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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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Thunder overhead. Storm & troops approaching slowly. #redshirts showing no fear /via @photo_journ

Because they are brainwashed Zombies. Sounds like "Land of the Living Dead".

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"INSANE, father puts his baby on tyre barricade under expressway" /via @freakingcat

I speak three languages and there aren't enough words in all three to discribe this father.


I'm currently not so worried about the protest ending or not. That seems inevitable.

What's worries me is that the state institutions, specifically the police, will have a huge mop-up operation that they don't seem capable of performing. Leaving the odd army patrol at junctions will not deter "after shocks".

I fear it'll be a while before the random grenade attacks and shootings will subside. The recent car bomb that was defused is a dangerous sign

of what could be to come.

I don't think any of the players on either side realise what a monster they've let out of the bag. We now not only have "protest-for-hire", but "insurgency-for-hire".

Right now, the only thing I don't want to see is another army coup. That would be a disaster.

Sorry, bit of a rant.

Obviously, the army has every right to shoot the armed fractions, but they have absolutely no excuse for shooting at women and children. Shame on them :)

The women and children have every oppotunity to get out of the trouble that the armed factions are causing.

They fact that many of them are staying basically means that they support what the armed factions are doing.

If they support them, then they need to live (or unfortunately, possibly die) with the consequences.

Do they really? A ThaiVisa news clipping said that none of the government buses that the government promised yesterday had shown up to pick up the women and children.

Really? Can you give me a link to that please?

Just turned on NBT.... looks like the Reds burned a bus.... maybe that's why there are no buses to pick them up?

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

Why do you only see one side so completely? In CIVILISED countries the protestors protest PEACEFULLY or at least do not use grenades and guns on people. If they did that in a civilised country like the States they military or police would immediately take them out with lethal force. YOU KNOW THIS so stop playing.

You're assuming that Seh Daeng was shot by a Gov't ordered sniper.

regretably, abhisit was not seasoned enough to seize the moment bravely and grant a general amnesty. accordingly, the sniper took control of events away from abhisit, and may well destroy his political career.

I doubt it... ol' "Dubya" declared war on a country with no proof of anything and went on to get reelected by all of the American Republicans & good old brainwashed hicks / hillbillies.

Ahbisit is a patient and smart young guy. Lord knows "Dubya" would have called in the National Guard and opened fire on day 3.


OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


Of the unruly crowds outside the rally grounds, I really wonder the what is the percentage of common thugs and criminals who become opportunists at times like this. I'm sure we'll probably never know, but I'm equally sure they're out there, which makes this that much more of a volatile situation.

I think you will find that there are a lot of opportunists out there in places like Din Daeng and Bon Kai. Typically, people who tend to be anti-establishment, want a bit of excitement and can physically vent their hate of authority will be out there. Mostly late teens early twenties. If you look at the faces of the people in all the clips floating around the vast majority appear to be in that age group. I would also guess that the vast majority of those fighting in the said two places are not from the provinces either.

I think a pretty accurate assessment, judging by what we can observe so far. Notice a proportionately abnormally high number of motorcycle taxi drivers in the video clips (orange vests) which would fit into the demographic you described. While many may not be coming directly from the provinces for this rally, I would further guess that many of opportunists you describe probably have ties to the provinces--service industry workers (constructions, taxi drivers, etc.) who live and work in Bangkok with extended family upcountry.

Absolutely one of the most ignorant things somebody can try to claim is that the red mob people fighting the army are not armed.

I'd like to see evidence. All I see are stone throwers and slingshots.

Thanks in advance.











Need more? just Google images red shirts weapons armed etc see for yourself

MANIPULATION: just the weapons collected in the aftermaith of 10th April and given back to Army/Police.

You mean the guy on the motorcycle is returning that rifle or the guy with the grenade launcher by the van is just holding on to is so it doesn't fall in the 'wrong' hands or when did the RTA ever have AK47 rifles. You think very highly of your powers of persuasion. All you have to do is say something and we will believe you and not our lying eyes./sarcasm

settle down comrade. the reds are holding these neighborhoods hostage. the residents of these neighborhoods are working poor and have no place to go. they are not rising up for anything...

what a hillarious post by a dreamer who obviously never ventures out past his computer monitor. you need to get off the net for a while, Netfan. get some real wind on your face.

go to bon kai and khlong toei and ratchaprasob. talk to the people shooting slingshots from their own doorways. video them as evidence.

then come back and confess how the real world can differ from fantasy.

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

You don't use water against arm protesters or any other equipment that would unnecessarily put the lives of lawful authorities at risk.

The women and children have every oppotunity to get out of the trouble that the armed factions are causing.

They fact that many of them are staying basically means that they support what the armed factions are doing.

If they support them, then they need to live (or unfortunately, possibly die) with the consequences.

I'm assuming your second and third statement do not include the "children" in your first statement. Otherwise, it's a totally irresponsible post. :)

Obviously, the army has every right to shoot the armed fractions, but they have absolutely no excuse for shooting at women and children. Shame on them :)

The women and children have every oppotunity to get out of the trouble that the armed factions are causing.

They fact that many of them are staying basically means that they support what the armed factions are doing.

If they support them, then they need to live (or unfortunately, possibly die) with the consequences.

Absolutely correct. It's called "collateral damage" or perhaps "thinning of the herd", "survival of the fittist", etc. The bottom line is, they seal their own fate with their own wise or foolish decisions. The choice is theirs.

Too bad about the fighting.

It is so sad the deaths and injuries.

I never post but I thought I might add to the place here with a post that is less childish.

I mean all we read is mostly anti red rants here and an occasional rant against the current Thai ruling class, that is quickly removed.

Thaivisa seems to be similar to Fox news.

if it is not rightwing, it is a lie says this site.

My two cents.

I predict the fight could go on for years. Perhaps one side or the other will win for a time but then the fight will break out again. We all can see the hate the two groups have for one another. The Anti Reds call the reds animals and worse.

No matter the nonsense we read here in this strictly controlled and right leaning site, we all know that if an election were held tomorrow, the reds would become the ruling party. This is precisely why it is that the Ruling regime has used coups and fake elections in the past 4 years. if they could defeat the Reds in a real election, they would simply invite in the UN and hold a very open election and win.

So the minority group, Now in power) with most of the power will not give it up without a fight.

Thus Bangkok could be destroyed over the next few years and Thailand could be turned into a wrecked third world nation. The fight could go on and on and on.

Most of you rich Thais will leave. Most all foreigners will leave.

But the fight will go on and on and on until the ruling class gives up.

My prediction.

Good luck all and stay safe.

Remember a rock in the head can kill you just like a bullet can.

Best wishes to all my friends there.

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that’s about 50-100 posts

OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


I pray for whoever with a bit of reason and to go and beat the parents of this kid....And I mean beat the sh*t out of them......

settle down comrade. the reds are holding these neighborhoods hostage. the residents of these neighborhoods are working poor and have no place to go. they are not rising up for anything...

what a hillarious post by a dreamer who obviously never ventures out past his computer monitor. you need to get off the net for a while, Netfan. get some real wind on your face.

go to bon kai and khlong toei and ratchaprasob. talk to the people shooting slingshots from their own doorways. video them as evidence.

then come back and confess how the real world can differ from fantasy.

Then I imagine that those people might end up on the wrong end of a bullet. "Better to be a live dog than a dead lion" just saying...

tulsathit: CRES 1st statement after 3 pm deadline: Reds must leave rajprasong now. Those who remain face 2 yrs in jail/ threats on life fr terrorists

Mon May 17 2010 15:02:39 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

With due respect, as they say, I don't think earthpig is claiming the Army shot Seh Daeng, but it is surly possible.

my guess is that the same right wing faction of the army that fired the first shots on 10 April also killed sae daeng.

sae daeng was rogue army and it seems clear from their boots and bearing that lots of the red shirt guards are also rouge army.

no reason to believe that there arent rougue army elements on the other side of the political divide.

who gains from chaos?

if you answer 'nobody" you are correct. but from the point of view of certain people in the armed forces, who is to say that they dont see themselves as gaining if another coup becomes "necessary' due to the inability of politicians to settle their differences?

maybe some gentleman with stars on this lapel dreams of wearing a shirt and tie and being called mr. pm?

OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


I pray for whoever with a bit of reason and to go and beat the parents of this kid....And I mean beat the sh*t out of them......

And the child on the barriers gets shot and the reds come out screaming that the soldiers are shooting children. Idiots.

Total M A D N E S S

I'm praying for the baby

Is this not enough proof of the total malignancy of the reds ?

Using children as human shields will even alienate the foreign press who seem to be red oriented at this time but .....

Anyone here supporting them and by doing so their actions should be outcast

I see that the reds are unarmed as their leaders continually state.



I too wonder why CNN and BBC refuse to show this side as well.

These pistols are for shooting rats on the farm wont be accurate after 20 mtrs. I have been waiting 4 days for somebody to show me a link to reds with M16s.

Is this close enough to an M-16 for you. It certainly wasn't 'captured' from the military.

This my friends is an AK 47. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&as_...ved=0CCEQsAQwAA

settle down comrade. the reds are holding these neighborhoods hostage. the residents of these neighborhoods are working poor and have no place to go. they are not rising up for anything...

what a hillarious post by a dreamer who obviously never ventures out past his computer monitor. you need to get off the net for a while, Netfan. get some real wind on your face.

go to bon kai and khlong toei and ratchaprasob. talk to the people shooting slingshots from their own doorways. video them as evidence.

then come back and confess how the real world can differ from fantasy.

boy, you sure do get around. very impressive. how do you do it- a new superhero - "EARTHPIG" LOL

the reality is the red movement has degenerated into a mob of violent cretins who are holding a country hostage. for what? a few baht and some excitement. if the red movement had the support that is in your head, there would be hundreds of thousands on the streets, not hundreds of drunken motorcycle taxi boys and a few para-military types firing rpg's at hotels.

You agree that no one knows who shot SD

but you couln;t help tossing in ii "unlikely he was shot by a red"

Just couldn't totally agree could ya

The reds and SD in particular were given the benefit of doubt for all the grenade attacks in the last 2 months. Seems fair that the govt can be given the benefit of doubt in this case.

Honestly I don't think Abhisit or Suthep were even consulted before shooting SD. This feels like very personal payback for April 10.

Anyone like to take a look and listen (in English) to what this Thai lady has to say about Thaksin


I wish she would tell him how she really feels and stop holding back

Why no water cannons? There is enough dirty water in the khlongs of Bangkok. Instead of bullets. It's what civilized countries do.

Why do you only see one side so completely? In CIVILISED countries the protestors protest PEACEFULLY or at least do not use grenades and guns on people. If they did that in a civilised country like the States they military or police would immediately take them out with lethal force. YOU KNOW THIS so stop playing.

in civilised country the police is used not the army .

And the police dont bring M16 with live ammmos , sharpshooters

AA guns and APC .

settle down comrade. the reds are holding these neighborhoods hostage. the residents of these neighborhoods are working poor and have no place to go. they are not rising up for anything...

what a hillarious post by a dreamer who obviously never ventures out past his computer monitor. you need to get off the net for a while, Netfan. get some real wind on your face.

go to bon kai and khlong toei and ratchaprasob. talk to the people shooting slingshots from their own doorways. video them as evidence.

then come back and confess how the real world can differ from fantasy.

how about this?

"I tried to leave in the last hour-and-a-half but a protester put a grenade in my face and said: "You leave, you die." "


is this fantasy?


I bet a large majority of this forums reds supporters have been brain washed by their lovely thai wife or girlfriends and they are to scared to stand up to them. :D

Strange part is that anybody who's against violence is a RED now... :D

Don't know who's brainwashing those American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan though...

here we go - the red front fighting back :) with the usual BS - everybody here who is against the reds would absolutely love to see them packing up their <deleted> and getting on the buses provided to head home - we do not enjoy having the city held hostage, we do not enjoy having our businesses screwed up by you we do not enjoy being held at ransom by a violent mob - GO HOME AND YOU WONT' GET SHOT how much simpler can it be ???????????

The message is exactly the same for Abhisit, pack up and go home (to England) you were not elected by the Thai people and were placed in power due to a military coup.

For crying out loud! How many more times???

ITS A REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY. The people do not elect the PM. Look it up.



earthpig, I cannot fault your statement, I can only say the situation is too complex for brief discussion, I think everyone is having trouble with that.

you are very right.

also your quoted post from earlier is quite good too.

there's LOTS of things to be said about our beloved adopted country.....

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