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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and how they deserve this and they deserve that....Very few seem to be even slightly sorry that THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED... for mostly nothing more than being in the wrong place or choosing to have an opinion and standing up for it ... I REPEAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE... They deserve LIFE, nothing less it is the so called government who have ordered the army in and started killing in big numbers indiscriminately. The Killing MUST stop and the army pull back this is a sledgehammer to crack a nut and cannot be justified.

This is not accidental shootings mostly this is pre targeted sniper fire ... these people are being assassinated in front of the world and all most of you can do is talk shit about them probably being terrorists or criminals and how inconvenient it is for everyone etc...

Shame on most of you for your apathetic and inhumane attitudes, you make me sick pretending to sit on your moral high ground.... every one of you has a dodgy government not to mention your faults and im sure plenty of you are betraying their other halves etc so spare us the holy insight of what the protesters deserve you bunch of rubberneckers....

Spot on!

I am amazed how many bigots there are who claim to know all about Thai politics and to have inside information as to exactly who pays who how much to to what. The fact is most of them know f... all and are simply bigots who have never been outside Bangkok and are worried their cozy little world is threatened.

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It is a rebellion.

It's a revolution.


The sooner people realise this, the better.

and accept the need to put it to bed

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

where were his parents?

wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

This parents?



Look consider this. They are hardly hard line communist terrorists.

Consider that they have occupied that shopping area for a month and havent even raided the LV or Prada store. In my view that is pretty disappointing.

The murder you are watching is that of Thailand and you are a total fool to think 'elections' will solve it.

So you think the junta should have power until Thaksin dies of old age? - or until the red homelands are smart enough to vote for the correct party?

Elections are the best way yet... every 4 years 'they' get a chance to be booted out of power.

But 'operation save face' must continue. the 'seige' has lasted a whole 2 days now. Enough patience... get shootin'.. yeeehaaww! Waco style!

Thaksin won't die of old age..........

No I doubt he will.

Waco was a conflagration because nonone realized they had

stocked so much incendiariess that their whole place would go up.

Again this is a case of a brainwashed group with a do or die never surrender attitude

refusing to acknowledge rule of law. Koresh is not so far a stretch compared to

several of the Red Leaders, removing the apocolyptic religeious aspects.

Indoctrination is a dangerous tool of control than often can spin out of control.

We see that in Redland today.

This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and how they deserve this and they deserve that....Very few seem to be even slightly sorry that THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED... for mostly nothing more than being in the wrong place or choosing to have an opinion and standing up for it ... I REPEAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE... They deserve LIFE, nothing less it is the so called government who have ordered the army in and started killing in big numbers indiscriminately. The Killing MUST stop and the army pull back this is a sledgehammer to crack a nut and cannot be justified.

This is not accidental shootings mostly this is pre targeted sniper fire ... these people are being assassinated in front of the world and all most of you can do is talk shit about them probably being terrorists or criminals and how inconvenient it is for everyone etc...

Shame on most of you for your apathetic and inhumane attitudes, you make me sick pretending to sit on your moral high ground.... every one of you has a dodgy government not to mention your faults and im sure plenty of you are betraying their other halves etc so spare us the holy insight of what the protesters deserve you bunch of rubberneckers....

Spot on!

I am amazed how many bigots there are who claim to know all about Thai politics and to have inside information as to exactly who pays who how much to to what. The fact is most of them know f... all and are simply bigots who have never been outside Bangkok and are worried their cozy little world is threatened.

It's not a cozy little world that's being threatened. It's a city being destroyed, it's people being killed and it's a bloody f****** mess!

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

According t most of the idiots on here yes

If the Military had any ideas what they were doing they would actually block off the area and use Concrete bollards to avoid incidents of anyone trying to drive through lets face ti they have had over 2 months to get organized but instead they choose to open fire at stone weilding idiots.

Where are the water canons and normal tactics in a situation like this lots of tear gas and water canons which can knock you right on your ass real quick followed by arrests.

No they prefer to Kill them instead


Since when ANYWHERE in the world are watercannon used against people ared with m79 grenades? Oh .. wait they aren't!

Now -- we have the tragedy of the 10 year old that was shot when a military emplacement was being attacked by a drunkenn red in a van. It is a TRAGEDY but the boy wasn't targetted.

On the other hand ... we have the child living in the housing project that was hit by 3 m79 grenades fired by the reds.

One is tragic. The other is the act of terrorists.

I am in Bangkok and have been throughout these protests. For people outside the country looking in it is difficult to understand the situation. It is easy to sympathize with poor people protesting for a better life. That is not the case here in Bangkok. Poor people have been paid to protest and are being used as human shields to protect militants in the Red movement. These protests are controlled by former PM Thaksin in an effort to overthrow the current government which is legitimate and elected. Perhaps more so than the former PPP government which was disbanded due to electoral fraud.

I am dismayed to see the foreign press portraying the victims of the current voilence as civilians. It is true that they have taken off their red uniforms but within the protesters there are armed terrorists fighting a guerilla style war. They are not civilians in the true sense. Everyone in Bangkok understands which streets are currently restricted by the security forces. The only reason protesters venture into those areas is to attack the soldiers. Using slingshots, M79 grenades, moltov cocktails, guns, and other weapons they are fighting with the army. If they were not attempting to breach the government barricades they would not be in immediate danger.

Journalists have been injured, they are going into dangerous areas and are difficult to discern from the Red fighters who have no uniform. Shooting journalists intentionally and blaming the army would certainly be in the protesters interests to bring international condemnation. Journalists in the area are often under the protection of the army, and should use their own judgement as to whether it is safe to enter areas with gun battles ongoing.

Last night with 2km of my home well outside the protest zone there was a grenade attack at the Bangkok Bank at Khae Rai, there is a secondary protest at the Thaicom offices less than one km from this attack. Even outside the downtown there is danger for the true civilians of Bangkok, and that danger will not diminish until the protests end.

The leaders of the Red protest can at any time order the end of the protest and allow the people to return to their homes. This would be followed immediately by a ceasefire from the army. As long as they remain calling for the violent overthrow of the government people are in danger. Criminals should put their arms down first, not the police.

Well Said. I just finished explaining the situation to a friend back in Canada. They aren't getting the real story back there.

I could have just cut and pasted your explanation instead. :)

Chingachgook couldn't have said it better!

ABSOLUTE SHIIIIIT legally elected by who ? NOT THE PEOPLE

The real world is getting a very fair view of whats happening a CLEAR PICTURE of the military firing on unarmed civilians they even get to see the leader of the reds Assasinated by the goverment while being interviewed by NY times

I think they are getting a very accurate picture

Link to the video of the leader of the reds Assasinated by the government please showing the shooter in uniform. Your credibility is sinking with each post my friend.

This used to be a good information site with good views and posts... Now all I mostly see is crap posts and how they deserve this and they deserve that....Very few seem to be even slightly sorry that THESE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED... for mostly nothing more than being in the wrong place or choosing to have an opinion and standing up for it ... I REPEAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE... They deserve LIFE, nothing less it is the so called government who have ordered the army in and started killing in big numbers indiscriminately. The Killing MUST stop and the army pull back this is a sledgehammer to crack a nut and cannot be justified.

This is not accidental shootings mostly this is pre targeted sniper fire ... these people are being assassinated in front of the world and all most of you can do is talk shit about them probably being terrorists or criminals and how inconvenient it is for everyone etc...

Shame on most of you for your apathetic and inhumane attitudes, you make me sick pretending to sit on your moral high ground.... every one of you has a dodgy government not to mention your faults and im sure plenty of you are betraying their other halves etc so spare us the holy insight of what the protesters deserve you bunch of rubberneckers....

Spot on!

I am amazed how many bigots there are who claim to know all about Thai politics and to have inside information as to exactly who pays who how much to to what. The fact is most of them know f... all and are simply bigots who have never been outside Bangkok and are worried their cozy little world is threatened.

That would not include you, one presumes.

I just got this SMS from a Thai friend. "Tomorrow please don't go to any department stores around suburban (areas) such as Pinklaw, Rama 3, Bangkean, Ngamwongwan or Rama 2. Inside News said terrorists will shoot M79's into any public place located outside the Red zone to cause commotion."

There was no link in the SMS, but I thought I'd pass it along. My wife also got the same SMS from a different source.

Cheers, Hummy

Is this SMS in English or in Thai only?

If only in Thai can you please let us know again when it comes? I dont read Thai well enough yet to understand them

Thank you.

See what a mess it is now, the government will be desperate to clear the city because if you thought it was paralyzed before then this time it is indeed paralyzed. Cannot do business in Silom, most most of Petchaburi (Praatunam, Phantip plaza), Rama 4. Real mess. Loos like there will be a lot of people who will not be able to go to work and businesses not being able to operate.

At the end of the day people have to work to eat.

That is the point, most people just want to live in the city, work, operate their businesses etc. Now the reds are saying that because they cannot get supplies they will loot shopping centers under their control, tell me this is not too much, so now they will be allowed to steal? There is no law here and if government will not do something it will only get worse as these people do not want to negotiate, they just want their way and this is not negotiating. I saw reds destroying 7-11 with my own eyes. There is not respect for the property so how can u expect respect for higher value like life.

Most of the people here,even in this forum, are adversely affected by this situation. I have been told I have to turn up to work tomorrow even though the ONLY way I could possibily get there now is to walk the 10+km to the school AND in that walk I have to pass the areas that are currently closed and where there is fighting going on. As a result of this whole situation my medical insurance AND my life insurance are NOT VALID and as such if I was injured I would have a bill. My Embassy is not interested if I go into areas that are unsafe.In fact they are not interested anyway (the idea being I chose to stay here so it is my responsibility to look after myself). So what do all the experts propose I do? Cant live if I cant earn an income and cant leave right now as transport routes are unsafe....Next????

I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

The only way is to hold elections ASAP

Elections were held.Next elections were offered.Elections wont mean a thing because the next side that is not happy now has a precedent set for how to remove the sitting govt. Time to work out the hidden agendas and to remove then.Time to educate and to allow for freedom and to ensure that open and free thinking can be a rule instead of an exception.Teach people how to think,not what to think.That is the only way this country (and others) will have a future.

Thank you

Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

From UN definition of terrorism

"In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.

All the experts on Politics, War, Economy, JOURNALISM, Weapons, Human Psychology, Religion are here on ThaiVisa... I don't how they running the world out dere..

Most of these experts haven't moved out of their home for few days now but they know all is there to know... they can set things right with one hit at spacebar...

:) Could not agree with you more, in fact, it is almost humourous were it not such a tragic topic...

No I doubt he will.

Waco was a conflagration because nonone realized they had

stocked so much incendiariess that their whole place would go up.

Again this is a case of a brainwashed group with a do or die never surrender attitude

refusing to acknowledge rule of law. Koresh is not so far a stretch compared to

several of the Red Leaders, removing the apocolyptic religeious aspects.

Indoctrination is a dangerous tool of control than often can spin out of control.

We see that in Redland today.

That's a good analogy. I think a crazy man leading people to their death for their own gain applies here. Jonestown also comes to mind. Don't drink the red colored kool-aid. If you do, dont expect help from the hospital you have closed.

All the experts on Politics, War, Economy, JOURNALISM, Weapons, Human Psychology, Religion are here on ThaiVisa... I don't how they running the world out dere..

Most of these experts haven't moved out of their home for few days now but they know all is there to know... they can set things right with one hit at spacebar...


Link to the video of the leader of the reds Assasinated by the government please showing the shooter in uniform. Your credibility is sinking with each post my friend.

I guess you believe the goverment when they say they had nothing to do with it RIGHT

At least my cred is sinking the goverment lost theres a long time ago

It's true that certain regimes caused their county's products to be boycotted. However I doubt that this will happen to Thailand.

Of course I woulkd like to see more equality in Thailand.

However, the reds can no longer be treated as demonstrators. This is a rebellion.

What happens when there is a rebellion? The government must crush it quickly and completely with overwhelming force. If not you have anarchy. There have been more thyan enough warnings. Now is the time for tanks.

I think we have to be careful, it is more complex: even Abhisit differentiate between the "demonstrators" and the "terrorists". we have certainly different groups with superimposed interests and certainly different aims, (like in every similar situation). The evolution will depend on the leading group.

One certainty: the utilisation of official militias (the Rangers) then the progressive reduction of their strength has put on the market some jobless 'professional" adventurers. Some are hired by yellow shirts, newin militia, ronin... most of those people are not interested by a pacific solution and they will not be trapped in the crushing, so the crushing will not be the end...

Only a negociation with the real demonstrators (the majority) bringing a peaceful solution may put a final end...Then a lot of works:

- restructuring the Police

- creating an anti riot force (Why not by integrating the militias from every sides for getting rid of them)

- limiting the circulation of weaponry

- implementing the Roadmap.....and so on....

All the experts on Politics, War, Economy, JOURNALISM, Weapons, Human Psychology, Religion are here on ThaiVisa... I don't how they running the world out dere..

Most of these experts haven't moved out of their home for few days now but they know all is there to know... they can set things right with one hit at spacebar...

:) Love it, right on dewd..... :D

So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

He got shot because a drunken red shirt tried to run a military roadblock. The soldiers opened fire on the van because it would not slow down or stop. What should the soldiers have done? The van could have been filled with explosives for all they knew. The blame for that child getting shot lies no where else than with the red shirts.

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

According t most of the idiots on here yes

If the Military had any ideas what they were doing they would actually block off the area and use Concrete bollards to avoid incidents of anyone trying to drive through lets face ti they have had over 2 months to get organized but instead they choose to open fire at stone weilding idiots.

Where are the water canons and normal tactics in a situation like this lots of tear gas and water canons which can knock you right on your ass real quick followed by arrests.

No they prefer to Kill them instead


Since when ANYWHERE in the world are watercannon used against people ared with m79 grenades? Oh .. wait they aren't!

Now -- we have the tragedy of the 10 year old that was shot when a military emplacement was being attacked by a drunkenn red in a van. It is a TRAGEDY but the boy wasn't targetted.

On the other hand ... we have the child living in the housing project that was hit by 3 m79 grenades fired by the reds.

One is tragic. The other is the act of terrorists.

Wrong.....there are 3 tragedies

That two children die is two terrible tragedies

The third is that there are always those who will try to use these tragedies for political spin........


Scores of motorcycles rushing down Vipawadee-Rangsit past Veterans General Hospital toward Din Daeng. Motorcycles going in both directions - some against the flow of traffic.

From UN definition of terrorism

"In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.

Why did I not get quotes?


Yeah, and they should just napalm the whole area and repaint, after all the bad guys do have grenades which gives the army carte blanche.



Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

where were his parents?

wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

It was animatic that suggested the child was killed because he refused to leave the area.

I'm not an apologist for animatic... but I think he forgot the prof read his post. It's doesn't sound like the sort of thing he would say.

Of course this is quoted out of context. And misread as to meaning.

He was warned well before the incident to leave.

I have a child of ten +\-, she would have left.

Most children of that age CAN reason enough for this.

If they see a rabid dog they know to move away.

Obserkomando disgustingly implies that I said he was killed by soldiers for refusing to leave,

when all that was meant was:

He was told to leave because it was too dangerous,

he didn't, and was caught in crossfire or richochet.

The definintion of colateral damage is 'accidental or unintentional'.

The soldiers warning him to go away showed their intent not to let him be injured.

We don't know the time between warning, and the druck driven van arriving and causing the shooting.

It is a sad incident, but the spin used by some is repugnant.

And only serves to inflame passions more.

here is a report from a spot where unarmed red shirts were shot repeatedly...by Thai soldiers. If it is true that there is only shooting by the military in self defense, then why were these guys shot up? rivetting stuff:


They look like innocent civilian just passing by, don't they?

A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

I understand why they get shot at.

They are insurgents holding a strategic location i.e. the Shell petrol station.

A very very bad journalism from someone trying hard to make a living from the misery of others. These people there have chosen their misery. His (Nick Nostiz) only luck was to meet govt soldiers and not red soldiers out there.

What was and is the noble cause and legal presence of these people?

I see, all these pimps from Chuwit's brothels and elsewhere. Also the motorbike racers and all the rubbish from the human resources garbage dump.

here is a report from a spot where unarmed red shirts were shot repeatedly...by Thai soldiers. If it is true that there is only shooting by the military in self defense, then why were these guys shot up? rivetting stuff:


They look like innocent civilian just passing by, don't they?

A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

I understand why they get shot at.

they were Unarmed with guns...only stones, sling shots etc. No match for rifles and this kind of killing is uncalled for

You need to keep up

Does anybody know what the military casualties are for the last 3 days? from what I can gleam it appears to be one injured soldier, I could be wrong and if I am I'm sure someone will let me know.

Anybody, I thought this site was full of experts.

It would just show how one sided this is 1 you think hmm


CNN say here that at least 2 Army have been killed, one must be the video going round yesterday with the soldier pulled from truck and killed with his own weapon, then one more who must have been killed by one of the dangerous armed terrorists in 3 days of fighting.

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