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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone


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anyone inside of the red camp cannot be counted as a civilian I thought we covered that?

Says who? An anonymous forum poster? Go amend the constitution with that new paragraph, quick!

Troops to enter rally site if violence persists

Looks like tonight they will start the "final massacre". I hope the world media is there to witness what will happen to all the women, children and elderly.

Says the reds themselves when they declared war on this government and the people of Thailand.

I HOPE that your side will not be cowards and in knowing that this is coming move the women children and elderly out of their camp but they won't do that will they because they are their shields. man you reds are so brave and honourable.

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anyone inside of the red camp cannot be counted as a civilian I thought we covered that?

They want to stay between themselves without opponents: this is their concept of democracy. Look they have already divided Thailand in two states. Just a detail for the new Issan State of Animatic, Issaners are living now around Bangkok they are constituing the workforce and the majority of Bangkok and suburban belt population. So in your project, you have to consider the great "Issan" which comprises Bangkok. I suggest you move to Koh Samui: it is the ideal location for the Elite (with the 3 Southern Provinces), enough space to built a Singapore like State. :D:):D

Edited by Jerrytheyoung
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As I'm typing this, my family in the north and northeast are praying that our Siam can be one again. We are all Thais, I still believe our blood is stronger than water...Just please stop the killings already!

Thanks for your post. Thais are one people of one heart and always will be. I am sorry to see anyone die, even Seh Daeng. A friend of mine knows him very well and he was not an evil greedy person.

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The army is operating under internationally accepted protocols. They are not randomnly targeting civilians. They are engaged in self defense. Whether the red terrorist is armed with a gun or only with a bamboo stick is irrelevant in this case.

Everyone knows the score. Stand down, stop threatening the soldiers, and there will be no more shooting. Continue the insurrection in any way that threatens the soldiers trying to squeeze off the zone, and you will be shot with live ammunition.

Those are the rules. Everyone knows it. There is not an international group anywhere who will look unfavourably on it, as they all use the same rules.

It is time for the reds to abandon their insurrection and go home.

What are you smoking ?

International accepted protocols ? What BS is that

Reds are not firing live bullets at the army are they ?

According to a blogging journalist they are, I reposted his url with photos earlier in the thread. He said he saw red guards fire M-16's towards the army.

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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

Initially, the reports said he was in the van.

Later, the reports said he wasn't in the van.

Doesn't matter if they told the kid to move out or not... they should have take extra precautions... thts whts the training for... they are not supposed to hit at evrything moving... just look up at tht pic of him with shirt soaked in blood ....

The job of those Armymen isn't easy by any stretch of imagination but they goofed up on this instance... I hope it doesn't happen again and no amount of justification can right this wrong...

well lets see how you do when a van comes speeding directly towards you filled with who knows what and you have a fraction of a second to react. How many times does the Thai govt. need to announce that it is a war zone and under a state of emergency? maybe you don't allow your 10 year old child out to play past midnight in a war zone? or maybe YOU do? go ahead and keep blaming the soldiers who have to live with this now and were only trying to do a difficult job. what a tosser you are!

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Poor kid.

Reminds me of my niece and nephew.

They will patently refuse to do anything anyone tells them, they think all adults are as wimpy as their parents.

My brother talks about putting money aside for the kids' education, I tell him he'll probably need it for bail: he doesn't think it's funny.

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I'm a bit concerned about the foreign reporter being shot by the army after he clearly called for help and they knew he was a foreign reporter...

Please post a source for the claim that the army kept shooting him after knowing that he was a foreign reporter, as oppose to 'blackshirt' in sunglasses up to no good, that he looked like.

So there is nothing wrong when the army kept shooting at people who are wounded on the ground as long they are wearing are black shirt and sunglasses, looking up to no good with calls for help?

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Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

But the red leaders told them, the army would never dare shoot

Are out leaders telling us lies

didn't they also say that neither the army or the police will move against the reds?

they said ''they are our brothers''

you remember that old chestnut that says ''you can choose your friends but not family''?

i am pleased the guys in fatigues are not my brothers..........

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TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

Is that twitter "news" or from an online article or a line from television report?

What did he exactly say?

Maybe Weng was referring to police who switched the sides* and now responding to the fire of the peacekeepers troops from the red positions.

These peacekeepers are the government troops who shot at the protesters to restore peace and normalcy, right?

Poor soldiers, i guess a lot of them are not happy with that job.

*telegraph.co.uk: Shooting between police and army personnel was also reported at several locations, as policemen joined the side of the anti-government demonstrators.


<deleted>! This is the 4th time I've seen that crap article linked this afternoon.

Do you even live in Bangkok? Do you know any Thai coppers? Thai soldiers? But there ya go spewing a Guardian article article as if it were the Ten Commandments and your Moses delivering the "truth" to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness.

Well Moses ... give us your personal experience with Red coppers... or just <deleted>!

Edited by humfurry
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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

twisting the story?, man, that's rich coming from you.

aren't you the same guy that announced that Deputy Prime Minister Suthep had been shot in the head during the night?

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anyone inside of the red camp cannot be counted as a civilian I thought we covered that?

Says who? An anonymous forum poster? Go amend the constitution with that new paragraph, quick!

Troops to enter rally site if violence persists

Looks like tonight they will start the "final massacre". I hope the world media is there to witness what will happen to all the women, children and elderly.

Says the reds themselves when they declared war on this government and the people of Thailand.

I HOPE that your side will not be cowards and in knowing that this is coming move the women children and elderly out of their camp but they won't do that will they because they are their shields. man you reds are so brave and honourable.

Redparrot, don't rely on world media to capture the "final massacre" (sheesh), go and take your camera, take pictures you can trust. You can post[mortem] them here tomorrow. Don't forget to take your flash. A flashlight can also be useful in "capturing the action".

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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

twisting the story?, man, that's rich coming from you.

aren't you the same guy that announced that Deputy Prime Minister Suthep had been shot in the head during the night?

I didn't announce it. Someone else posted it first and I replied saying I heard it too. Get your facts straight.

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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

Don't forget they also say the van was full of weapons? No proof to support this. Oh and red shirt propaganda a capital offence. So much Yellow shirt propaganda on here but the yellow shirt farangs are not being executed or shot just 10 yrs old thai children.

Edited by moetownblues
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All Abhisit has to do to stop this is to call an election, how many more people must die before he does what he inevitably will have to end up doing?

Duuuuh, he did call an election. In mid-April, he offered to call it 13 months early. A week ago, he offered 15 months earlier (than is required by the Constitution). So even though he was bending to being dictated to by a violent mob, and even though the mob leaders agreed to it several times, the top mob boss nixed the idea - and so we're left with lethal violence on the streets.

Sorry, but you have the idiotic argument here. There have been 17 civilians killed and 0 soldiers killed.

First off, the people tossing grenades and firing combat weapons from the Red side can't be classified as 'civilians.' Secondly, just because no security troops have been killed yet, doesn't mean much except the troops are doing a better job of protecting themselves - even though they're using lesser weapons (they're not allowed to use grenades, as the Reds are doing). Any real civilians who are still mingling with the Reds are profoundly stupid or have a death wish, and any who still have kids in the mix should be publicly pilloried for child endangerment.

Edited by brahmburgers
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well lets see how you do when a van comes speeding directly towards you filled with who knows what and you have a fraction of a second to react. How many times does the Thai govt. need to announce that it is a war zone and under a state of emergency? maybe you don't allow your 10 year old child out to play past midnight in a war zone? or maybe YOU do? go ahead and keep blaming the soldiers who have to live with this now and were only trying to do a difficult job. what a tosser you are!

I didn't asked for ur justification..u can have a opinion without a personal comment a.s.s.h.o.l.e...

Well Im sorry that you don't understand war and are naive enough to think that everything goes according to plan and every bullet hits its target and only the target. Even the US military with laser guided weapons hits the wrong target sometimes.

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anyone inside of the red camp cannot be counted as a civilian I thought we covered that?

They want to stay between themselves without opponents: this is their concept of democracy. Look they have already divided Thailand in two states. Just a detail for the new Issan State of Animatic, Issaners are living now around Bangkok they are constituing the workforce and the majority of Bangkok and suburban belt population. So in your project, you have to consider the great "Issan" which comprises Bangkok. I suggest you move to Koh Samui: it is the ideal location for the Elite (with the 3 Southern Provinces), enough space to built a Singapore like State. :D:):D

To Jerry only Isaan people are right, Only isaan people exist in BKK, Only reds can do no wrong. When the reds threaten to burn down BKK, Jerry calls it "negotiating." When the government takes it seriously and tries to contain them and the reds attack. Jerry blames the government. When the reds arre actually violent Jerry talks about the French Revolution and the Unionist riots of France that took place decades ago and suggests that violence is acceptable if it is "the people" doing it. Sadly Jerry fails to realize that the legitimate government currently in place represents the majority of the people in Thailand via their elected representatives.

Jerry --- your claims that Isaaners comprise the majority of BKK are simply lies. The majority of BKK (and Thailand for that matter) is being held hostage by a radical group of violent insurgents and most but not all of them are from either Isaan or the North.

I assume that Jerry isn't posting from Thailand

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Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons

actually on TNN24 during regular filming i saw the camera focus in on two individuals with assault rifles wrapped in black plastic and string, at their sides who promptly ran away when they saw the camera on them.

those dumb <deleted> reds had the plastic wrapped so tightly that even a 4 year old could see it was a rifle

so much for these poor peaceful protestors.......

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To do that arresting you mention would have had the same effect as we see today.

I dont think so , not if the yellows would have faced a court as well .

Utterly irrelevant rejoinder.

I dont think so .

Anyway we will never know what would had happened had Sae Daeng and Arisman

been arrested .

At least it would had achieved something , unlike what is happening now

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veen_NT: RT @cyberbkk: RT @georgebkk: One Vajira rescue person was shot in the head while trying to rescue an injured man along Ngam Dupli Corner.

I'm sure the rescue person was armed and the army acted in self defense. :)

Where does it say the army shot him, or that he was shot intentionally?

There was another report yesterday of an ambulance attacked by the reds.

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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

We cannot help it if you failed English classes in school. We really can't.

The driver was heading towards the roadblock and did not yield. The boy was somewhere in the area, unknown to us exactly where. Could have been further down the street. A bullet aimed for the tires that bounce on the payment can still travel a fair distance. And the boy is alive.

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I don't care if the leader is a 3 legged monster. As long as he can do whatever it takes to bring this country closer to reconciliation then he will have my support.

Abhisit has been harping on about reconciliation but the country has only divided under his leadership. He should never have been PM.

The reds don't want reconciliation. They want to be in power. They only want one thing. That's why they don't want to negotiate.

To me it looks like that Abhisit tries everything to cling in power and prefers violence and killing of civilians over elections.

Abhisit, appointed by the 'clear' majority of 235 PM to his position as PM, divided the country more than anybody else.

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It must be getting close to the time when gov't troops get the nod to storm the sequestered areas, rather than just hanging at the peripheries.

I'd like to see photos of long lines of captured Red combatants. I've seen a few being cuffed (and purportedly taken off to detention), but it seems there should a whole lot more of that going on. This military exercise should be more than just containment, it should also involve dynamically taking combatants out of the conflict zone.

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It is indeed kinda weird that the only thing what the red shirts clearly did promise if they got in power, is: Drop all charges against Thaksin, let him come back and instead put some yellow shirts behind bars.

And see there: democracy is restored the red way!

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I don't care if the leader is a 3 legged monster. As long as he can do whatever it takes to bring this country closer to reconciliation then he will have my support.

Abhisit has been harping on about reconciliation but the country has only divided under his leadership. He should never have been PM.

The reds don't want reconciliation. They want to be in power. They only want one thing. That's why they don't want to negotiate.

To me it looks like that Abhisit tries everything to cling in power and prefers violence and killing of civilians over elections.

Abhisit, appointed by the 'clear' majority of 235 PM to his position as PM, divided the country more than anybody else.

Again do you even live in Bangkok?

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Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

Don't forget they also say the van was full of weapons? No proof to support this. Oh and red shirt propaganda a capital offence. So much Yellow shirt propaganda on here but the yellow shirt farangs are not being executed or shot just 10 yrs old thai children.

Nonce sense

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Well Im sorry that you don't understand war and are naive enough to think that everything goes according to plan and every bullet hits its target and only the target. Even the US military with laser guided weapons hits the wrong target sometimes.

Well US military is mostly at the wrong places for a start and for no reasons (read Iraq and Afganistan) so evryone they kill there is a wrong target...

The only thing people understood from war is that peace is better...

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