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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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Breaking news from Thaksins twitter:

I offert Chelsea all of my frozen assets to let Manchester United to become champions, so there would be a run on their red shirts.

Then the protesters would be in favour, and we could proof the tribunal in The Hague that the army was shooting innocent people.

They wimpt me off and told me to sell my story about my frozen assets to the polar bears!!

Can anyone off you twitter me the number of these polar's???

I tried to call Potjaman and Oak but they are away shopping and Chavalit is eating noodles in Cumming!!

please twitter me as soon as possible, or mail me on [email protected]

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Hmmmmm FarangCravings has said that CNN has done a good job reporting these events ..... (then FC goes on to blame the government troops!)

Security forces rolled out razor wire and erected warning signs Saturday as they surrounded the area where the protesters have been clustered, CNN's Dan Rivers reported. He said Thai troops had also come under fire although it was unclear who was shooting at them.

"There's been quite a fierce gunfight where we are in the northwest corner of this zone that they have tried to surround a Ratchaprarop Road which has been declared a live fire zone by the army," said Rivers.

Eyewitnesses recounted stories of unarmed people being picked off. One man was shot and whisked away by emergency crews. People at the scene pointed to a building where they thought snipers were based.

"The protesters clearly blame the army for the deadly force," said CNN's Sara Sidner from the scene of the protests. "There is no way to know for sure who exactly is doing the shooting but neither of the people we saw injured were armed."


CNN reports Soldiers are being shot at -----

CNN reports they cannot say for sure who is "doing the shooting" that injured the 2 people they saw injured.

When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

What a silly argument.

Even a kitchen knife is a weapon in a riot.

The slingshots are being used alongside those who have guns.

You will have to think again for a better pro-red rioter defence.

I have an issue with disproportionate force. Claiming that I support an entire anti-government riot for thinking so is slandering me, and during such a time of political unrest, I would suggest you lay off such accusations. I in no way support the riots.



"All around me unarmed men. Saw one protester across road return fire with what looked like handgun concealed by a box. 1st weapon I've seen." 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

There you go people, Alastair has now re-established himself as great journalist in Thaivisa minds.



-- The Nation

4.19pm - Assailants fire M-79 grenades in Bon Kai area where troops clash with red shirts protesters.


Sorry my mistake I should have wrapped the quoted part in tags I have edited post now should have looked like this;# Moved on Rama4 behind protesters. High velocity rounds incoming. Some injured. Ambulance shot at. Burning tyre rolled, live rounds followed 22 minutes ago via TweetDeck Then my personal comment was Looks like army haven't finished shooting paramedics

the tweet (hey, that's the first time i've ever used that word) didn't say who shot at the ambulance.

and....was it an ambulance?

the other thread says one truck painted/disguised(?) as an ambulance was used to deliver supplies to the protest zone.

Read his tweets.. Hes very clear..

At R4 military still firing at anyone who they see in the road. Just seen one hit in shoulder.

Two ambulances seen arriving and leaving with flashing lights from protest side. Still behind army on R4 still firing M16s.


Improvised Explosive Devices apparently.

Had to look that up. Could posters please not use TLAs* that other people may not understand.

*Three Letter Acronyms

At least some good news ...


-- The Nation

Children, women, elderly move to Pathumwanaram Temple

At 3 pm Sunday, children, women and elderly people started moving from the Rajprasong rally site to the Pathumwanaram Temple, Thai PBS reported.

They packed their personal things and headed to the temple.

The evacuation of the children, women and elderly started after the red-shirt leaders announced on the stage that they would not use children, women and elderly as human shields.



CREDIT to both government and the red shirts !

To "farangCravings" If the word 'MURDER' fits into this picture at all, it describes the red-shirt leaders......... They have through their own selfish goals, led all their followers over the cliff............ CHEW ON THAT FOR A WHILE.................

I only see Civilians DEAD not armed red shirt even a 10 year old boy shot by the military

Hmmmm pretty clear

Remove your rose-tinted glasses, engage your brain, and things may even become a little clearer. The soldier from the truck video died, murdered while unarmed and surrendering because he did not want to hurt his fellow thais. Quite a few "innocent protesters" faces were shown in that video, most will end up doing long hard time, if they are lucky.

The boy was told to move away from a dangerous position but refused. He was shot accidentally while the army were shooting at a proven redshit vehicle approaching at speed.

Are you claiming that the same men that are surrendering rather than hurt their countrymen are randomly shooting children? To what end?

@JD - is there something in the water up there?

Source ?? Or guess ??

There are rules to bring the situation back to normal. The unarmed civilians are criminals. The police and military are trying to protect public property and their rule is: Don't torch or destroy it and stay away from zones that we created to disengage clashing people/forces and bring back a calm situation.

The thugs ignore those orders. So they are shot at, as announced by the military. No Excuse.

It is the red leaders' fault not to distance themselves from those criminals in the first place. They allowed them in, now they cannot control them. They even think that their destructive behavior is good for the cause.

Never in history have riots like this one brought about a sustainable improvement of a situation.

I think you all live in a dream world, or you are too preoccupied with tit-for-tat revenge and hatred to see the big picture.

This is not a revolution where 2,000,000 people demand justified change - this is a riot instigated by a frustrated, revenge-seeking billionaire who manages to drag along narrow-minded "leaders of the poor" who promise their supporters a paradise in Thailand by getting rid of the elite. They are so blind that they do not even realize that ALL their supporters in the background are just another rich elite, waiting for the cake to be split up between them.

I know real leaders of the poor, such as Krutee Roigaew of Chiang Rai. He and his team have managed to bring change to communities in the North - unarmed, using existing laws, uniting people peacefully for their cause and by creating an understanding of their wishes (with authorities). And guess what - it works, slowly, but it works.

Riots and hardline views are tools that only create resistance. The reds should clean up the mess out in their home-provinces first before going to BKK and creating trouble there.

95% of you folks who blast your unrealistic views into the air in this forum neither speak the language, nor have they worked for many years in Thailand or have a clear picture of what was going on during Thaksins rule. You only know the 30-Baht scheme. And the pointless throwing away of a million Baht for every Tumbon, a measure which has brought nothing to sustainably improve communities. Wow. You have no clue how vote-buying worked, how opposition leaders were removed, TV-Channels were taken over by eliminating critical journalists, tax-money used to finance projects of his firms, expensive short-term measures ntroduced in rural areas but with no follow-up mainenance of the projects, lawyers killed for acting against land-grabs by Thaksins cronies, etc, etc...

Live, learn and look around for a little longer before you decide if you really support that.

Well said, sir!


My wife and her family are Thai citizens but born in Cambodia, and fled from there in seventies during the Khmer Rouge regime. Most of their family did not escape and were murdered. They are poor farmers and were always very supportive of thaksin and red shirt movement. Now the whole family is anti-red shirt. They say red shirts remind them of khmer Rouge and say they do not care if red shirts get killed, they do not want army to get hurt. They say red shirts are communists. I do not think they are very politically aware about communism and everything it involves. They just relate to a mob of people with guns wearing red and trying to take over. I am very much in favor of democracy and support it and have fought to defend it. Also as American Indian I can identify with being an oppressed group. However, I believe I would now be considered one of the fascists that some people on forum want to shoot. The government agreed to election, but this did not appease red shirts as elections were not fast enough. All they had to have was a little logic and reason but their leaders have none of that. Then they want the deputy PM to turn himself in for whatever and he did that and still not good enough. it seems to me that what red shirt leaders really want is bloodshed. I understand that poor people are angry and have been treated badly for a long time. However this does not excuse everything that is happening now. Many of these same poor people are losing jobs and homes because of what red shirts are doing. Do they not count for anything? Gatecrasher it seems to me you are the true fascist. Despite that I do not agree with you, I do not wish you to be rounded up and shot. I only wish for you to receive help for your problem.

What is the purpose of live rounds?

Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

I think the case is pretty clear.

Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

You know what old man, i don't care if in your home country the army needs 48h to kill a ten years old boy. If you think that is good, you should probably go home. Bye, bye, was nice to meet you. Time is over now.

When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Thank you..

Look.. Any one of the few images we have seen of armed reds.. Shoot them.. Guys with guns, grenade launchers, etc.. Fire away..

But almost every news source out there, every blogger and tweeter.. Are all saying that this is indiscriminate firing, its hit kids, women, journos and medics.. Thats nothing like the 'self defence' and 'trust only us' mantra of the government.

My wife actually HATES THAKSIN with a passion and also hates the red shirts

You can clearly see what is happening on CNN BBC etc good reporting with very clear pcitures of thai military hiding behind wall under NO THREAT emptying there clips

Plain for the world to see and then pictures of dead civilians and kids

You have to be Chiang Mai Fun's alter ego!

Like the other red apologists he is desperately pushing the red rioters as innocent civilians story.


Because the reds are losing and they need time for a cease-fire.

Yoshi you are putting the red apologists in a very good light here.........

You see every time somebody (not supporting either 'side') raises objection to random, inappropriate, unacceptable deaths, which we all surely hope will stop occuring, you label them a 'red apologist'....

Maybe you should rethink your posting.......or are you a secret red sympathiser..... :)


The effects of yaa baa?

certainly not, this is a very kind 'NO SHIRT' who prepared a fire extinguisher in the tire :)

Hmmmmm FarangCravings has said that CNN has done a good job reporting these events ..... (then FC goes on to blame the government troops!)
Security forces rolled out razor wire and erected warning signs Saturday as they surrounded the area where the protesters have been clustered, CNN's Dan Rivers reported. He said Thai troops had also come under fire although it was unclear who was shooting at them.

"There's been quite a fierce gunfight where we are in the northwest corner of this zone that they have tried to surround a Ratchaprarop Road which has been declared a live fire zone by the army," said Rivers.

Eyewitnesses recounted stories of unarmed people being picked off. One man was shot and whisked away by emergency crews. People at the scene pointed to a building where they thought snipers were based.

"The protesters clearly blame the army for the deadly force," said CNN's Sara Sidner from the scene of the protests. "There is no way to know for sure who exactly is doing the shooting but neither of the people we saw injured were armed."


CNN reports Soldiers are being shot at -----

CNN reports they cannot say for sure who is "doing the shooting" that injured the 2 people they saw injured.

Sara Snyder ...

Its like areas with an overpass, which the military take, gain total control of the area, and clear it of visible redshirts.. Then they give up the overpass, leave the commanding position, and the reds come steaming back in.. This kind of event has now happened over and over for days, it seems to be beyond simple incompetence ??

Are we simply watching and reacting to a very elaborate and bloody fascade, that while escalating plays right into certain hands (hardliners / Tackys / ???).. Undermining the government by its own inability.

I mean.. 900 generals.. Not one leader ??

Ever heard of strategy? Clear the commanding position (which is also quite exposed), move back and let more idiots rush in, shoot the crap out of them, repeat until they realise they are being had.

If they are so incompetent, why are their casualty figures so low?

An unruly mob is no more an army than a pile of building materials is a house - socrates


"All around me unarmed men. Saw one protester across road return fire with what looked like handgun concealed by a box. 1st weapon I've seen." 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

There you go people, Alastair has now re-established himself as great journalist in Thaivisa minds.

How can everybody be unarmed and at the same time one protester return fire with a handgun?

And he manages to see the handgun presumably due to luck since it was concealed. Is it not safe to assume other weapons are concealed then too?

He tries so hard to whitewash the rioters he is doing logical skips at times...

NGO Wallop said ar 800-1000 kids, women, and elderly r now at Pratumwanaram Temple:Nation TV

This will make the thugs more careful and the chance they just go away is getting bigger. There will be no mercy if they try to resist.

What is the purpose of live rounds?

Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

I think the case is pretty clear.

Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

You know what old man, i don't care if in your home country the army needs 48h to kill a ten years old boy. If you think that is good, you should probably go home. Bye, bye, was nice to meet you. Time is over now.

Where are you from? Name the region atleast?


Improvised Explosive Devices apparently.

Had to look that up. Could posters please not use TLAs* that other people may not understand.

*Three Letter Acronyms

The acronym IED is fairly known even to civilians now due to the events in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Thank you..

Look.. Any one of the few images we have seen of armed reds.. Shoot them.. Guys with guns, grenade launchers, etc.. Fire away..

But almost every news source out there, every blogger and tweeter.. Are all saying that this is indiscriminate firing, its hit kids, women, journos and medics.. Thats nothing like the 'self defence' and 'trust only us' mantra of the government.

Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

From the window of my apartment on Mahadlekluan 2 I have just seen 7 strange floating bags coming down from the sky. One landed on our soi and a security guard picked it up. They look like laundry bags. One still floating in the sky looked like it had smoke coming out the bottom of it. Strange.

Chinese lanterns?

Only in Thailand would someone send up Kraitongs during a seige of urban warfare!!!

Well in 2006 someone was shooting off a full fireworks display the night of the coup...and the next....

One would have thought no explosions might have been a good idea those evening.

What is the purpose of live rounds?

Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

I think the case is pretty clear.

Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

You know what old man, i don't care if in your home country the army needs 48h to kill a ten years old boy. If you think that is good, you should probably go home. Bye, bye, was nice to meet you. Time is over now.

Bringing kids into a war zone was the reds idea.

They should go home.

Er what, you think they should stay?

And fight and bring guns into the red positions?

What? you didn't say it?

We know your position.

In the front pocket of Thaksin's fighting fatigues.

With your crocodile tears to order.

Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

i have done both, i urge others to do the same.

I can not access the saedang forum anymore. Looks like they took it offline. One more step.


Thai TV now showing a underwear only wearing reds dancing behind tires while other reds prepare to throw petrol bombs amid streets filled with smoke.


While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

were the military trigger happy, we'd certainly have seen more than 24 dead by now.

would be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

so far, they've shown incredible restraint.

How many are dead, how many are injured? How many of them have been 'terrorists'?

How reliable will be the numbers that are getting published?

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