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Three More Dead In Fresh Bangkok Violence


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Yes, sadly, the red Thaksinistas left the government with no real choice except for a definitive crackdown on their violent insurrection. God knows they tried to avoid this, but enough is enough.

Please shut off your keyboard and go back to your homeland. Maybe there they will appreciate your insanity.

ahhhh the truth does hurt, doesn't it ? especially if you can not argue against a post - suggest you go and have a bowl of som tam with your red friends and talk about how Thaksin is such a great leader and how much money you are all going to get after you win ..... :)

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I hope the army will take care of the situation now .

Even if they have to kill 1000 redshirts .

This is crazy. If you want to see people killed try Burma or zimbabwe. Shut off your keyboard and return to your homeland. Destroy it if you please.

Most foreigners either support or understand the need of ANY government to attempt to restore basic civil order against a violent, insurgent force. In Thailand's case, that force is the reds. Nobody wants to see people killed excepting very sick people. If the reds surrender and drop their weapons, nobody gets hurt, get it?

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Yes, the red leaders have too much to lose if they lose, so they will stop at nothing to win. This makes them very desperate and very dangerous. I don't think the government can give them amnesty after what they have done, but perhaps a back door deal with a foreign government (Montenegro?) could be arranged so that they can flee Thailand like their fugitive leader Thaksin. That would be very calming, if all the red insurgent leaders fled Thailand.

I think most reasonable people would accept banishment in place of prison for the leaders if that meant peace could be restored to the country. The problem, of course, is believing that they wouldn't sit over in Montenegro with their master and cause even more problems. It sounds like you have described a possible deal given to Thaksin, and look where that got us.

I don't know what the answer is, but I know the red shirt leaders have to be silenced and they must be silenced permanently. They are an obstacle to reconciliation, and you are correct, they have way too much to lose now.

This is a very dangerous group of people. I would feel more confident if all the moderates like Veera had not fled the scene. I shudder to think at what atrocities the current group of red leaders are going to inflict on this country.

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Holding the city hostage for 2 months is just idiotic.

You're right.

But well, what should they do to make things change?

Having elections does not seem to work.

Or maybe things should not change in Thailand.

And I'm all for the status quo, good for business.

No, I think all the reds should move to Burma..and let the govt there deal with them in a "peaceful" manner because this is what they want.

In Burma, they will last for 2 days instead of 2 months.

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And this is the red shirts' peaceful means....

I don't know what the lady reporting the footage is saying - but a possible interpretation of what is seen could be quite different: yes there are clearly angry people here (and mob rule breaks out in the clouting that one of the soldiers receives...) I guess some of the crowd would have been angry with that particular soldier for holding on to his weapon? Not saying it's right, but maybe they felt their lives were at risk with a gun pointed their way? Fear also makes people aggressive. We hear a gunshot, but I see no evidence of wounding - maybe that older soldier had a heartattack? The gunshot might have been aimed to disperse the crowd? Which it does.. The medic arrives very quickly and there is urgency getting him to an ambulance: none of those things suggest a callous mob. This is very much like the saddening images posted earlier of bodies on the street. We don't get the full picture. Too many people on this site are looking for villains in a sad conflict that will have only losers on both sides.

What a shame this forum has so few voices appealing for calm, peace, renegotiation. It is never too late!

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Dont really think its a joking matter mate, if your not joking then you are ignorant. I am ex-miliatary and i can tell you from personal experience Ketchup wouldnt look anything like that and it doesnt run/flow. Whats in the picture looks real to me and very sad for Thailand. I dont support the reds and i want them gone. But i dont want poor thai farmers slaughtered on the streets, and i wouldnt glory in it either.

Agree with all you said except poor thai farmers being slaughtered.

These thugs aren't innocent farmers.

Guys be realistic - 6 bodies according to the reds shot by the army - the army uses rifles not small hand guns - none of the bodies shows either an entry wound nor an exit wound - come on and if you get hit by a rifle bullet you fall back or to the front if shot in the back - the entry wound will almost always be visible and certainly with 6 people

The ketchup, well placed can look like blood from a distance

You are one pathetic mother fuc_ker.

No one is saying 6 dead, get it!

1 dead 5 run away.

1 exit wound, 1 pool of blood on the street!!!!!

Who shot and why we dont know, but stop this pathetic staged picture rubbish.

may I return the compliment the picture shows six bodies lying on the street and the indication was that they had been shot - so go back to your beer

Edited by BKjohn
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<<"The current situation is almost full civil war," said Jatuporn Prompan>> the first report says.

Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok.

Indeed he is an idiot. An illiterate Red too. Probably passed mathayom level with the teachers closing their eyes on what his future will be ---- A MORON and a TERRORIST.

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Dont really think its a joking matter mate, if your not joking then you are ignorant. I am ex-miliatary and i can tell you from personal experience Ketchup wouldnt look anything like that and it doesnt run/flow. Whats in the picture looks real to me and very sad for Thailand. I dont support the reds and i want them gone. But i dont want poor thai farmers slaughtered on the streets, and i wouldnt glory in it either.

Agree with all you said except poor thai farmers being slaughtered.

These thugs aren't innocent farmers.

Guys be realistic - 6 bodies according to the reds shot by the army - the army uses rifles not small hand guns - none of the bodies shows either an entry wound nor an exit wound - come on and if you get hit by a rifle bullet you fall back or to the front if shot in the back - the entry wound will almost always be visible and certainly with 6 people

The ketchup, well placed can look like blood from a distance

You are one pathetic mother fuc_ker.

No one is saying 6 dead, get it!

1 dead 5 run away.

1 exit wound, 1 pool of blood on the street!!!!!

Who shot and why we dont know, but stop this pathetic staged picture rubbish.


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I encourage everyone to look up kriangkrai77's channel on youtube and observe two soldiers dragged from their vehicle and shot... not in self defense but simply executed. There is little doubt these are Thaksin's paid goons and nothing more. Sad events for Thailand. I hope Thaksin is enjoying his fine wine and women in Dubai.

There is a good video there of black shirts with guns too.

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If the Reds want political reform they should go through the correct channels.

You mean elections? :)

Exactly. Elections. When they are duefully scheduled and not before, just because an unruly brainless mob demands it. It is not in their right or power to make any such demand. Any more than it was in my right to throw out Geo "Dubya" Bush because he was appointed by the Supreme Court. Millions of people hated him (and still do) but you didn't see this kind of asinine behavior grow out of it. Sorry, just because you don't like who's in office does NOT give you the right to take a city hostage. It doesn't work that way. You WAIT until the next election or be dealt with severely.

Hummm, interesting concept. Let's see, they HAD elections and the TRT party won and Thaksin became PM. They had another election, and guess what, TRT won by a LANDSLIDE, and Thaksin remained as PM. Ok, put aside the "corruption" issues, and all that other stuff, and just concentrate on the legalities of elections.

However, the Bangkok Elites and Military didn't like the way things were, so they had a coup. They didn't want to wait for elections, which they figured they would lose again, so hey, let's have a coupe and get rid of him.

After the coup, Gen. Sonthi, who lead it, was quoted in the international press as saying: "We had to have a coup because we couldn't find any way to democratically remove him." So much for democracy, right?

Also after the coup, Sondhi, who leads PAD, while giving a speech at a U.S. University, stated: "The coup was necessary because the "Old Bangkok Elite were losing their power and wanted it back", which is something he supported wholeheartedly. Remember, this is the man who also clearly stated more than once during the PAD Parties a little while back that the rural poor were "too stupid to vote", and that they shouldn't be allowed to vote. His idea of "democracy" is a parliament that is 70% "appointed", with only 30% elected. However, ONLY those who meet his educational and financial levels will be allowed to do the appointing and voting, which means that about 95% of Thais would have NO say-so in their government because they don't have college degrees and incomes of over a million baht a year minimum. Yeah, another shining example of democracy.

What's also "amusing" is that the agency which rated corruption for every country in the world now rates Thailand's government as MORE corrupt than when Thaksin was PM.

Bottom line: The Reds DID go through the "correct channels", but the BKK Elites and the military didn't like the outcome, so they changed it. Try brushing up on your history before you make comments that only show how ignorant and uninformed you are.

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


Did you see the guy get shot??

How do you know he wasnt armed?

Do you know anything about the circumstances??

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I have read a lot of crap from a lot of real winners and losers here in these threads and some super moderator gave me 3 days off from posting any more of my brilliant plans for saying how to STOP it all weeks ago...

So I cannot get that Nobel peace prize.. so what at least It would have save lives and stopped all this killing..

goin' fishin' tell when this is all over.. just send up my beacon..

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Yes, sadly, the red Thaksinistas left the government with no real choice except for a definitive crackdown on their violent insurrection. God knows they tried to avoid this, but enough is enough.

Please shut off your keyboard and go back to your homeland. Maybe there they will appreciate your insanity.

Do you ever post anything more than telling people to go home?

You've run out of red propaganda, so you just tell people that disagree with you to stop posting.

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If the Reds want political reform they should go through the correct channels.

You mean elections? :D

Exactly. Elections. When they are duefully scheduled and not before, just because an unruly brainless mob demands it. It is not in their right or power to make any such demand. Any more than it was in my right to throw out Geo "Dubya" Bush because he was appointed by the Supreme Court. Millions of people hated him (and still do) but you didn't see this kind of asinine behavior grow out of it. Sorry, just because you don't like who's in office does NOT give you the right to take a city hostage. It doesn't work that way. You WAIT until the next election or be dealt with severely.

Hummm, interesting concept. Let's see, they HAD elections and the TRT party won and Thaksin became PM. They had another election, and guess what, TRT won by a LANDSLIDE, and Thaksin remained as PM. Ok, put aside the "corruption" issues, and all that other stuff, and just concentrate on the legalities of elections.

However, the Bangkok Elites and Military didn't like the way things were, so they had a coup. They didn't want to wait for elections, which they figured they would lose again, so hey, let's have a coupe and get rid of him.

After the coup, Gen. Sonthi, who lead it, was quoted in the international press as saying: "We had to have a coup because we couldn't find any way to democratically remove him." So much for democracy, right?

Also after the coup, Sondhi, who leads PAD, while giving a speech at a U.S. University, stated: "The coup was necessary because the "Old Bangkok Elite were losing their power and wanted it back", which is something he supported wholeheartedly. Remember, this is the man who also clearly stated more than once during the PAD Parties a little while back that the rural poor were "too stupid to vote", and that they shouldn't be allowed to vote. His idea of "democracy" is a parliament that is 70% "appointed", with only 30% elected. However, ONLY those who meet his educational and financial levels will be allowed to do the appointing and voting, which means that about 95% of Thais would have NO say-so in their government because they don't have college degrees and incomes of over a million baht a year minimum. Yeah, another shining example of democracy.

What's also "amusing" is that the agency which rated corruption for every country in the world now rates Thailand's government as MORE corrupt than when Thaksin was PM.

Bottom line: The Reds DID go through the "correct channels", but the BKK Elites and the military didn't like the outcome, so they changed it. Try brushing up on your history before you make comments that only show how ignorant and uninformed you are.

You wouldn't be a red by any chance?

love when you say " lets leave the corruption issue by the side...." :) Thaksin was stealing the country blind and was attempting to get rid of any opposition - that's why the coup happened - your ignorant propaganda comments do not pull here - Abhisit had offered elections in November and this was not accepted by the real red leader Thaksin

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I hope the army will take care of the situation now .

Even if they have to kill 1000 redshirts .

This is crazy. If you want to see people killed try Burma or zimbabwe. Shut off your keyboard and return to your homeland. Destroy it if you please.

Most foreigners either support or understand the need of ANY government to attempt to restore basic civil order against a violent, insurgent force. In Thailand's case, that force is the reds. Nobody wants to see people killed excepting very sick people. If the reds surrender and drop their weapons, nobody gets hurt, get it?

Having read many of you inane posts proclaiming how you understand what is going on and anyone who disagrees with you is ill-informed I suspect that most people will recognize your self engrandizement for what it is. Your attempt to pump up your ego. Thailand would be far better off if you were to pack your bags and go try to insert your ego in someone else's internal problems.

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You wouldn't be a red by any chance?

love when you say " lets leave the corruption issue by the side...." :) Thaksin was stealing the country blind and was attempting to get rid of any opposition - that's why the coup happened - your ignorant propaganda comments do not pull here - Abhisit had offered elections in November and this was not accepted by the real red leader Thaksin

Unfortunately he is still doing it by trying to destroy what is left of Thailand

He is instigator of all of the violence at present moment. I wish he was her and would see the same faith as his army friend

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<<"The current situation is almost full civil war," said Jatuporn Prompan>> the first report says.

Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok.

Indeed he is an idiot. An illiterate Red too. Probably passed mathayom level with the teachers closing their eyes on what his future will be ---- A MORON and a TERRORIST.

I may be wrong but isnt this the guy who claimed a degree from a university in the Phillipines that was actuallly not in existence when he said he obtained it

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Hummm, interesting concept. Let's see, they HAD elections and the TRT party won and Thaksin became PM. They had another election, and guess what, TRT won by a LANDSLIDE, and Thaksin remained as PM. Ok, put aside the "corruption" issues, and all that other stuff, and just concentrate on the legalities of elections.

However, the Bangkok Elites and Military didn't like the way things were, so they had a coup. They didn't want to wait for elections, which they figured they would lose again, so hey, let's have a coupe and get rid of him.

After the coup, Gen. Sonthi, who lead it, was quoted in the international press as saying: "We had to have a coup because we couldn't find any way to democratically remove him." So much for democracy, right?

Also after the coup, Sondhi, who leads PAD, while giving a speech at a U.S. University, stated: "The coup was necessary because the "Old Bangkok Elite were losing their power and wanted it back", which is something he supported wholeheartedly. Remember, this is the man who also clearly stated more than once during the PAD Parties a little while back that the rural poor were "too stupid to vote", and that they shouldn't be allowed to vote. His idea of "democracy" is a parliament that is 70% "appointed", with only 30% elected. However, ONLY those who meet his educational and financial levels will be allowed to do the appointing and voting, which means that about 95% of Thais would have NO say-so in their government because they don't have college degrees and incomes of over a million baht a year minimum. Yeah, another shining example of democracy.

What's also "amusing" is that the agency which rated corruption for every country in the world now rates Thailand's government as MORE corrupt than when Thaksin was PM.

Bottom line: The Reds DID go through the "correct channels", but the BKK Elites and the military didn't like the outcome, so they changed it. Try brushing up on your history before you make comments that only show how ignorant and uninformed you are.

You (selectively) forget to mention the election that Thaksin called only a year after "TRT won by a LANDSLIDE" (after paying many smaller parties to join the TRT), and the fact that he couldn't win this election even without opposition (he did pay for some opposition to get around some of the constitutional rules), and that the election was invalidated by the Constitutional Court because of election irregularities by the Election Commission (which Thaksin controlled).

You also (selectively) forget to mention that at the time of the coup, Thaksin was only an APPOINTED CARE-TAKER PM, that had outstayed his constitutional welcome by not organising new election within 6 months of the failed 2006 elections.

Edited by whybother
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Dont really think its a joking matter mate, if your not joking then you are ignorant. I am ex-miliatary and i can tell you from personal experience Ketchup wouldnt look anything like that and it doesnt run/flow. Whats in the picture looks real to me and very sad for Thailand. I dont support the reds and i want them gone. But i dont want poor thai farmers slaughtered on the streets, and i wouldnt glory in it either.

Agree with all you said except poor thai farmers being slaughtered.

These thugs aren't innocent farmers.

Guys be realistic - 6 bodies according to the reds shot by the army - the army uses rifles not small hand guns - none of the bodies shows either an entry wound nor an exit wound - come on and if you get hit by a rifle bullet you fall back or to the front if shot in the back - the entry wound will almost always be visible and certainly with 6 people

The ketchup, well placed can look like blood from a distance

I still believe some of the people within that encampment are farmers brainwashed into Thaksins little power play. Its these people who will probably suffer the most. The thugs on the other hand are there, but i wasnt talking about them. As for GS entry and exit wounds a 5.56mm round is designed to roll in the body and cause maximum damage, but not necessarily kill. On a battle field the idea is this takes up the enemies time as they casevac wounded, rather than fighting on past their dead. Your half right, there is always an entry wound but not necessarily an exit wound. If the bullet does exit it can exit anywhere dependant on what major organs and bones slow it down and cause it to change direction. Therefore you can be shot from the front fall face down and have the bullet exit from the front before you even hit the floor. My comment above only related to the pic of the shot female. imho that one is real, and as i said ketchup doesnt run, thats why Hollywood uses sim blood. As for the others on the floor, could be staged who knows!!


The above link is a scientific ballistics report and backs up everything i have just said, there are numerous others if you want to google them, Thought id post a link before i am accused of being a fantasist!!!!

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I encourage everyone to look up kriangkrai77's channel on youtube and observe two soldiers dragged from their vehicle and shot... not in self defense but simply executed. There is little doubt these are Thaksin's paid goons and nothing more. Sad events for Thailand. I hope Thaksin is enjoying his fine wine and women in Dubai.

Just confirms what scum these red shirts are,

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A number of posts have been deleted. When you see a post that is clearly a flame and will get deleted, it's best not to quote from it, as your post will get deleted as well.

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Everyone would love a peaceful solution but it is quite obvious that this is not going to happen. The government have tried to offer solutions only for the red shirts leaders to keep changing their requirements under orders from their convict leader hiding in Montenegro. You cannot deal peacefully when one side of the argument will only accept conditions on their own terms....its no good putting your head in the ground and wishing for something that one side quite clearly does not want. The red shirt protestors left in Bangkok are not there to hold out the dove of peace its as simple as that.

Edited by eltelboy
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<<"The current situation is almost full civil war," said Jatuporn Prompan>> the first report says.

Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok.

Indeed he is an idiot. An illiterate Red too. Probably passed mathayom level with the teachers closing their eyes on what his future will be ---- A MORON and a TERRORIST.

Jatuporn is a Uni grad... or at least has a diploma,

and is a elected Minister of Parliament.

Which tells you how Topsey Truvey this place is.

Right out of The Mikado, but weirder

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His idea of "democracy" is a parliament that is 70% "appointed", with only 30% elected. However, ONLY those who meet his educational and financial levels will be allowed to do the appointing and voting

You know, I've always wanted to chime in on this subject (its been beaten to death before in this forum and I missed out back then) and you just gave me an opportunity. People here seem to think that just because some representatives are appointed that this would not be democracy. Well, this can only mean that the UK is not a democracy (which it technically isn't, BTW). I mean, the House of Lords is essentially exactly what Sondhi is suggesting, and I seem to remember only a few weeks back an announcement that only now, in 2010, is the UK finally considering abandoning the final vestiges of this practice in favour of a completely and popularly elected upper house.

I guess we all know that Thais are infinitely smarter than Brits, but lets be sensible. How many centuries did it take the UK to arrive at this momentous decision? The fact that Brits are slow is no reason to disparage the clearly much more intelligent Thais who are attempting to do the same thing in only a few decades.

There is nothing wrong with saying the rural Thais need guidance. The English nobility shepherded their population for centuries before the people grew up enough. Give the Thais the same chances given to the British.

Or does that scare you because then you know you couldn't easily buy their votes for your own nefarious purposes?

Sondhi may not be a great example of a human being, but his suggestions are immensely more practical than anything the square faced terrorist ever proposed. I shudder to think at the horrors we would endure if that execrable demagogue ever returned.

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<<"The current situation is almost full civil war," said Jatuporn Prompan>> the first report says.

Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok.

Indeed he is an idiot. An illiterate Red too. Probably passed mathayom level with the teachers closing their eyes on what his future will be ---- A MORON and a TERRORIST.

well, maybe the term war is subjective, but in 'nam and Iraq, even Bosnia,which was full blown war, there were often LESS casualties in the course of a each day than there has been the last three days.

Too bad Jatuporn says "we'll keep on fighting" which means: guilt recognition for violence, and it means they'll accept no peaceful solution. thats the sad part, all it would take is a negotiation. well he leaves no choice I guess.

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


The photo is fake, posed

the supposed dead are arranged in too orderly a posture,

with their arms tucked under them, all face down,

legs straight...

They need to teach their actors how to look like battle casualties.

Sorry, don't believe it.

Back to drama school

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quote "If Thailand had anything approaching an education system and a 1% aware of the world population this would not happen. SAdl;y, being unable to think for themselves, and having no knowledge to refer to, Thais believe what they are told."

I live in the epicentre of the encapment, next to Four Seasons Hotel, and frequently walk the length and breadth of the encampment. Although not in the last few days.

What is NOT there..I have never seen anyone reading a book or newspaper. All their info comes from what must be the largest speakers in the world, the volume is so great that the sound waves rattle the manhole covers.

Astonishingly this 24 hour blasting does not interfere with the sleep of the protesters on their beds of concrete.

Did not see any TV's, most will be missing the soaps I guess.

At one time a lecture was given in English about the ballistics of an RPG and a forensic explanation of how "we didn't fire it".

I hate to see people used, I'm certain the majority are hard working with hard lives, hoping for improvements, which are very unlikely to be forthcoming.

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