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Journalists in firing line in Thai clashes

by Daniel Rook

BANGKOK (AFP) -- One journalist has been shot dead and several more wounded in the Thai capital since anti-government protests broke out in March, underscoring the dangers facing media covering the chaotic clashes.

Three journalists suffered gunshot wounds Friday while covering the latest explosion of violence in Bangkok, where troops opened fire during a tense confrontation with "Red Shirt" demonstrators in the heart of the city.

Nelson Rand, a television reporter with France 24, was hit by three bullets and seriously injured, his network reported.

"One hit his leg, one his torso and another his wrist, which has multiple fractures. The doctors say his condition is now stable but that he was gravely wounded," Rand's colleague Cyril Payen said on air.

A photographer with the Thai newspaper Matichon was also shot in the leg during Friday's clashes, as was a cameraman with Voice-TV, a cable television station owned by the family of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Hiro Muramoto, a Japanese cameraman with the Thomson Reuters news agency, was shot and killed covering an unsuccessful military operation on April 10 to clear an area of the capital that left a total of 25 people dead.

Journalists have been a visible presence on the streets of the capital since the opposition "Red Shirts" began their mass protests in mid-March in a campaign to topple a government they see as undemocratic.

While some are war-hardened foreign correspondents wearing flak jackets and helmets, others have little protection.

Alongside professionals, tourists and amateur photographers have often been seen taking pictures of the protests -- a sign, perhaps, of the growing role of "citizen journalism" relaying news through blogs and online forums.

After three members of the press were wounded within just a few hours Friday, the media watchdog Reporters Without Borders called on the army and the protesters "to guarantee the safety of the journalists" in the capital.

"The confusion reigning in various parts of Bangkok does not suffice to explain the shooting injuries sustained by several Thai and foreign journalists since April," it said in a statement.

"Both camps must comply fully with the requirements of international law, according to which journalists cannot be military targets," it added.

On Thursday night, a renegade army general allied to the Red Shirts was shot in the head and gravely wounded while he gave an interview to a foreign newspaper reporter, Thomas Fuller of the International Herald Tribune.

"I was facing him, he was answering my questions, looking at me and the bullet hit him in the forehead, from what I could tell," Fuller told CNN.

"It looks like the bullet came over my head and struck him. I don't have any way of confirming this beyond what I remember from the scene but it felt like it grazed my head," he added.

Supporters of Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known by his nickname "Seh Daeng", said he was targeted by a sniper.

The army, which had warned Thursday it would deploy marksmen around the Reds' protest site, denied any involvement in the shooting.

Satit Wongnongtoey, minister attached to the prime minister's office, urged media to "clearly identify themselves" while covering the violent and unpredictable unrest, which has left at least 16 dead and 141 injured.

"Cameramen are easily targeted by armed persons and face high risks as they work in the middle of the authorities and protesters. Media should be stationed at one place while they are covering a story, not walking around."

Many reporters wear green armbands issued by the Thai Journalists Association near the rally site, which they can freely enter.

Their blog posts -- relaying a steady stream of reports of gunfire and protesters hurt or killed -- illustrate the chaotic situation on the ground.

"Just back in office after crazy afternoon to edit TV piece. Snapper told me a protester was shot in the head near our petrol station stop," BBC correspondent Alastair Leithead wrote on Twitter.

"Lots of bullets and big bangs -- even more confusing in the darkness," he added later.

"Another deadly day for my courageous colleagues. Three journalists injured," wrote Andrew Marshall, a reporter for Time Magazine.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-15

Published with written approval from AFP.


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NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire


I wish him a quick recovery.

He is the English speaking correspondent of France24 who broadcast 24/7 in French, English and Arabic,

giving us always neutral and accurate news.


blah blah blah please at least get the facts,the army does not use trained monkees

and its called front line reporting for a reason,or is this gonna be another poor reds troll fest

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

Get back to reality. The reds laid siege, they have held the city to hostage for months, and say they will fight to the death! The govt has stood by whilst public property has been destroyed, the financial aspects of the country are ruined, the business people within the sieged area have been confronted and assaulted verbally to comply with the red 'demands' and you think the soldiers are Abhisit monkeys? Suggest you pull your head in before it too gets shot off.

The media who wish to cover such events know the risks. They can wear complete body protection but if they choose not to - som num na. What - you think a green armband can be seen in darkness or when a hail of bullets are flying in daylight? More fool the journo for being in the line of fire. There are ways to reduce the risks of this type of reporting, use of long lenses etc., and I know as I am in the game!

But your comments calling soldiers monkeys - is way out of line. Have a look at the reds, even the baby boy waving at camera on the CNN report - is that an example of responsible parenting - taking a child into inevitable harms way? Think you need your head read as to who is what. :)


what appears to be soldiers firing live rounds may not be so it could be blanks they are using to scare the peaceful red shirt protesters

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

The hospital reported he was SHOT 3 times once in the leg once in the midrift and one in the wrist 2 of those bullets hit him as he lay calling for help.

No shrapnel he was targeted on the ground Period

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

What about rules of engagement

Bullshit right

But your comments calling soldiers monkeys - is way out of line. Have a look at the reds, even the baby boy waving at camera on the CNN report - is that an example of responsible parenting - taking a child into inevitable harms way? Think you need your head read as to who is what. :)


I was calling Abhisits press guy who went on TV to tell the world the engagement rules a monkey as right after even the BBC quoted it did not seem they were sticking to what he said

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

Right now, the media is posing a problem for the Army to identify. They are standing in the middle of groups of Reds who are wearing multi colored shirts that are involved in firefights. The soldiers can't take the time to discriminate between one person with a small green arm band in the middle of a firefight.

Remember, these green arm bands were given to the media by the Reds when things for the most part were peaceful. This is their only identification as some of the Reds are filming as well. Best the media take up positions in buildings and do the best they can from these vantage points.

At the same time, Kwanchai has been on the Red stage yelling that the media only reports <deleted> and should get out (some have stayed and are reporting live from the stage now).

But your comments calling soldiers monkeys - is way out of line. Have a look at the reds, even the baby boy waving at camera on the CNN report - is that an example of responsible parenting - taking a child into inevitable harms way? Think you need your head read as to who is what. :)


I was calling Abhisits press guy who went on TV to tell the world the engagement rules a monkey as right after even the BBC quoted it did not seem they were sticking to what he said

No one being shot at, missile'd or on the receiving end of bits of concrete or marble from sling shots will adhere to any order of 'rules of engagement'. Self defense and attack are paramount for survival. If any civilian is carrying a weapon, they are a threat and now a target.

But check the background on your 'reporter' incident as he was last week praising the reds calling their movement a Red 'Bastille' Revolution for Thailand so as a sympathizer and within their ranks, now he calls foul about getting shot! He got what he deserved.

The edict is clear and the reds have been continually warned - you stay you may get shot so now they all discard their red shirts like the cowards and thugs they are, and are acting without care or reservation and care nought about any member of the public, Thai or Farang and will shoot, maim and kill, destroy private and public property without remorse in the name of their brainwashed ideals of 'democracy' What a crock of crap.

I concur with the Govt- they (the Reds) have had their chance, they walked from the reconcilliation process and now they are on the receiving end of what they asked for. Let the journo's cover it as they see it and report it unbiased unlike the Canadian French speaking lunatic. Let the Govt take them down and the next two days will prove that - but you already know the constant diatribe and deliberate misinformation from both sides is not to be believed. But do you refer to the red stages stooges as monkeys too? Horses for courses.

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

What about rules of engagement

Bullshit right

The rules of engagement (yesterday) were to use live ammo against the reds in self defence.

This journalist got caught in a fire fight between the army and the reds.


The reporter I seen on CNN yesterday that got wounded was wearing black T shirt and pants had black hair with large black sunglasses not the best attire to make you stand out from the terrorist garb.

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

Right now, the media is posing a problem for the Army to identify. They are standing in the middle of groups of Reds who are wearing multi colored shirts that are involved in firefights. The soldiers can't take the time to discriminate between one person with a small green arm band in the middle of a firefight.

Remember, these green arm bands were given to the media by the Reds when things for the most part were peaceful. This is their only identification as some of the Reds are filming as well. Best the media take up positions in buildings and do the best they can from these vantage points.

At the same time, Kwanchai has been on the Red stage yelling that the media only reports <deleted> and should get out (some have stayed and are reporting live from the stage now).

Ok answer this the french guy that was shot where was the red shirts with weapons in that picture I did not see anyone armed or a threat to any army personel

all the red shirt have to do if you do if they dont want to see anymore deaths is obey the law

and be supressed again until this goverment decides to hold an election where the people can choose a leader lets face it that what its all about they just want it right now which I agree is not realistic

But your comments calling soldiers monkeys - is way out of line. Have a look at the reds, even the baby boy waving at camera on the CNN report - is that an example of responsible parenting - taking a child into inevitable harms way? Think you need your head read as to who is what. :)


I was calling Abhisits press guy who went on TV to tell the world the engagement rules a monkey as right after even the BBC quoted it did not seem they were sticking to what he said

In a war, they usually don't. The government says what they are supposed to and the people on the ground in the middle of firefights do their jobs.

BTW, for the record, the Red core leaders on the stage are no longer in control outside of the Red zone. While they continue to call for reinforcements from upcountry, and try to keep the people in Red zone calm, they only have limited information on what is going on outside of the Red zone. You don't see any of the Red leaders you normally hear about outside of the Red zone.


...Maybe the tHAI soldier is just pissed off with "farang involvement" so assumed he was one of those "water buffalo" farangs that waS part of the protesters. In my opinion he soldiers don't seem to have a lot of anger to shoot the Red hothead "thugs" so maybe this was a case of "anger management". If I was a reporter, I would certain;u wear the appropriate clothes and the ID arm band.

The reporter I seen on CNN yesterday that got wounded was wearing black T shirt and pants had black hair with large black sunglasses not the best attire to make you stand out from the terrorist garb.

So true! You dress like a red shirt guard and wonder why the army shot you?

I do hope he has a speedy recovery and has a good think about next time maybe wearing something that distinguishes a bit better. Another reporter Dan Rivers, at least he stands out, flack jacket, helmet, etc.

I agree with another posters comment, many reporters putting themselves in a dangerous situation all in the quest of getting a good photo or story. They are fully aware they are doing that, if they are not then they are in the wrong profession.

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

Soldier do theyr job? Really?

Good job shoot to everybody in front of them whitout problem, what you say we they will shoot at women or child?


PS: if happen i will remember to you ok?

No one being shot at, missile'd or on the receiving end of bits of concrete or marble from sling shots will adhere to any order of 'rules of engagement'. Self defense and attack are paramount for survival. If any civilian is carrying a weapon, they are a threat and now a target.

But check the background on your 'reporter' incident as he was last week praising the reds calling their movement a Red 'Bastille' Revolution for Thailand so as a sympathizer and within their ranks, now he calls foul about getting shot! He got what he deserved.

An unarmed reporter.. Got "what he deserved' by being shot multiple times..

Unreal !!

No one being shot at, missile'd or on the receiving end of bits of concrete or marble from sling shots will adhere to any order of 'rules of engagement'. Self defense and attack are paramount for survival. If any civilian is carrying a weapon, they are a threat and now a target.

But check the background on your 'reporter' incident as he was last week praising the reds calling their movement a Red 'Bastille' Revolution for Thailand so as a sympathizer and within their ranks, now he calls foul about getting shot! He got what he deserved.

An unarmed reporter.. Got "what he deserved' by being shot multiple times..

Unreal !!

They unreal because live in country they don't understand.

If look at real facts that all can agree even yellows.

Now, there is army on streets shooting and killing people. forget why, they are there so something is very very wrong with this government if people are prepare to die to get rid of it.

So idiots can forget about thaksin paying them all. is only propaganda

FACT, Army are on streets!

NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

Soldier do theyr job? Really?

Good job shoot to everybody in front of them whitout problem, what you say we they will shoot at women or child?


PS: if happen i will remember to you ok?

You are quickly forgetting the guy driving the van with a women and child in it tried to drive right through a check point. These check points are well lit. Maybe he was scared or maybe he didn't see it or maybe he was drunk. Nobody knows. It is just a sad, sad situation, but not to be politicized.

The hospital reported he was SHOT 3 times once n the leg once in the midrift and one in the wrist 2 of those bullets hit him as he lay calling for help.

Before you go getting upset about it, how do you know he wasn't shot by reds? They've shot plenty of other people.

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