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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

Just to clarify, is this the Tesco lotus situated across Carrefoure near the Gluay Nam Tai intersection?

Bump. Anyone with any knowledge about the validity of this event would be very helpful.

According to live radio report, it just mentions Rama 4 Tesco but didn't say the actual location.

[qname=Thaising' post='3606925' date='2010-05-16 19:58:27]Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

The fire reported here at Lotus Express Bon Klai is raging out of control: up to the 4th fl now. It's gone.



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Twitter/BangkokLife: Tulsathit & Veen_NT. PLEASE HELP US. We are trapped in Sathorn Soi 1. The Reds have surrounded our apt bldg with tyres and are about to burn.

many many children in here..PLEASE inform police & army now! They have exploded 6 grenades outside now

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows nothing of the sort.

But keep trying.

IMO it shows incredible restraint on the army as they are facing armed (fact) people who have said they will fight until the death (fact).

Also shows how violent the illegal red mob is as the military hasn't even attempted to enter the red fortress and reclaim the billions of dollars in property the reds have stolen and are holding hostage.

Yesterday I asked you for a link about arms outside the barricades and as expected you did not supply me with a link. Now you are stating FACTS again. I am watching 6 international news channels, for nearly 3 days, and not one reporter has submitted a story with video footage of the reds firing M16s and M79's. To answer your other point, the army will not get close to the barricades because they no whats waiting for them. The weapons are inside the barricades. The only way into this encampment is tanks and personnel carriers.. but hey go ahead justify that, I am sure you can. Save your government propaganda for those silly enough that they are unable to think for themselves. My guess is you r ex military, an american or a thai government worker

1) you never asked me any such thing unless it was to the forum in general

2) being armed doesn't always mean a gun ... you can be armed with a knife, armed with a spear, armed with rockets, armed with sling shots, armed with molotov cocktail, armed with grenade launchers .....

EDIT: and LMAO at the suggestion the ARMY is too scared to move on the red fortress because of what the reds might do to them.

Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

What about their own living quarters that is not far from Klong Toei slump area, that will be big disaster for the poor.

No proof to back this up except for some of the video shot today with odd behavior of red but this certainly may not be true ... I've heard a few rumors that the reds are paying some of the folks in the slum (mainly yaa baa addicts) to come out in the streets and basically raise havoc.

All your posts are unbelievable. Difference of views makes great debate regardless of your alleigance but you just post nonsense

according what has been said and the fact that the government has asked the Thai red cross to go in tomorrow and persuade as many as possible to leave it is pretty obvious that tomorrow evening those who choose to remain are in for a rather bad time - looks like it is going to be over by Tuesday they should look out for red shirt leaders trying to sneak out in woman's clothing though

i think the red leadership understand what this means.

so i would expect them to make their big push tonight.

they need casualties, preferably women and children, to elicit sympathy.

if the 'hostages' leave tomorrow with the red cross, where does that leave the hard core and the leadership?

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly

that seems to be a good reason. yet why the CRES need to announce it 24 hours ahead ? this sort of 'offer' could be made for 6-hour notice, and be sharp.

what this 24 hours advance, allows reds to vote who go who stay ?

It's true that certain regimes caused their county's products to be boycotted. However I doubt that this will happen to Thailand.

Of course I woulkd like to see more equality in Thailand.

However, the reds can no longer be treated as demonstrators. This is a rebellion.

What happens when there is a rebellion? The government must crush it quickly and completely with overwhelming force. If not you have anarchy. There have been more thyan enough warnings. Now is the time for tanks.

I think we have to be careful, it is more complex: even Abhisit differentiate between the "demonstrators" and the "terrorists". we have certainly different groups with superimposed interests and certainly different aims, (like in every similar situation). The evolution will depend on the leading group.

One certainty: the utilisation of official militias (the Rangers) then the progressive reduction of their strength has put on the market some jobless 'professional" adventurers. Some are hired by yellow shirts, newin militia, ronin... most of those people are not interested by a pacific solution and they will not be trapped in the crushing, so the crushing will not be the end...

Only a negociation with the real demonstrators (the majority) bringing a peaceful solution may put a final end...Then a lot of works:

- restructuring the Police

- creating an anti riot force (Why not by integrating the militias from every sides for getting rid of them)

- limiting the circulation of weaponry

- implementing the Roadmap.....and so on....

Good post Jerry. :)

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn't.

Perhaps it's that double standard thing again. Would you suggest the bank robbers and arsonists be issued the same weapons and ammunition as the law enforcement officials?

Or maybe it's a matter of equal rights. The bank robbers and arsonists should be given equal time to shoot at the law enforcement officials without the worry of being fired on.

But then the bank robbers and arsonists would also have to follow the same rules of engagement, no more shooting rescue workers in the head.


sorry, I'm on Sathon Soi 1 and I saw in the daily update thread that some people are tweeting that they're trapped inside an apartment here and the reds are about to set tires ablaze.... I just went out and didn't see anything.... although all the street lights are off and there are groups of scary looking men about.... how do I get in touch with that person?

I wanted to start a new thread but didn't know how. thanks!

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn't.

I haven't seen any reports that the Reds have used grenades so far? If they have people with heavy arms it seems like they have not joined the fighting yet.

red shirt firing grenades



If you understand Thai, you will know they they spot a person with a "molotov cocktail".

He already brought him down with the first shot.

How ever the poor guy try to get up.

The army boss lift his hand up and say "Ya , ya, ya, ya thum, which mean NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO IT".

However went in for the kill by shooting a second shot, "even when the boss already ask him to stop".

The army boss was pissed, and smack the young sniper on his head.

The men in Black are sitting quietly and waiting.

They have not given away their positions.

If they are charged upon, they will fill the streets with dead young Thai army members.

They shot 245 in just 10 minutes but were using rubber bullets the last time they were charged at.

This time, the bullets will be real.

I predict that the army cannot get any large number of army to go against the group.


Most are pro red.

Their friends in Black are also army and have warned them.

The endless warnings by the joke Thai government will become just endless threats with nothing to back them up.

Good luck because the fight could turn into war if the reds are attacked in force.

Just my opinion of course.

Of course, your opinion is wrong. Are there any pictures , videos or eye-witness a/c's of black shirts with weapons capable of firing rubber bullets. They don't come out of assault rifles. Any evidence of "watermelons"? Maybe the guys in the truck, and look what they got. Every unit goes back for a rest is going to be shown that clip, and it will be a quick de-pinkifier. The reds are caught like rats in a trap, and the ammo is running out, and NOBODY is coming to help them.

Another couple of days of looting and mayhem, getting picked off one by one, and then the heavies come out. Som nom bloody na!

The problem right now is the politicians are making decisions at the same time the Army is trying to make decisions. This 3PM deadline that Abhisit has set looks good for him, but means the soldiers cannot advance until the deadline is reached. Advancing and then stopping does nothing so instead they have to hold their positions. It should be martial law giving the military a free hand to deal with this not decisions by committee. Time for Abhisit to get a reality check. He is hurting the people that voted for the Democrats.

Or you could just open up a Webster's dictionary ...

Main Entry: name–call·ing

Pronunciation: \ˈnām-ˌkȯ-liŋ\

Function: noun

Date: 1853

: the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation (as of a person or project) without objective consideration of the facts

Thank you. Now that you know what name calling is for the rest of us. Please try to refrain from came calling. Are we on the same page?

Always try to and will continue to do so.

It's true that certain regimes caused their county's products to be boycotted. However I doubt that this will happen to Thailand.

Of course I woulkd like to see more equality in Thailand.

However, the reds can no longer be treated as demonstrators. This is a rebellion.

What happens when there is a rebellion? The government must crush it quickly and completely with overwhelming force. If not you have anarchy. There have been more thyan enough warnings. Now is the time for tanks.

I think we have to be careful, it is more complex: even Abhisit differentiate between the "demonstrators" and the "terrorists". we have certainly different groups with superimposed interests and certainly different aims, (like in every similar situation). The evolution will depend on the leading group.

One certainty: the utilisation of official militias (the Rangers) then the progressive reduction of their strength has put on the market some jobless 'professional" adventurers. Some are hired by yellow shirts, newin militia, ronin... most of those people are not interested by a pacific solution and they will not be trapped in the crushing, so the crushing will not be the end...

Only a negociation with the real demonstrators (the majority) bringing a peaceful solution may put a final end...Then a lot of works:

- restructuring the Police

- creating an anti riot force (Why not by integrating the militias from every sides for getting rid of them)

- limiting the circulation of weaponry

- implementing the Roadmap.....and so on....

Good post Jerry. :)


My dear James, you hit the nail on the head with "Your idea on how to resolve a dispute between two parties is for them to allow you to dictate what they must do?"

That is EXACTLY what the reds have been doing since day1.

Got your point! I'll just put you contribution in the category of never mind. No chance of thinking outside the box there.

Why put him in your category, what did he do to deserve that?

"Never mind" means "caught out, no answer, prevaricate". Sorry to have to answer through a 3rd party, but the IGNORE function is operative.


If you understand Thai, you will know they they spot a person with a "molotov cocktail".

He already brought him down with the first shot.

How ever the poor guy try to get up.

The army boss lift his hand up and say "Ya , ya, ya, ya thum, which mean NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO IT".

However went in for the kill by shooting a second shot, "even when the boss already ask him to stop".

The army boss was pissed, and smack the young sniper on his head.

Thanks for the translation.

You may be right and I don't feel like watching video again (not that important) but I believe the guy who hit him in the head was his spotter, not his boss. Regardless he should have been listening VERY clearly to his spotter but it seemed at one point the spotter was talking to somebody else which he should not have been doing either.


If you understand Thai, you will know they they spot a person with a "molotov cocktail".

He already brought him down with the first shot.

How ever the poor guy try to get up.

The army boss lift his hand up and say "Ya , ya, ya, ya thum, which mean NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO IT".

However went in for the kill by shooting a second shot, "even when the boss already ask him to stop".

The army boss was pissed, and smack the young sniper on his head.

did the second shot kill the molotov guy?

do we know that from the vid, or could the sniper have shot the second bullet in the guy's leg?

it would have been better if the sniper had hit the molotov cocktail.

that would really have been som nom na.

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows nothing of the sort.

But keep trying.

IMO it shows incredible restraint on the army as they are facing armed (fact) people who have said they will fight until the death (fact).

Also shows how violent the illegal red mob is as the military hasn't even attempted to enter the red fortress and reclaim the billions of dollars in property the reds have stolen and are holding hostage.

Yesterday I asked you for a link about arms outside the barricades and as expected you did not supply me with a link. Now you are stating FACTS again. I am watching 6 international news channels, for nearly 3 days, and not one reporter has submitted a story with video footage of the reds firing M16s and M79's. To answer your other point, the army will not get close to the barricades because they no whats waiting for them. The weapons are inside the barricades. The only way into this encampment is tanks and personnel carriers.. but hey go ahead justify that, I am sure you can. Save your government propaganda for those silly enough that they are unable to think for themselves. My guess is you r ex military, an american or a thai government worker

they are putting off the inevitable, going in there and seizing arms inside the barricades. i think now the gov't is building their case with camera footage.

they are not coming out of the barricades. they'll have to do a kamikaze or a final koresh I guess. or accept arrest (doubtful)

:D Friend emailed that there is a truck outside his apartment block with large LP gas cylinders waiting to be set on fire, will be an almighty and horrific explosion.....

Location of your friend?

:) Chidlom but as it came second hand I am unable to be more specific in terms of soi etc...sorry but it is not rumour mongering rather an expression of deep concern, he is an aussie Doctor working for US NGO, said that they could lose everything if explosion, it is near a bridge, that would be a foot bridge I imagine in Chidlom...I know this report is vague but came via another friend....US have offered to evacuate USAID staff and other NGO's.....

Please don't post anything second hand. There is enough fact first hand here.

I heard second hand that Thaksin is dead, and Elvis was seen shopping in Harrods yesterday.

sorry, I'm on Sathon Soi 1 and I saw in the daily update thread that some people are tweeting that they're trapped inside an apartment here and the reds are about to set tires ablaze.... I just went out and didn't see anything.... although all the street lights are off and there are groups of scary looking men about.... how do I get in touch with that person?

I wanted to start a new thread but didn't know how. thanks!

just click on their logo/name and it show how to send message

According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

Get out, go home or ..........

actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly

that seems to be a good reason. yet why the CRES need to announce it 24 hours ahead ? this sort of 'offer' could be made for 6-hour notice, and be sharp.

what this 24 hours advance, allows reds to vote who go who stay ?

The reason is simple, Abhisit does not want women and children dead and in general as little collateral damage as possible - he is a decent chap, may be too decent for his own good - if this was the other way round and Thaksin was in government, this whole thing would have been over a long time because he wouldn't give a <deleted>

Here goes the reconciliation ...
RT @georgebkk: Tweets saying Sathorn Soi1 has been invaded by redshirts. Residents stay home until confirmation. (TBC)

... another Embassy area.

Sound of gunshots is closer now than in previous nights. (Yenakard road)

sorry, I'm on Sathon Soi 1 and I saw in the daily update thread that some people are tweeting that they're trapped inside an apartment here and the reds are about to set tires ablaze.... I just went out and didn't see anything.... although all the street lights are off and there are groups of scary looking men about.... how do I get in touch with that person?

I wanted to start a new thread but didn't know how. thanks!

just click on their logo/name and it show how to send message

thanks but it's the "admin" who posted the message....

sorry, I'm on Sathon Soi 1 and I saw in the daily update thread that some people are tweeting that they're trapped inside an apartment here and the reds are about to set tires ablaze.... I just went out and didn't see anything.... although all the street lights are off and there are groups of scary looking men about.... how do I get in touch with that person?

I wanted to start a new thread but didn't know how. thanks!

Thanks for the update.

Why we should not believe something just because it is on Twitter ... or maybe ThaiVisa ... or both :)


"Thai Sniper Video -the second part" on Youtube (p42 on this forum). I hope the Anglo-Asian sniper without the helmet gets some plastic surgery done. His face would be very easy to identify. Who would be stupid enough to film it and then put it on Youtube? (I guess I just answered my question)

THE NATION: RT @rrystrom:My mother-in-law said pppl wanted 2 bring home their children&old ppl from rajprasong yday but was refused 2leave by r-guards..

If this is true than this is really low...

2nd hand information. We have enough 1st hand information here already.

BTW My brother-in-law said his nephew have just been abuse by space aliens.


No proof to back this up except for some of the video shot today with odd behavior of red but this certainly may not be true ... I've heard a few rumors that the reds are paying some of the folks in the slum (mainly yaa baa addicts) to come out in the streets and basically raise havoc.

All your posts are unbelievable. Difference of views makes great debate regardless of your alleigance but you just post nonsense

jcbangkok qualifies his info as 'a few rumors'. He doesn't state it as irrefutable fact. Even so, rumors can sometimes turn out to be true. Two days before the coup which took out Thaksin, I predicted it with a poem published in the Bkk Post (you can look it up). When the poem was written (predicting the day of the coup), it could have been snubbed by all as being just rumor - yet it turned out to be true. Let's see if the rumor JC alluded to becomes truth. In the meantime, how does TrueThailand know it to be 'nonsense'? ....does TT know all that's going on in Bkk slums?

according what has been said and the fact that the government has asked the Thai red cross to go in tomorrow and persuade as many as possible to leave it is pretty obvious that tomorrow evening those who choose to remain are in for a rather bad time - looks like it is going to be over by Tuesday they should look out for red shirt leaders trying to sneak out in woman's clothing though

i think the red leadership understand what this means.

so i would expect them to make their big push tonight.

they need casualties, preferably women and children, to elicit sympathy.

if the 'hostages' leave tomorrow with the red cross, where does that leave the hard core and the leadership?

the news on TV has just shown the footage with the three fakers and one dead man, and proven the fake and misleading images presented by red shirts. one can see the street later cleared with no traces of blood except for the one man (and their prior positions) doctored images and staged situations.

also, they did find a red shirt on camera firing his M79 at troops right near Lumpini park.

Hope that shows some on here the true face and lack of credibility of the red shirt followers. please tune in and you'll see a huge case built against the red shirts

also see the footage of the man who tries to ignite the gas truck, and the troops simply shoot him below the waist.

The military sure is showing restrain against these vandals and crooks who are nothing short of just that.

Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

facts to back up the statement!!

Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn't.

I haven't seen any reports that the Reds have used grenades so far? If they have people with heavy arms it seems like they have not joined the fighting yet.

There are some unconfirmed video clips of black shirts firing M79 and M16 that look recent because they are in daylight whereas the black shirt use of war weapons in the April 10 clashes wall all at night. No military deaths so far indicates more limited use of war weapons by black shirts than April 10. This time they lack the advantage of surprise and know the army is stalking them with snipers. It is possible that most of them have already melted away with their weapons to live to fight another day, or that they are being very cautious knowing the army is on the look out for them, or that they are being held in reserve for a last stand. My guess is that most or many have melted away. They have already served their purpose by preventing the dispersal of the rallies on April 10th and a large number of bodies being found clutching war weapons would spoil the PR value of unarmed dead protestors to Thaksin, as well as waste his resources for a future counter attack. Since they are mecenaries, it is also unlikely that they would sign up for a suicidal last stand against the army for which they would never get paid. A much more effective tactic for a last stand would be the detonation of several tall buildings in Rajprasong. The confusion might allow more reds to escape than attracting fire through an attempted armed resistance. I would imagine the red leaders are planning their own escape. If the baloon goes up, they might get taken out by some of the mysterious red shirts dressed as soldiers and police mentioned by the CRES. Another possibility is that the government, which seems to be anything but in control, will be defeated and the revolutionary red republic will spread out over the city and the country. Either way it doesn't look good. Let's hope for calm soon with as little death and destruction as possible.

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