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How Is This Heat Affecting You?


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I can honestly admit that I am a victim of this BLASTING HEAT!!

affecting my schedule/routine greatly.......waking up in a sweat at near 90 degree temps in the morning and hesitant to do my routine exercises because it is relatively the coolest time of the day and don't want to break a sweat so early. Don't do exercises and back aches and stiff joints.

Drag myself out to water garden and do a few chores that don't take much effort because I lock myself inside aircon office after 10am.....eat a lite lunch [little appetite] and nap in precious aircon for an hr or more....then wake up and face the blazing afternoon heat and can't get the energy to go outside unless I drench myself in water to cool off for 20 minutes before I need another wetting.

Heat sink of a house has heated up by afternoon so that it is actually hotter inside than outside [temps @ 100f+]....run aircon again and hide in office until dinner prep time in a hot kitchen.......no fun and no appetite or imagination for food......just eat, then escape to cool office to chill out.

Aircons working overtime and barely cooling rooms. It takes at least 3 hrs to cool my cement walls down so that I can turn off aircon and feel cool for an hour before heating up again. Not sleeping well, as I sweat and evaporate, causing hot/chill feelings and wet pillow in the morning. Then same same routine for the last month and how much longer??? no end in sight.....

Physical symptoms are general fatigue, no motivation, irritability, headache, slight nausea, laziness and stupid.

Am I the only one suffering????

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you're not alone. i've been barricading myself in the air con most days. but it makes me stir crazy and so i try to go into other rooms or go outside but it's like being cooked over a fire. i feel for those who don't have AC. my bill is going to be gigantic this month.

i say it every year, but i'm sure this year is the hottest i've ever experienced in chiang mai. and i love the heat. but this is too much.

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Welcome to Thailand.

Ive sussed what to do. No hard work, or any work come to that, Sit in house most of the day with either fan or aircon on, And get the wife to go out and get food ect. Easy. Just cost a bit of extra cash for the electric. But you save on not going out. No one said life would be easy. Enjoy.

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Oh gosh, soon it will start raining and we can start complaining about the rain again... And no, I don't have aircon, so no need to lock myself up in the house.. Enjoy life in Thailand and remember: after sunshine we will get rain, clouds, thunder, storms and maybe even hail.. :):D

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some of you guys will be looking forward to a couple of expensive power bills running yr aircon all day/night

i admit this years hot season has been to me;

1. hotter than usual

2. gone on far too long

3. got me thinking about moving away next year to a cooler climate during the hot season

4. looking forward to rain even more

someone suggested soaking a towel in cold water, wringing it out, and draping it over yourself with the fan cooling you down, I tried it and i works quite well, even when the rest of the house is hot

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Yeah.....I've taken the wet towel thing a step further and wet my whole body with tshirt, boxer shorts and hat soaking wet and cooler for 20 - 30 minutes, then back to blasting. Plants in garden are suffering same as me.....even with 2 waterings a day, they stil wilt and banana leaves are burning.

Staying indoors with AC on is a solution, but gets costly and getting cabin fever from staying indoors.

Hanging out in malls is the Thai cure, but that can get expensive, not to mention boring.

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when we used to live in the Royal Lanna, i used to wander across to some of the nicer hotels and read the daily newspaper in a queit corner of the lobby, no one ever questioned me

also when i had a membership at the Centara Daungtawan Fitness center, go fo a swim, beats sitting in the mall i guess, or sitting in a bar all day

Edited by Donnyboy
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retaining water in the body is the big problem for me, skin leaks, so the body shuts down, and tells it to hang onto as much water as possible, consequently you feel bloated, or could be i'm fat.

competition time, whos had more than 2 pees a day?

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i drink heaps of water, not sure of the daily amount but i always have a mini bucket of iced water in front of me and i sip away all day

cant tell you how many times i pee but its more than twice a day :)

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Physical symptoms are general fatigue, no motivation, irritability, headache, slight nausea, laziness and stupid.

Am I the only one suffering????

This describes me, over the last month, to a "T".

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Normally a ride on the motorbike is pleasant as the wind is like a giant fan, but now it's like a da*n blow dryer! It actually feels hotter to ride the motorbike than to stand still.

Looking for trees or big trucks to get into their shadows while waiting on the green light is a good idea. Also, if you aim the aircon directly at you, you don't need to keep it at such low temp and can save a little on elec. bill.

The biggest thing is to drink and drink and drink as much water as you can. You are perspiring but it evaporates before you feel it. The first signs of dehydration are a headache so before reaching for some aspirin, drink a large glass of water or two.

Let the rains come soon, not just for the cooling but for all the poor farmers who's livelihood relies on their crops. Burma, Laos and southern China are in a serious drought right now.

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Oh gosh, soon it will start raining and we can start complaining about the rain again... And no, I don't have aircon, so no need to lock myself up in the house.. Enjoy life in Thailand and remember: after sunshine we will get rain, clouds, thunder, storms and maybe even hail.. :):D

Same as you mate,get out for a walk,wear a cap and sunglasses,plenty of factor 20 and get FIT.I come back from a 10k walk and stand in the shower for 10 mins,sometimes its hot though and i have to run the shower for a while.After the shower i feel great and want to do another 5k.

Aircon gives me a sore throat so we put the bedroom one on for an hour before bed,cool cotton shorts and top and even though i sweat a bit not too bad,2 fans around the bed and its fine.I come here to get away from the british weather so enjoy folks,as it will get colder.The nly problem i have is my inside of arms get a sweat rash even though the rest of my body doesnt so some cream and ok.I refuse to complain too much about this briliant weather,and soak it in boys and girls

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Physical symptoms are general fatigue, no motivation, irritability, headache, slight nausea, laziness and stupid.

Am I the only one suffering????

This describes me, over the last month, to a "T".

Minus the nausea, describes me for the past few years..... :)

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Physical symptoms are general fatigue, no motivation, irritability, headache, slight nausea, laziness and stupid.

Am I the only one suffering????

This describes me, over the last month, to a "T".

Me too, until the hangover finally subsides and I start drinking again. :)

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It is unbearable at the moment.....to the OP I sympathise with you on many fronts.....my observations are:-

1. My bed and linen actually feels hot to the touch.

2. The cold shower is a warm/hot shower.

3. My head sweats so much, I wake up on a pleasant wet pillow....nice!

4. Coolbox of ice/water next to me all night.

5. Numerous trips to shower to try and cool down.

6. The fan actually blows hotter air on me than in the room? How is that?! Weird!

Oh and no air conditioning in the house at all :)

I promise I will never ever moan about the rain....honest guv' :D

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It's somewhat comforting that I'm not the only one whining about this HEAT. This has been going on for how long?? Seems like a couple of months so far and the rains should have come a month ago. No wonder tempers are flairing down in BKK!!

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Just drink lots of water and keep moving! The wife and I were on a motorcycle ride from Mae Chaem to Pai the other day and rolled into Pai about 5 PM. That was after "chilling" for two hours in the middle of the day at a hippie coffee shop with no hippies in Mae Hong Song where it was a balmy 43 degrees C. At any rate, we were looking forward to a frigid air-conditioned love dungeon of a guest house in Pai only to find out that the power was out in the whole region. Talk about insult to injury! Hot off the motorcycle and no shower, no fan, and no A/C until after 10:30 PM that evening. Guess that happens pretty often up there.

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> The fan actually blows hotter air on me than in the room? How is that?! Weird!

When the ambient temperature is higher than your body temperature (37 or so), breeze will feel warm, as will surfaces that normally feel cool, including your bed linen, granite surfaces, etc.

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someone suggested soaking a towel in cold water, wringing it out, and draping it over yourself with the fan cooling you down, I tried it and i works quite well, even when the rest of the house is hot

I suggested it. I am glad to hear it works for you.

The heat is not bothering me much. I'm not using any air conditioning, but I do run all the fans in the place and I take cool soaks in a cold bath four or five times a day.

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> The fan actually blows hotter air on me than in the room? How is that?! Weird!

When the ambient temperature is higher than your body temperature (37 or so), breeze will feel warm, as will surfaces that normally feel cool, including your bed linen, granite surfaces, etc.

Learn something new every day....thanks.....still a bit weird though!

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> The fan actually blows hotter air on me than in the room? How is that?! Weird!

When the ambient temperature is higher than your body temperature (37 or so), breeze will feel warm, as will surfaces that normally feel cool, including your bed linen, granite surfaces, etc.

Learn something new every day....thanks.....still a bit weird though!

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I've had bronchitis so every time I've left the air con (which dries me out and makes me cough) I've collapsed into a super heap of coughing (much worse than if I'm IN the air con!)... Been sleeping with air on and with two of my three sons in the room as well. Not sure what to do when hubby comes home next week as he doesn't like to sleep with air on... hopefully it'll be cooler then or I may sleep in the spare room with sons! :) and beloved air con...

Funny thing, my mum came over a few times from New Zealand around December/January/February and always ALWAYS complained about the heat and the humidity! Ha ha! If only she knew.... :D

Be careful with wetting all your clothing and sitting around by fans, my friend did that and ended up with a massive body rash... ew...

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