a mad dog.

Please refrain from insulting mad dogs. They deserve better than this @#$*#$%@. :D Thanks.

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not just thailand peoples. every country is as bad if not worse. its a blight on our society that men feel they have the right to treat women this way.......

I have no idea what countries you have lived in, but it could not be many, judging by your attempt at a statement, which is at best a misinformed opinion, and that leads one to believe you have no knowledge of countries outside Thailand when you say that every country is as bad if not worse. You may be surprised that there are countries where a man and woman yelling at each other violently may bring the police to investigate. If either party shows any sign of being physically violated or even claims that they have been physically assaulted, the accused is taken to the police department and usually jailed. It is true that violence happens in every country, but most of the rest of the world does not condone rape with customs that question the woman's behavior as a contributing factor, when in fact there is no contributing factor because no means no whenever and however it is said. So long as nobody wants to get involved in an argument between a man and a woman--which often leads to the woman being angry for being rescued--and so long as women and families do not report rape, society in general and women in particular are doing nothing to prevent the despicable behavior you have aptly called a blight on society, although, I would offer that it is a blight on humanity.


There was a bit more in Thairath. A witness has come forward and said he was in the van at the same time and had chatted to the victim who told him she was getting off at Central Latprao. The driver said he didn't have time to go there but would turn around and go back there later. The victim didn't object so the witness thought nothing more of it and got off the van only hearing about the attack later the next morning.

The police showed the witness photos of registered drivers from the route but none matched and questioning the boss of the van stand also turned up nothing so they think it's an illegal, unregistered van.

The police are in the process of making a sketch of the driver from the witness' description.

Let's see if I can win this game.

It is terrible that all men in the world act like this and that especially Thai men and the Thai police only laugh and giggle and tell women to shut up every time that this happens...always. All men should be castrated. I am going to volunteer to castrate myself first because I am a man and will eventually rape someone. The entire world needs to realize that this is the worst crime ever possible. Women and children and one-legged puppies are mistreated everywhere in the world and no one ever does anything about it...especially Thailand. Something, something, something, culture, fairness, terrible, corruption, red shirts. What if it was your mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend's mother?

I really hope that she recovers soon.

There. Beat that for being the most politically correct sensitive compassionate caring man in the world.

When you say all men, that includes you, right? You should be mentally castrated for such a post. You must be very sick in your brain, making such a statement. Go ahead and do your job, you shouldn't be able to reproduce..........sickhead.

Let's see if I can win this game.

It is terrible that all men in the world act like this and that especially Thai men and the Thai police only laugh and giggle and tell women to shut up every time that this happens...always. All men should be castrated. I am going to volunteer to castrate myself first because I am a man and will eventually rape someone. The entire world needs to realize that this is the worst crime ever possible. Women and children and one-legged puppies are mistreated everywhere in the world and no one ever does anything about it...especially Thailand. Something, something, something, culture, fairness, terrible, corruption, red shirts. What if it was your mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend's mother?

I really hope that she recovers soon.

There. Beat that for being the most politically correct sensitive compassionate caring man in the world.

When you say all men, that includes you, right? You should be mentally castrated for such a post. You must be very sick in your brain, making such a statement. Go ahead and do your job, you shouldn't be able to reproduce..........sickhead.

Wow. It is nice to see that you cannot follow sarcasm any better than you can formulate a thought more mature or rational than, "Would love to see him dying very slowly. Really slowly." Yours is precisely the type of post that I was attempting to mock. Every time there is a story of this nature the posts seem to follow one of two paths: 1. the super macho "Put me in the same room with that guy;" 2. the super sensitive "women are constantly victimized and I am going to point out that I am the kind of guy that understands." It is boring. Bring more to the table than that or don't bother. Some people have 852 posts with 5 per day and they are generally trivial, trite, poorly reasoned and don't add anything to the debate or topic at hand. They are just juvenile platitudes bloating the pages so that no valuable debate or discussion is possible. How do you feel that your original post--or the subsequent one to me for that matter--added anything? Here is where you try to defend yourself by stating that hundreds of people with no creative opinions or thoughts (face it, I want to hit him with a pipe or watch him die slowly are not at all creative or original) blurting out one line posts is somehow the point of modern technology and forums. I, for one, will stick to the opinion that a forum should hopefully be a place for original, creative, useful or well reasoned discussion. I apologize that my sarcasm was not blatant enough for you, but I do hope that you were able to follow this post.


The solution is to have routine sting operations in this area. The police will be able to catch a few pervs and criminals, while having all taxi drivers think twice before committing these offenses.

I wonder if the these criminals even know what the typical sentence is for such crimes. Seems the news reports never mention or follow up on their stories. There is no deterrent for them. Maybe Thai victims should start thier own vigilante squad. :)


The BMTA Toyota. Van drivers are mostly poor wheelsmen with no driving skills and use their vans in very agressive ways. It does not surprise me a driver has a pipe he used as a weapon. But more fool the girl for remaining in the van after being threatened. Despite her injuries she should recover but this scumbag should be given life. He is obviously deranged.

Seems the news reports never mention or follow up on their stories. :)


- It happens on a daily basis left-right-and-centre.

- Thais are used to it too. Nobody remembers which assailant belongs to which case.

- Thai police is rarely successful in arresting the criminals. Put it differently they don't give a shoot coz a sense of duty is not as rewarding as licking their boss's shoes.

- Public transportation is either so inadequate or pathetic that the commuters at their own risk need to depend on motorbikes and illegal vans with reckless drivers.

Technically every system fails in this country.


It's really sad when the police drag their feet in any investigation. In LOS look at who your dealing with in these matters.


Activist Pavena Hongsakul, who brought the case to the public's attention following a complaint from the victim's mother, said immediate police action was needed, because this sort of assault was regarded as highly dangerous and detrimental to women traveling alone.

I am happy that Pavena Hongsakul knows that this sort of attempted murder is highly dangerous. It sounds like she has a good education, a real smart cookie.

The victim demonstrated human qualities of the highest form. She defeated a dangerous animal through intellect and self discipline. I know I could not feign death if someone held my head under water.

I would be proud to wai her. She is a real hero. I hope the monster is brought to justice as a result of her strength and courage.

There was a bit more in Thairath. A witness has come forward and said he was in the van at the same time and had chatted to the victim who told him she was getting off at Central Latprao. The driver said he didn't have time to go there but would turn around and go back there later. The victim didn't object so the witness thought nothing more of it and got off the van only hearing about the attack later the next morning.

The police showed the witness photos of registered drivers from the route but none matched and questioning the boss of the van stand also turned up nothing so they think it's an illegal, unregistered van.

The police are in the process of making a sketch of the driver from the witness' description.

Can a rapist just represent himself as a taxi van driver in Thailand? No safeguards against it? That sounds like a serious problem.

Let's see if I can win this game.

It is terrible that all men in the world act like this and that especially Thai men and the Thai police only laugh and giggle and tell women to shut up every time that this happens...always. All men should be castrated. I am going to volunteer to castrate myself first because I am a man and will eventually rape someone. The entire world needs to realize that this is the worst crime ever possible. Women and children and one-legged puppies are mistreated everywhere in the world and no one ever does anything about it...especially Thailand. Something, something, something, culture, fairness, terrible, corruption, red shirts. What if it was your mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend's mother?

I really hope that she recovers soon.

There. Beat that for being the most politically correct sensitive compassionate caring man in the world.

When you say all men, that includes you, right? You should be mentally castrated for such a post. You must be very sick in your brain, making such a statement. Go ahead and do your job, you shouldn't be able to reproduce..........sickhead.

Wow. It is nice to see that you cannot follow sarcasm any better than you can formulate a thought more mature or rational than, "Would love to see him dying very slowly. Really slowly." Yours is precisely the type of post that I was attempting to mock. Every time there is a story of this nature the posts seem to follow one of two paths: 1. the super macho "Put me in the same room with that guy;" 2. the super sensitive "women are constantly victimized and I am going to point out that I am the kind of guy that understands." It is boring. Bring more to the table than that or don't bother. Some people have 852 posts with 5 per day and they are generally trivial, trite, poorly reasoned and don't add anything to the debate or topic at hand. They are just juvenile platitudes bloating the pages so that no valuable debate or discussion is possible. How do you feel that your original post--or the subsequent one to me for that matter--added anything? Here is where you try to defend yourself by stating that hundreds of people with no creative opinions or thoughts (face it, I want to hit him with a pipe or watch him die slowly are not at all creative or original) blurting out one line posts is somehow the point of modern technology and forums. I, for one, will stick to the opinion that a forum should hopefully be a place for original, creative, useful or well reasoned discussion. I apologize that my sarcasm was not blatant enough for you, but I do hope that you were able to follow this post.

I think George should let someone like you permanently remove the members that are not smart, sensible creative or correct. Then this forum would be much more pleasing for you. People have varying levels of education, experience and intellect. Let us strip the low performers of their rights and shoot for more sarcasm. Or did you intend to write satire?

It's really sad when the police drag their feet in any investigation. In LOS look at who your dealing with in these matters.

The Thai police know how to get quick results including a confession in these high profile cases. They will have someone very shortly. I would be the last person to say that the police are not skillful at what they decide to do.


As posted previously they have got him, was on Thai tele this morning.

Looks like the power of the media has been proven again.

If a case like this can be got on Tele and in the papers then the police are forced to act or lose face and they have shown in this case that they can act when they want to.

Now we have a case of a high up policeman murdering a 17 yr old and all caught on camera, lets wait and see what happens to him.

As posted previously they have got him, was on Thai tele this morning.

Looks like the power of the media has been proven again.

If a case like this can be got on Tele and in the papers then the police are forced to act or lose face and they have shown in this case that they can act when they want to.

Now we have a case of a high up policeman murdering a 17 yr old and all caught on camera, lets wait and see what happens to him.

yea that was something else, knocks the kid to the floor with the butt of his gun and then empties a slug into his head.


My ex-girlfriend confronted a Thai couple who didn't pay her money she was owed. The couple cornered her in a kitchen and threatened her with bodily harm. The girl (under 90 lbs) grabbed a knife and cut a big gash in the guy's thigh. Fight over. I don't (and wouldn't have) recommend such a dynamic defense, as the girl could have been killed. However, I asked a question last week on this forum: WHERE CAN A PERSON BUY SPRAY MACE IN THAILAND?

...and am still eager for a response.

Also, all folks, not just pretty girls, should have at least one emergency tel# programmed in to their cell phones - and use it. Recommend naming it *A or something that will turn up #1, as quickly as the phone is turned on, so the caller doesn't need to scroll around during an emergency.

In my town, I've found the Tourist Police to be rather good at their jobs.

As posted previously they have got him, was on Thai tele this morning.

Looks like the power of the media has been proven again.

If a case like this can be got on Tele and in the papers then the police are forced to act or lose face and they have shown in this case that they can act when they want to.

Now we have a case of a high up policeman murdering a 17 yr old and all caught on camera, lets wait and see what happens to him.

Let's see a THAILAND'S MOST WANTED TV show !

In the States, America's Most Wanted show works great!

None of the silly 'first letter of his name' crap that Thai politicians are famous for. Instead: NAME and SHAME the alleged perpetrator, and give his/her address and any other pertinent info on TV, ...however, watch for vigilantes. All respondents should call the published tel#, and not enact mob justice on their own.


It was on Thai TV yesterday and this morning, dont know about any papers yet

Try any Thai news stations, plowing ceremony on now but you will probably get it soon, dont have to understand Thai the video is very explisit.

Let's see if I can win this game.

It is terrible that all men in the world act like this and that especially Thai men and the Thai police only laugh and giggle and tell women to shut up every time that this happens...always. All men should be castrated. I am going to volunteer to castrate myself first because I am a man and will eventually rape someone. The entire world needs to realize that this is the worst crime ever possible. Women and children and one-legged puppies are mistreated everywhere in the world and no one ever does anything about it...especially Thailand. Something, something, something, culture, fairness, terrible, corruption, red shirts. What if it was your mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend's mother?

I really hope that she recovers soon.

There. Beat that for being the most politically correct sensitive compassionate caring man in the world.

When you say all men, that includes you, right? You should be mentally castrated for such a post. You must be very sick in your brain, making such a statement. Go ahead and do your job, you shouldn't be able to reproduce..........sickhead.

Wow. It is nice to see that you cannot follow sarcasm any better than you can formulate a thought more mature or rational than, "Would love to see him dying very slowly. Really slowly." Yours is precisely the type of post that I was attempting to mock. Every time there is a story of this nature the posts seem to follow one of two paths: 1. the super macho "Put me in the same room with that guy;" 2. the super sensitive "women are constantly victimized and I am going to point out that I am the kind of guy that understands." It is boring. Bring more to the table than that or don't bother. Some people have 852 posts with 5 per day and they are generally trivial, trite, poorly reasoned and don't add anything to the debate or topic at hand. They are just juvenile platitudes bloating the pages so that no valuable debate or discussion is possible. How do you feel that your original post--or the subsequent one to me for that matter--added anything? Here is where you try to defend yourself by stating that hundreds of people with no creative opinions or thoughts (face it, I want to hit him with a pipe or watch him die slowly are not at all creative or original) blurting out one line posts is somehow the point of modern technology and forums. I, for one, will stick to the opinion that a forum should hopefully be a place for original, creative, useful or well reasoned discussion. I apologize that my sarcasm was not blatant enough for you, but I do hope that you were able to follow this post.

I think George should let someone like you permanently remove the members that are not smart, sensible creative or correct. Then this forum would be much more pleasing for you. People have varying levels of education, experience and intellect. Let us strip the low performers of their rights and shoot for more sarcasm. Or did you intend to write satire?

I like that you were able to make this about the right to be heard and my level of enjoyment. At no point did I argue that my personal enjoyment was a factor, nor did my comment state that those who are less discerning should be banned. I was simply bemoaning the fact that so many people feel the need to post messages of no account when doing so lessens the actual benefit and effect that a forum such as this could have. When you consider the number of people who access Thaivisa, it is a shame that more constructive expressions and ideas cannot be fostered.

Imagine if each of these people were to post actual possible solutions, or were to engage in formulating strategies for alleviating the problem, or for that matter organized themselves into groups that could propose these solutions to the police and government. This has nothing to do with my personal enjoyment. This is simply a wish that such a powerful tool could be used more responsibly. There are many, many forums in the world for people who just want to dribble out asinine sophomoric threats or tout how sensitive and caring and connected to the suffering of others they may feel themselves to be.

As for my muddying the waters with my sad attempt at sarcasm: you are correct. I was guilty of the same offense about which I was complaining. I will own that. I do not feel so bad about peeing in a swamp, however.

I like that you were able to make this about the right to be heard and my level of enjoyment. At no point did I argue that my personal enjoyment was a factor, nor did my comment state that those who are less discerning should be banned. I was simply bemoaning the fact that so many people feel the need to post messages of no account when doing so lessens the actual benefit and effect that a forum such as this could have. When you consider the number of people who access Thaivisa, it is a shame that more constructive expressions and ideas cannot be fostered.

Imagine if each of these people were to post actual possible solutions, or were to engage in formulating strategies for alleviating the problem, or for that matter organized themselves into groups that could propose these solutions to the police and government. This has nothing to do with my personal enjoyment. This is simply a wish that such a powerful tool could be used more responsibly. There are many, many forums in the world for people who just want to dribble out asinine sophomoric threats or tout how sensitive and caring and connected to the suffering of others they may feel themselves to be.

As for my muddying the waters with my sad attempt at sarcasm: you are correct. I was guilty of the same offense about which I was complaining. I will own that. I do not feel so bad about peeing in a swamp, however.

Some people need to be muzzled. Eaten any dog lately?

I'm glad that some posters can make jokes about these things. Personally, I don't see anything humourous whatsoever in this story. Poor girl went through hel_l. I hope they string the bastard up and cut his balls off.

Completely agree James.

I fear however the cops actually know the toe-rag that did it , but they are trying to work out the payment details (would that be cash or credit sir?).

And , agree with another poster that it seems the only way to get the deserved attention is through the involvement of an activist.

The cops in Thailand are NOT the solution to most of Thailands problems (including respect for the law) they are in fact the cause of most of the problems that face this nation.

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