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Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

yada yada yada

you talk more sense here than normal.

nice now that courts get serious can look at photos of smug PAD in airport and jail them.

look for some of smug PAD in Army camp bunker with mark.

Big double standard again for all world to see..... but not you!

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tiananmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history beliveving nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

I do strongly agree with this poster... :)


Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

Don't get your reasoning behind this. You mention UK, so we can use that as an example. Do you really believe any UK government would put up with a gang of idiots (call them freedom fighters or terrorists, up to you) who would have tried to paralyse

the City of London for a month? Despite getting 3/4 of what they wanted from Abhisit , they still came up with more demands. Remember what happened at the Iranian Embassy after only a few days? HMG would have sent in the riot squad long before this


Another classic nugget who is not of a western opnion. Thai Visa should close membership to this forum as only a muppet would not realise that non westerners are here to influence and put their political crap on here. Lets hope no more "pleds" happen here. I would never suggest torture happened and people admitted guilt. Oh yes', they 'Pled guilty

Dickstracy joined when? This board has gone to the gutter.

Regardless if they committed any crime or not. They should have a right to an attourney or lawyer to hear their case. Well that's what happens in a democracy and a country with civil rights. But if this isn't a place why not put the in a concentration camp without any rights? I am hoping Thailand is better than that.

Lets not go backwards. Go forwards. This is not a detterent. The -ankers on here who support any colour would like to see the times of the middle ages, with hands chopped off and branding. If people do wrong by all means punish them. But at least give them a chance to express themselves and have a defence case. What has happened to everyone? Whatever your politics, don't forget your moral human compassion.

Do we know that they didn't?

Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

Many thais in England see to that.. promise

Don't get your reasoning behind this. You mention UK, so we can use that as an example. Do you really believe any UK government would put up with a gang of idiots (call them freedom fighters or terrorists, up to you) who would have tried to paralyse

the City of London for a month? Despite getting 3/4 of what they wanted from Abhisit , they still came up with more demands. Remember what happened at the Iranian Embassy after only a few days? HMG would have sent in the riot squad long before this

And you've forgotten Bloody Sunday in Londonderry!!

how many innocent did their army kill in just 1 hour??

Thai army threatens crackdown as three more die

by Anusak Konglang


Its society is deeply divided between the urban elite and rural poor.


Question for Anusak: If you repeat a lie enough times does it eventually become reality? :D:):D

No...but by repeating a lie enough times you can get the majority of people to believe in it. When the Iraq War started, 70% of the American population believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, despite that it was a known fact that he was not.

Pojaman paid about 20% above the appraisal value for the land she purchased in Ratchada. But by repeating over and over again that she paid one third of the book-value, the public was convinced that Thaksin must have used his power to manipulate the deal. And with the help of a politicized court, it has now pretty much become reality.

Amazing int it.

No PAD in jail.

Talk about double standards

Sentenced for breaking SOE

Tough break ... few less terrorists roaming the street for a few months .. no biggie

Uhm, the PAD violated state of emergency too. Are they in jail? Nope. On the contrary, one of their leaders got the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

Oh look. Someone can't take it that other people might have a different opinion. Wake up.

Pojaman paid about 20% above the appraisal value for the land she purchased in Ratchada. But by repeating over and over again that she paid one third of the book-value, the public was convinced that Thaksin must have used his power to manipulate the deal. And with the help of a politicized court, it has now pretty much become reality.

Interesting. I didn't know that. Will do some more digging on it. Thanks for the information! :)

Pojaman paid about 20% above the appraisal value for the land she purchased in Ratchada. But by repeating over and over again that she paid one third of the book-value, the public was convinced that Thaksin must have used his power to manipulate the deal. And with the help of a politicized court, it has now pretty much become reality.

I just found this article by TheNation:



Fund 'was not aware' it sold land plot for loss


Sale to former PM's wife was 'above the appraisal price'

The Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF), an arm of the Bank of Thailand, said it did not report its loss from a land sale on Ratchadaphisek Road in a report to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) because the AEC subcommittee had not informed the fund about the amount of the loss.

Chanchai Boonritchaisri, a senior director of the central bank's Legal and Litigation Department, said the fund could not figure out whether it had suffered any loss from the sale, because it had sold the land plot at a price higher than the appraisal price. Hence, it could cite the damage figure in the report only when it was informed of the figure by the AEC.

"The FIDF could not see where the loss occurred, but I didn't say there was no loss," he said.

Chanchai said other organisations might calculate appraisal prices differently than did the fund. The committee could inform the fund which standard the price should be referred to.

"We're ready to follow the AEC, but the committee will have to prove the loss in the court, because the fund will only report facts. I do not know whether the court will agree with the committee," he said.

The fund sold the land plot located at Rama IX Road to deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra's wife Pojaman for Bt772 million in 2003, higher than the appraisal price of about Bt700 million.

The AEC claims the fund lost money in the deal, because it had bought the land from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities for Bt2 billion in 1995.

An FIDF source said the fund had paid such a high price for the land plot so as to strengthen the company, which was facing liquidity problems. It was the cheapest way to keep the company afloat at the time. In addition, the market price at the time was high in keeping with a boom in the property sector.

Chanchai said the fund willingly gave a free hand to the AEC and would not give a dissenting opinion in order to avoid conflict.

On January 8, the AEC submitted its report to the Finance Ministry, which passed it on to the FIDF on January 10. The FIDF board convened on January 15 and sent back the report to file a complaint against the ousted premier and his wife.

On the complaint by FIDF lodged on January 16, the agency indicated that Thaksin and his wife had violated Article 100 of the Anti-Corruption Act and committed other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, Information and Communications Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyau-dom yesterday complained to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont during the Cabinet meeting that the AEC had threatened to press charges for dereliction of duty for not cooperating with it.

He said the AEC had threatened to use Article 157 for not lodging a complaint against suspects that the AEC found were involved in corruption cases it was investigating.

Sitthichai said several ministers did not understand the legal process and feared that if they named suspects in the complaints that they lodged, they might face defamation cases if the suspects were proved innocent.

"If we name anyone, won't they be defamed? We're not legal experts. We want someone to tell us what to do. The AEC has only eight months left in office," he said.

He revealed that in his ministry, there was corruption at the policy level that cost the state billions of baht, but officials could not bring corrupt ministers to justice, because permanent officials who followed the orders of ministers would also be held responsible.

Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjittha said there was no need to name suspects in the process of lodging a complaint. Surayud said he would reach an understanding with the AEC on the matter.

Anoma Srisukkasem

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

So effectively, Thaksin's wife paid MORE money than the land was appraised for, by the Bank of Thailand. Yet she and Thaksin are convicted of buying land for LESS than the actual value? Wow.

Talk about political witch-hunt. :)


All the talk the red shirts do about democracy. If there actions of the last few months is there idea of democracy we are in big trouble. The government should worry about educating the adults as well as the kids.

Have the red shirts said one word about all the people that can not work because the red shirts like a little kid want there way and are going to hold there breath till they get it.

How can you negotiate with people like that. They want the government to instantly call for a election. The government does not have to do that for 18 months but in the spirit of negotiations they change it to 6 months and it gets turned down. Scum

Now they have children and old people brought in so that they can say the government is shooting at children.

foreigners who know nothing about Thai people say how can they do that. If they knew anything about Thailand they would know that it is not uncommon for the poor people to sell there children into sex slavery.

In short when this all started I was on the side of the red shirts now I believe the army should stop what they are doing for two days bring in 50,000 troops go in and arrest the ones who are still there and if people get killed so be it. Thailand does not deserve what the red shirts are giving them. :)

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

The 10 year old boy was killed by soldiers?

The sentencing is very swift... any yellow shirts sentenced yet?

The lowest point in Thai history can not be reached... flat bottom plateau?

Let me see,... if the reds win, the sentences will be commuted, and the yellows will take their place. TIT. :)

Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!


Please please please... stop this foolish retoric... silly and completely out of today's reality

Sorry it offends you this truth.

today again demonstrates another arm of elite despot gov (the courts) doing all they can to help prop up abhisit.

very relavant to all but an ostrich.

Still a very good point. Can't see how this is a silly comment.

So, did the young boy die or survive? Very sad and condolince to his family.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

Oh look. Someone can't take it that other people might have a different opinion. Wake up.

What you did was making a liars statement, not giving an opinion!!

where is the opinion??

Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



You forget about April 10 when 6 soldiers were killed and 200+ injured. This time the army are not falling into the reds traps and are being more careful.

I can't believe that you still think this is about the poor! If the government stand down now, what will that lead to? It will show the reds that they can get their way with violence. They already showed that by threatening anyone who tries to speak out against them. How many grenades have been thrown at anti-red establishments or protests?

Minority mobs need to be shown that violent protests are not the way forward to democracy.

Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!


Please please please... stop this foolish retoric... silly and completely out of today's reality

Sorry it offends you this truth.

today again demonstrates another arm of elite despot gov (the courts) doing all they can to help prop up abhisit.

very relavant to all but an ostrich.

And possibly you are the Ostrich. Reds were given what they wanted but backed out. Dissolved Gov' in September and elections in November. THEY (Reds) backed out and therefore it is Reds fault this is ongoing.

As for Thais in UK "arranging" an arrest warrant, what are you drinking in sunny Songkhla.

Best go to Ko Yo and find some more sand to dip your head in.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

Oh look. Someone can't take it that other people might have a different opinion. Wake up.

What you did was making a liars statement, not giving an opinion!!

where is the opinion??

Liars statement? Are you joking? Who's lying? Tell me which part of my post is a lie:

- The yellows DID violate a state of emergency.

- The yellows are NOT in prison - 2 years on.

- The reds DID violate a state of emergency.

- The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

- One of the yellow shirt leaders DID receive the job of Foreign Minister.

- This IS a double standard.

Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

Liars statement? Are you joking? Who's lying? Tell me which part of my post is a lie:

- The yellows DID violate a state of emergency.

- The yellows are NOT in prison - 2 years on.

- The reds DID violate a state of emergency.

- The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

- One of the yellow shirt leaders DID receive the job of Foreign Minister.

- This IS a double standard.

Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

Do you know what the laws were in the SOE in 2008? Do you know what the laws are for the SOE now?

The protesters that are getting jailed now are breaking a law that was enacted as part of this SOE.

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

I think I would have to change that to:

Same laws, different government = different result

And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.


- The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

- This IS a double standard.

Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

These are the lies and the rest was a statement and NO opinion!!!!!

the reds have been violating and particapating in violent acts agains people and property!!

thats why they have to go to prison

we never used violence during our protests???????

thats the dubble standard.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.

The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.


What the hel_l is this thing you've tried to write?

What are you trying to say? :D

Thailand's a Rouge Nation?!! <deleted>? ... Are you telling us there are an insane amount of katoeys in Thailand? ... Wow! Well deduced! ... Let's not talk about your fantasies here though! :D

If I took a newborn baby to a swimming pool and threw him into the deep end, and some (inevitable) catastrophe transpired, would that be the Government's fault?

Wake up! What sort of sick, insane parents would needlessly put their kid in a war zone? ... The kid was obviously not deliberately targetted, but was in an improper place solely due to f***ed up parents!

I note though that Tacky will pay 250,000 baht for every dead Red. Erm ... interesting. :)

You mean like using women/children as shields or women who ran towards helicopters in vietnam hiding a genade...

You demonstate you have never been in combat nor nothing about a war type scenario...

Everyone presents a threat until one can assess a threat no longer.. Col. damage is part of war whether you like it or not. That is reality...

Yes once They are All Dead there will just be stink of Death... But NO THREAT... :):D


Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

I think I would have to change that to:

Same laws, different government = different result

And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.

Dear Thai at heart,

may I correct you??

In a lot of European countries Hooligans have been put to emergency courts and been sentenced within 1 hour, without the presentse of a lawyer!!

this might have been the case with these red hooligans as well.

why give them a chance to get a very well paid by Thaksin lawyer who smoothtalks him out as he confesses to his crime???

Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

I think I would have to change that to:

Same laws, different government = different result

And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.

Same laws? I thought many of the laws in the SOE were only enacted recently.

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