daboyz1 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Seriously, are you dense? You're the on that started with the insults. See in bold above. I never personally attacked you, just your lack of evidence and understanding.
Robby nz Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Anyone know if BTS, busses are running Must come into BKK today
dutchweller Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Just an update. Thai News has just said that several red shirt guards have been admitted to hospital. It appears that the water supply has been poisoned. Sounds like a classic case of MASS HYSTERIA to me. Poisoned water? I don't believe it. Proof please. Don't shoot the messenger. That's according to the hospital staff that treated them. Has anyone seen the state of the cooking Facility s these Reds are eating from it is no wonder they are sick I;m surprised it has taken this long fo someone to get sick or eve die. When you cook you food directly over open stagnant guttering filled with Filth you are bound to get sick... MORONS! of course they will blame the government.....
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 ThaiRath article on the water poisoning:http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/82820 I guess that's one way to get out of there before the bullets start flying. Fake water poisoning. Seriously, are you dense? The hospital staff identified it as water poisoning. And just how did the hospital test the water? Do you think it's possible to get lab results from the water back in a couple hours? Even in the US testing water for contaminants takes weeks, and hospitals don't do it. I can look it up if you want to continue this. Maybe it tasted stange and someone took a sample?
ozzieman05 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 We knew the troops would have live ammo, it was stated early in the afternoon before the road closures. Oh well that makes it ok then! Jeezuz! Well it meant the protestors knew they would get hurt if they attacked the troops
Robby nz Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Tele said someone gave a few "guards" coffee laced with some sort of emetic' Which side would give them coffee? would they take coffee from the enemy? If it had been in the water supply a lot nore would be sick.
ozzieman05 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 I don't know why people act surprised the government announced that soldiers would be armed. Gave the protesters lots of warning and time to leave. Why can't the soldiers defend themselves? Look's to me like the guy hit with a rubber bullet in the eye. The Chulalongkorn hospital did not confirm any dead, only this guy in serious condition. rgds We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now. Apparently they have no money and their ID cards have been stolen, so they can't leave until payday. Not True The government had said they will issue new ID cards and send them home for free
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 ThaiRath article on the water poisoning:http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/82820 I guess that's one way to get out of there before the bullets start flying. Fake water poisoning. Seriously, are you dense? The hospital staff identified it as water poisoning. And just how did the hospital test the water? Do you think it's possible to get lab results from the water back in a couple hours? Even in the US testing water for contaminants takes weeks, and hospitals don't do it. I can look it up if you want to continue this. Please, look it up.
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now. Apparently they have no money and their ID cards have been stolen, so they can't leave until payday. Not True The government had said they will issue new ID cards and send them home for free The government said we'd have election in November too. But that weren't true.
daboyz1 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it. http://www.cleanwatertesting.com/questions.htm I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK.
Koh_Falang Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now. Apparently they have no money and their ID cards have been stolen, so they can't leave until payday. Not True The government had said they will issue new ID cards and send them home for free The government said we'd have election in November too. But that weren't true. You had to read the fine print buddy... something to the effect of, we'll have an election in november IF you go home and stop pissing everybody off... Whats the use of making a deal with the Reds if they wont keep their part?
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it.http://www.cleanwatertesting.com/questions.htm I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK. This is Thailand, and the amount of time the US would take is irrelevant.
blaze Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Reuters An anti-government protester throws a bottle into Lumpini park, where soldiers are staying, during a rally in Bangkok May 13, 2010. Looks like local teens joining in for the jolly to me - too well-dressed to be hardcore UDD. This shot appears to be taken from outside the park. Meaning that the pitcher was not anti-gov't but rather, anti-redshirt.
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Apparently they have no money and their ID cards have been stolen, so they can't leave until payday. Not True The government had said they will issue new ID cards and send them home for free The government said we'd have election in November too. But that weren't true. You had to read the fine print buddy... something to the effect of, we'll have an election in november IF you go home and stop pissing everybody off... Whats the use of making a deal with the Reds if they wont keep their part? Ah, the fine print, is this why teh PM didn't name the exact date of house dissolution then?
daboyz1 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it.http://www.cleanwatertesting.com/questions.htm I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK. This is Thailand, and the amount of time the US would take is irrelevant. Good point. I'm sure their lab facilities are much more advanced than the US.
seahorse Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it.http://www.cleanwatertesting.com/questions.htm I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK. This is Thailand, and the amount of time the US would take is irrelevant. How stupid can people be?
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 These guys say 3-5 days. And this is in the US. To test the "victims" might be longer. Anyway like I said, hospitals don't do it.http://www.cleanwatertesting.com/questions.htm I doubt there are any water testing labs open in the middle of the night in BKK. This is Thailand, and the amount of time the US would take is irrelevant. Good point. I'm sure their lab facilities are much more advanced than the US. Thank you. Not more advanced. Quicker.
siampolee Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Really, all this twaddle concerning different water testing merits twixt Thailand and America is indeed inane childish jabber, do grow up. Heat stroke is a probable cause, dehydration, also hygiene is somewhat basic within the demonstrators enclave which if all those issues are factored in you may well get to something like the truth. Contaminated food, contaminated water, a generous amount of Lao Khao along with probably a poor diet combined with the heat factor and ones body does protest most vigorously.
LuckyLew Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 We knew the troops would have live ammo, it was stated early in the afternoon before the road closures. Oh well that makes it ok then! Jeezuz! Fight fire with fire The protestors alegedly have a large cahe of arms You cannot use sling shots to disperse a crowd of people that carry RPG's molotov cocktails and other weapons used in armed clashes
bkkjames Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc?
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc? Maybe you should ask the government? Seh Deang got shot. They said that they would contain redshirts with APC's, but got stuck in the traffic. Apart from that everything is good.
daboyz1 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc? Maybe you should ask the government? Seh Deang got shot. They said that they would contain redshirts with APC's, but got stuck in the traffic. Apart from that everything is good. Nice answer.
ozzieman05 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now. Apparently they have no money and their ID cards have been stolen, so they can't leave until payday. Not True The government had said they will issue new ID cards and send them home for free The government said we'd have election in November too. But that weren't true. You have tunnel vision I see You forgot the part that said if all parties agree to the terms The red shirts would not agree so it was the Red shirts that disolved the early election not the Government
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc? Maybe you should ask the government? Seh Deang got shot. They said that they would contain redshirts with APC's, but got stuck in the traffic. Apart from that everything is good. Nice answer. Thanks, I don't know about MRT or BTS.
bkkjames Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc? Maybe you should ask the government? Seh Deang got shot. They said that they would contain redshirts with APC's, but got stuck in the traffic. Apart from that everything is good. Maybe I wasn't clear and should have said "intelligent" info.
CheeseHammer Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Sorry to interrupt the politcal discussion but does anyone have info on the situation this morning, everything closed, mrt, bts, offices etc? Maybe you should ask the government? Seh Deang got shot. They said that they would contain redshirts with APC's, but got stuck in the traffic. Apart from that everything is good. Nice answer. Thanks, I don't know about MRT or BTS. I'm not going to work though.
jmricca Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Thanks, I don't know about MRT or BTS. Confirming from my window that BTS Sukhumvit is not running (6:42am)
daboyz1 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 You have tunnel vision I seeYou forgot the part that said if all parties agree to the terms The red shirts would not agree so it was the Red shirts that disolved the early election not the Government I'm thinking troll or someone with multiple accounts. Look at the join date.
ozzieman05 Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 The government said we'd have election in November too. But that weren't true. ================================================================== You had to read the fine print buddy... something to the effect of, we'll have an election in november IF you go home and stop pissing everybody off... Whats the use of making a deal with the Reds if they wont keep their part? Ah, the fine print, is this why teh PM didn't name the exact date of house dissolution then? ================================================================== Did you write the speeches for the red shirts Or where you at the rallys and have been conformed to think as the masses THE PM did give a date for the elections Now did that sink in or do I need to shout louder
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