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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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Has anyone here considered that if the security force in Thailand did not face protesters with AA gun , automatic rifles and APC

perhaps nobody would bring guns at protests ?

Have you stopped to consider that independent of what armaments the legitimate authorities may have, it is simply illegal and irresponsible of terrorists to bring assault weapons to a supposedly "peaceful" protest?

Maybe once a group of protesters decide that the ground they gained through largely peaceful, though illegal means, will now be defended by armed combatants, incendiary bombs, booby traps, snipers, grenades, they cease to be protesters and take on the mantle of an "occupying army", complete with a field general and seditionist administrators. That leads to one of three outcomes. 1)They either surrender and release the area and occupants held hostage by their occupation, 2)they cause the overthrow of the existing state by violent or non-violent means, or 3) they get put down and removed by the machinery of the state. Number 2 isn't going to happen. I've been hoping for number 1 but it looks like number 3 is going to prevail. All for money, and not money for poor people either. Tragic.

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Wow..."another deadline." How many deadlines have we've seen issued or extended (or forgotten) by the red shirts and the government? I've lost count and I expect they have too. Basically, still just a lot of talk by both sides; very little action.


They have won what they demanded by undemocratic means of protest - protest by a handful of a country's population is not democracy either! Now they want to twist the knife! - if this is how they feel then they should turn in their own leaders first as they were the ones who started the disruption of daily life in the capital which is what caused the deaths - of course if the government minister acted outside the law then he too should be punished - however I do not think it against the law to use violence if necessary to move people intent on disrupting everyone else - a day, even a weekend of peaceful protest is acceptable but this amounted to revolutionary intimidation and people with barricades, sharpened staves and even weapons cannot by any definition be called protesters.

I just wish that some third party country would put the real criminal behind this on a plane to bankok so that he can be dealt with by law for inciting the situation that caused this.

Yes you are right . It is chicken and eggs .

Well if the reds , or rather some militia supportive of the reds bring lethal firearms while

the other side dont , they would be totally discredited to the whole world .

And moreover we know that some police or army while beeing ordered by the gov

are pro-reds while other are anti-reds . If they have lethal weapons its even worse

they end up shooting at each other

Actually they are already discredited to the world.

And even if the authorities had no weapons, the illegal violent red mob would say they did and blame them for the killings.

As far as I know the police didn't bring grenade launchers to the illegal mob gathering but that didn't stop these supporters of terrorism blaming the authorities for the grenade attack on the sky train.

And all the evidence indicates the gov't NEVER ordered troops to do anything but obey internationally accepted tactics. So, your comment that "we know" is an untruth unless you live in fantasy land.

Better late than never I guess. The should have happened at the beginning. Really sad to see the country in this condition. Hope things can calm down and Thailand can recover it's lost face.

I couldn't disagree more..."Better late than never" is in this case the worst thing to say. dam_n, wait wait wait for what? They should have shut the water and power off weeks ago. Just seems a bit simple minded that this wasn't done at the start of April.

Coz it's one armed force against another, isn't it? :)

No . Not the way it was announced . Its those with food and water and electricity , versus those without :D


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

Sorry but Gen Prayhut did obey orders , with the disastrous consequences that we all know .

If you want to court martial thai general officers for NOT ordering the shooting of other thais

that's your right . But is plainly wrong

Problem here is that you are PRETENDING that there was some sort of crime committed by any authority involved in shooting lawbreakers who were part of an armed and illegal mob laying siege to BKK as well as attacking lawful authorities with deadly weapons. You like to pretend this is a civil war and in war you cannot stop attacking your enemy just because the mix with civilians (in this case criminals). In fact there is laws against armed personal mixing with or using civilians as cover for this very reason.

Interesting to note that with all the claimed watermelon soldiers, I haven't heard any reporting they had orders to fire on the mob. In fact, I've only heard of self-defense and providing cover to withdraw and move the injured out.

Bottom line is the deaths were tragic but justified.

Maybe not justified, but unavoidable.

IMO, the army wouldn't have brought out the live ammo and fired into the crowd if they hadn't been attacked by live fire and grenades in the first place.

I don't agree with using live ammo to "fire over the heads of protesters", but it was well advertised that that was going to be done, so the reds can't use it as an excuse.

The protest was declared illegal. The police and army were there to clear them out. The reds resisted, not just with sticks and stones, but with live fire and grenades.

Any "innocent" protesters caught up in the middle shouldn't have been there anyway, but it is only the fault of the armed reds that anyone was killed.


You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

Coz it's one armed force against another, isn't it? :)

No . Not the way it was announced . Its those with food and water and electricity , versus those without :D


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

.... for a civil war ....

What's the best way to treat an obstinate woman? That's right, ignore her. That takes away all the power she ever had. The reds are the same

VAT collection for April didn't show a drop, or was it the slightest of drops. Yes, it's costing a bit but it is not costing the government as much as we think it does.

Just ignore them there, let them sit there and get wet, let them sit until August or longer if they (really) want. The Thais have adopted well and don't care about them really, there are other department stores...

Eventually they will die of old age. :)


Could have been done weeks ago.

indeed! And stop talking about it and do it! No warning, just action please! (the element of surprise!) those hicks have been given enough warning time and time again.


I wouldn't be surprised if this crackdown is just like all of the others that have been announced over the past two months: Some soldiers and police will march in and ask the protesters to leave. The protesters will surround the soldiers/police and the soldiers/police will hand their weapons over to the protesters. Then the Red leader at that location will file a complaint with the local Police Station stating that the security forces threatened them and used excessive force. Finally, everyone will smile at each other and retire back to their original positions.


You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

Firstly, we are not in Europe and secondly please tell me were the security forces coming under fire from protesters during your protests in France?

The old saying, never bring a knife to a gun fight. Sorry, the hand grenades and petrol bombs by the red side on April 10 changed the rule of engagement - if there was one.

Yes you are right . It is chicken and eggs .

Well if the reds , or rather some militia supportive of the reds bring lethal firearms while

the other side dont , they would be totally discredited to the whole world .

And moreover we know that some police or army while beeing ordered by the gov

are pro-reds while other are anti-reds . If they have lethal weapons its even worse

they end up shooting at each other

Actually they are already discredited to the world.

And even if the authorities had no weapons, the illegal violent red mob would say they did and blame them for the killings.

As far as I know the police didn't bring grenade launchers to the illegal mob gathering but that didn't stop these supporters of terrorism blaming the authorities for the grenade attack on the sky train.

And all the evidence indicates the gov't NEVER ordered troops to do anything but obey internationally accepted tactics. So, your comment that "we know" is an untruth unless you live in fantasy land.

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

Do you have links prooving the reds launched the grenade on Silom ?.

From where i stand could be any nutcase . provocator

Coz it's one armed force against another, isn't it? :)

No . Not the way it was announced . Its those with food and water and electricity , versus those without :D


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

.... for a civil war ....

The government isn't asking for a civil war. They have offered concession after concession to try and find a compromise. The government wants peace.

Only the reds want war. I think the government has no choice but to give it to them at this point. And it better not be a fair and balanced war. Get it over with quickly.


You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

One reason why they don't have to use live ammos in Germany UK or France as you stated is, that it would be never acceptable to progress this far. International accepted rules of engagement would never wait that long either.

Cut Water ... not to hard to know the next move by reds ... BURN IT ALL DOWN! Then of course blame the government.

I think this is what Mr.T wants, he is out for revenge "bigtime"

Agree. His leader on the ground have clearly showed they want nothing more than the gov't to enforce the law which as we have seen will result in deaths and injuries since the leaders have convinced their lambs to fight to the death. They have used every means possible to get authorities to be forced to uphold the law while constantly saying they are a peaceful movement.

Thaksin's goal has always been to try to twist things to show this government is brutal dictatorship in cahoots with the military. And his strategy of having the reds say over and over they are peaceful and democratic they will get many of the mindless morons out there to believe it and only see the gov't enforcing the law while disregarding all facts that the illegal red mob is violent and holding BKK and Thailand hostage.

Thaksin wants blood and it may have worked before but he and the leaders are too ignorant to understand that there will be little sympathy for their dead because the gov't has acted in such good faith while they are now shown to be insane and unable to even change their goal of wanting violence when it will get them nowhere and likely increase greatly Abhisit's popularity.

I wouldn't be surprised if this crackdown is just like all of the others that have been announced over the past two months:

I bet that you're wrong. The reds rejection of the road map is the trigger. This is it.

I've never seen so much tam tam for shutting down a few street lights. It's for the Guiness book, really.

Think about this

Why cut off the power knowing they have generators ? Why wait until midnight ? why not cut off the power etc now ? Why announce it so early ?

Makes no sense at all unless:

the only reason that I can see is to warn the civilian population to leave and not be there tomorrow - without basic utilities offices etc.. will have to close anyway - residents will leave today since without power it will be unbearable to live there

Oonce martial law has been announced tomorrow they do not have to deal with a lot of civilians in the area, but only with the red criminals

Today's briefing of the foreign envoys (there are some embassies nearby)

So I hope it is finally a go tomorrow and the army will remove this malignant cancer from Bangkok. Any of the reds who dies or gets injured .. well they had enough warnings and more than ample opportunity to leave

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

"Links" are meaningless, usually just propagandists pointing to each other's half-baked opinions.

Credible evidence is what is required. Got any of that?


You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

Firstly, we are not in Europe and secondly please tell me were the security forces coming under fire from protesters during your protests in France?

The old saying, never bring a knife to a gun fight. Sorry, the hand grenades and petrol bombs by the red side on April 10 changed the rule of engagement - if there was one.

Perhaps Thailand should take example on Europe :) .

yes for sure the red mamas brought hand grenades and threw them .

They even found many ammos on those reds killed hahaha .

You are a Joker

Coz it's one armed force against another, isn't it? :)

No . Not the way it was announced . Its those with food and water and electricity , versus those without :D


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

.... for a civil war ....

so what is your solution then, I wonder?

Yes you are right . It is chicken and eggs .

Well if the reds , or rather some militia supportive of the reds bring lethal firearms while

the other side dont , they would be totally discredited to the whole world .

And moreover we know that some police or army while beeing ordered by the gov

are pro-reds while other are anti-reds . If they have lethal weapons its even worse

they end up shooting at each other

Actually they are already discredited to the world.

And even if the authorities had no weapons, the illegal violent red mob would say they did and blame them for the killings.

As far as I know the police didn't bring grenade launchers to the illegal mob gathering but that didn't stop these supporters of terrorism blaming the authorities for the grenade attack on the sky train.

And all the evidence indicates the gov't NEVER ordered troops to do anything but obey internationally accepted tactics. So, your comment that "we know" is an untruth unless you live in fantasy land.

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

Do you have links prooving the reds launched the grenade on Silom ?.

From where i stand could be any nutcase . provocator

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea


Asking local residents to leave the area. What to they suggest the residents of Bangkok do, camp out in Lumpini or Chatuchak Park? Maybe the government will pay them to stay at a 5 star hotel for the inconvenience.


Believe it when i see it.

In fact from now on this poster isn't going to believe anything the government or the Red's say until i see proof of the constant Bul**hit that they both spew constantly.

Chess is a dull as <deleted>, but this chess match is like a slow, drawn-out and very painful death!

Lets just sit back and watch BKK implode because of the lack of action from either side. 'He said', 'they said' it's all propoganda crap and i am beginning to hope that leaders from both side suffer the maximum payback possible from these series of events.

I was a supporter of Abhisit until very recently. His total lack of testicles has only concreted the Red's defence on Red City. This should have been nipped in the bud from day one. The leaders rounded up and had it explained ot them that despite Thaksin's money, this is not how things are done in a country that wants to recognised as democratic by the rest of the world.

Now i couldn't give two hoots who does what so long as the UK Pound strengthens against the Baht and i can run my business the way i want to. Oh, and my business is bringing volunteers to work in very poor and impoverished area's of Surin and Issan. Without my volunteers these poor folks suffer. I only want to help them and in turn, the same people I am trying to help are indirectly biting me in the ass! Life sucks, don't it!

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

"Links" are meaningless, usually just propagandists pointing to each other's half-baked opinions.

Credible evidence is what is required. Got any of that?

Eye witnesses would do ?

Probably if they are on your side , probably not otherwise

so what is your solution then, I wonder?

The red apologists want total amnesty for all the red insurgent leaders as well as the actual terrorist activists. They also want a red shirt takeover. They may get their wish, but not without a fight.


There's no such a thing as civil war possible. It's clandestine fightings, which has been around for centuries. There was only a break for the past 18 years and now it's starting again.

Civil war - clandestine fighting = NOT THE SAME

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

"Links" are meaningless, usually just propagandists pointing to each other's half-baked opinions.

Credible evidence is what is required. Got any of that?

Eye witnesses would do ?

Probably if they are on your side , probably not otherwise

c'mon Pornsasi. I'll give you shovel, you dig the hole.

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