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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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Coz it's one armed force against another, isn't it? :)

No . Not the way it was announced . Its those with food and water and electricity , versus those without :D


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

.... for a civil war ....

I think you're very wrong there; there's hardly been overwhelming evidence of this "watermelon army"

The cops might be sympathetic but their waistlines are not.

Looks like we'll soon find out regardless.

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You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

Firstly, we are not in Europe and secondly please tell me were the security forces coming under fire from protesters during your protests in France?

The old saying, never bring a knife to a gun fight. Sorry, the hand grenades and petrol bombs by the red side on April 10 changed the rule of engagement - if there was one.

Perhaps Thailand should take example on Europe :D .

yes for sure the red mamas brought hand grenades and threw them .

They even found many ammos on those reds killed hahaha .

You are a Joker

Didn't see any peaceful red mammas on the night of April 10. Please show me the photos of them not fighting with the Army? While you are at please tell me where you bought your sunglasses, I always like the Roy Orbison look. :)

Get it right mate, I may be silly but the Joker is the Ace of Spades in disguise.


Could have been done weeks ago.

I was thinking about 4 weeks ago now why don;t they just turn off the electrity and water...finally. it won;t effect rhem immediately but sooner or later it will' just make it too tough for them to get the gas they need for generators and such....

As I said in another thread

What a joke....Not only they advertise 12 hours what they gonna do, just to make sure that reds can prepare themselves in case they forgot such a major detail....

But, anyway, reds have shown already that they planned almost everything, and I am pretty sure that they have loads of generators and fuel to run them, as well as water tanks. They surely thought that this situation might happen, and have already made necessary arrangements. The ones who are going to suffer are AGAIN the people living in the area, the same that have already seen their life disrupted by these terrorists....

So, what next ???

terrorists? who not even throw a stone to the gigantic shopping...in Europe that would not be possible it would be demolished as you can see in greece for example

maybe they are grandma and grandpa terrorist lol

Yes you are right . It is chicken and eggs .

Well if the reds , or rather some militia supportive of the reds bring lethal firearms while

the other side dont , they would be totally discredited to the whole world .

And moreover we know that some police or army while beeing ordered by the gov

are pro-reds while other are anti-reds . If they have lethal weapons its even worse

they end up shooting at each other

Actually they are already discredited to the world.

And even if the authorities had no weapons, the illegal violent red mob would say they did and blame them for the killings.

As far as I know the police didn't bring grenade launchers to the illegal mob gathering but that didn't stop these supporters of terrorism blaming the authorities for the grenade attack on the sky train.

And all the evidence indicates the gov't NEVER ordered troops to do anything but obey internationally accepted tactics. So, your comment that "we know" is an untruth unless you live in fantasy land.

I have links pointing to the "we know" ...

Do you have links prooving the reds launched the grenade on Silom ?.

From where i stand could be any nutcase . provocator

Not only have you shown an inability to grasp reality or rational thought but you now also seem to show an inability at 4th grade reading comprehension.

Where in my post do I lay blame on ANYONE for the skytrain attack as you claim?

As far as nutcases go ... I don't think we need to take a poll here to see who the attention starved nut-case is.


They could all go to Australia as refugees where our friendly immigration officers would charter a plane for them and put them up in a 4 star motel in Brisbane. Seriously though, I hope that there are not too many deaths/injuries in the crackdown that will take place shortly. The ILLEGAL red shirts have been given ample warnings and time to leave, any fighting that occurs will be the fault of the red shirts for still being there.


Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

Firstly, we are not in Europe and secondly please tell me were the security forces coming under fire from protesters during your protests in France?

The old saying, never bring a knife to a gun fight. Sorry, the hand grenades and petrol bombs by the red side on April 10 changed the rule of engagement - if there was one.

Perhaps Thailand should take example on Europe :D .

yes for sure the red mamas brought hand grenades and threw them .

They even found many ammos on those reds killed hahaha .

You are a Joker

Didn't see any peaceful red mammas on the night of April 10. Please show me the photos of them not fighting with the Army? While you are at please tell me where you bought your sunglasses, I always like the Roy Orbison look. :)

Get it right mate, I may be silly but the Joker is the Ace of Spades in disguise.

lol and the military is for war not for crowd control or politics........probably they never shot or even killed anybody....lol lol lol


Could have been done weeks ago.

I was thinking about 4 weeks ago now why don;t they just turn off the electrity and water...finally. it won;t effect rhem immediately but sooner or later it will' just make it too tough for them to get the gas they need for generators and such....

I hope it encourages them to go too! One thing I can't help but think though, is that there is one, and only one, thing about this group of people. they are fairly resourceful and could surive in a cave (if you've been to the NE and stayed there you know what I mean) hope they follow through...and holding my breathe, hope the police don't take bribes to allow some supplies in...you know some sympathizers are among the police and army.

Has anyone here considered that if the security force in Thailand did not face protesters with AA gun , automatic rifles and APC

perhaps nobody would bring guns at protests ?

Have you stopped to consider that independent of what armaments the legitimate authorities may have, it is simply illegal and irresponsible of terrorists to bring assault weapons to a supposedly "peaceful" protest?

Maybe once a group of protesters decide that the ground they gained through largely peaceful, though illegal means, will now be defended by armed combatants, incendiary bombs, booby traps, snipers, grenades, they cease to be protesters and take on the mantle of an "occupying army", complete with a field general and seditionist administrators. That leads to one of three outcomes. 1)They either surrender and release the area and occupants held hostage by their occupation, 2)they cause the overthrow of the existing state by violent or non-violent means, or 3) they get put down and removed by the machinery of the state. Number 2 isn't going to happen. I've been hoping for number 1 but it looks like number 3 is going to prevail. All for money, and not money for poor people either. Tragic.

Tiime to get real ---- The reds have been violent from the beginning.

BEFORE this rally started Arisaman was telling people to bring bottles to fill with petrol so they could burn BKK down.

BEFORE this rally Sae Daeng talked about grenade attacks that would soon begin (that night).

Going back to 2008 Sae Daeng has been using grenades against his percieved enemies.

I think Shawndoc asked "What is different after the SoE ends?"

The SoE gives the government/police/cres broader powers to detain and arrest people without formal charges. The right to hold people must be resubmitted to a judge every 12 days I think.

I see pornsasi is defending the reds tooth and nail again. One MUST remember that the Reds attacked 1st Regiment with petrol bombs AND attacked at Thaicom and used petrol bombs immediately prior to the April 10th violence. One must remember that Sae Daeng has publicly spoken of his military organization INSIDE the reds that took credit for some of the violence AND is suspected of killing their own people.

Suthep scares me --- but he was doing his job. Hard to fight about that when you look at the opposition.


As one amongst many internet commanders I would perhaps have done things differently. Cut off Electricity/water weeks ago, stopped reinforcements getting in as well. This is a siege and the attrition aspect of siege warfare needs time to work. Abhisit for whatever reasons has acted with incredible restraint, I can only put his softly softly approach down to a sincere wish to reach agreement, it's just a shame he is up against the greedy corrupt henchmen of a revenge crazed lunatic.

Now I regret Abhisit has to take the gloves off and fight a dirty war, as dirty as his opponents have been fighting. I'm not talking of violence, though this is probably unavoidable, but the following measures should separate the wheat from the chaff;-

a) 24 hour notice for all minors to leave or their guardians will be charged with child neglect.

:) set up speakers and floodlights to ensure the protesters don't get a moments sleep.

c) Offer amnesty for the first two red leaders to surrender provided they turn government witness.

d) Fine every protester who stays 2,000 Baht a day past midnight tonight.

e) Mandatory 5 year jail sentences for every protester carrying arms raised to 10 years if they are found shooting at the army.

I'm sure the list can be added to but just the above would do the trick apart from a hardened few who insist on self-immolation.

How far does this extend? I live on the edge of the protest in a condo on Petchaburi rd. Am I going to lose my power and water?

Large condos like yours have emegency deisel generators, usually for the lifts and basic lighting but can be switched over to supply rooms. You should talk to your landlord or residence management to make your deal with them!!!


Sadly, that's incorrect.

Generator will be sized to supply emergency loads only. Some condos have generator back-up for common area lighting, lifts and pumps. No chance of using generator to supply rooms unless you are in some 6* joint.


pornsasi, you strike me as a guy who came to Thailand less than 10 years ago, are very good at ordering Singha in Thai and say Kap khun kaa and have a social interaction that spans no more than 10 meters around a bar stool... You are funny to read, in a shallow way


Jesus Christ, WILL THIS EVER ENDDDDDDDDDDD.............??????? :):D:D


this will not end very soon for sure ....if we lucky it will get calmer...if not we will live with bombs and riots for the next years....


A fight should never be fair. If it is, you've done something wrong and you shouldn't be fighting.

Disperse the reds quickly and with overwhelming force if they don't want to leave peacefully. That is the only solution.

.... for a civil war ....

IMO, that's one of the main reasons why Abhisit didn't crack down at the start. It would have stopped the protests, but it wouldn't have solved the problem.

The way the reds have acted, they have lost a lot of that marginal support. Now they only have the hard core, or brainwashed support.

They were given a way out at the negotiations 6 weeks ago, but failed to take the chance. The April 10 riots happened, and that was a PR disaster for them because of the reds "men in black" caught with guns, and army killed by grenades.

Then the Chula Hospital fiasco stuffed it for them completely. Since then, they haven't had anything to lose.

They have been trying to put the blame onto Suthep and Abhisit, and denying any fault themselves ever since. That hasn't worked very well.

Which ever way this goes now, there will still be grenades flying. But, IMO, the reds have lost a lot of their popular support, so a "civil war" is not likely.

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :)


Could have been done weeks ago.

I was thinking about 4 weeks ago now why don;t they just turn off the electrity and water...finally. it won;t effect rhem immediately but sooner or later it will' just make it too tough for them to get the gas they need for generators and such....

I have a feeling this is more about cutting off supplies and people going into the area seized and not so much turning off electricity and water. I was there early on and they have generator(s) and certainly are not drinking the tap water. So, turning off water and electric are not going to do much. The protesters themselves have no access to electric outlets and bottled water is abundant. It may only affect that they are using some of the business bathrooms in the area as well having a shower area which I have no idea where the water is coming from. I believe they also have portable/chemical toilets. So, any real pressure from turning off water and electric will not be felt for a while. However, cutting off ALL supplies and anyone entering the area would. However, the result will clearly be for them to start looting stores and demanding the government take responsibility for the thefts and damage to these stores.

As one amongst many internet commanders I would perhaps have done things differently. Cut off Electricity/water weeks ago, stopped reinforcements getting in as well. This is a siege and the attrition aspect of siege warfare needs time to work. Abhisit for whatever reasons has acted with incredible restraint, I can only put his softly softly approach down to a sincere wish to reach agreement, it's just a shame he is up against the greedy corrupt henchmen of a revenge crazed lunatic.

Now I regret Abhisit has to take the gloves off and fight a dirty war, as dirty as his opponents have been fighting. I'm not talking of violence, though this is probably unavoidable, but the following measures should separate the wheat from the chaff;-

a) 24 hour notice for all minors to leave or their guardians will be charged with child neglect.

:) set up speakers and floodlights to ensure the protesters don't get a moments sleep.

c) Offer amnesty for the first two red leaders to surrender provided they turn government witness.

d) Fine every protester who stays 2,000 Baht a day past midnight tonight.

e) Mandatory 5 year jail sentences for every protester carrying arms raised to 10 years if they are found shooting at the army.

I'm sure the list can be added to but just the above would do the trick apart from a hardened few who insist on self-immolation.

right on. makes more sense than anything I've heard in the last 5 years in Thailand.

I like the speaker idea, they did they on Koresh.

IMO, that's one of the main reasons why Abhisit didn't crack down at the start. It would have stopped the protests, but it wouldn't have solved the problem.

The way the reds have acted, they have lost a lot of that marginal support. Now they only have the hard core, or brainwashed support.

They were given a way out at the negotiations 6 weeks ago, but failed to take the chance. The April 10 riots happened, and that was a PR disaster for them because of the reds "men in black" caught with guns, and army killed by grenades.

Then the Chula Hospital fiasco stuffed it for them completely. Since then, they haven't had anything to lose.

They have been trying to put the blame onto Suthep and Abhisit, and denying any fault themselves ever since. That hasn't worked very well.

Which ever way this goes now, there will still be grenades flying. But, IMO, the reds have lost a lot of their popular support, so a "civil war" is not likely.

My friend this is far above the heads of the red shirts rank and file or even their leaders .

There are deep divisions within army and police and both sides have weapons of war .

Believe me , you dont want to have violence in the streets

Then no one would want to live in Thailand ....

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :)

A BLOG talking about "eye witness". That's the one with diarrhea. Not reliable at all.

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :)

They should have done this weeks ago. Abhisit should go to the UK and become the Liberal party leader - he can't make up his mind either.

:):D:D good one

They should have done this weeks ago. Abhisit should go to the UK and become the Liberal party leader - he can't make up his mind either.

:):D:D good one

Back on topic, any news from Ground Zero to report? Red movements, troop movements, power cuts, phone signals jammed?


Defence of the realm is the first responsibility of any government.

Why have these softies not shown more resolve and why do the reds hide behind women and children?

A couple of observations:-

1) I'm told that that Thai's are notorious for being unable to read maps.

2) We know that women have a genetic pre-disposition to find map reading difficult

3) The red shirts clearly can not understand Abhisit's road map

4) There is an astonishingly large number of people here of ambiguous gender

5) Then we have the lies and cheating from the reds. They certainly would not understand a "gentleman's agreement"

5) There seems to be a lack of testosterone on both sides.

6) The police and army clearly have no balls.

I think we're dealing with a cat fight!

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :D

This is a sensitive issue in Thailand . Do you expect witnesses to leave their name and adress ?


Nice idea but I just can't imagine the army actually doing it.

I don't know...from that newspaper we are not allowed to name:

"To the residents in the area -- please leave. After midnight, authorities will not allow anyone to enter," Col Sansern said.

Sounds pretty serious to me. I don't think they are joking around any more.

They would have been cleared weeks ago, in Beijing, New York, or London - and by non-lethal means.

Not when the terrorists have assault weapons they wouldn't. As soon as they started firing at the people applying non lethal force they'd be shot dead, as these red terrorists should be.

Everyone would like to see a non violent solution if it is possible. It is rapidly becoming impossible. At what point does simply killing them become acceptable?

In my opinion, it has already passed.

Any force necessary to remove them at this point is justified. There are no more innocents. And anyone who is found to have brought children into the terrorists zone, assuming they survive the dispersal, should be incarcerated and their children, all of them, turned over to protective services to be placed in a foster home.

These people are not responsible enough to be parents.

I disagree. In other parts of the world they would have come down even faster and harder if a group had weapons, assaulted or even threatened to assault authorities. But this is neither here nor there since this is Thailand. The only thing Thailand wants to copy from other parts of the world has to do with appearances and riches but underneath they want to stay Thai and continue to think and deal in Thai ways.

Absolutely true. Nearly all the comments made here are referencing history and experience of western countries. Not applicable here.

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :)

Thank God they all wore nametags and left their CV's behind or this whole theory might fall apart.

They should have done this weeks ago. Abhisit should go to the UK and become the Liberal party leader - he can't make up his mind either.

:):D:D good one

Back on topic, any news from Ground Zero to report? Red movements, troop movements, power cuts, phone signals jammed?

Just got a text from Tru saying internet might be down an hour tomorrow afternoon for maintenance... probably nothing but only times I have seen them do this before was lat at night.

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