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The Reds Have Their Say Tonight - Video In English

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This man seems to be an educated red, speaking in a fairly good English and using adequate language... which is obviously not your case. :D


So, they bring in one of the world's worst public speakers to present their case in English? They bring in one of the world's worst writers to pen the statement in English? Is this for real?

Whatever message they intended to get across is lost. Looks like a grade school production. A great opportunity to communicate, in English, a message that they think is important, and this dude wasted it. He wasted 12 minutes of my time, also.


Well, I think most of us are bored of this red waffle.

I don't believe anything the reds say any more. All this crap of democracy and bare hands is nonsense. All the actions of these barbarians are completely contrary to democracy and their repeated bleating about being unarmed is an insult to our intelligence.

Stockpiling weapons, inciting to violence and calling for an armed insurgency is not a peaceful protest.

Confronting soldiers trying to create LEGAL roadblocks (not the illegal ones that the redshirts seem entitled to create (hmm double standards anyone?)) and attacking them with grenade launchers is not a peaceful protest.

Lynching soldiers in a truck, dragging them out and murdering them with a bullet in the head is not a peaceful protest.

Burning property and looting is not a peaceful protest.

Escalation of violence into further areas of Bangkok is not a peaceful protest.

It is also very strange how reds consistently vandalise CCTV cameras. One would have thought if the army were operating a brutal crackdown against ghandi-esque protestors they would want the incriminating video as evidence???? Or are they trying to conceal their illegal activities?

I have no doubt that it is the latter.


Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.


He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

Are you joking? The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

Are you joking? The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

Yes, and the whole world also knows that only the red side lies. The government, the yellows or any other colors (that is not red) would never do such a thing!

Propaganda is a very efficient tool to shape the opinion of the mass. But it is up to anyone to chose to listen to both sides or not.

Lies are everywhere, but I still have respect for those who chose to die for the cause in which they believe.

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welcome to thaivisa. Please keep trying.

The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

i don't see any automatic weapons lying beside these poor souls... (they may have had catapults in their pockets though. Hmmm..)

here's the Hospital ambulance worker shot whilst attending the wounded 'Mr Red' speaks of in the video.. A terrorist ?

He certainly joins the 'peaceful protesters' now...


He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

His arguments and points do not have merit. His group has made a lot of mistakes but he does not address ANY of them. He only points the finger at the opposition and he invited the foreign journalists to document the fouls of the opposition while totally ignoring the fact that the same group of journalists have been, and will continue to, document the fouls of his own group as well. He had a great opportunity to address those fouls in whatever way he thinks would sway opinion. Instead, by ignoring them, he loses any listener that might be thinking about giving his words some serious thought.

If by "merit" you mean that he mentioned videos of people in street clothes without weapons, being shot and laying on blood-spattered pavement, don't go there. Anyone can remove a weapon before the cameras roll. Anyone can change clothing on a wounded or dead individual before the cameras roll. And anyone can shoot those individuals. His side or the opposing side can shoot them. Nobody knows who shot them or why. There is only footage of them laying there in the street. Don't get sucked in by that crap. Both sides can stage any scene they want to stage. Same thing with the ambulance guy that was shot. Nobody knows who shot him but truly, only ONE side has anything to gain by posting videos of the dead guy.

He states a very one-sided view (and does a very poor job of that) that can only bring ridicule from thinking people. If he is going to speak, he should speak the truth so that he is taken seriously. There is no comment addressing or apologizing for, the hardships that his group has caused their fellow countrymen. There is no comment nor rationalization about the FACT that members of that group ARE armed and have done harm to others. There are a whole slew of important items missing from this statement. The whole thing appears to me to be an attempt to embarrass his side. It works. I'm embarrassed for them by this communication failure. I am really not even convinced that this ridiculous video is authentic.

As for your comment that he seems well-spoken, I'll guess that English is not your first language. Take it from someone whose first language is English: He does not communicate well. Not even close.

I'm not taking sides here. It isn't my fight. But if I were to take sides, specifically his side, I could certainly write a much more effective statement. And I would certainly insist that this dude wasn't going to be the guy reading it for the world to see and hear.

I think the whole thing must be a hoax. No person with sense would make this video and expect it to be taken seriously. If they have a cause they believe in and they want it to be presented in English, then they should do it. This ain't it.

So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

I think there is no doubt Seh Daeng was not armed......but I guess for some on this forum as long as 100 are armed the other 10,000 are asking to be shot.....I used this word on another thread


The man is clearly lying. He is trying to make the claim that the reds are not armed. The whole world KNOWS that is a lie.

i don't see any automatic weapons lying beside these poor souls... (they may have had catapults in their pockets though. Hmmm..)

here's the Hospital ambulance worker shot whilst attending the wounded 'Mr Red' speaks of in the video.. A terrorist ?

He certainly joins the 'peaceful protesters' now...


You forgot to post this related picture


So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

I think there is no doubt Seh Daeng was not armed......but I guess for some on this forum as long as 100 are armed the other 10,000 are asking to be shot.....I used this word on another thread


So who shot Daeng? Do you know? He had many red enemies. Chances are, we will NEVER know.

So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

I think there is no doubt Seh Daeng was not armed......but I guess for some on this forum as long as 100 are armed the other 10,000 are asking to be shot.....I used this word on another thread


Even within the Red movement, there is doubt and argument about which side shot him. That much is documented.

So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

ok, its a conspiracy.. the the murdered indeviduals in these photos did have rifles/guns, they were just swiftly removed before the pics were snapped... :)

of course some are armed..

these people appear to be not...


Its a war situation in parts of Bangkok now. The reds who insist on staying, hopefully, are well aware they are there illegally and that they are risking their lives. Hopefully, any of them that wish to SURRENDER now or simply just walk away can leave the combat zone without getting hurt.

Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.

Thai citizens illegally occupying Bangkok? The military walking the streets ARMED, why not citizens? Who are you to say?

Calling Thai soldiers doing their duty ANIMALS. Tsk, tsk. Why are the soldiers there? Because the ARMED reds are illegally occupying Bangkok, that's why. Redman, look in the mirror please for the root of your self induced pain.

Thai citizens illegally occupying Bangkok? The military walking the streets ARMED, why not citizens? Who are you to say?

It is the legal Thai government saying they are illegally occupying sections of Bangkok. Alternatively, check the pictures of their camps yourself. DUH!

Its a war situation in parts of Bangkok now. The reds who insist on staying, hopefully, are well aware they are there illegally and that they are risking their lives. Hopefully, any of them that wish to SURRENDER now or simply just walk away can leave the combat zone without getting hurt.

Surrender? There illegally? They will be there as long as it is necessary to remove the illegitimate gov't. All the power to them, go reds go!

So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

ok, its a conspiracy.. the the murdered indeviduals in these photos did have rifles/guns, they were just swiftly removed before the pics were snapped... :)

of course some are armed..

these people appear to be not...

No sane person approves of unarmed people being killed. Sadly, these things happen in ALL war situations. The reds had a peace deal, it was the REDS who insisted on this violence.

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