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US, UK Closes Embassies In Thailand, 'Very Concerned' About Violence


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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

Could not agree with you more but the ELITE will not let go of the strangle hold of the poor. Send the arrogant Oxford boy home where he belongs.

He is not even willing , like you said before on this forum to get of his high horse to meet with neutral negotiators.

Isn't it just this he did already several times ? :)

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Can you please explain the word multilingual for the yanks?

With pleasure.

Multilingual stands for the ability to bark up a tree in moll AND dur. This should surely raise some interest now. At least on the barkers side while the tree remains unconcerned. :)

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America is 2 continents

North America and South America

The United States of America is the single most important country on planet Earth.

As you can see from 2008 and 2009, when The United States of America fails economically the whole world fails until the U.S.A. gets better.

As for you short sided conspiracy folk;

What other Empire allowed its enemys to freely compete in the free market system and win (as Germany and Japan had in the past and China and Russia are currently doing) ?

There has never been an Empire in the history of our planet that has allowed both enemys and lesser countries to freely and fairly compete (and win) against the current world superpower.


This aspect alone is what assures the Empire will never fail. The Empire is alive and open to all that are willing to compete.

The more the merrier


Please join us

You forgot

USA is the most hated country in the world

The USA is the most arrogant country in the world

The USA barbaric country in the world

The USA is the leader in using force when it does not get it's way

The USA can go take a flying leap


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The main cause of any future civil war is lying in a hospital close to death.

We do not know that do we?

I mean the men in black are still there.

You remove one and the one that follows might be far more violent.

Imagine 1000 Thai troops charging toward the area and being shoot down with machine and blown up with hand grenades.

Imagine a retaliation with some other generals shot dead.

Imagine buildings on fire all over the city.

You remove one but there is no guarantee that another, far more violent, might not now be in charge.

We don't know a lot of things. But we all post our opinions.

There could be a civil war. But it won't be because this guy has been taken out of the picture. There are still plenty of red thugs out there to cause problems.

Whether it will be a civil war or just a guerilla war will depend on what the reds do next. If the army goes in and kills hundreds of people without any violent response from the reds, then it is more likely that the reds will get more support. If the army goes in with rubber bullets and the reds respond with grenades and guns, then it is more likely that the reds will get less support.

If the reds have more support, there is a chance of civil war, otherwise it will just continue to be some random grenades killing anyone speaking out against the reds (Red Democracy), which will reduce their support anyway.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And you did not join in until Dec 1941 when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour.

Mr Winston Churchill was very happy. You also made a lot of money out of it.

That is true, the entirety of Europe up to the Russion border and including the UK would speak German now and have Sauerkraut as the national dish.

The US entered the war 'officially' in 1941, but prior to this the US provided the UK with massive ship loads of essential war materials (including food) throughout the 1940s, the Germans were of course aware of this but the U-Boat commanders were not allowed to attack them, due to the fact that the US was still "officially" neutral.

Without the US the UK would have been forced to do a deal with the Germans which would have resulted in Sir Oswald Mosley entering No.10 as Prime Minister, and Britain would have been no more that a province of the German Reich.

The same applies to the then Soviet Union, without the massive supply of US war materials (in fact more than they actually needed) the Russians too would have had no option other than to do a deal with the Germans by releasing the Ukraine to them.

Yes, we must be thankful to the Yanks for all of this, and also after the war when they saved Europe via the Marshall plan.

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How exactly does a thread with this title turn into a US bashing effort? Unreal.

Brits get mean with a hangover.

And when they remember they gave that UGLY in their bed 3000 baht, they are ready to fight.

They would be more than happy to insult the French, Spanish, Germans, and any other nation but the Ynanks are here--so the fight starts.

Really boys

You should look for a new nation because Thailand is so so over.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :D

yes absolutely, especially in respec tof financial atters adn international diplomacy, the worlds sheriff,,really has shown how it can get "positive" results,,,, when do the US bombers arrive ????

Give us your GPS coordinates...maybe we can set that up for you.

:)us_flag.bmp :D

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If your after regular news regarding the situation I suggest you read the daily update threads which are not open to response. Open forums are subject to flippant comments (such as those you didnt like) grading all the way up to those who consider themselves experts on Thai social history and politics. Thats pretty much the nature of a forum.


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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

dont forget pom that england had its fair share of trouble years back its part of growing up
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It is not the end of the world !!!

The embassies I presume are closed because they are in areas close to where the unruly, undemocratic mob of protesters are. A mob that has cost this country billions of lost revenue, closed schools, shops, hotels, stopped tens of thousands of poor Thai's from working and are a few thousand demanding a government step down. So the embassies now know what it is like for all the poor shop owners and hotels who have been forced to close for the last 5-6 weeks !! Not much fun is it !!

Closed by a minority mob who are selfishly holding people lives on stop over their own selfish demands.This whole poor working class, farming thing is being sung by news reporters...are soldiers not poor, are police not poor, are shop kepers not poor !!! It is not just a few thousand selfish protesters who are poor. The majority of poor are working and too busy to get involved even if they wished to. Which they don't by the looks of it. My wife is poor Thai and she and all her family are against this mob and sick of them. As too are millions of Thai's all over the country. As are most people who pay taxes and work for a living like I do. Yes they have support but certainly NOT a majority by a long stretch. There are over 64 million people in this country and they are not out there supporting them. They are too busy trying to work while this lot ruin it all. This government have done everything possible to be compromising. No government in the world would put up with this sort of behaviour and certainly not the USA or UK. I saw the protests in London and police charged in with batons, bashing people. As for the race riots hundreds of cars and properties were either burnt or looted !! Force was used and is used to remove protesters. In USA I believe approximately 30 people died in the LA race riots ! People are shot every day in the USA and many countries all over the world. Why are they so unfair to Thailand and make it look as if it is so bad. It is not. I have lived here and I still feel safe and I live 5 minutes from the barricades. Come on be fair. Be realistic.

Thailand is the size of France and 99.99999% of it are living, working and acting normally. The beaches are beautiful, the lakes still there and people are living normal lives. Many of my friends are still arriving on holiday ahvinga great time. I am of soon to the beaches. Can't wait. If you get too stuck into this internet news thing and just watch negative news reports (just repeating the same story) you will only fill your heads with negative thoughts. I have a business in Thailand and it is running as normal. Yes it is tough and this is a worry but do not blow it out of proportion and also accept a country changing. The main reason their are less tourists is the constant and unwarranted tittle tattle and gossiping by newspaper people and TV who feed our heads full of hyped scandal and trivia..

The reality is there are some political problems in Thailand. Yes we all know that....but it is not the end of the world...In the USA approximately 3000 people died in New York Twin Tower attacks and there are, I believe around 30,000 victims of gun crime every year. Do we all close our embassies and tell Amercia we are concerned about they way they run things. If this was in the USA they would have gone in shooting by now and everyone of them considered a terrorist. As too in many counrties around the world. And rightfully they should. You cannot allow a breakdown in ordered society and allow a minoirty mob to take over parts of a city and barricade themselves off preaching war and dissent.

Did we close embassies when 53 people were blown up in the London tube or a bus was blown apart. No ! People are shot all over the world on a daily basis.....one guy gets shot here and the world goes into some sort of dellusional insane mania. People are shot like that every day in ghettos all over the USA. Peopel are stabbed brutally in every city all over the UK lying bloody in the streets. But no one accept the familes gives a toss. I am not having a dig at the USA, UK or any country...but a little fair and reasonably intelligent reporting might not go a miss. Thailand is as normal and I am living right next to this......Do I feel safe...yes 100% And if I don't I will move to another part of the city. This area is a tiny tiny part of Bangkok. A city of I think 12 million and yes those 12 million who pay taxes and help built this city and keep it going through their hard work, are sick of a mob of non working, probably non tax paying protesters ruining their city's reputation. And so am I ! As any intelligent human being would be. And why should Thailand not use force.. USA and all European countries would. So why is Thailand not allowed to and looked upon in bad light when they do. Come on get real ! I love this country and its people. It will be alright in the end.....


Hope so.

But I do think you might be under playing the news here in Thailand.

Imagine, a British group holding blocks in london for two months.

Imagine a British General backing the same group.

Imagine the General, while being interviewed for a story in a major Newspaper, being shot in the head.

I do think this would be very very bad for any democratic nation.

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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

The 250+ year period did have a little issue between about 1865 and 1869 called the "American Civil War", due to the northern states,with the governmental center, over-controlling the southern, rural/agricultural states. (Monetarily, of course. Which is what it always comes down to. "Slavery" was not the actual big reason. And, of course, after the north won, with GIGANTIC loss of life on both sides, it ground the south into the dirt with it's heal. Hence the term "Carpetbaggers", where representatives of the north came to the south, stuffed illicit war reparations into a carpet-bag (figuratively speaking), and went back north.) Here also could be a lesson from a distinguished democracy. Which is: "Civil War=BAD, Peaceful Discussions=GOOD!"
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Appreciate if one of the mods can please re-post the following embassy advisory from New Zealand to the list of warnings by embassies in BKK (Thanks!):

Thailand: Temporary closure of the New Zealand Embassy

Updated: 14 May 2010, 11:00 NZDT

Due to protest activity and an intensified presence of security forces in the immediate vicinity of the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok (located in Wireless Road), the Embassy will be closed on Friday 14 May. The security situation will be reviewed again on Monday 17 May.

New Zealand citizens in Thailand who require emergency assistance from the Embassy should contact the Embassy’s duty officer on the following number: +66 81 837 7240

We continue to advise New Zealanders against all tourist and non-essential travel to Thailand at this time.

New Zealanders currently in Thailand are strongly advised to avoid all protests and rallies and any areas of military or security force activity, comply with any restrictions and instructions issued by the local authorities, monitor events closely and remain vigilant as the security situation could change quickly.

Source: http://www.safetravel.govt.nz/news/index.shtml#thailand

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Hope so.

But I do think you might be under playing the news here in Thailand.

Imagine, a British group holding blocks in london for two months.

Imagine a British General backing the same group.

Imagine the General, while being interviewed for a story in a major Newspaper, being shot in the head.

I do think this would be very very bad for any democratic nation.

I think your imagination has gone a but haywire.

But if a rogue general was holding the middle of London hostage for 2 months, I think he would have been taken out by snipers 2 months ago. And it wouldn't have had anything to do with the government. It would have been a police matter.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Hey, German speaking would be an asset more than your rude English.

Germany and the Germans are pure. The USA is what? A mixture and melting pot of A..H...! At least Germany developed on it's own might which is the opposite of USA. Don't be so cocky!!!

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Announcement regarding Visa Applications from the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok (VFS Global center postponed) - temporary application center waiting room established:

Visa Applications from 17 May 2010

As previously announced it was the intention that VFS Global, the external service provider the Embassy has contracted to receive applications for visas, would have opened its application centre on 17 May 2010. Due to the location of the application centre in Amarin Tower in the close vicinity of the ongoing demonstrations in Bangkok, the Embassy has decided to await the opening of the application centre until the demonstrations have seized.

Until then, the Embassy will temporarily receive applications in its own premises without requirement of booked slots for submission of visa applications. The Embassy will be open for reception of visa applications between 08.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 15.00 Monday through Thursday and 08.00 – 12.00 on Friday.

Since the premises of the Embassy is limited, only a limited number of applicants will for security reasons be let in at the time. On arrival at the Embassy building each applicant is provided with a queue number. Based on the queue numbers, an appropriate number of applicants will be accompanied to the reception desks at the visa section in the Embassy. For this purpose a temporary waiting room has been established.

Source: http://www.swedenabroad.com/News____4847.aspx?slaveid=106949

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Well I agree with some of the members getting some wise points from US as it has a lot of experience in democratic government but you forget to mention that the Red Shirt can too get some wise points from America as they have fought Deadliest Civil War which left 620,000 soldiers and Undetermined Civilians dead (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War)...... So don't wonder how they acquired the modern fighting skills.

Edited by arefbhat
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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

The 250+ year period did have a little issue between about 1865 and 1869 called the "American Civil War", due to the northern states,with the governmental center, over-controlling the southern, rural/agricultural states. (Monetarily, of course. Which is what it always comes down to. "Slavery" was not the actual big reason. And, of course, after the north won, with GIGANTIC loss of life on both sides, it ground the south into the dirt with it's heal. Hence the term "Carpetbaggers", where representatives of the north came to the south, stuffed illicit war reparations into a carpet-bag (figuratively speaking), and went back north.) Here also could be a lesson from a distinguished democracy. Which is: "Civil War=BAD, Peaceful Discussions=GOOD!"

Fantastic post. I totally agree.

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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

The 250+ year period did have a little issue between about 1865 and 1869 called the "American Civil War", due to the northern states,with the governmental center, over-controlling the southern, rural/agricultural states. (Monetarily, of course. Which is what it always comes down to. "Slavery" was not the actual big reason. And, of course, after the north won, with GIGANTIC loss of life on both sides, it ground the south into the dirt with it's heal. Hence the term "Carpetbaggers", where representatives of the north came to the south, stuffed illicit war reparations into a carpet-bag (figuratively speaking), and went back north.) Here also could be a lesson from a distinguished democracy. Which is: "Civil War=BAD, Peaceful Discussions=GOOD!"

I definitely agree!

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Hope so.

But I do think you might be under playing the news here in Thailand.

Imagine, a British group holding blocks in london for two months.

Imagine a British General backing the same group.

Imagine the General, while being interviewed for a story in a major Newspaper, being shot in the head.

I do think this would be very very bad for any democratic nation.

I think your imagination has gone a but haywire.

But if a rogue general was holding the middle of London hostage for 2 months, I think he would have been taken out by snipers 2 months ago. And it wouldn't have had anything to do with the government. It would have been a police matter.

My point was.

The situation in Bangkok is very bad.

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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ha! Ha! 250+ years of democracy?? Can I remind you that it was a mere 130 years ago that Custer had his last stand and there were multiple fights going on between ethnic indians and the various other populations. Not to mention the North versus the South and good old Davy Crockett.

Whatever happens in Thailand they are better off without the interference of the USA.

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I read posts here about WW II. Majrity of deaths between (The Soviet Union)Russia and Germany.

Post about American War between the States.(Of course it was about slavery)



Nothing to do with Thailand.

Thailand's current fight, if it were to escalate, would be more like an uprising by the poor in other nations.

The revolt of 1381 in England comes to mind.

Of course we have the other revolutions in Europe which are famous in Russia and France.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

But you'd still be speaking English right? :D

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

But you'd still be speaking English right? :D

America sure has a lot of people speaking Spanish too.

Directly from US Census

Minorities, now roughly one-third of the U.S. population, are expected to become the majority in 2042, with the nation projected to be 54 percent minority in 2050. By 2023, minorities will comprise more than half of all children.

The non-Hispanic, single-race white population is projected to be only slightly larger in 2050 (203.3 million) than in 2008 (199.8 million). In fact, this group is projected to lose population in the 2030s and 2040s and comprise 46 percent of the total population in 2050, down from 66 percent in 2008.

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