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MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

TAN Network: Democrat Spokesperson: UDD's statement that govt must choose between people and the PM's position is deemed a threat.

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THE NAION: Army: the 7-step is still on. "light -harsh" measures being taken because "most' of protesters R Thais.

THE NATION: Army: We have added a permission 2 use live bullets in ths operatyion but only 4 self-defence .

THE NATION: Army: Protesters try to make the picture look like govt out of control, creating chaos in the city.


THE NATION: Army: When there are losses, then they will condemn us and decrese our legitimacy.

TAN Network: Nuttawut: the situation is uncontrollable because UDD's spreading out and newcoming protesters cannot get in the sites.

THE NATION: CRES: Troops only using rifles, not grenades, RPG or M79.

THE NATION: Basically, CRES announcement has nothing new.


THE NATION: Army: Violent attacks by warfare weapon like M79 were aimed at soldiers and civilians but troops only use rifles - no M79 or RPG grenades.

THE NATION: Army: 18 times that troops were attacked by M79 grenades.


THE NATION: Army: Armed force hide behind the mass and attack the troops. (they use the innocent mass as a sheild).

MCOTEnglishnews: Red Shirt Rama IV tyre pyre flames spread to 2-storey building in Bon Kai area; firefighters attempt to control blaze


THE NATION: Army: We spotted 10-15 "black-shirt" armed men approaching the troops at Din Daeng. The troops will always stick to CRES code of conducts.

@RichardBarrow: I think the news release from Erawan Center via MCOT of "3 foreigners killed" should read "3 foreigners injured".


THE NATION: Army: detailed operation of yesterday. - CRES has received the report of 'armed force" inside Lumpini Park fighting with each other.

THE NATION: Very detailed of each spot operation but I will sum up if something interesting.


Natthawut demands govt to cease fire immediately

Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, Saturday demanded that the government must immediately order troops to stop firing at the people and must immediately pull out troops.

Telling at a press conference at 1 pm, Natthawut said clashes happened because the government deployed troops to block red-shirt people from joining the protest at Rajprasong.

He said the blockade infuriated the protesters so the red-shirt leaders could not control them.

The clashes caused at least 17 people to be killed, Natthawut said.


-- The Nation 2010-05-15



TAN Network: Airport of Thailand tripled security measures. Flight takers are advised to closely study routes and reach the airport 3 hrs prior to flight


THE NATION: Food supplies such as chili and fermented fish are seen delivered to Rajprasong protest site, a residence ar there reports.

THE NATION: CRES announcement just eneded. What CRES should be worried is that #redshirts call ppl. via its FB and other media.


THE NATION: More ppl. will arrv at Rajprasong as #redshirt call more protesters 2 support Rajprasong rally - reportedly looking 4 more food supplies.

THE NATION: RT @noppatjak: (15:52) At Phue Thai Party; Police ask a group of protesters not to walk to Rajprasong. http://tweetphoto.com/22492942

SkyNewsBreak: AP: The Thai army has designated an area in Bangkok as a "live firing zone" in a warning to protesters.


THE NATION: CRES is on TV pool. Sathit is speaking and on his side is Panitan. guess English version will b available.

THE NATION: CRES is on TV (not live). The essence of the announcement was more or less the same as ystrday.

THE NATION: Satit accuses red militants of using heavy weapons against troops.

THE NATION: "this is selfishness of Thaksin Shinawatra and some red leaders who exploit red protesters for personal gains," said Satit.

THE NATION: roadmap failed because selfish demands that had nothing to do with the proclaimed red cause, satit said.

THE NATION: Satit uses term "heavy weapons" several times.


THE NATION: Sathit: Thaksin proposal 1) cease fire = "this is misleading because the violence happened from armed redshirts." -- con't

THE NATION: Sathit: 2) lift SOE - Sathit: "This could be done surefly if Khun Thaksin told all leaders to stop the rally."

THE NATION: Panitan: 6,000 reds at Rajprason, surounding areas last night.


THE NATION: Panitan: there were clashes. M79, guns were used against troops

@bangkokpundit: Panitan: Situation changed last night. Protesters clashed with army last night. Many had guns & M79 grenade launchers

THE NATION: Panitan: more protesters, motorcyclists were mobilized through various communications means.

THE NATION: Panitan: CRES is adjusting strategy today.


THE NATION: Panitan: 16 M79 rounds hit several spots last night.

@Bankokpundit: Panitan: There is one injured soldier [bP: Panitan is speed reading so hard to translate what he is saying]

THE NATION: Panitan: 17 people killed and 140 injured.

@RichardBarrow: Fighting seems to be continuing on Rama IV Rd. from Sala Daeng to Bon Kai and up at Din Daeng-Ratchaprarop Rd.


ThaivisaNews: Traffic warning: Red-Shirts marshal 100 taxis, motorcycles to block Din Daeng Rd; traffic to Victory Monument and Vibhavadi Rd paralysed


THE NATION: Nation photographer Chaiwat ws shot in Din Daeng.

THE NATION: Confirm. Chaiwat Pumpuang, Nation photographer, is shot in his leg. He has been sent to the hospital.


CRES announcement condemns UDD and declares the situation still under control.

The Centre for the Resolutions and Emergency Situation, in its latest, announcement, has condemned the UDD for using heavy arms and using human shield to fend off troops. The government also condemns the Pheu Thai Party for distorting facts that the government is the one instigating casualties and its move to issue the letter containing distorting facts to the United Nations. CRES maintains that the government still has the situation under control. CRES will be holding press conference and issuing announcements and clarifications to foreign press and foreign embassies in Bangkok throughout the day. Earlier, CRES clarified that troops are using only rifles, not grenades, RPG or M79.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-15



Thaivisa Member: I live about 100m from the Ratawithi, Rajaparop, Asok-Ding Dang junction. Been lot of "noise" (firecrackers, guns, some larger explosions) going on here for the last 30-45 min or so...


More Phuket 'reds' to Bangkok


Protesters at the Saladaeng Intersection set fire to tires, put Molotov cocktails inside, and then rolled them over to Army troops yesterday.

PHUKET: -- More Phuket people are joining the red shirt protest in Bangkok, one of the leaders of the Phuket United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) told the Gazette today.

“At the beginning, more than 400 people from Phuket had come to join the protest. Before last night’s fighting, about 100 were left,” Phuket red shirt leader Wisut ‘Ae Inside’ Tangwittayaporn said.

But following last night’s clashes, more Phuket people were on their to Bangkok to join their red shirt comrades, Mr Wisut insists.

“I just got back from the fighting at Bonkai this morning. We are staying at three different points – at Ratchaprasong, Bonkai and Din Daeng Junction. I’m doing well,” Mr Wisut said.

“None of us [from Phuket] were injured or killed in the fighting and we will stay until the protest is over.

“We’re not sure how many people came up from Phuket, as they separated and have been staying at the three points. Right now, I’m also trying to check exactly how many Phuket people are taking part so I will know who to check for if anything happens.

“I have been here since March 12. We have lots of food donated by people who keep sending it to us.

“Electricity, water and the telephone systems are all still working. The government announced it would cut off the electricity, water and cell phone signals as they do not want more people to join the protest, but that hasn't happened yet.”


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-05-15



TAN Network: Multicolour group calls for Govt to separate UDD who use force and who don't. The former can be physically deterred, the rest can go home.


Nation senior photographer shot at his leg in Rajprarob area

Nation photographer Chaiwat Pumpung is among five people injured as troops clash with red shirts protesters in Rajprarob area Saturday.

Chaiwat, a senior photographer, was shot at his leg.


-- The Nation 2010-05-15



MCOT: US Embassy offers evacuation of families of staff in volatile Bangkok, issues travel warning advising American citizens to stay away: AP


Ten trucks of troop dispatched to Din Daeng, Rajprarop

At 4:30 pm Saturday, over ten trucks of fully-armed troops left Kiakkai area heading to Si Ayutthaya Intersection.

They are believed to be dispatched to reinforce troops at the Din Daeng Intersection and Rajprasong Road.


-- The Nation 2010-05-15



Australian tourist captures two snipers on Charn Isara Tower on video

An Australian tourist handed over a copy of video clip of two men appearing like snipers on Charn Isara Tower opposite from Chulalongkorn Hospital.

The tourist gave the copy to reporters at 4:10 am.

The feed showed two men staying together with one man using a telescope to check movements down below.

The tourist said he saw red-shirt guards pointing at the building so he looked up and saw the two men and shot the clip.


-- The Nation 2010-05-15



TAN Network: Army affirms its operations are in accordance with CRES, saying 4 causes of casualties point to use of heavy arm and internal UDD commotion.

MCOTEnglishnews: Gunfire, grenades heard continuously at Ratchaprarob; unknown number wounded by M79 grenade at Ban Kai area, emergency workers cannot access

ThaivisaNews: Australian tourist hands over video of snipers on Charn Isara Tower http://bit.ly/db9sQ1 /Via @nationnews


TAN Network: RT @ suthichai Troops have put down the "live bullet zone" banner in Rajprarob in fear of exagerating violence image. #Warakorn_NBC

nationnews: One Vajira rescue person was shot in the head while trying to rescue an injured man along Ngam Dupli Corner

ThavisaNews: Reds cheer everytime a truck with Tyres arrives at Bon Kai. Huge smoke and fire already. http://twitpic.com/1nyly5 /via @freakingcat

ThaivisaNews: More trucks with tyres arriving, crowd cheering. Within 30 minutes, about 20 trucks arrived! http://twitpic.com/1nynb9 /via @freakingcat

ThaivisaNews: Parents with their kid under Expressway at Khlong Toei watching the battle, tyres burning. http://twitpic.com/1nyn3n /via @freakingcat

ThaivsaNews: Ambulances coming out with sirens from Bon Kai. First rumors that the medic had been shot! http://twitpic.com/1nynpo


Military sniper takes down armed red-shirt protest at Bon Kai

At 5 pm, a military sniper shot down an armed red-shirt protester who was on top of a building opposite from the bunker of the troops in front of the Bon Kai community on Rama IV Road.

The military sniper spotted the protester carrying a gun on the opposite building so he fired at the man, sending him down immediately.

The exchange of gunfire between the two sides continued. An M79 grenade was fire at the bunker but it fell 50 metres short.


-- The Nation 2010-05-15


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