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post-106472-1273724465_thumb.jpgWednesday, May 5th, around 4:30 h morning, our Golden Retriever "SAM" was stolen. People have seen that an old Thai guy took SAM away on his motorbike: motorbike very old, with sidecar, red, number plate 3043.

SAM was stolen in North Pattaya, Naklua, Naklua Road, near Soi 13 (market Rung Roje).

SAM is 4 years old, male.

Police is unable to locate the motorbike and/or the owner.

Reward: Baht 20,000

SAM is very friendly, used to people, and he does not bite at all.

Please get in touch via eMail: sorry removed under forum rules, please PM



I"m so sorry to read this. :) Hope you efforts in finding him back will be rewarded very soon.


So we have a reasonable of the perp, (old man ) an very good description of the vehicle, ( motor bike with red side car and number plate

with number ) and the police still can't find him ??

deary me !!


I hope you can get him back. My Golden, Cookie was stolen over a year ago too. Despite advertising a reward on the radio, I never got him back. No more Golden Retrievers for me. He loved everyone and that was the problem.


To the Op and Gary A, how were your dogs stolen? Were they taken from inside your properties (garden area maybe) or were they outside roaming around. Just want to know as we have 2 lovely dogs and don't want to fall foul of the same thieves.

Do hope you get the dog back.

Good Luck

The Hop


Thanks for all your comments! We still try to get him back...

Sam was never locked in, he was always in front of the house or just walking around within a distance of around 100m. After this story, I would not make the same mistake again and keep the dog inside my area, at least during the night. I do not think that they try to take away dogs from inside a garden or even a house, but it seems to be dangerous if they walk around (especially during night time).

Police in Thailand seems to be totally useless. I know this long ago, but I was hoping to improve their performance by offering a reward of Baht 20.000 even to the police (should be their job anyway...), but nothing. They say the motorbike is not registered in Pattaya, case closed.

We got a phone call from a motorbike taxidriver...my only hope now. I really miss this dog, not to talk about my two kids (6 & 2 yrs old).

Thanks for all your comments! We still try to get him back...

Sam was never locked in, he was always in front of the house or just walking around within a distance of around 100m. After this story, I would not make the same mistake again and keep the dog inside my area, at least during the night. I do not think that they try to take away dogs from inside a garden or even a house, but it seems to be dangerous if they walk around (especially during night time).

Police in Thailand seems to be totally useless. I know this long ago, but I was hoping to improve their performance by offering a reward of Baht 20.000 even to the police (should be their job anyway...), but nothing. They say the motorbike is not registered in Pattaya, case closed.

We got a phone call from a motorbike taxidriver...my only hope now. I really miss this dog, not to talk about my two kids (6 & 2 yrs old).

I really feel for you mate - hope you get your doggie back soon and hopefully the reward you have offered will make a difference and give you some leads. Terrible that someone would do such a thing, and your little ones must be really missing him. Let us know if there is any good news...


My dog was with relatives working on our farm. Cookie was near the road when an Isuzu pickup truck stopped near him. The driver dropped the tailgate and called Cookie. Cookie jumped in and off they went. No one could read the license plate nor identify the driver.


I feel for you. My cat disappeared for 8 months a couple of years ago. I just imagined the worst, then he pottered back home.

Some crazy old bat of a woman had kept him closed up in her flat all that time. I actually saw her the other day and she had the audacity to ask me to give him a kiss from her!! I still feel such anger at her that I want to do actual physical harm!!

Good luck in getting Sam back home safely.


I may have seen your dog today. I have a soft spot for retrievers and saw one looking just like your dog cruising in a motorbike sidecar. I can't remember exactly where I saw it though. I went to BPH, carrefour, and foodland today.

I hope you get your dog back. I'd be heartbroken. We had to leave ours behind in america and my son still talks about him 18 months later.


Nice dog my friend had one similar until it passed away. He did everything with his dog... camping, hiking, running. It was his daily companion and I don't think I have ever seen anyone closer to a pet. I remember the dog and that it was very intelligent and loyal. I sure hope you get your friend back soon.

Put your postings up all over the neighborhood and I'd also put "no questions asked" so the guy who took it may actually bring it back for the money.

I may have seen your dog today. I have a soft spot for retrievers and saw one looking just like your dog cruising in a motorbike sidecar. I can't remember exactly where I saw it though. I went to BPH, carrefour, and foodland today.

That's my hope, that someone sees him and follows the guy (without taking any risk). Just need to know where he lives. I think there are not TOO many Goldens driving around in the North-/Central Pattaya area on a motorbike sidecar. He is used to this, as he did it always with a former worker I had here. Not funny when your kids ask you every few hours about Sam, and you feel totally helpless. Can't understand people who do this, instead of just buying another one as a puppy.


Oooohhhhhh, keeping my fingers crossed for nasau and family! Sincerely hope it is their dog and soon they will be reunited.


i can only imangine it is gut wrenching to lose part of the family like this.

I also dont understand why someone would do this.?

Please post when there is a happy ending - i am sure you will find him eventually

i can only imangine it is gut wrenching to lose part of the family like this.

I also dont understand why someone would do this.?

Please post when there is a happy ending - i am sure you will find him eventually

One of my dog got stolen at "loy katoey" 3 years ago. You can see the picture in my member avator. It was a mix of German Shephard and rotwiler. Never found it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Still looking for Sam...seems that there is one Thai guy in North Pattaya, from time to time driving around with a red motorbike (without sidecar!), and with him on the bike a large brown dog. I could not imagine that someone can drive with such a large dog with a simple motorbike, but it's possible and true. It is not sure, but this dog might be our dog. We will now give photos of Sam to the motorbile taxi drivers around North Pattaya, together with the info to look for such a driver, to follow him, and to see where he stays. If this works, we can at least check if it is Sam or not. Will keep you informed.

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