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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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news update;

My gf works at california wow asok (sukh 23) and says they have been ordered to go home. She says the army is there. ( 4:00)pm

Nothing like a mango smoothie at the juice bar before hitting the streets and taking pot shots at some rescue workers and foreign reporters.

lol. So says the guy who just so happened to join TV yesterday.

Oh but hey, did you see the pictures of the reds holding up the kid above the barricades to be shot?

reds shooting journos and medics not the military everyone knows this CRES is reporting this already and the evidence will prove it no doubt.

I am now getting more and more convinced the rumors I heard of them paying some of the Yaa baa addicts in the slums to come out are true. I simply have a hard time believing all these pictures coming out are of people who have been part of the violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property ... at least I would like to give these criminals at least this much class.

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right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that's about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

As you are returning to my post I will answer

Member since 2005

posting nearly 700

why TV, because I get more information than reading the Bangkok posting every morning

I first came to Thailand in 2004 and worked here for 4 years teaching and learning Thai culture as part of my job

Have a thai wife and lived in Issan for 2 years

also have a child that can talk in both English and thai

My wifes best friend teaches Political Science in University

I am a devote Buddhist

I am now waiting for you reasons why you feel you are better at understanding Thailand than I do

With all respect mate, I don't quite follow how your having a kid that can talk in both English and Thai enhances your understanding of Thailand

In all honesty I would not expect you to

would any one other than some one who loves Thailand and understand the culture want their child to learn the language and culture

I am also not surprised you did not answer your own questions

Never mind its my fault I should have know better

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.


I wonder if that plane flying over the illegal violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property is seeding the clouds?

It has been threatening to rain all day were I am but have only seen a drizzle here and there.

Probably not seeding though unless the winds are really low since I think it takes 30-minutes to work (if at all) and they would need to do it 30-minutes up wind.


Do a little research on the circumstances of the boy's death.

It won't hurt you to do a little fact finding, or are you totally incompetent? :D

Do you know how to use the 'search' button? :)

you may rest assured that all my comments are researched, often in person. in this case, here is my source:

"a boy approximately 10 years of age took a bullet to the stomach that ruptured his intestines."


anything else i can do for you?

Not going to bother checking out your link but I bet it is safe to say it says nothing about a sniper (as you claimed) doing this. But please do us all a favor and get out there on the street and off your keyboard and gather some more first hand info.

news update;

My gf works at california wow asok (sukh 23) and says they have been ordered to go home. She says the army is there. ( 4:00)pm

Nothing like a mango smoothie at the juice bar before hitting the streets and taking pot shots at some rescue workers and foreign reporters.

lol. So says the guy who just so happened to join TV yesterday.

Oh but hey, did you see the pictures of the reds holding up the kid above the barricades to be shot?

reds shooting journos and medics not the military everyone knows this CRES is reporting this already and the evidence will prove it no doubt.

Yeah they are definitely trying to shoot their load! :)

right or wrong

No one takes you serious here until you have at least 6 months membership under your belt

that’s about 50-100 posts

That's an awful lot of posting. in 6 years I haven't got that many. Personally, I think that anyone that spends a lot of their time posting on internet forums(i.e 5 a day or more) needs some kind of counseling. Not counting Admin. and Mods.

I wonder how long a lot of you posters have been in Thailand and know the value(or lack of) of life. How many really know the way that Thai politics works. I find it depressing to read all these opinions by people who haven't really a clue about any of it.

I'm home today... I can't go to work.... it's raining outside... my help comes in a tall brown bottle... :):D :D

Cheers, Hummy

Why defend yourself to this person humfurry? Enjoy your input. Right, wrong or in between.

Take a look at this photo. Do these people look like criminals to you? Taken today.

What does a criminal look like? Mask over his eyes?


Sorry ... that was too easy.

I wonder if that plane flying over the illegal violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property is seeding the clouds?

It has been threatening to rain all day were I am but have only seen a drizzle here and there.

Probably not seeding though unless the winds are really low since I think it takes 30-minutes to work (if at all) and they would need to do it 30-minutes up wind.

Check the Forum updates for Mon. It was dropping leaflets.


Thank you for your correction concerning "absolutely correcteness" lungmi. Here I come aagain Googleness. Now I'm being pedantic.

* previous note to self repeated -Grow up Andrew!

Pali lesson


(The Disadvantage of Harming to one who does not harm)

Yo dandena adandesu, appaduttesu dussati,

dassanna mannataram thanam, khippameva nigacchati.

He who does harm with weapons to those who are harmless and should not be harmed will soon come to any of these ten evil consequences:


1.He will be subject of severe pain, or impoverishment,

2.injury to the body,

3.or serious illness,

4.or lunacy,

5.or misfortune,

6.or wrongful and serious accusation,

7.or loss of relatives,

8.or destruction of wealth,

9.or the burning down of his houses.

10. After the resolution of his body, the fool will be reborn in the plane of continous suffering (niraya)

You see, Buddha Teaching in Pali is still up to date.

Every one is free to check what is what.

Not going to bother checking out your link but I bet it is safe to say it says nothing about a sniper (as you claimed) doing this. But please do us all a favor and get out there on the street and off your keyboard and gather some more first hand info.

Horrible father, decides to run a military checkpoint, which his son in the car, and gets his son shot. Father of the year candidate? Maybe in the Red Camp...


Do a little research on the circumstances of the boy's death.

It won't hurt you to do a little fact finding, or are you totally incompetent? :D

Do you know how to use the 'search' button? :)

you may rest assured that all my comments are researched, often in person. in this case, here is my source:

"a boy approximately 10 years of age took a bullet to the stomach that ruptured his intestines."


anything else i can do for you?

Not going to bother checking out your link but I bet it is safe to say it says nothing about a sniper (as you claimed) doing this. But please do us all a favor and get out there on the street and off your keyboard and gather some more first hand info.

Okay, I fell for it and had to check the link ... says the boy is still alive. Should we believe that too? AS USUAL seems your sources are outdated and not too accurate as there have been many updates to this story since these incorrect facts were stated.

I wonder if that plane flying over the illegal violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property is seeding the clouds?

It has been threatening to rain all day were I am but have only seen a drizzle here and there.

Probably not seeding though unless the winds are really low since I think it takes 30-minutes to work (if at all) and they would need to do it 30-minutes up wind.

Check the Forum updates for Mon. It was dropping leaflets.

wife just had me in laughter

she says drop ping pong bombs

and teil the redshirts they are from a local bar beer that wants to be a sponser

you get 100 baht for every one you turn in


First they are not terrorists

Second they dont have machine guns .

Third if they had machine guns you would see tens of soldiers killed

Please dont alter the truth . Thank you

PS : Or if they have machine guns they dont use them , which comes to the same

as not having them

Ah well, we have nothing to fear from the Red Shirt Brigade do we, unlimited arson is totally acceptable and harmless to you pornsasi ?

I wonder if that plane flying over the illegal violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property is seeding the clouds?

It has been threatening to rain all day were I am but have only seen a drizzle here and there.

Probably not seeding though unless the winds are really low since I think it takes 30-minutes to work (if at all) and they would need to do it 30-minutes up wind.

Check the Forum updates for Mon. It was dropping leaflets.

wife just had me in laughter

she says drop ping pong bombs

and teil the redshirts they are from a local bar beer that wants to be a sponser

you get 100 baht for every one you turn in



Not really, what do you expect from the uneducated. It's either this or sitting shotgun with no helmet traveling 80km on a motorbike. Whats the difference?

Aside from that I repeat that this is Thaksin's war and he is ultimately responsible.

indeed, you do repeat your view. and repeat and repeat....

thaksin absolutely shares responsibility for this. but to suggest that he is the only--or even the most important--player is, in my ever so humble opinion, is an unhelpful oversimplification.

there are a huge number of other factors at play here. some of these factors are due to economic factors that affect all rapidly developing societies, others are unique to thailand and some even to buddhism.

true, any leader responsibile for a tak bai or thousands of extra judicial murders is ultimately going to be hated. good riddance to the man.

but this fact should not obscure the truth, and the truth encompasses far more than thaksin, his many sins and indeed as well, his political genius.

earthpig, I cannot fault your statement, I can only say the situation is too complex for brief discussion, I think everyone is having trouble with that. Here is something I wrote earlier for a different audience.

The Dark Side of Light, or why you shouldn't litter

There is a Western concept called nipping a problem in the bud. This concept is unknown in Thai culture.

Thailand's mai ben arai, not my problem, non involvement style has always been the basis of a relaxed, friendly, yet rather free lifestyle enjoyed by all and the main reason foreigners have always been so welcome. This style is a direct consequence of their Buddhist teaching and probably being raised in a benevolent Kingdom.

The dark side of this picture (for where there's day there is night) is that the bad seeds of society are allowed to grow and flourish. Bad people and bad things are ignored or tolerated. In the past though there has always been balance. When the weed grew too tall and everyone around had had enough, some in the community or maybe even the family simply helped the bad one onto their next life. I've seen this happen including the crazy guy who one day came looking for me with a gun. A few months later he was killed on a visit back home. (And I swear .....)

Most everything that happens in Thailand can be understood in this framework, and by knowing whatever is said must sound pleasant. Truth is not the issue. This is especially true of the corruption, lack of law enforcement, and the rise of people like Mr. Thaksin. Unfortunatly, as Thailand confronts the modern world, easing in to some form of democracy (at the insistence of the monarchy) these problems grow bigger and have gone out of control. In addition to democracy and handphones, the west introduces concepts like wealth, greed, power, social unrest, hatred, and war. No, this is not naive, it's relative.

Thaksin is just the great weed. True, Thaksin was able to build a power base on the growing economic imbalances between the industrializing urban cites and the rural farmers. But this is the small picture, which does not represent a need or desire for social upheaval or revolution. The big picture is how does a benevolent and overly free society deal with weeds, watered by modern wealth and corruption, when they grow to the size of a mini Hitler.

This time, a coup didn't work. The weed is too big and rooted in fertile soil. Thaksin is fed by an all but insane "leadership", hundreds of unemployed disgruntled rangers, thousands of well armed thugs, and billions of stolen dollars. This time there is no easy way out, if any way at all. For Thailand, it is now do or die and there's no turning back.

What should be done, though there's no time now, is go back to the beginning, early childhood and begin teaching social responsibility along with the wai-ing and respect that makes them Thai. Teach them to be responsible for the bad that occurs in society, and especially to accept real law enforcement.

As for democracy, there is also no turning back but the Thais must clean up their house first. Democracy doesn't function with out law and order. That bears repeating, democracy does not function with out law and order. So yes, today is a day of momentous change and maybe civil war but the war will not be fought between oppressed under classes and aloof elite, a la West. It must be fought between freedom and social responsibility. Thailand of course means Land of the Free.

Maybe in some not too distant future you can return to Thailand, be greeted by some pretty thing that smiles and talks on like a breeze, then gently puts her hand in yours and takes you to the police station to pay your fine for littering in their nice kingdom. I think that's my dream.

Sorry to go on and on, but this is the problem here, today. I hope it can be fixed without throwing out what the world has come to know as amazing Thailand.

This was an excellent post.

I wonder if that plane flying over the illegal violent red mob who are holding hostage billions of dollars in private and public property is seeding the clouds?

It has been threatening to rain all day were I am but have only seen a drizzle here and there.

Probably not seeding though unless the winds are really low since I think it takes 30-minutes to work (if at all) and they would need to do it 30-minutes up wind.

Check the Forum updates for Mon. It was dropping leaflets.

Thanks. I should have done that but got very irritated at something they posted in the news forum this morning that I felt was not only reckless but possibly dangerous. They were reporting what was CLEARLY a biased post by an unnamed TV poster. All fine and good but didn't belong in the news thread as it was also clear, IMO, it contained lies too. As I said before, I am very thankful for the hard work they put into trying to provide us news but Twitter and clearly biased non-named sources is not providing news and is "possibly" flirting with the current laws in place about spreading incorrect news. But again, cannot stress their efforts have been appreciated by me up until I realized I had to skim through lots of posts from unreliable sources to get to actual credible news. Problem is you cannot help but partially believe some of the twitter and other unreliable sources they posts after reading.

Not going to bother checking out your link but I bet it is safe to say it says nothing about a sniper (as you claimed) doing this. But please do us all a favor and get out there on the street and off your keyboard and gather some more first hand info.

i never made any such claim JC. go back and search the posts.

what i said that the boy was shot in the abdomen, which is as the evidence shows, is 100% correct.

give it a break JC! you ve been glued to your monitor how many hours now? your mental fatigue is showing.

then you can come back refreshed. its more fun for me when you are fair game.


Maybe fresh and less pre-conceived comments are what we should take seriously.

Right or wrong.

Focus Andrew, please learn to use the 'quoting' function of the forum.

Fair call Neverdie. Could you PM me on the 'quoting' function. Onya. (serious)

Keep getting'too many text in block' or similar message and having to delete letter by letter. Feel stupid to ask but suspect more stupid not to ask. Owe ya a beer.

news update;

My gf works at california wow asok

Please post pictures :)

Maybe neverdie should have been more specific.

It hurt us all ... :D

Take a look at this photo. Do these people look like criminals to you? Taken today.

What does a criminal look like? Mask over his eyes?


Sorry ... that was too easy.

who is this guy?

a rapper?

or is that raper?


Pheu Thai MPs, party officials rush out of party head office

Pheu Thai Party MPs rushed out of the party at 3 pm and closed the party head officer, leaving red-shirt people outside.

The MPs and officials at the party head office, which is located near Montien Hotel on Suriwonge Road, left the head office when a plane distributed copies of an order of the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation, urging the people to leave the protest zone.

Earlier, the party allowed red-shirt people to gather at the party if they could not join the protest at Rajprasong.

The MPs included party spokesman Prompong Nopprit and Bangkok MP Wicharn Minchainan.

The abrupt closure of the party's door caused the red-shirt people there to become dissatisfied. They complained that the MPs left women and children without caring about their safety.

Ye Gods the great unwashed peasantry have come in tell them to go away we might get hurt!!!

What price loyalty one wonders.

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