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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

normalcy - being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning

Some people either don't know or cannot accept that there is American English. Color, neighbor, favor etc. very confusing to us Canadians when we are in the states and are told that our spelling is incorrect? but yeah American English what are you going to do?

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THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :)

Or could he be in a box ?

Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, announced Thursday that he would dispatch red-shirt protesters to confront troops and police at every security point.

The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation announced security points will be set up around Rajprasong to seal off the rally zone.

The Nation

Yes, the protesters sent out to confront the security points. While one terrorist coward has already fled to England, according to Sae-Daeng, where will the other leaders be while this is happening?




Fighting for democracy and not afraid to die for it!

Well let's see. The government has been more than patient in my humble opinion. They can't let this drag on. Had this been China and may other places the Reds would have been forced out long ago. I hope that no one is killed,but if they are so stupid to think they can over throw the government which has the support of the police and army, they are mad.

I too sincerely hope that there are no more deaths, but sod it happening in China. If it had happened in any other Country that has a Government that has more than the very tepid support of the Army and Police, who do not appear to have the stomach for a riot dispersing operation, it would have been done and dusted by now and fading into a distant memory. The whole thing has turned into a shambles and Thailand is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the World. The Government, Army and Police have completely overlooked that for the sake of preserving the safety of a radical minority a considerable majority (and not just in BKK) have to suffer considerably. The last investor to leave Thailand please put the light out, as they do not seem to need it as they (Government and Red Shirts) appear to be blindly carousing through La La Land. :) What a crying waste.

It's now after 6pm, how much military equipment has been lost to the reds already.

Might be after 6 somewhere but still 5:30 here in BKK ... unless I lost an hour somewhere.

Seems it is me who has gained an hour :) . So lets ask the question again in another 40 minutes or so.

Well now it is after 6 .. anybody got any news?

History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!


I am sick and tired of hearing the Red are good, hero and only real Thai people in Thailand. If they are defeated it would be end of Thailand.

Wake up and smell the shit they have left in shopping district. They have infringe on the right of the rest of people who live and work over here.

Ok go ahead and protest in your town and don't break the law or infringe on the right of others.

Good ridden if they are pushed out by force

SECONDED :D post of the day !

Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol said Thursday that some 80 red-shirt groups have signed a pact with him to continue demonstrating even if red-shirt leaders call off the rally

This is the first guy that should be taken out by Special Forces snipers. The second one is Jutaporn. They are both terrorist plain and simple.

Cut the head off the snake and it dies.

THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :)

Or could he be in a box ?

First red leader to run for his life, won't be the last. Red protesters sure picked the wrong guy to follow.

It's now after 6pm, how much military equipment has been lost to the reds already.

Might be after 6 somewhere but still 5:30 here in BKK ... unless I lost an hour somewhere.

Seems it is me who has gained an hour :) . So lets ask the question again in another 40 minutes or so.

Well now it is after 6 .. anybody got any news?

It'll take hours for the traffic to subside, the army won't risk doing anything till after that, unless the reds have itchy trigger fingers.

ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

normalcy - being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning

Some people either don't know or cannot accept that there is American English. Color, neighbor, favor etc. very confusing to us Canadians when we are in the states and are told that our spelling is incorrect? but yeah American English what are you going to do?

So does calling it "American" English make it a dialect or some such thing?

Could you imagine anyone discussing the acceptability of say, people in Wales or France misspelling the English language, but that's alright, it's the language called Welsh English or French English?

American English is no more relevant to the English language than Singlish. In fact, why bother getting my kids to learn English at all? They can simply mangle the language any way they like, make their own dictionary for Microsoft and declare it officially "Thaiglish".

What is happening in the Country? Khon Khaen, Chiang Mai, Udon Thani, Korat.... ? I do not think it will be quiet tonite.....

If the Country side moves... very sad times ahead.

There should be a violin track to go along with these posts. Is Chiang Mai really the "country" btw?

Hope the army actually gets rid of them this time.

You have no right to say that. Thailand is not your home country. I would like to say more, but I would probably be suspended from Thaivisa.

I think that a lot of us should have more to say than the new young looser/stupid/crime generation that is on the streets of BKK now.

99 % coming from upcountry, no schooling, they could but just do not want!!

while some of us have investments in families,work and lots more in this country, so do not tell us not to get involved.

you should have concidered that when you let the Japanese in in WW2!!

so and now back to normal talks please@!

Jatuporn to dispatch reds to confront every security point

Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, announced Thursday that he would dispatch red-shirt protesters to confront troops and police at every security point.

The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation announced security points will be set up around Rajprasong to seal off the rally zone.

Well - this is brave of him. Those people are nothing more than cannon fodder to Jutaporn.

ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

normalcy - being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning

Some people either don't know or cannot accept that there is American English. Color, neighbor, favor etc. very confusing to us Canadians when we are in the states and are told that our spelling is incorrect? but yeah American English what are you going to do?

"normalcy" is CERTAINLY an acceptable word in English regardless of US, Canada or UK ... open a dictionary.

"A return to normalcy" was Warren Harding’s campaign promise in the US Presidential election of 1920.

They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

Have you tried asking some of them? I assume you did, otherwise the above would be foolish beyond belief. Or dare I say, 'uneducated'..

We have been asking this question for weeks with NO result.

Why don't you tell us?

Please spare us the dissolution and we want democracy blather.

Tell us what policies they want to see implemented.

Kowchai mai?

I went to redland 3 times a few weeks back and spoke to a number of people. Mostly I just heard "we hate Abhisit" or "we love Thaksin". When I tried to talk about possible policies to help the poor I got shouted at and moved along. On another occasion I spoke to a lady in English, she told me that she had lived in England for many years, when I told her I thought violence was not the way forward she said "stupid farang, go and kiss Abhisit the farang-lover", foolishly I tried to speak to her about what ideas the red shirts had to benefit the poor, she started screaming hysterically at me and redshirt guards loomed over and manhandled me. A scary experience but I got out okay.

From my experience it is clear that most redshirts do not understand the electoral system of Thailand. It is also clear that democracy is just a word they have hijacked, nothing they do is democratic; they trample all over the democratic rights of others such as restricting their freedom to travel and go to work, a number of them sell their vote (I have seen this in person and it was caught on video, leading to the downfall of the Somchai government), they either participate in or turn a blind eye to extreme violence, they have repeatedly shown no respect for protestors holding a different view to theirs by attacking yellow shirt protests whenever they happened, attacking the Silom protest and intimidating the leader of the multicoloured shirts, their leaders were not elected and the leaders make decisions without consulting the grass roots of the movement.

On top of these things the redshirts come across as generally vile people; they cheer as people are injured, they attack ambulances, they raid hospitals, they lecture us on double standards but then want to dictate the terms of justice they face, they lecture us on equality whilst the leaders gorge on FatDonalds in airconditioned rooms whilst the rest much on somtam in the heat, they publish material which incites violence then try and defend it as freedom of speech, they insult our intelligence when every time there is a grenade attack they claim it wasn't them even though everybody but redshirts are attacked and one of their number boasts about his blackshirted army, they repeatedly change their demands like a spoilt child in a play pen, they have rejected a perfectly good opportunity to end this situation peacefully and proceed towards a fairer society and improved medias with an early election and finally they support an international fugitive who when he was PM bought elections through bribing MPs and the electorate, plunged to new depths for Human Rights and set new records for corruption and nepotism.

There comes a time when a line must be drawn. The behaviour of the reds does not deserve inclusion in the next step of democracy. The government must take the right steps to ensure the safety and freedom of all the people in Thailand who are not involved in anarchy and lawlessness under the guise of a protest in downtown Bangkok. They must also take steps to ensure that this cannot happen again.

I hope that the army do not go in guns blazing as firstly many innocent rice farmers would get killed and secondly because it would give more propoganda power to the reds. I hope that the red leaders can be caught and brought to justice, given long sentences.

I will stick my neck on the line and say that I WOULD like to see bloodshed, but only this. I would hope to see Seh Daeng tried by a Court Martial and executed by firing squad to demonstrate that this sort of insubordination that threatens civil war will not be tolerated. If this was the only other death in this situation I would be perfectly satisfied.


Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

Merriam-Webster seems to consider it a most acceptable English word. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/normalcy

And I suppose elevator and apartment are also unacceptable English words?


Some people either don't know or cannot accept that there is American English. Color, neighbor, favor etc. very confusing to us Canadians when we are in the states and are told that our spelling is incorrect? but yeah American English what are you going to do?

So does calling it "American" English make it a dialect or some such thing?

Could you imagine anyone discussing the acceptability of say, people in Wales or France misspelling the English language, but that's alright, it's the language called Welsh English or French English?

American English is no more relevant to the English language than Singlish. In fact, why bother getting my kids to learn English at all? They can simply mangle the language any way they like, make their own dictionary for Microsoft and declare it officially "Thaiglish".

No you are obviously one of the few who are unaware that there is such a thing as American English. Like it or not it does exist and is not slang or dialect but American English again the example - if you spell colour c o l o r in the US you would be correct spell it c o l o u r and you fail grade 3 try again.


One interesting side affect of the massive traffic jams will be that

the reds reinforcements coming from outside will have a harder time to get in,

but the army can control routes of entrance and egress ,

and so can move fluidly in comparison.

It's 6.20pm and so far there are no reports of cannibalism at Rajasaprong.

Watching Thai TV and looks like the reds have eaten one of their own.

THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :)

Or could he be in a box ?

First red leader to run for his life, won't be the last. Red protesters sure picked the wrong guy to follow.

what a p_ssy.

"why should they go out to fight? they only started the war"

One interesting side affect of the massive traffic jams will be that

the reds reinforcements coming from outside will have a harder time to get in,

but the army can control routes of entrance and egress ,

and so can move fluidly in comparison.

Not like we can believe everything we read but I read today that they are going to let people leave but not return. So, I think the game has changed since yesterday when it was just about cutting off supply lines.

THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :)

Hmmm. Why the hel_l have they let him in? Where is he staying? Might go and pay him a visit.

Shame on the red supporters for even beginning to believe that the government wishes to kill innocent people, even more shameful is that the propaganda photos featuring little tykes and the elderly are being used to show that these are the terrorists.

The real terrorists and the ones that have created the bloodshed are these red shirted terrorists. You know the ones without weapons and striving for peace.



Yes, these reds are a very peaceful and loving lot.

how do you know the army were not killing red shirts for no good reason???

who lost more ppl?

they've got a history for killing protesters, havent they?


URGENT Yoga Sutra on Sathorn Rd said the 8:15pm class today is cancelled

I guess Seh Daeng was to busy to teach the class today.

Hey Nation staff, we all appreciate knowing that Pantip plaza is closed, but how about the army's APCs, have they moved into position, is the army blockade a reality or just another idle threat, any real news to report yet?

It's 6.20pm and so far there are no reports of cannibalism at Rajasaprong.

Yet to hear from the Donner Kebab Party so far. :)

I am almost out of beer and my guest are getting antsy where is the firework


Have you tried asking some of them? I assume you did, otherwise the above would be foolish beyond belief. Or dare I say, 'uneducated'..

We have been asking this question for weeks with NO result.

Why don't you tell us?

Please spare us the dissolution and we want democracy blather.

Tell us what policies they want to see implemented.

Kowchai mai?

I went to redland 3 times a few weeks back and spoke to a number of people. Mostly I just heard "we hate Abhisit" or "we love Thaksin". When I tried to talk about possible policies to help the poor I got shouted at and moved along. On another occasion I spoke to a lady in English, she told me that she had lived in England for many years, when I told her I thought violence was not the way forward she said "stupid farang, go and kiss Abhisit the farang-lover", foolishly I tried to speak to her about what ideas the red shirts had to benefit the poor, she started screaming hysterically at me and redshirt guards loomed over and manhandled me. A scary experience but I got out okay.

From my experience it is clear that most redshirts do not understand the electoral system of Thailand. It is also clear that democracy is just a word they have hijacked, nothing they do is democratic; they trample all over the democratic rights of others such as restricting their freedom to travel and go to work, a number of them sell their vote (I have seen this in person and it was caught on video, leading to the downfall of the Somchai government), they either participate in or turn a blind eye to extreme violence, they have repeatedly shown no respect for protestors holding a different view to theirs by attacking yellow shirt protests whenever they happened, attacking the Silom protest and intimidating the leader of the multicoloured shirts, their leaders were not elected and the leaders make decisions without consulting the grass roots of the movement.

On top of these things the redshirts come across as generally vile people; they cheer as people are injured, they attack ambulances, they raid hospitals, they lecture us on double standards but then want to dictate the terms of justice they face, they lecture us on equality whilst the leaders gorge on FatDonalds in airconditioned rooms whilst the rest much on somtam in the heat, they publish material which incites violence then try and defend it as freedom of speech, they insult our intelligence when every time there is a grenade attack they claim it wasn't them even though everybody but redshirts are attacked and one of their number boasts about his blackshirted army, they repeatedly change their demands like a spoilt child in a play pen, they have rejected a perfectly good opportunity to end this situation peacefully and proceed towards a fairer society and improved medias with an early election and finally they support an international fugitive who when he was PM bought elections through bribing MPs and the electorate, plunged to new depths for Human Rights and set new records for corruption and nepotism.

There comes a time when a line must be drawn. The behaviour of the reds does not deserve inclusion in the next step of democracy. The government must take the right steps to ensure the safety and freedom of all the people in Thailand who are not involved in anarchy and lawlessness under the guise of a protest in downtown Bangkok. They must also take steps to ensure that this cannot happen again.

I hope that the army do not go in guns blazing as firstly many innocent rice farmers would get killed and secondly because it would give more propoganda power to the reds. I hope that the red leaders can be caught and brought to justice, given long sentences.

I will stick my neck on the line and say that I WOULD like to see bloodshed, but only this. I would hope to see Seh Daeng tried by a Court Martial and executed by firing squad to demonstrate that this sort of insubordination that threatens civil war will not be tolerated. If this was the only other death in this situation I would be perfectly satisfied.

I have spoken with several people from Isaan in the last few days, who all repeated similar stories of Red Shirts coming to their families/villages urging them to come to Bangkok, promising payment, telling them that the government was no good, and that once they got rid of it, the Reds would be there to help them out. These people were all quite angry at what the Reds have done to polarize the society and shut down the economic life of thousands of people, rich and poor, in Bangkok. The more stories I hear from the "uneducated" or "poor," the more I believe that this has ZERO, absolutely zero to do with democracy, class, civil war, the poor, or anything else. It is just about greedy rich men wanting more, and sadly, very sadly, the good people of Isaan are being used as cannon fodder.

It's 6.20pm and so far there are no reports of cannibalism at Rajasaprong.

Watching Thai TV and looks like the reds have eaten one of their own.

Update ... looks like they ate that little girl whose picture was being posted on this thread earlier as the face of the reds. The old guy with all the amulets took the first bite.

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