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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Militant Muesli Party.

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But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

were the military trigger happy, we'd certainly have seen more than 24 dead by now.

would be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

so far, they've shown incredible restraint.

I agree.

People say the army are targetting children and women. Have they ever stopped to think that if trained men with guns really wanted to kill children, women, or even adult men, how high the death rate would be? Heck even untrained people in close quarters could take out 24 in minutes.

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

And you are?

Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

were the military trigger happy, we'd certainly have seen more than 24 dead by now.

would be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

so far, they've shown incredible restraint.

How many are dead, how many are injured? How many of them have been 'terrorists'?

How reliable will be the numbers that are getting published?

Since you don't think they are terrorists.

Its just a rhetorical question n'est pas?

When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Let me enlighten you about these "toy grade" slingshots the reds are using. Here in Isaan these are the weapon of choice when hunting birds. The first time I saw one of these used I was shocked and amazed. These guys can knock a bird out of the top of a tree at 30 meters. When it hits the ground it is dead. They are lethal. The children all have them at an early age. By the time they are adults they don't miss their target.

The reds are using glass marbles as reported on the evening news. Consider being hit in the head or anywhere else with a glass marble traveling at over 120 kph.


"All around me unarmed men. Saw one protester across road return fire with what looked like handgun concealed by a box. 1st weapon I've seen." 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

There you go people, Alastair has now re-established himself as great journalist in Thaivisa minds.

How can everybody be unarmed and at the same time one protester return fire with a handgun?

And he manages to see the handgun presumably due to luck since it was concealed. Is it not safe to assume other weapons are concealed then too?

He tries so hard to whitewash the rioters he is doing logical skips at times...

Guys like him think by not reporting both sides gives he some free reign to walk amongst the reb mob.

Now that he has taken the time to see a handgun, and report on it, I wonder how welcome he will be in redland once this filters down.

No doubt he will be back with a correction "although I thought I saw a handgun in his shoebox, apparently I was mistaken, it was only a large l-end wrench that the guy was going to use to fix a damaged phone booth caused by the wild shooting from the soldiers" (whew!)

To all you posters saying reds are dangerous terrorists, can you explain to me why, according to the erawan medical centre there have been no military deaths.

could be that the troops are better trained.

could be they're not hopped up on stimulants.

could be that they are staying behind their barricades waiting for the 'terrorists' to come to them.

Seriously. Even in places like America, UK, Europe. How many criminals die/get hurt compared to police officers when they clash?

My wife and her family are Thai citizens but born in Cambodia, and fled from there in seventies during the Khmer Rouge regime. Most of their family did not escape and were murdered. They are poor farmers and were always very supportive of thaksin and red shirt movement. Now the whole family is anti-red shirt. They say red shirts remind them of khmer Rouge and say they do not care if red shirts get killed, they do not want army to get hurt. They say red shirts are communists. I do not think they are very politically aware about communism and everything it involves. They just relate to a mob of people with guns wearing red and trying to take over. I am very much in favor of democracy and support it and have fought to defend it. Also as American Indian I can identify with being an oppressed group. However, I believe I would now be considered one of the fascists that some people on forum want to shoot. The government agreed to election, but this did not appease red shirts as elections were not fast enough. All they had to have was a little logic and reason but their leaders have none of that. Then they want the deputy PM to turn himself in for whatever and he did that and still not good enough. it seems to me that what red shirt leaders really want is bloodshed. I understand that poor people are angry and have been treated badly for a long time. However this does not excuse everything that is happening now. Many of these same poor people are losing jobs and homes because of what red shirts are doing. Do they not count for anything? Gatecrasher it seems to me you are the true fascist. Despite that I do not agree with you, I do not wish you to be rounded up and shot. I only wish for you to receive help for your problem.

How many times do people need to be told? These terrorists occupying central Bangkok are the Issan Rouge.

Thai TV now showing a underwear only wearing reds dancing behind tires while other reds prepare to throw petrol bombs amid streets filled with smoke.

Yes and these guys are likely to get shot, like would happen in any other country on the planet when you enter a war zone crazed on yaba! There are, at present, only 24 people killed and thats, how bizarre it might sound, a miracle! Lets hope things will cool down, but let me tell you one thing: " the red leaders need to be going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Thank you..

Look.. Any one of the few images we have seen of armed reds.. Shoot them.. Guys with guns, grenade launchers, etc.. Fire away..

But almost every news source out there, every blogger and tweeter.. Are all saying that this is indiscriminate firing, its hit kids, women, journos and medics.. Thats nothing like the 'self defence' and 'trust only us' mantra of the government.

and again .....

CNN doesn't see it that way from their reporters on the ground


Security forces rolled out razor wire and erected warning signs Saturday as they surrounded the area where the protesters have been clustered, CNN's Dan Rivers reported. He said Thai troops had also come under fire although it was unclear who was shooting at them.

"There's been quite a fierce gunfight where we are in the northwest corner of this zone that they have tried to surround a Ratchaprarop Road which has been declared a live fire zone by the army," said Rivers.

Eyewitnesses recounted stories of unarmed people being picked off. One man was shot and whisked away by emergency crews. People at the scene pointed to a building where they thought snipers were based.

"The protesters clearly blame the army for the deadly force," said CNN's Sara Sidner from the scene of the protests. "There is no way to know for sure who exactly is doing the shooting but neither of the people we saw injured were armed."

Actually given the government 'crack-down' has gone on for nearly 3 days; there're remarkably VERY few deaths and casualties overall.

I'm NOT marginalizing them by any stretch of the imagination (and a sensible person might have wishfully hoped this situation could have been resolved without loss of life).

I'm only pointing out, up until this point the military has exhibited remarkable restraint in dealing with the armed, violent protestors hel_l bent on goading the military thru the use of M79 grenades, rolling burning tires, throwing M150 bottles of petrol, and firing off home made rockets, into an all out fire fight. Given the possibility of a curfew in select areas, it’s starting to look more like a 'gloves off, end game' for the red-rabble.

Abhisit's government hasta be given credit for this restraint. Reading some of the foreign news takes on this situation; shows the red protestors have lost ANY shred of credibility they once might have had in the eyes of the international community for NOT calling this 'peaceful protest' off WEEKS ago when they got what they initially demanded a Lower House dissolution, new elections, possible amnesty for banned politicians, and constitutional amendments.

Instead it would seem they prefer to sacrifice their 'sheep-like' followers to further their sadly misplaced ideology about what constitutes a 'democracy'.

It's truly sad for the rank-n-file protestors, as I'm sure NONE of the core red-rabble-leaders will be harmed.

I am fairly sure that Abhisit is not controlling the military. The military are there own force.

And what crackdown is this anyway? The army has done nothing. It has actually been attacked by dumb idiots who have left the encampment. If there are trained terrorists they will be staying in the encampment. So to me the army are making fools of themselves. Shooting idiots.

And why hasnt there been a crackdown. There are only some 3500 protestors there of which 90% are peaceful demonstrators. women, old men and children. And Abhisit has a big problem, he has announced he will end the protest. If it doesnt end it he is in trouble. If the soldiers go into that crowd fully armed, if there are trained terrorists there, they can probably incite mayhem. The innocent crowd will be very upset if a young kid is shot or even some innocent old man.

If you actually see photos of that crowd they are 95% innocent people - you cannot justify going in there with guns. Then if a terrorist shoots a soldier the crowd will give up and be horrified and all sympathy for the Reds will be lost. The army have been shooting people and achieving nothing - that is not a good move. I very much suspect they have a hidden agenda. I mean didnt people notice that most of the forces out there yesterday were young raw recruits - the type who are most likely to panic. I also very much suspect that if Abhisit asked them to go in there unarmed they would tell him where to go. The army are in control now - if they dont move into the encampment Abhisit is finished. They could have ended this a couple of days ago but they didnt. So they are probably cutting a deal with him now to finish it. Or maybe they wont cut a deal and have a coup.

If they go in there and there is bloodshed again Abhisit is finished if women and children are hurt. If the soldiers retreat he will be finished. So, as I see it, the military are now very well positioned to have a coup, depose Abhisit, which will end the protest. More likely, they are bargaining their way with him to end it. Obviously all this is massive conjecture but do not believe Abhisit controls the army.

Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

Bottom line is you have armed military on the streets and these fools still refuse to leave and even more ignorant is the folks who think people are not going to get hurt in a battle that has escalated to the point that the military NEEDED to be brought in. There is a reason there is a name for innocent people who get killed in battle ... it is because it is common.

But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

were the military trigger happy, we'd certainly have seen more than 24 dead by now.

would be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

so far, they've shown incredible restraint.

I agree.

People say the army are targetting children and women. Have they ever stopped to think that if trained men with guns really wanted to kill children, women, or even adult men, how high the death rate would be? Heck even untrained people in close quarters could take out 24 in minutes.

They are not targetting children and women but if they come across them they shoot them.

Look carefully at the above contribution.

It should be framed.

There is nothing the red apologists will not lie about in order to bring back Thaksin.


Google are sponsering these terrorists with google ads on their website, we can stop them from using this forum, just report this link to google and spread the word to the media that goolge supports these thugs, they will be stopped and fall into worldwide isolation.


One can also go to http://www.freeforums.org/contact.php and write a complaint. Their legal section clearly states that their forums are not to be used for these type of things. While I support the freedom of speech, I do not support terroristic activities which this site is spewing.

i have done both, i urge others to do the same.

I can not access the saedang forum anymore. Looks like they took it offline. One more step.

"Mob fatigue started! Transporting food supplies can not reach. Health deterioration "of the rot - dirt" Thawee. Hot leaders to leave the hospital. Police. "

Is that true? Phapim post messages saying that is comfortable to two weeks. News for the ครับ. And solve problems together how .

just got this grom their site http://www.saedang.freeforums.org/topic-t2107.html

To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

Not armed? No threat? LOL ... brainwashed!

sae daeng was ALWAYS armed when in uniform. His uniform included the pins from grenades. The implication of the use of those grenades is clear.

Where does it say he was unarmed?

Sae Daeng had threatened the government. His second (Arsiaman) had declared WAR on the government. Sae Daeng was a fair target ---- but many people had reason to kill Sae daeng.

The MAIN issue is that we are unsure of WHO killed Sae Daeng. The reports were that he was shot from INSIDE red territory.


The fantasy man. Have any evidence? No!

If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

they have been using slingshots to shoot fireworks at the army.

video on euronews channel shows them shooting ~3cm round objects with fuses.

ping-pong bombs?

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

Well, you couldn't be more wrong. I am far from right-wing, hate Rush, was against the war in my uni days, admire Gandhi (and Suu Kyi, Chavez, MLK...), despised Reagan and Nixon. I haven't laughed once at anyone being killed, rioter or soldier. I just have enough sense to see what this red movement is all about - getting a convicted thief back in power so he can turn the country back into his own company for his and his cronies personal profit. You sound as if TV should be shut down- why? It provides a good outlet for some spirited discussion - or is that not allowed in your "people's Thailand"? I have a lot of sympathy for poor people of Isaan or any area - including the south (you should check out how fairly T treated those folks while he was in power)- but I don't believe throwing molatov cocktails (reds being shown right now on ThaiPBS doing just that) is the way to achieve it. What do you think Gandhi would have said about Seh Daeng? Or Arisman setting this whole thing up by telling his followers to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol to burn down the city? Funny how that is just what is happening here.


But we have achieved something because this message was just produced:

Topics webmaster help remove bad ครับ clearing. Some people may be discouraged to read specific topics.


Does anyone know the situation with international schools? I go to a international school along rama 9 which is near ESPLANAD and there have been reports that it will be open as normal tomorrow.

I read that ALL schools in Bangkok will be closed (private/non-private) so I'm very confused with the situation. If anyone knows anything it'd be great help.

RT @bangkok: RT @kosukeokahara: Reds (black) force all journalists to out down camera with force.They are quite upset.Do not want to sho ...

28 minutes ago via web

Reds said to be targeting foreigners now at Rama 4, some Reds said to have guns...GET OUT GUYS!!! ITS NOT SAFE!!

17 minutes ago via web

Yes, the reds intend to fight to the death for Thaksin. Democracy has NOTHING to do with it, merely an international PR cover. Their choice.

reds just want more violence, more blood, more dead :-(

at the end, every incident of violence, every drop of blood, and every name of dead will be written on the stone of the Abhisit government :)


Well Australian National News tonight Thailand was the main story

Videos where shown and a reporters opinion given

then we swiched to Sydney Interbnational airport to see people arriving home from Bangkok

Now this is where it gets interesting

Not one person said anything bad about the PM, the government or the army

what was said is

The red shirts are a mob controlling the streets, pushing the security forces into conflict

Tourists have no problems with the army around, it the mob that are burning the city. looting shops, hiding behind young children and mothers with babies in their arms.

The red shirts have no leadership at all, they are just running riot on the streets

No if this is true or not, the fact is this is what they see and are telling the world

So if the red shirt leader think the world will come to their aid, their propoganda machine has failed somewhere

The news in Australia shows you for what you are

an illegal mob on the streets upsetting law abiding people


Hear news from the hearsay of a year card Chor.


1. Infantry 11th yesterday night April 14th at Don M79 to 20th Infantry child is gone Et Lab.

2. Suthep belt Suban missing a leg side being 79 to know if ป่าว Suthep lost more than three days then yes I La.

3. Neck and flat f 11 of splendor and ruin a good move to Director of Hong Prachin then leap away together to sit on at night. 14 after the explosion down

4. This is the 11th infantry soldiers already watermelon watermelon card military talks said. Coffee blank to sit together to eat it inside the 11th Infantry.

5. Meta Exquisite to fly abroad on the night of the 14th, but do not know, but it is XD!.

6. F16 aircraft disappeared without an order of people (good news of the red shirts).

7. Military friendly fight. Because someone ordered large. The military watermelon comment now

8. *Comment disallowed* /Scott/Moderator

9. Magnate red shirts have come back stage (huge), but not broadcast.

10. Police see red shirts stand empty-handed soldiers are not firing. I Yue interaction of soldiers to help the red shirts.

11. Military m79 shot put pine Lumpini because irate

12. Police Host something Resistance because people see innocence not being killed.

13. Building the World Trade USA. Upcoming building in Thailand (confused Adelaide).

Let all the predictions of the Angeles Crest Da Samui Airport card the year Chor. Go to the interview.

News News real breast to spy to tell a friendly and เน้อ.

All news is written. To know a lot of detective breaking news to the Chua's.

the red leaders need to be going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Methinks a firing squad is more of a likelihood after a short gaol term.

Play the big game the stakes are high.

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