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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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here is a report from a spot where unarmed red shirts were shot repeatedly...by Thai soldiers. If it is true that there is only shooting by the military in self defense, then why were these guys shot up? rivetting stuff:


They look like innocent civilian just passing by, don't they?

A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

I understand why they get shot at.

they were Unarmed with guns...only stones, sling shots etc. No match for rifles and this kind of killing is uncalled for

Do try to keep up

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Police will cooperate with NGOs, Red Cross, and Human Security Ministry to evacuate children, women and elderly

Police will cooperate with the Human Security and Social Development Ministry, the Thai Red Cross and non-governmental orgainsations to evaluate children, women and the elderly from the Rajprasong protest zone.

The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation said the evacuation would begin Sunday and would end before 3 pm Monday.

CRES spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd also invited the media to observer the evacuation process.

Great if the reds will let the woman and kids go and get them to safety


A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

I understand why they get shot at.

they were Unarmed with guns...only stones, sling shots etc. No match for rifles and this kind of killing is uncalled for

You need to keep up

WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed


Troops taking up combat positions at gates and inside First Infantry compound - crouching behind trees etc. Looks tense.


I hope everyone reads the Editorial in the Bangkok Post by Voranai Vanijaka

At last.......the truth......we can only hope and pray that they listen

Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

That must be me, because no other fool would like to be blamed!!

And if you do not like it that it is me, then sent your men in black over to my place, so my wife can get Tommy Lee Jones picture and you can get yours taken with Wesley the Sniper

WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

what constitutes a civilian in this case?

No the two (spotter and shooter) from about 53 onwards.. Those are snipers / sharp shooters.

does it matter?

would it be preferable to have untrained conscripts firing blindly from behind sandbags?

or better to have trained 'snipers' shooting single shots at people throwing petrol bombs?

Or medics, women and journos ??

WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

what constitutes a civilian in this case?

The military snipers if any good could easily pick off the guys in black that has a weapon any red that is armed with a rifle handgun etc ok take him out however if he is throwing stones molotov cocktails, slingshots you CANNOT JUSTIFY murdering them plain and simple.

However we are not seeing guys in black are we we are seeing civilians medic and journalists being shot by the military

TAN Network: Nuttawut says protestors who wish to leave the rally can do so after CRES offers assistance

Great hopefully all the woman and kids will be got out


around 1100pm last night on the red barricades at sarasin and wireless the red guards swore that the intense fighting continously heard a few blocks away in the direction from the lumpini boxing stadium did not involve red shirts. they claim it was army attacking a police station.

i and everyone else in the area had been hearing this confrontation for hours, and it clearly involved grenades, and lots of them. the armed intensity of this confrontation is clearly different from the others yesterday. wireless towards Rama 4 was completely deserted, and the reds warned that their were army snipers in lumpini so i ventured no further, so i couldn t independantly verify.

i have heard rumors of police against army also from other sources. for some inexplicable reason, our trusty the source the nation does not mention this, but quite suspiciously to me is now talking of reds dressing up as police. it would seem to be a coverup of the truth of who is actually fighting in that area, but again i just dont know. of the course, it is possible that the government/nation is telling the truth.

does anybody have independant knowledge of whether this police versus army is true or disinformation?

if true, armed insurrection--not of only by peasants, but by institutions of the state itself--against the thai state has begun.


What a load of tosh, paid terrorists, evil billionaires, using women and children as a human shield

These are just your opinions. Respectable news stations try to stick to the facts which is why none of your content is reflected there.

Everyone knows the definition of terrorist by now so no need to go there and yes they are paid so what else can we call it? Do you think the blackshirts are out there for free? red shirt leaders wont get a big pay day if they pull this off? New stations report action and drama mate or a "good story" that's how they pay the bills. What fantasy land have you been living in where journos only report the facts? Fact: red shirt protesters have been paid and now the really nice part where payments are now being postponed to keep them staying there to BE USED AS HUMAN SHIELDS and this has been reported you just don't want to accept it for whatever reason?


deleted --- post didn't make it through the server

I am STILL amazed that the reds themselves can do no wrong in the eyes of so many. It doesn't matter that their leaders publicly call for violence. that their leaders declare war on the government. That they are armed. that they contain or have been infiltrated by terrorists. ......

Some people are just red to the core --- it doesn't matter to them how much damage the reds do to Thailand.

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

i have done both, i urge others to do the same.



So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

He got shot because a drunken red shirt tried to run a military roadblock. The soldiers opened fire on the van because it would not slow down or stop. What should the soldiers have done? The van could have been filled with explosives for all they knew. The blame for that child getting shot lies no where else than with the red shirts.

The kid got shot because the government ordered the use of live rounds. If you shot live rounds people die. Exactly that happened.

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Saying he was targeted by soldiers is a vicious and useless lie, since the truth IS known.

A ten years old ignored the warnings???

Collateral damage is just another word for killing of innocent civilians. It is military lingua, the languages of murderers. Not all of us here are soldiers or veterans, so please stick to the civilian word for it: MURDER.

I am beginning to wonder if someone isnt playing a game with peoples lives..

Bit slow on it there then. More than one person though.

Quoted out of context..

What I mean is.. Beyond Red / Tacky / Etc's obvious desire for blood to flow and these scenes to be broadcast globally.. Is the military also prolonging this, I fail to see that some of their actions could really be pure incompetence.

around 1100pm last night on the red barricades at sarasin and wireless the red guards swore that the intense fighting continously heard a few blocks away in the direction from the lumpini boxing stadium did not involve red shirts. they claim it was army attacking a police station.

i and everyone else in the area had been hearing this confrontation for hours, and it clearly involved grenades, and lots of them. the armed intensity of this confrontation is clearly different from the others yesterday. wireless towards Rama 4 was completely deserted, and the reds warned that their were army snipers in lumpini so i ventured no further, so i couldn t independantly verify.

i have heard rumors of police against army also from other sources. for some inexplicable reason, our trusty the source the nation does not mention this, but quite suspiciously to me is now talking of reds dressing up as police. it would seem to be a coverup of the truth of who is actually fighting in that area, but again i just dont know. of the course, it is possible that the government/nation is telling the truth.

does anybody have independant knowledge of whether this police versus army is true or disinformation?

if true, armed insurrection--not of only by peasants, but by institutions of the state itself--against the thai state has begun.

I dont have independant knowledge but this would not surprise me if it is true because

its not to hard to imagine given his background that Thaksin would still have some influential

and loyal friends in the police.

Armed men in black in action

OK. Red shirt supporters. Defend that!!

Obviously a fake black shirt. :)

They won't comment on this. They are in denial. They just regurgitate the same old boring propaganda.

I notice the other video accusing the military of being snipers has been quoted multiple times, so here's my bit.

Armed men in black in action

OK. Red shirt supporters. Defend that!!

Obviously a fake black shirt. :)

They won't comment on this. They are in denial. They just regurgitate the same old boring propaganda.

I notice the other video accusing the military of being snipers has been quoted multiple times, so here's my bit.

So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

World renowned for being unbiased, not politically controlled - very funny. I take it you didn't follow the BBC's coverage of the UK election ? They are most certainly capable of being unbiased, however they are not beyond reproach. They are very capable of incredibly sloppy journalism at times. Often retracting sensationalist headlines and changing them the next day after being bombarded with complaints reminding them of the facts.

So what in fact you are saying is there is no such thing as unbiased reporting, that should therefore result in those of us seeking the truth and not opinion to just simply switching off, if we do not see with our own eyes then everything is just someone else's view which has no value as it probably biased. Sad World

Sad world it may be, but yes that is exactly what I'm saying - use every news source available. Question their allegiances and draw your own conclusions and don't assume it's the BBC, it must be correct.

So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

He got shot because a drunken red shirt tried to run a military roadblock. The soldiers opened fire on the van because it would not slow down or stop. What should the soldiers have done? The van could have been filled with explosives for all they knew. The blame for that child getting shot lies no where else than with the red shirts.

The kid got shot because the government ordered the use of live rounds. If you shot live rounds people die. Exactly that happened.

So you are saying the drunken red shirt who drove the van has no responsibility in it? And that the rioting red shirts are not the cause of the soldiers being out there in the first place?

Armed men in black in action

OK. Red shirt supporters. Defend that!!

Obviously a fake black shirt. :)

They won't comment on this. They are in denial. They just regurgitate the same old boring propaganda.

I notice the other video accusing the military of being snipers has been quoted multiple times, so here's my bit.

Like I said ONE black shirt guy with a rifle OK take him out but the killings of civilians shootings of Journalists, medics and children is just way out of whack.

But those on here all it takes is one video of one guy with a rifle to try and justify the murderous campaign the goverment is running

Or medics, women and journos ??

at this point we don't know who is shooting whom.

we don't know that a sniper shot the medic. why would a sniper target a medic?

who shot the women? we don't know. what were the women doing at the time?

also i've seen no report of journos being targeted by snipers.

the latest injured journa was the canadian, but he had placed himself in between

the two factions, had not identified himself by wearing a green armband,

and was dressed in a way as to possibly confuse someone in a tense situation.

the point to my post is that having snipers is not necessarily a bad thing,

as many posters had been complaining about poorly directed fire.

WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

what constitutes a civilian in this case?

The military snipers if any good could easily pick off the guys in black that has a weapon any red that is armed with a rifle handgun etc ok take him out however if he is throwing stones molotov cocktails, slingshots you CANNOT JUSTIFY murdering them plain and simple.

However we are not seeing guys in black are we we are seeing civilians medic and journalists being shot by the military

Ever taken a molotv cocktail to the face? how about a stone to the forehead or marble slingshot into your pea brain? They don't need to justify sh**! Surrender, go home or stay put sitting on your hands but advance towards the military with ANY kind of weapon and ANYWHERE in the world under a this kind of emergency situation and soldiers, national guard whatever are going to put you down plain and simple.

The crap above posted by a known troll about medics and journos getting shot by military doesn't even deserve a response


Just came back from Chidlom, Soi Lang Suan, Pleonchit, Rajdamri and Ratchaprasong area..... its all chilled, loads of food and water still being served up, the stage is still noisy, but the crowd is under 3,500 for the whole area, with 50% or more being women and children.

The Parada store window has a few small bullet holes in but not shattered but the glass above the door is, no one can easily get in and our old friend the LV store is still safe. We couldn't work out how the bullet holes got there, its a kind of weird dead end angle!

So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

He got shot because a drunken red shirt tried to run a military roadblock. The soldiers opened fire on the van because it would not slow down or stop. What should the soldiers have done? The van could have been filled with explosives for all they knew. The blame for that child getting shot lies no where else than with the red shirts.

The kid got shot because the government ordered the use of live rounds. If you shot live rounds people die. Exactly that happened.

Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

Saying he was targeted by soldiers is a vicious and useless lie, since the truth IS known.

A ten years old ignored the warnings???

Collateral damage is just another word for killing of innocent civilians. It is military lingua, the languages of murderers. Not all of us here are soldiers or veterans, so please stick to the civilian word for it: MURDER.


Better look up the definition of "MURDER".

Not all loss of life is "MURDER" and in no way would this be considered "MURDER" at the hands of the government troops. There MIGHT be a case for "Felony Murder" that could be applied to the driver of the van.

Night hasn't been that quite in ChiangMai too...

Was that outside anything strategic ??

Is there more info on this..

Can't say more, the police was investigating on that military bus burnt last night

They were somewhat agressive when I tried to ask... I left !

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