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US, UK Closes Embassies In Thailand, 'Very Concerned' About Violence


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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

That's quite ironic because without the Brits you would be speaking German now too, or perhaps French. Maybe even Spanish in the world's biggest 'banana' republic.

Remember, the founding fathers were proud Brits...just seems to have gone down hill ever since then.


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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And, yes we only fought the war alone for a piffling two years before out American cousins decided to show up.

Edited by teatree
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America is 2 continents

North America and South America

The United States of America is the single most important country on planet Earth.

As you can see from 2008 and 2009, when The United States of America fails economically the whole world fails until the U.S.A. gets better.

As for you short sided conspiracy folk;

What other Empire allowed its enemys to freely compete in the free market system and win (as Germany and Japan had in the past and China and Russia are currently doing) ?

There has never been an Empire in the history of our planet that has allowed both enemys and lesser countries to freely and fairly compete (and win) against the current world superpower.


This aspect alone is what assures the Empire will never fail. The Empire is alive and open to all that are willing to compete.

The more the merrier


Please join us

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And oh.. by the way... I have lived in 13 countries and traveled through over 70 in 63 years of joy riding my dip stick.. and i have never met anyone who did not want to see America or experiance America who were somewhat educated. Sure those hateful souls who always seem to know more who have never been within the borders of the USA.. say and speak with many a forked tongue against America... But history is what it is and YES.. those Brits in charge of running their country in 1942 pleaded for American Forces help them fight against Hitler for years... Hitler was NOT afraid of America.. He really thought he could win his war against the world.. I think his supple of coke was rather poor quality. Once he realized no more Pervivian pink flake was coming his way.. and he was losing the war.. a bullet was easier to eat than facing all his foes.. Trust the fact that America and many big Americans made a LOT OF MONEY as well off of all those wars as well... What money are the Thai making here?? Off of tee shirts?? Thailand has lost face and lost HUGE TIME here..and as we were all taught who have common sense or half a brain... TIME IS MONEY America or some Americans who can help in these issues will NOT help Thailand or any country unless there is some money to be made.. Same goes for most capitolist countries..

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The PM has to step down, he is the one who cannot be trusted.

The so calles Red shirts are only trying to their rights.

Two completely ridiculous sentences. What else can I say?

The red shirts don't give a **** about 'rights', in case you hadn't noticed, otherwise it would have been like any other civil, 'peaceful', 'democratic' protests around the world right from the start - with the protestors making their point and heading back to their homes. If they understood 'rights', they wouldn't still be there now, dragging their country back into the third world via civil war for a few thousand baht a head.

Duhh funny but I thought it WAS the reds that were legally elected and subsequently kicked out by the current joke of a government who have not been elected by anyone but themselves and by force ......

As for protesting and going back home it has never changed any de facto dictatorship to date and thats what it is make no mistake. Present thaivisa rules wont allow a correct description.

It is you that sounds ridiculous for expecting Thais to just accept whatever is done to them and not react....

The current pretenders have caused this all to happen right from the moment they ignored the choice of the people by ELECTION and they have done it once too often.

This isn't over by a long shot unfortunately and however inconvenient for the farangs it may be remember you can go home, they ARE home and have every right to stand up to tyranny, what else can you call it given the way it was done. ?

It is not for anyone to pass judgment on another culture especially when most have absolutely nothing to be proud of by past or current deeds.

Edited by englishoak
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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Thats right We all know a armed society is a polite society us yanks know this :D

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :D

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Amen to that.........we save their ass every time there is a conflict and all they do is cut us down :)

Should have let the Germans have them.

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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

I agree as a us citizen. We are far from a democratic society(our corporations pretty much run the show). Yes, I love my country , those bush lovers would love to say i am unpatriotic. Do you really think that we would allow armed people to hold up in times square for 40 days? In the last 80 years we have invaded(post ww2) at least 8 countries, but I believe the number is higher-I will have to research it further. How many countries has thailand invaded? I laugh when I read there has been no tension or conflict in this perfect democracy I live in. The civil rights movement sure was smooth sailing just to name one . Cuba, korea, vietnam, nicaragua, panama, iraq, afghanistan(I agree with this one), Laos, several african countries, the list goes on. Please think just a little, before posting.

Probably because we arent a democracy. Maybe you should start doin a little research, in fact all you people who keep sayin the USA is a democracy should start doin research. The USA is REPUBLIC not a democracy.

Lets go over this one more time. The United States of America is REPUBLIC. "I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God. Some of you didnt learn a dam_n thing in school.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And the problem with that would be? We don't call you septic tanks for nothin...........

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

That's quite ironic because without the Brits you would be speaking German now too, or perhaps French. Maybe even Spanish in the world's biggest 'banana' republic.

Remember, the founding fathers were proud Brits...just seems to have gone down hill ever since then.


Remember we spanked the Brits ass and sent them back :D

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Very well said hardy1943. I think they forget.

forget, know! i think you old chaps from the otherside of the pond are the ones suffering from memory lapse.

was it or was it not for the fact, that if the japs hadnt bombed the crap out of you at pearl harbour. youd still be sitting or your backsides and still giving hitler the benefit of the doubt. world war 2 started in 1939 and it took you how long for the penny to drop and get your act into gear. :D

hardy1943 needs to read a book. I'm a young American, and even I know the Russian's are primarily to blame for the defeat of the German Superpower. The American's just showed up for the final act... how did the world even get to that stage?

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Britain to shut Bangkok embassy amid protests

LONDON, May 13, 2010 (AFP) - The British embassy in Bangkok will close on Friday amid the violence in the Thai capital, a Foreign Office spokeswoman told AFP.

"The embassy will be closed tomorrow but we'll still have a hotline," the spokeswoman said.

"We'll be monitoring the situation in Bangkok on a day-by-day basis."

The United States closed its Bangkok embassy Thursday.

Thai "Red Shirt" protesters clashed with troops in the heart of the capital Thursday, leaving one dead and eight wounded.

The clashes came after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva shelved a plan for November elections and hopes faded for a resolution to a crippling two-month crisis that has sparked periodic violence, leaving 30 people dead and about 1,000 injured.

<img src=http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/pics/afplogo.jpg target="_blank">

-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-14

Published with written approval from AFP.


bit of an over excite post. the embassys are ont he red routes or very close. consindering the siam Paragon is closed due to being a red area. it is not really that hard to assume that the embassies down soi wireless would close. i am sure they wouldn't close if the were down sukhumwvit soi 3 or rachadapisek road. Basically if the embassy building were shops then they would close. just happenes that the buildings on route are mebassys. they are probably closed because they are blocked from getting to them

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America is 2 continents

North America and South America

The United States of America is the single most important country on planet Earth.

As you can see from 2008 and 2009, when The United States of America fails economically the whole world fails until the U.S.A. gets better.

As for you short sided conspiracy folk;

What other Empire allowed its enemys to freely compete in the free market system and win (as Germany and Japan had in the past and China and Russia are currently doing) ?

There has never been an Empire in the history of our planet that has allowed both enemys and lesser countries to freely and fairly compete (and win) against the current world superpower.


This aspect alone is what assures the Empire will never fail. The Empire is alive and open to all that are willing to compete.

The more the merrier


Please join us

You forgot

USA is the most hated country in the world

The USA is the most arrogant country in the world

The USA barbaric country in the world

The USA is the leader in using force when it does not get it's way

The USA can go take a flying leap

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The Topic is Thailand.

Given the locations of the two embassies, one has to be an idiot to critizize the two for closing them down.

They are located in a war zone now.

A general shot and likely killed now.

Retaliation is extremely likely and the targets will be others in the Thai army.

Brother against brother

Civil war if it goes too far.

Farangs need to find an out plan fast because the party in Thailand is so so OVER!

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The Topic is Thailand.

Given the locations of the two embassies, one has to be an idiot to critizize the two for closing them down.

They are located in a war zone now.

A general shot and likely killed now.

Retaliation is extremely likely and the targets will be others in the Thai army.

Brother against brother

Civil war if it goes too far.

Farangs need to find an out plan fast because the party in Thailand is so so OVER!

The main cause of any future civil war is lying in a hospital close to death.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

how easily they forget what alliances (allies) are all about... "What would we do without your guidance?"... probably be porked up the rear by your conquerors!

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I said this before, and I can say it again. This is not the end of story.

Thailand needs a real change. In internal policies. The upper classes naturally want to retain control, but can not. The lower classes can not afford to continue putting up with social injustice. The gap between the tiny minority and vast majority is too big, too obvious and can not be masked by traditional methods used in the past.

Calls for Democracy are futile. This country is not ready for it.

Calls for hard line are futile. A lot of blood will be spilt. But this will not bring the change.

Calls for yet another military coup are futile. Thais had too many, with no change in sight.

I am neither 'red', nor 'yellow'.

I do not have the solution. It is up to Thais.

But I hope not to see another Revolution in any country. They are too costly. And everybody loses. Big way!

There has alway been a big gap between poor lower and rich upper classes since the beginning of time, the strong dominate the weak and the golden rule; those with the gold rule. Thailand is no different except here you have a wealthy vengeful ex PM funding the red fanaticism. Civil war is here in Thailand now. I would not call it social injustice, it would say thats the way it is, I like what Jesus said about the poor "the poor will be with you always, I am here only a short time."

Even in "perfect" communistic socialistic societies there are minority wealthy upper classes, look at the recent growth of wealth in China, now more millionaires than UK; According to the World Wealth Report, compiled by Merrill Lynch and Cap Gemini, Asia-Pacific will take the "lead in wealth growth, surpassing North America by 2013. China has been rising inexorably up the table, leapfrogging France in 2007. Only Germany, Japan and the US now have more millionaires.

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With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Anything wrong with being multilingual except you are US-American?

I understand in the latter case managing a single language is good enough to be the leader of the pack and constantly preach about democracy but this does not necessarily mean that the people of Thailand have a clue what the supposed cream of the crop is ranting about.

A burger beats som tam? Well, this may hold true but only if you are just capable to comprehend a single language.

Cheers to all the yanks on board. May the force be with you and let you find solutions to the heap of your national probs. :)

Edited by Richard Hall
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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Keep talking about the great abuses committed by the US...Do you recall the manner in which the British treated the Indian people? Thankfully for you that you are not speaking German today.

Nothing wrong with speaking German. I believe only one vote decided which language the USA would adopt as its national language and the language which missed out was German.Anyway I suggest you learn Spanish as it will the USA's language of the majority in the near future.As always "GOD" bless America.

There is nothing wrong with speaking German, I believe what he was referring too is that you would be speaking German under a Nazi rule!

Yes Spanish is well adopted in many U.S states but it will never overwhelm English so let me ask you this, When you are in Udon with your THAI girlfriend/wife what language are you speaking German/Thai/English

I thought so!

If there is any concern what language you need to learn in the coming future you better start on your Chinese, because it will be right there with English as the dominant language in the coming years..

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The Topic is Thailand.

Given the locations of the two embassies, one has to be an idiot to criticize the two for closing them down.

They are located in a war zone now.

A general shot and likely killed now.

Retaliation is extremely likely and the targets will be others in the Thai army.

Brother against brother

Civil war if it goes too far.

Farangs need to find an out plan fast because the party in Thailand is so so OVER!

The main cause of any future civil war is lying in a hospital close to death.


We do not know that do we?

I mean the men in black are still there.

You remove one and the one that follows might be far more violent.

Imagine 1000 Thai troops charging toward the area and being shoot down with machine and blown up with hand grenades.

Imagine a retaliation with some other generals shot dead.

Imagine buildings on fire all over the city.

You remove one but there is no guarantee that another, far more violent, might not now be in charge.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :D

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Amen to that.........we save their ass every time there is a conflict and all they do is cut us down :)

Should have let the Germans have them.

The Russians had already defeated the Germans in Europe. After Kursk it was just a matter of time. America's contribution was to prevent communism coming further west after the inevitable Russian victory. Although had Roosevelt not been so naive and listened to Churchill, the iron curtain might have come down a lot further east than it eventually did.

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He is not even willing , like you said before on this forum to get of his high horse to meet with neutral negotiators.

He came up with a roadmap for elections the reds had everything that they had been campaigning for and STILL they refused to keep their side of the agreement and leave the protest sites.

Edited by hungryhippo
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America is 2 continents

North America and South America

The United States of America is the single most important country on planet Earth.

As you can see from 2008 and 2009, when The United States of America fails economically the whole world fails until the U.S.A. gets better.

As for you short sided conspiracy folk;

What other Empire allowed its enemys to freely compete in the free market system and win (as Germany and Japan had in the past and China and Russia are currently doing) ?

There has never been an Empire in the history of our planet that has allowed both enemys and lesser countries to freely and fairly compete (and win) against the current world superpower.


This aspect alone is what assures the Empire will never fail. The Empire is alive and open to all that are willing to compete.

The more the merrier


Please join us

You forgot

USA is the most hated country in the world

The USA is the most arrogant country in the world

The USA barbaric country in the world

The USA is the leader in using force when it does not get it's way

The USA can go take a flying leap

But even more concerning is that they can not play cricket !! :)

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Amen to that.........we save their ass every time there is a conflict and all they do is cut us down :real angry:

Should have let the Germans have them.

The Russians had already defeated the Germans in Europe. After Kursk it was just a matter of time. America's contribution was to prevent communism coming further west after the inevitable Russian victory. Although had Roosevelt not been so naive and listened to Churchill, the iron curtain might have come down a lot further east than it eventually did.

Remember when you were 10 years old?

Something that happened 10 years before was a long time ago.

You guys are talking about WW II which is now 70 years ago.

Go read a history book if you like but Thailand is the topic here.

If you live in Thailand, this should be and likely is your main worry.

if I want to read some history, I certainly can get better sources than nonsense posted here.

Thailand is in near meltdown and you are post off topic dull old history lessons.

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With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Anything wrong with being multilingual accept you are US-American?

I understand in the latter case managing a single language is good enough to be the leader of the pack and constantly preach about democracy but this does not necessarily mean that the people of Thailand have a clue what the supposed cream of the crop is ranting about.

A burger beats som tam? Well, this may hold true but only if you are just capable to comprehend a single language.

Cheers to all the yanks on board. May the force be with you and let you find solutions to the heap of your national probs. :)

Can you please explain the word multilingual for the yanks?

Surely this is a word they are not familiar with

Culture to them is watching "Jersey Shores"

or finding out what is up with the Kardashians

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USA is the most hated country in the world

It is hated by a bunch of losers and dimwits who really do not matter very much. :)

The bunch of losers will be the septics on Saturday June the 12th. I will be sipping my cold beer laughing at full time when you walk off with your heads dropped in shame and disgrace.

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