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isnt this the ten year olod that was shot as a bystander when the troops fired on a van carrying supplies to reds did not stop at barricade (checkpoint)?

Yes, and soldiers said he was repeatedly asked to leave the area, but refused.

It was an accident.

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Yes, let's give up to violence.......whatever they want. The only thing for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. (Can't remeber who said it).

Of course, the loss of INNOCENT life is tragic and everything must be done to avoid it.

Other than that...I think this poster's views are banal in the extreme.

The statement was made in the 18th century trial of Warren Hastings of the East India Company and was "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing". One of my favourite quotes.


Pojaman paid about 20% above the appraisal value for the land she purchased in Ratchada. But by repeating over and over again that she paid one third of the book-value, the public was convinced that Thaksin must have used his power to manipulate the deal. And with the help of a politicized court, it has now pretty much become reality.

I just found this article by TheNation:



Fund 'was not aware' it sold land plot for loss


Sale to former PM's wife was 'above the appraisal price'

The Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF), an arm of the Bank of Thailand, said it did not report its loss from a land sale on Ratchadaphisek Road in a report to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) because the AEC subcommittee had not informed the fund about the amount of the loss.

Chanchai Boonritchaisri, a senior director of the central bank's Legal and Litigation Department, said the fund could not figure out whether it had suffered any loss from the sale, because it had sold the land plot at a price higher than the appraisal price. Hence, it could cite the damage figure in the report only when it was informed of the figure by the AEC.

"The FIDF could not see where the loss occurred, but I didn't say there was no loss," he said.

Chanchai said other organisations might calculate appraisal prices differently than did the fund. The committee could inform the fund which standard the price should be referred to.

"We're ready to follow the AEC, but the committee will have to prove the loss in the court, because the fund will only report facts. I do not know whether the court will agree with the committee," he said.

The fund sold the land plot located at Rama IX Road to deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra's wife Pojaman for Bt772 million in 2003, higher than the appraisal price of about Bt700 million.

The AEC claims the fund lost money in the deal, because it had bought the land from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities for Bt2 billion in 1995.

An FIDF source said the fund had paid such a high price for the land plot so as to strengthen the company, which was facing liquidity problems. It was the cheapest way to keep the company afloat at the time. In addition, the market price at the time was high in keeping with a boom in the property sector.

Chanchai said the fund willingly gave a free hand to the AEC and would not give a dissenting opinion in order to avoid conflict.

On January 8, the AEC submitted its report to the Finance Ministry, which passed it on to the FIDF on January 10. The FIDF board convened on January 15 and sent back the report to file a complaint against the ousted premier and his wife.

On the complaint by FIDF lodged on January 16, the agency indicated that Thaksin and his wife had violated Article 100 of the Anti-Corruption Act and committed other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, Information and Communications Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyau-dom yesterday complained to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont during the Cabinet meeting that the AEC had threatened to press charges for dereliction of duty for not cooperating with it.

He said the AEC had threatened to use Article 157 for not lodging a complaint against suspects that the AEC found were involved in corruption cases it was investigating.

Sitthichai said several ministers did not understand the legal process and feared that if they named suspects in the complaints that they lodged, they might face defamation cases if the suspects were proved innocent.

"If we name anyone, won't they be defamed? We're not legal experts. We want someone to tell us what to do. The AEC has only eight months left in office," he said.

He revealed that in his ministry, there was corruption at the policy level that cost the state billions of baht, but officials could not bring corrupt ministers to justice, because permanent officials who followed the orders of ministers would also be held responsible.

Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjittha said there was no need to name suspects in the process of lodging a complaint. Surayud said he would reach an understanding with the AEC on the matter.

Anoma Srisukkasem

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

So effectively, Thaksin's wife paid MORE money than the land was appraised for, by the Bank of Thailand. Yet she and Thaksin are convicted of buying land for LESS than the actual value? Wow.

Talk about political witch-hunt. :)

The land was originally purchased at an inflated price of B2 bil which seems very dubious business practice to me. then Pojaman bought it for B773 mil which was B70 mil more than the appraised price at the time of the sale. So, who made the original decision to purchase the land at B2 bil and who appraised it at B700mil? There's some serious kickback going on there no matter what way you look at it.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Obviously a selective memory.

Tell that to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre.


Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Bit behind the times my friend, women can be legitimate soldiers now aswell

and there many in the British armed forces. So I do not see the difference in

the modern World between shooting at a man or woman. (not that either is

good) Equal rights for both genders these days old timer and it annoys me

to read old fashioned dribble.

As for killing children, that is inexcusable in any situation. This protest is starting

to get completely out of hand and I feel sad that this is happening in Thailand but

also happy that the people are starting to stand up for there rights. Just wish there

was a more peaceful solution but I guess in Thailand this is the only way for the poor

to really voice their opinions and be heard.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

Obviously a selective memory.

Tell that to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre.


@Creation 27. China is one worst countries in the World for abusing

human rights. If this protest was happening in China the protestors

would have been wiped out with in the first week I am sure.

Pojaman paid about 20% above the appraisal value for the land she purchased in Ratchada. But by repeating over and over again that she paid one third of the book-value, the public was convinced that Thaksin must have used his power to manipulate the deal. And with the help of a politicized court, it has now pretty much become reality.

I just found this article by TheNation:



Fund 'was not aware' it sold land plot for loss


Sale to former PM's wife was 'above the appraisal price'

The Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF), an arm of the Bank of Thailand, said it did not report its loss from a land sale on Ratchadaphisek Road in a report to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) because the AEC subcommittee had not informed the fund about the amount of the loss.

Chanchai Boonritchaisri, a senior director of the central bank's Legal and Litigation Department, said the fund could not figure out whether it had suffered any loss from the sale, because it had sold the land plot at a price higher than the appraisal price. Hence, it could cite the damage figure in the report only when it was informed of the figure by the AEC.

"The FIDF could not see where the loss occurred, but I didn't say there was no loss," he said.

Chanchai said other organisations might calculate appraisal prices differently than did the fund. The committee could inform the fund which standard the price should be referred to.

"We're ready to follow the AEC, but the committee will have to prove the loss in the court, because the fund will only report facts. I do not know whether the court will agree with the committee," he said.

The fund sold the land plot located at Rama IX Road to deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra's wife Pojaman for Bt772 million in 2003, higher than the appraisal price of about Bt700 million.

The AEC claims the fund lost money in the deal, because it had bought the land from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities for Bt2 billion in 1995.

An FIDF source said the fund had paid such a high price for the land plot so as to strengthen the company, which was facing liquidity problems. It was the cheapest way to keep the company afloat at the time. In addition, the market price at the time was high in keeping with a boom in the property sector.

Chanchai said the fund willingly gave a free hand to the AEC and would not give a dissenting opinion in order to avoid conflict.

On January 8, the AEC submitted its report to the Finance Ministry, which passed it on to the FIDF on January 10. The FIDF board convened on January 15 and sent back the report to file a complaint against the ousted premier and his wife.

On the complaint by FIDF lodged on January 16, the agency indicated that Thaksin and his wife had violated Article 100 of the Anti-Corruption Act and committed other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, Information and Communications Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyau-dom yesterday complained to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont during the Cabinet meeting that the AEC had threatened to press charges for dereliction of duty for not cooperating with it.

He said the AEC had threatened to use Article 157 for not lodging a complaint against suspects that the AEC found were involved in corruption cases it was investigating.

Sitthichai said several ministers did not understand the legal process and feared that if they named suspects in the complaints that they lodged, they might face defamation cases if the suspects were proved innocent.

"If we name anyone, won't they be defamed? We're not legal experts. We want someone to tell us what to do. The AEC has only eight months left in office," he said.

He revealed that in his ministry, there was corruption at the policy level that cost the state billions of baht, but officials could not bring corrupt ministers to justice, because permanent officials who followed the orders of ministers would also be held responsible.

Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjittha said there was no need to name suspects in the process of lodging a complaint. Surayud said he would reach an understanding with the AEC on the matter.

Anoma Srisukkasem

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

So effectively, Thaksin's wife paid MORE money than the land was appraised for, by the Bank of Thailand. Yet she and Thaksin are convicted of buying land for LESS than the actual value? Wow.

Talk about political witch-hunt. :)

The land was originally purchased at an inflated price of B2 bil which seems very dubious business practice to me. then Pojaman bought it for B773 mil which was B70 mil more than the appraised price at the time of the sale. So, who made the original decision to purchase the land at B2 bil and who appraised it at B700mil? There's some serious kickback going on there no matter what way you look at it.

Could it be that Thaksin's wife was set-up on purpose?

Not saying they were, but it could be, couldn't it? After all, the Bank of Thailand appraised it for 700 million. And what I find very concerning about that article is this part:

He revealed that in his ministry, there was corruption at the policy level that cost the state billions of baht, but officials could not bring corrupt ministers to justice, because permanent officials who followed the orders of ministers would also be held responsible.

Who are those "permanent officials" who would have to be held responsible?


I have read all of the posts here. Most of the information here seems to have segued off to other ramparts. Opinion seems to reign while those stating "just the facts" are also out of touch.


I am saddened about what is happening in Thailand, in Bangkok. No one should die. None should be injured. This, to me, would seem to be paramount.

Next, I have read in many of the "progressive" journals ("The Nation," Der Spiegel, Novosti, the British press and many, many more) about the current situation in Thailand. Just yesterday, it reached the level of CBS Evening News status with the assassination of General Kattiya of the Red Shirts and "preparing" the American people for "bad things" to happen in Thailand. The hyperbole in the press in the world mirrors much of what I have read here as well. Maybe it is time to really look at what all of this is really about.

I have read that the northern small businessmen and farmers feel that they are not represented by the Thai governement and have siezed on the removal of Thaksin as symbolic of their own sense of disenfranchisement. He, by far, is no angel and some of his own comments have soured me of any affection or sense of support for him. However, it is the SYMBOL that the removal of Thaksin and the replacement of him and his government by Abhisit and his cronies. Politics is not beautiful, no matter how beautiful the place. Abhisit has failed to follow deeper principles of Thai culture and to show any sympathy for those involved in the protest, even long before they became less than peaceful.

Abhisit has had plenty of time to develop a sense of the population by using the Eightfold Path and then applying these "Right" things (Right View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livlihood, Effort, Mindfulness and Concentration) to the situation at hand. Instead of being a good leader, he has acted like a bully in the play yard. He needed to work to gain the trust of the populace and to show that his heart and spirit were not just for his own need and desires or those of the elite. He blew it! He does little to represent ALL of the people of Thailand.

I read here and there references to various American and British writers, including Thomas Paine. However, while they use these people's words, they really have no sympathy for any of the Red Shirts whom these people would have supported wholeheartedly! This is the problem when opinion and feelings are mixed with "the facts."

So, Thailand is having a real problem that seems to be growing and most people here have done very little to gain any understanding about what is going on. Most Americans would rally 'round the cry of "personal, political and economic freedom." I really don't get much of a sense of the British sentiment as it seems to rally 'round the "principles of social standing and propriety." I am not sure of this. I just get a sense of it.

All in all, I hope that Abhisit will "macho down" and get to getting in touch with ALL of those whom he is supposed to represent and that a sensible, political solution can be worked out. I would hope that he could get a few people from BOTH sides together to ferret out the roots, the manifestations and the solutions to the problems at hand and would act wisely in a more humane (which, I am sure, some would think unthinkable or unreasonable in itself) manner so that most can be satisfied.

I just hope for the best for all and not just the few . . .

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

Obviously a selective memory.

Tell that to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre.


@Creation 27. China is one worst countries in the World for abusing

human rights. If this protest was happening in China the protestors

would have been wiped out with in the first week I am sure.

Well spoken because if this happened in China there would have been a massacre shortly after it started. RIP to all those that have lost their lives in this tragedy.


"perhaps expediting this process...and calling new elections/negotiating. "

Gosh, Chunky1, have you been following any of this over the past couple months? The government had negotiated, calling for new elections. The reds promised to pull out, did not, and rioted instead. Rather than basing a post on a single article, perhaps you should get the entire story.


Ok birdbrain, if you think that farangs keep bringing this up because we are on drugs, I think you must be on drugs if you think the murder of 1400 innocent people can or should be swept under the carpet.

"Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs. ... Senior public prosecutor Kunlapon Ponlawan said it was not difficult to investigate extra-judicial killings carried out by police officers as the trigger-pullers usually confessed."[

It is an interesting case like the lotto and sapling etc etc etc. Why is he not facing 1400 counts yet?. Where is the investigation?. Whom is stopping it.????? This would result in an extradition of Thaksin and solve everything. Please press these charges ASAP. If I recall not long ago it was the PM himself making excuses not to move or was it an empty promise to bring it back up and never has, but you seem to know the whole story so explain it to us so even we can understand.

Maybe I can SPLAIN it to you in real simple words.

Thaskins wife, Pojaman, was tried and convicted of tax evasion, after the judge got really pushed out of shape, that her cousin (who was part of her legal team) and 4 other people tried to bribe his staff with a candy box containing b2,000,000. She was sentenced to 3 years in jail, (This was in 2007), The he was present in Thailand at that time, and he came to trial and was found guilty and fled the country prior to his sentenced of 2 years in jail being handed down.

Why is he not convicted of more? Well under Thai law you must be present at the reading of the indictment. He has more that 16 cases pending that cannot proceed because he cannot stand before the court for the reading of the charges.

This is the motivation to seize control of the government, amend the laws and get a grant of amnesty.

As to why he was not convicted of the charges when he was PM, well being an X-policeman, a number of witness just disappeared, including a prominent attorney that no trace has ever been found of. And as evidenced by the actions with the candy box (who all 5 of the legal team got to do 6 months for contempt of court (non-appeal-able, non-bailable) and the attorney lost his license.

In short, the entire family should be in jail, and I feel sorry for the red shirts that so believe this crook.

What we are seeking is the answer to 1400 counts of murder that where posted for the 100,000's time. Your not assiebrian but you bring up more interesting stuff.

So Thaksin is sentenced two years because he is married to her when she does nothing wrong in the land case, but he was PM when she didn't do anything wrong in that case so that must have been power abuse. And when she cheats on taxes he is not in part charged because they are only married?. Yea I get that

The money thing totally weird - What was it the staff was going to do for them? What did they ask for when giving the money over right in a court room, better seats - more air? I notice it was result in a contempt charge but not bribery of a Judge? and the law firm was charged not the client or her Husband which was not even charged in the case.

"including a prominent attorney" was that even related to anything Thaksin? Didn't he represent some terror suspects in the south or something?

I would think they didn't charge when he was PM because they didn't coup yet. I am not sure I would hang around for 16 more like this ether.

It sounds like I am making the case for Thaksin but that is not it - really. If Thaksin is bad fine, but something sinks well beyond that and it's not old fish. The way yellow are treated is part of the sink.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

Rouge, you mean, like "Red" in french?

yeh some cant spell so what... apiceoshit! thats what he is is, a puppet for the new world order, and cant be deposed. shoot the government all of them, murdering bastards, shooting your own like dogs. this will end up a full scale war. reds will start killing too. many more will come and bring guns and bombs. there are millions of them out there. this is but a few.

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

so true

A 10 year old boy shot dead today.

Do you have a link for this? Last I heard he was wounded - collateral damage along with a wounded taxi driver from soldiers stopping a van the hard way at a checkpoint.

Troops shot at a Van that had food supplies and wanted to get into the rally. The boy, was of course, outside of the rally and he caught a stray bullet.

A paramedic has been shot in the head attempting to help an injured protester.

A coke delivery man was also shot outside of the protest area.

If the Army is being attacked from two sides, and being forced to shoot into areas with civilians, then they need to consider, shall we say, perhaps expediting this process or simply giving up and calling new elections/negotiating.

They keep going at it half assed and its going to be slower and more bloody. Get in and out fast. Geez.

But isn't "half assed" typical around here? Oh and slow too.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

The way I heard it, the soldiers could not see who was in the van. They motioned it to stop, but it came, speeding, right at them. They opened fire and stopped it that way. The report said when they opened the doors they found the driver was drunk, and there was a ten-year-old boy in the car.

Don't start calling people names, most especially if you don't know what actually happened. That is so obviously wrong, don't you see that?

I do not understand why people just want to post <deleted> for the sake of posting, without not knowing the facts. If you do not know what happened do not post misleading information. :)

The 10 year old boy was on a footpath, the soldiers told him to go home and stay out of trouble. Shortly later the van came, the soldiers tried to motion to the driver to stop, but he speed ed up to break through the blockade. The soldiers sprayed the road a tires, then shot at the driver, who was drunk and on his way to the rally site.

It appears that when the soldiers sprayed the street to blow out the tires several of the bullets ricocheted and ending hitting the boy that who at this time was lying on the footpath.

So all I am asking is to do not report or repeat rumors, the information is all available, so just look for it. Please not be to lazy to post the truth without first confirming what you are posting, instead of posting a misleading post just for the sake of speed and getting your name on the forum. Thank you for your consideration. :D

Certainly can be Thai. What of those children whose parents trade them for a refrigerator or guarantee of an income if they just go to the city to "work in a restaurant"? It is no surprise to see children amongst the protesters. It is no stretch of the imagination to think we will see more of them lying dead in the streets. TIT....

Sadly there will most likely be a lot more by Sunday night - but imagine dragging kids into something they neither care about or understand. What stupidity of the highest order but then again the three stage stooges kept hammering the message out - "bring you wives, grand parents and children - the Govt cannot open fire on them. We will win...." yeah right. These Red leaders are the ones who need to be held accountable for innocent deaths but the majority of the casualties now are red protestors who brought the fight to the soldiers taunting them. I don't have any sympathy for this mob at all.

And where are "the boss'" kids?

Liars statement? Are you joking? Who's lying? Tell me which part of my post is a lie:

- The yellows DID violate a state of emergency.

- The yellows are NOT in prison - 2 years on.

- The reds DID violate a state of emergency.

- The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

- One of the yellow shirt leaders DID receive the job of Foreign Minister.

- This IS a double standard.

Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

Do you know what the laws were in the SOE in 2008? Do you know what the laws are for the SOE now?

The protesters that are getting jailed now are breaking a law that was enacted as part of this SOE.

The leaders of the yellows (not the average somchai protestor) are before the courts for their charges. They will probably get a lot more time that 6 months when the trial finally happens.

Different laws and different actions lead to different results. It's not a double standard.

A red-hater and yellow apologist tries to spin...

The SoE law now is still the them like back in 2008.

They have been probably found guilty of violation the point un the emergency decree that it is not allowed to attend an assembly of more than 5 or 10 persons.

Dictator Abhisit can be so proud to restore "law" and "order".

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says


Mum dad two children and a dog come to mind.

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

D'ont bring children into a warzone then.

Thats what those idiots are doing.

The 'idiots' declared a civilian residential area to a 'live firing zone' and started to kill people.

The armchair generals here are simply amazing - no other countries would shoot women and children? David koresh/USA, Londonderry... Bloody Sunday, Tiannemen, do please at least try and set the brain in gear before you post!

Then we hear all the crap about how the army are here defending the country, and peoples rights!

I thought the army was supposed to be here to defend against external threats? Like when the Japanese attacked in the North during the second World War ,and they surrendered within 4 hours! (But the Thais don't like to talk about that!!!!

Go look it up, the only victory the Thai army will ever have is over unnarmed civilians, wanke_rs!

Or in fighting, as when the then PM (Back in the days of Sarit and Co.) visited a navy ship off the coast of Thailand and the Navy held him hostage, so the army shelled the shit out of the Navy....yes, they are a great combined force.

The job of keeping law and order on the streets, I always believed, was a job for the police...where the fuc_k are they? This is not a job for the army, but the police don't want to know...and would you for 7K a month????

I agree. The army is far too active in domestic affairs. It makes sense that the army gets involved where it shouldn't because corruption is so accepted as normal here. I too thought the army was for protecting the borders. Does anyone know what the Thai constitution states about the role of the Thai military?

Very efficient indeed. It took the Court a few days to convict the red shirts! Good job!!

BTW has the Court already convicted the Yellow Shirt Protester who seized the Government House and Airport in 2008? Now is 2010!!


Please please please... stop this foolish retoric... silly and completely out of today's reality

Sorry it offends you this truth.

today again demonstrates another arm of elite despot gov (the courts) doing all they can to help prop up abhisit.

very relavant to all but an ostrich.

And possibly you are the Ostrich. Reds were given what they wanted but backed out. Dissolved Gov' in September and elections in November. THEY (Reds) backed out and therefore it is Reds fault this is ongoing.

As for Thais in UK "arranging" an arrest warrant, what are you drinking in sunny Songkhla.

Best go to Ko Yo and find some more sand to dip your head in.

Think you should look into the facts a bit more ! THere were provisions put on the elections in November the now government has themselves the right to say who can run for office and who cannot .No wonder the Red shirts are not agreeing with the proposal!!!!

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

Bit behind the times my friend, women can be legitimate soldiers now aswell

and there many in the British armed forces. So I do not see the difference in

the modern World between shooting at a man or woman. (not that either is

good) Equal rights for both genders these days old timer and it annoys me

to read old fashioned dribble.

As for killing children, that is inexcusable in any situation. This protest is starting

to get completely out of hand and I feel sad that this is happening in Thailand but

also happy that the people are starting to stand up for there rights. Just wish there

was a more peaceful solution but I guess in Thailand this is the only way for the poor

to really voice their opinions and be heard.

A lot of people on here have forgotten this government was not elected bythe people !!!!! they were appointed !!!!!

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

D'ont bring children into a warzone then.

Thats what those idiots are doing.

The 'idiots' declared a civilian residential area to a 'live firing zone' and started to kill people.

Airportlink Makkasan is 1st of all no residential area (maybe an illigal getto)

and they should open fire on everything and one who try to attack them

I too thought the army was for protecting the borders. Does anyone know what the Thai constitution states about the role of the Thai military?

Similar to the role of the Indonesian military (receiving tribute from businesses because they have relatively undeveloped business acumen themselves). Would be better if they simply went into business like the Chinese PLA.


A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

You are a true creationist, 27.

You need to Google June 6, 1989 when the the murderous and heartless government of the People's Republic of China sent ruthlessly trained troops into Tiananam Square in Beijing to slaughter thousands of pro-democracy and pro-change protestors and demonstrators, using tanks and unquestioning People's Liberation Army troops. Chinese youth from throught the vastness of China travelled up to 20 hours by train to join the anti fasicist govenment protests in the Square.

Moreover, hundreds of thousands of citizens of Beijing joined the college, high school and yuppie protestors. Beijing citizens themselves several times during the several week protest stopped the People's Liberation Army moving through the steets against the hundred thousand of protestors who opposed and wanted to change the Communist Party of China controlled government, occupying the Square for several weeks. The protestors constructed a giant statue of liberty replica to face the huge portrait of Chairman Mao in the Square.

The PRC government subsequently send bills to make the parents of their children killed by the People's Liberation Army to pay in cash for the bullets used to kill their children.

Get real.

The decades long efforts in Thailand to establish some kind of democracy is the only hope that the current unpredecented impass somehow might be resolved peacefully, or at the least without too much bloodshed, unlike the ruthless government and People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China who hadn't any hesitation or reluctance to slaughter thousands of China's unarmed idealistic democratic youth.

Tianaman Square June 6, 1989 is the sole factor that keeps the Communist Party of China in control of its totally intimidated, fearful and obedient of their own government Chinese sheeple to the present. The Chinese people quietly and confidentially refer to it simply as 6-4 (4-6 as a Thai date).

Just get real, please.

In other words, pull your head out of your arse pal. You and certain others around here.

The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

I must assume that Tianamen Square was before you were born!

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

D'ont bring children into a warzone then.

Thats what those idiots are doing.

The 'idiots' declared a civilian residential area to a 'live firing zone' and started to kill people.

Airportlink Makkasan is 1st of all no residential area (maybe an illigal getto)

and they should open fire on everything and one who try to attack them

Seems like you blokes are hoping this is a war and agree that a government can go and shoot there own people if they dont agree with them ??????? If they dont toe the line just wipe them out ?? is that how it works ???

News reporters have to put them selves in danger these days to get a good story

This all started back in the 60's and continues today

They understand the danger they are in and to get just a shot in the leg is a small price to pay for the rewards they might make

Many die in the attempt to get that No. 1 story

Do you or others believe that this would continue to go on and on if there were no journalists or Television reporters acting like Ghouls? They seem to add fire to the flames where ever they go. No sympathy here for reporters or camera men anywhere anytime. Of course we see where the 60's got us...This is like the 60's alright. You sit in your living room waiting for the 6 o'clock news to view the blood and guts from the battlefields in Viet Nam while eating your pizza. Afterwards, you say, " That's terrible! they should stop the war!" Then the next evening while dining on T.V. Dinners by Swanson, you tune in to Walter Cronkite, (communist a-hole that he was) and get yet one more dose of blood and guts to feed your need for sensational viewing live from the front lines. The big difference now is you can sit behind your computer screen and get all the blood and guts you want 24/7. Afterwards you can blog it to the world how wrong it is. What sham!

My Thai wife asks for 5 mins with the childs parents

we have a child together and her love for her child is greater than any cause in Thailand

She can not believe any Thai lady would put her child in such danger

so she walks around the house and says

The child must come from Cambodia

Can not be Thai

Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

TRUE munter.

The child can be Cambodian as ozzie pretends (all of us know he's Thai), is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot.

Now, it looks that for Thai people it's not a big deal but in western countries this story would be on the first page.

Far more important than the "one more Abisith speech".

As it looks Thai newspaper does not care about this poor kid, I suggest the western newspapers and all of us try to find the truth.

Who is this boy?

Where are his parent?

Is he alive (I hope so)?

Where is he from?


How did it happen?

If we do not have the answers and if we only speculate, please delete this info. The life of a child (even Thai) is too important to tell fables about it.

Still spinning! 1st we have "....................is it a reason to shot him like a rabbit? Shame on who did gave the order to shoot."

Followed by "WHO DID SHOT AT HIM? How did it happen?"

So logically speaking, you claim that someone gave an order to shoot him like a rabbit, but you have no idea who, where, why or what happened.

FYI: the child was watching an army road block. The soldiers told him to go home, but he refused. A van driven by a drunker redshit approached the road block and was fired upon. A stray bullet fired by a soldier hit the lad.

Where do I lay the blame: the driver for trying to run the block, the lad for refusing to leave a dangerous area, his parents for lack of supervision?

Where will you lay the blame: the army, if for no other reason you are a redshirt apologist.

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