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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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jc why do you bother answering those reds ?

they are obviously brain amputees and trying to intimidate anyone here is actually funny. If the reds should win, which I very much daubed, who would want to live in this shit-hole this country would become anyway ?

Within a very short time, those posters here would be planting rice and wear straw huts. Thailand would be a small third world country if it had not been for the west to come here for p..... during the Vietnam war and from than on .... have you ever heard of a Thai Nobel price winner ? or any product invented by a Thai ? have you ever seen a Thai car ? you can tell when a bridge was build by a Thai because you have to slow down to a crawl ...... most infrastructure here has been build by western companies because the Thais are so able ????

Only the Aryan race??? We come back to the Ultra Right thesis. Thais people are normal human being, they deserve a better education and they need that their Elite (whatever it is -Yellow, Pink or Red) does its job by managing FAIRLY the whole Country not only Bangkok privilegied areas.

Rural Thai People are human being with the same abilities than westerner people; there is no superiority of race, only an historical lag in education partly due to a mismanagement by Elite during years.

Be careful your way of thinking is gearing to fascism.

The historical lag is about 1000 years. The Thai elites haven't mismanaged anything. The Thai elites are petrified. They are dinasaurs, tyannosaurus rex. They are morticians who preserve a decripit, dead culture. Where's their Nelson Mandella of the moment? Their Suu Kyi? Their Vaclav Havel? Gandhi? Etc etc etc? There isn't any tranformative factor in Thailand, only the SOS of an ancient mumified civilization. The choice is Thaksin or Abhisit. Pathetic.

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QUOTE (RussellHantz @ 2010-05-15 10:28:32)

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

''A picture is worth a thousand words.''

Perhaps your choice of avatar indicates your stage of evolution and mental development.

Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.


Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple

The rules of using live fire which was so eloquently told to the CNN and BBC yesterday in English by the Abhisit goverment was no army will fire on the public unless

1.) They are in fear of there lives

2.) They see an armed red shirt

3.) they will fire in the air

The right after that nice interview BBC and CNN shows the army hiding behind walls firing indiscriminantly into the red shirts then they show the french guy who was shot fell to the ground and then shot while on the ground 2 more times, he was not armed was not thai but was obviously targeted by the military in addition 2 more journalists have been shot

I see it as nothing but cold blooded Murder killing unarmed people and if someone says he was holding a bamboo stick give me a break unless the guy was making a move with that stick toward a solgier the guy has no permission to shoot him from behind a wall.

just for your reference, check out this clip, that is another peaceful incident of civilians attracking military truck. perhaps you say it is an 'isolate'd incident' !

In that case they have every right to use deadly force to protect themselves

Yes. The government announced at their live press briefing last night on TNN that the troops now have permission to shoot to kill when they are under fire.

After two months of following international standards as their rules of engagement, ramping up slowly from shields and batons, this is the final point of international standards.

Pity that the red shirts did not follow the same international rules of engagement.

"Nelson Rand is an ................................................................................








His audacious journey also took him to southern Thailand in search of Islamic extremists, who have turned the region into a war zone.

While travelling in Cambodia, he accompanied government soldiers on their final offensive against the Khmer Rouge. Rand's book is a highly informative but sobering portrait of Southeast Asia and its secret conflicts."

Its a very informative book actually and an easy read I can recommend it.



If you care to look at the post my angry screaming friend this was wrapped in quote marks and I linked to website from which I took the quote if you are interested in these conflicts why don't you take the time to read the book, and now that you know what quote tags are it should be all the more enjoyable for you. :)

Hate to say it but if these reds don't back off the death toll will rise dramatically possibly into the hundreds.

Actually, if the claims by the Red Terrorist Leaders of "to the death" are true then it will be in the thousands.

It is a choice they make, and many have already paid the price. Sad, but if you see people dying around you it is time to get out of there, and is not the time time to pickup a stick and be next.

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

RH I think you must have been on a long journey and just returned. The reds are the ones who ended the negotiations and refused to return to the table.

TAN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn says some police and even soldiers are shooting at their peacekeepers, demands govt stop operations now.

These poor peacekeepers.

who they are - peacekeepers ?

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

And what of Thaksin and his 3000 extra-judicial killings, not to mention central role in causing the current violence?

..soon he will be portrayed and depicted with angel wings..

and a halo as the angel of unsung liberation, democracy and unseen riches for all

every bank account of his supporters will swell to breathtaking heights -

the unseen hand will make it all come true - one day - promised!

Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


Why is the idiot dressed in black wearing sunglasses with no visable signs of him being a reporter.Has he got shit for brains or did he think he was immune to bullets.

Regardless of who or what he is this was a wounded human being calling for help. Is the yellow shirt response to put the animal out of it's misery. civilised humans will help the injured not try and put then down. This was blatant attempted murder.

This was a war zone and the idiot was between the two forces, so could easily have been shot by the Red terrorists.

Kwanchai threatens to use Ratchaprasong malls as strongholds if troops come in /via @terryfrd

With statements like that, some people still continue to support them. Shocking to say the least.

I still believe if the military rolled out the welcome mat for these folks and made their job easier and safer that they would get better reporting on their side. As you mentioned about not being native speakers ... they should have translators available all the time for the non-Thai press as well as scheduled news conferences throughout the day. If the authorities and gov't could show they have their act together for reporters it would really go a long way to getting their message out through these same reporters.

And yes, this is manipulative but it is done all the time as standard operating procedure.

Yes, I do agree with this jc.

I think essentially we are making the same point - that the media should not be running around at will, and should be properly managed. Unfortunately, good management seems to be lacking in a lot of areas around this issue. :)

Chaps, this is Thailand ... Abhisit can't do everything himself and has to rely on staff to take care of some details and we know how that turns out - also don;t forget the US had a long time to prepare before going in - here the government and the country was attacked and had to organize things while the <deleted> was hitting the fan - until than Ab was trying and surely hoping to resolve the situation peacefully

:) I wonder what way Condo Security guards will swing if it gets to civil war....lots of farangs living in expensive condos rely on these guys to protect them, will they?

If you live in a condo and you have to ask this question, I really think you should leave town now.

Lol. I live in a condo and I feel 99.9% secure.

Kwanchai threatens to use Ratchaprasong malls as strongholds if troops come in /via @terryfrd

Thanks ede0024 for posting that.

I'm not sure Khun Kwanchai knows what he's doing. The last place you want to be is in a shopping mall, boxed and cornered with a few dozen rounds of tear gas hurling through the windows.

Maybe General 'Seh' Deang didn't teach him anything after all.

:) I wonder what way Condo Security guards will swing if it gets to civil war....lots of farangs living in expensive condos rely on these guys to protect them, will they?

You already know the answer to your question. It was quite rhetorical.

The answer is NO !!!!!!!

What you can in fact rely on is that when the reds come knockin' your friendly guard in will give you away. 100% bankable, guilt edged, guaranteed!

Chai khap. me farang yer khap. Farang yoo hong 123, 345, 678, 789, gor, 909 duay khap. khaa mort loei.

Kwanchai threatens to use Ratchaprasong malls as strongholds if troops come in /via @terryfrd

Thanks ede0024 for posting that.

I'm not sure Khun Kwanchai knows what he's doing. The last place you want to be is in a shopping mall, boxed and cornered with a few dozen rounds of tear gas hurling through the windows.

Maybe General 'Seh' Deang didn't teach him anything after all.

Do you have to tell them ????? :)

Abhisit is an honest man who has bent over backwards to avoid conflict yet the psychopathic leaders that manipulate the rank and file Red Shirt Brigade were and still are bent on extreme violence e and hatred from the start as their rhetoric so clearly showed and indeed still shows..

Twenty years here and Abhisit is the most progressive Prime minister to date willing to listen to all and his administration has implemented measures to assist the less well off in Thai society and indeed would have done more if it wasn't for the Red Shirt Brigaded actions to stall further measures as it was damaging thug Thaksin his family and their acolytes money stealing and law manipulation to yet further boost their fortunes at the expense of the majority.

The guy is an incompetent, irresponsible leader that has just brought the country to the edge of civil war, due to his impatience, frustration and unwillingness to show flexibility in negotiations. How much blood needs to be spilled under this idiots leadership before you tell him to resign ?

The blood lust on this forum is disgusting.

Wait. Are you talking about the person representing your avatar? Although I must admit he made reality tv somewhat entertaining.


I just watched a BBC video on the net and they interviewed an English guy who had joined the protesters and was with them in their camp - <deleted> now we have some idiot foreigner joining this rebellion - thats just what we need to turn the locals against the foreigners......who is this <deleted>?

I think his name is Richard Cranium :):D

Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple

The rules of using live fire which was so eloquently told to the CNN and BBC yesterday in English by the Abhisit goverment was no army will fire on the public unless

1.) They are in fear of there lives

2.) They see an armed red shirt

3.) they will fire in the air

The right after that nice interview BBC and CNN shows the army hiding behind walls firing indiscriminantly into the red shirts then they show the french guy who was shot fell to the ground and then shot while on the ground 2 more times, he was not armed was not thai but was obviously targeted by the military in addition 2 more journalists have been shot

I see it as nothing but cold blooded Murder killing unarmed people and if someone says he was holding a bamboo stick give me a break unless the guy was making a move with that stick toward a solgier the guy has no permission to shoot him from behind a wall.

just for your reference, check out this clip, that is another peaceful incident of civilians attracking military truck. perhaps you say it is an 'isolate'd incident' !

In that case they have every right to use deadly force to protect themselves

do you see the result of seizure of military vehicle in other part of the world ? simply the soldiers are allow to defend and to shoot, no excuse !

you can rewind the video and see the soldier just 'wai' to the civilians for peace ! SO, are these Thai soldiers are too kind, or the government is too kind ?

I don't see your point of 'Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple' ?

Lets look at Saeh deng

COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple whether he was a nut or not you cant assasinate your political opponants and to make it worse done in front on the worlds press no less

Do you think anyone in the outside world believes the goverment when they said they had nothing to do with it when all the news channles are showing thai army firing indiscrminaltey into civilians


Abhasit has from day one wanted to handle this peacefully and the red shirts with their black mafia thugs have wanted nothing else but violence , they are on Thaksin's payroll and their aim is to over throw the goverment and let criminal thaksin back in.

Abhisit could have saved this country if they listened to him and accepted him as a decent leader but unfortunately there is one word CORRUPTION he wants to rule out it but its impossible when dealing with uneducated thugs unless the army and police will take orders , but there are so many problems in their ranks and again to much CORRUPTION.


I have already stated that e Violence is gearing to Violence. With a large part of the population supporting the Red Shirts and geographically designated, in the coming hours we have a high probability of Civil war starting, the Country divided in two parts, the Institutions already fragile bursting.

If not, it will end in a massacre. Who will win? I am not a fortune teller.

As human being, it is wiser to stop everything by announcing elections immediately and give back power to People. Today the risk to fraction the Country are huge: it is the responsability of a state man to understand this and avoid the worst.

Peace not war or massacre

You should choose red to write your posts - do you really think this mob and especially their leaders show any qualifications to lead this country ???? you are probably hoping for Thaksin's return and lots of rewards for anyone who supported him - basically you are a traitor to Thailand

Please, does this help to bring back peace? He has an opinion, I do agree it's not a good solution, but you shouldn't jump to him with the a "Traitor!" cry. Violence begets violence and extremism begets extremism, once extremism becomes the norm there's no chance of a peaceful resolution, it's either one side destroy the other or they both bleed each other to death. As responsible people (I know... :) ) we should set an example of supporting different opinions without demonizing the other party.

i think its got to the point where one side needs to win; and i hope that side is the government.

The reds have brought this on themselves by being so unreasonable and not accepting a compromise.

the leaders at a regional level need taking out aswell so when the next ellection is held it can be peaceful and equaly contested. No good having an ellection when half the country is under threat of bomb attacks and intimdation by red mob.


Why don't we just chop up Thailand? Everything north of Chai Nat can be called Thailand and Chiangmai as the capital and everything south be called Siam and Bangkok as capital. Reds in the North Yellow in the south problem solved the only problem is then the farangs will have nothing to bitch and fight about.


The situation is like that in Gaza. Protestors with stones and slingshots get killed by indiscriminate fire. The claims of the government that the reds have weapons (real ones) are ridiculous. Not one soldier in hospital, while to official figures of CRES say 16 killed 141 injured. Abhisit has turned in the Suchinda II cabinet.

The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

Kwanchai threatens to use Ratchaprasong malls as strongholds if troops come i

'Tis the lure of McDonalds and the promise of wholesale looting to boot.

Not the best site to defend from a strategic point of view.

Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

So thats every single red or just the hardcore ones like yellows, muslims, yanks etc etc

I am not a red nor yellow just a simple farang that lives in bangkok btw. I cant choose a colour as its not my business.

This is a terrible time for all thais and maybe farang thai wannabees jingthing :)

What are you talking about? Where does muslims and Yanks fit into this? Also what do you mean by your statement "farang thai wannabees"

you dont know how to use the word ex-pat instead of farang or are you becoming a thai wannabee?

I have been around a couple riots and those such as the Rodney King Riots in LA were nothing to do with the police, justice or Rodney King. Sure they may have started that way but there is always a certain element of society that just wants to cause chaos, hurt authority or prosper from these types of things.

I really suspect a large number of the red mob are simply there to cause havoc and have seized this opportunity to act out.

And then they got hurt and say that the authoritie are targetting "innocent people"


From The Nation

Weng calls on reporters to return to Rajprasong

Weng Tojirakarn Saturday morning called on reporters to return to cover the demonstration at Rajprasong.

He said no reporters turned up at the rally stage apparently because their editorials did not allow them to cover the demonstration.

Weng said red-shirt guards would provide protection to reporters.

The no-show of reporters indicated that troops were about to suppress protesters at Rajprasong, weng said.

Please come and film us! Our human shield of women and children is far less effective without cameras present. We guarantee you protection (just as we did for Seh Daeng).

Abhisit is such an idiot.

He knew exactly what would result if he used force. Congratulations Abhisit, now you have it :)

He should have stuck to negotiations.

Abhisit is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

RH I think you must have been on a long journey and just returned. The reds are the ones who ended the negotiations and refused to return to the table.

use the 'find and replace' command, then find = Abhisit and replace = red shits :D

Three or four residents of Bon Kai community near Lumpini Boxing Stadium were shot and injured by unidentified snipers Saturday morning, TNN reported.

The station said the snipers might be hiding on a deserted building on the side of the boxing stadium.

The residents were shot at their chest and were rushed to a hospital.

The Nation

Natthawut did state clearly yesterday that Bangkok would be unleashed with a nightmare. Looks as though he held true to his word.

Innocent civilians now.

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