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as yóu may have gathered from the title of this topic , i am am one of the many silly men who bought a house in thailand and am now dealing with the consequences of trying to sell it. if i am stating some of the obvious below then i apologise in advance :D

Reasons not to go to thailand

yóu cant own the land

the maximum length of the lease is 30 years , all the 30 plus 30 plus 30 is absolute bull regardless of what it says on the contract :D

the land officials are corrupt not all

¨the police are corrupt not all but most :D

a lot of the law companies are corrupt

the property companies are dishonest ¨generally

all sorts of stupid rules about not being able to take your money out of ´the country :D

tuk tuk drivers operate like the mafia :D

2 pricing structures one for thais one for farangs

¨price of fuel is getting higher all the time

thai baht has crashed gone from 70 to the ponud 4 years ago to 45 now :D

thais will generally try and screw you blind :D

reasons to keep going back to thailand

simple , thai girls and thats it no other reason apart from that, the moral of the story is regardless of all the negatives about thailand we will always go back because of the pearl of the andaman sea which is the thai princess :)

look forward to everyones replies :D

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Hmm..well im not here for any of the reasons above. Particularly not for the Thai girls.

Im here because I like the pace of life, the food, the weather, the mannerisms, the scenery...many reasons.. and all out of choice. I am not stuck here..i choose to be here.

Edit: moving this to general..

Hmm..well im not here for any of the reasons above. Particularly not for the Thai girls.

Sure eek :D . I know how to spot a 'cover' when I see one :)

OP: Thousands if not hundreds of thousands ( more even ) have come before you and more will continue to come and do exactly as you have. :D

Hmm..well im not here for any of the reasons above. Particularly not for the Thai girls.

Im here because I like the pace of life, the food, the weather, the mannerisms, the scenery...many reasons.. and all out of choice. I am not stuck here..i choose to be here.

Edit: moving this to general..

Ditto. Same same as Eek.

Incidentally, I resent the stereotypes suggested by the OP. But since he put a :) after it, I'll get a thicker skin. :D


as yóu may have gathered from the title of this topic , i am am one of the many silly men who bought a house in thailand and am now dealing with the consequences of trying to sell it. if i am stating some of the obvious below then i apologise in advance tongue.gif

Reasons not to go to thailand

yóu cant own the land

the maximum length of the lease is 30 years , all the 30 plus 30 plus 30 is absolute bull regardless of what it says on the contract smile.gif

the land officials are corrupt not all

¨the police are corrupt not all but most rolleyes.gif

a lot of the law companies are corrupt

the property companies are dishonest ¨generally

all sorts of stupid rules about not being able to take your money out of ´the country ohmy.gif

tuk tuk drivers operate like the mafia wink.gif

2 pricing structures one for thais one for farangs

¨price of fuel is getting higher all the time

thai baht has crashed gone from 70 to the ponud 4 years ago to 45 now biggrin.gif

thais will generally try and screw you blind rolleyes.gif

reasons to keep going back to thailand

simple , thai girls and thats it no other reason apart from that, the moral of the story is regardless of all the negatives about thailand we will always go back because of the pearl of the andaman sea which is the thai princess tongue.gif

look forward to everyones replies laugh.gif

To answer you from my perspective.

When I die I can't take anything with me anyway.

The house and land is in my wife's name so I don't care about an usufruct or lease anyway.

Law and property companies, I don't know about as I have never used them.

I agree with you about the police but the times I deal with them it is because I did something wrong like speeding etc.

I brought money into the country to get land and build a house for my wife and family.

I have no need to take money out of the country as I plan on living here until I die.

With a pickup truck, an motorcycle and a scooter I have no dealings with tuk tuks or their mafia.

I agree with you about double pricing but I generally only get caught out one time at a place then don't bother to go back.

The price of fuel is getting higher everywhere and Thailand is no different.

I remember when the Thai baht was over 80 to the pound and the pound was over $2 and nobody complained about that. It will either get

better, worse or stay much the same and there is nothing I can do that will affect that so why worry about things beyond my control.

Where I live Thais don't try to screw me even with my limited Thai as I have a fair idea of the prices and listen to what the people next to me are paying.

reasons to stay in Thailand.

My wife son and Thai family.

I have no plans to go back to the UK even when I am dead as all I have there is my son from my first marriage, some friends and an ex-wife.

By the way I live on 10 rai of my wife's land in the house that she owns and I am much happier than I ever was in the UK.

As you may have gathered from my reply I am another silly man who came to Thailand and met a nice girl (and divorced my UK wife thereby losing everything there) and married my Thai wife 7 years later and we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last month and our son will be 6 in August.

As for me I will be 66 in a week and my wife 45 in October.

So for me LG.

Life's Good.




I shouldn't even bother to try and reply.

If you don't understand it's hard to explain it.

But anyhow....I have a family and a life in Thailand.

As for property and money...I don't expect to ever see any benefit from that, anyhow. So that has no meaning to me.

I came into the world naked (as you most likely did also), so if I go out only slightly better off; well, nothing is lost then, is it.

I'm a few years to old to be interested in chasing Thai girls one-third of my age around. Anyway, what would I do if I ever actually got one? All that would just be frustration.

Either Europe or the U.K. is just another place to visit for me now....I have no desire to ever live there.

I was raised in the U.S.....in Massachusetts...but as the BeeGee's song goes, "Massachusetts is just a place that I have been."

Thailand is as good as anyplace else...better than some...to end my days in. And I have those I love there.

Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining. I had a good run, better than many I expect, and it was a good ride. I enjoyed every minute.

But now it's time to st by the metaphorical homefire, warm my feet before that fire, and take the old man's perogitive of watching the grand children play their games.




Anyone that stays here for a time knows the setbacks

Once again its down to the matter of YOUR choices


I choose not to get involved in anything that requires law or real estate

I choose not to go to go to double pricing places

I choose not to get a car (why would you?)

I choose not to have a thai wife

I choose all the above and still manage to have a pretty darn good time while here :D

And as for the women i choose to give them money nidnoy, and i choose not to be offended when they call me kee neow :D


Got exactly what I needed from Thailand and never plan on returning except for short visits. Thailand has completely turned to shit after I left. Luckily for me the Red Shirt portion of the political bullshit theatre started about a month after I left, and I did not need to leave when the asshol_e Yellow Shirts shut down the airports.

LOS falls under the same category as Southern California (Los Angeles, Anaheim. San Diego) and Orlando, Florida. They are nice to visit for short periods of time to see the tourist attractions and then go home. They dropped off of the list of retirement choices after Khun Thaksin (another jackass corrupt politician) was ousted from power by coup d'etat.

When the babies are grown, I'll be retiring to the Republic of The Philippines. The Heath care is for shit, but the Department of Veterans Affairs has medical care setup in country. The citizenry has a true appreciation for tourists and retirees, especially Americans. The ladies are lovely. The beaches are beautiful. American food is readily available. An American on Social Security can live like a king. And as a plus I will be able to leave my children my property in Balirong, Cebu. With the tradition of Filipinos and Filipinas travelling abroad to support their families have kept them from being xenophobes (LOS) and has added to the culture making them more willing to integrate into other societies. I can't wait to get back to Cebu.

Thailand needs to pull it's head out of it's ass really soon or they will be losing the rest of their long stayers. I don't think the "normal" citizens want to live like the Cambodians. Laotians, or Burmese. I can't imagine living on less than a dollar a day and that is where Thailand is headed. The alternative is a government ala' Ferdinand Marco's oppressive regime of The Philippines circa 1965-1986. If it gets much worse there, a authoritarian government with a supreme dictator will become appealing to the majority. When people have anarchy and a broken government, a dictatorship gets real appealing.

I feel for all of you stuck there, hope you don't have too much money sunk into the country. When the dictatorship takes over Thailand, your assets will be seized right before you are forced out of the country.

"May you live in interesting times." Sounds like it is getting more interesting my the day. Buy some bulletproof underwear and machete proof clothing.


Lived in the UK with Thai girlfriend, who I met at university, both studying. When her visa ended, we moved back to Thailand. Split up (amicably) after a few years, by which time I had a condo, dogs, friends etc. Liked the weather, the food, the challenge of learning the language, and the fact I can easily live and work here so decided to stay on. Can honestly say I've more or less enjoyed every day of my four years here. Don't quite get the massive bitterness some people display towards the country, although I suppose if you didn't know what you were getting yourself in for, or have different priorities, there might be a big letdown along the way. Mind you, I've always been pretty easy going about these things- I'm happy sitting out by the pool in the sunshine, glass of iced coffee and laptop open to do some work, dogs sitting at my feet waiting for a break to go for a run around.

It does sound like the OP has had a bad run in with issues over buying land / property, I sort of agree with ozzieovaseas about how you can choose what to get involved in or not.


reasons to be here:

I like it.

Far from the (previous) madding crowd

Much more free time (16hour working week and about 3 months holiday per year paid, albeit pisspoorly paid by comparison :D )

Reasons to leave:

More coarse behaviour than I was exposed to back home

costs me money to be here comfortably but I'd still be adding to savings back home.

very little chance of find a relationship/life partner

However none are compelling enough to give up life here. :)

When the babies are grown, I'll be retiring to the Republic of The Philippines.

If you were a gunny in the Marine Corps, I certainly do not want to piss you off, but to be blunt, anyone who wants to retire in the Philippines over Thailand needs to have their head examined. Bring your M16.

Semper Fi! :)

Hmm..well im not here for any of the reasons above. Particularly not for the Thai girls.

Im here because I like the pace of life, the food, the weather, the mannerisms, the scenery...many reasons.. and all out of choice. I am not stuck here..i choose to be here.

Edit: moving this to general..

Not for the thai girls??

Mmmmm come on eek.. even your avatar is pink...... :):D


Reasons not to go to thailand

1. yóu cant own the land - I have no intention of ever buying land

2. the maximum length of the lease is 30 years , all the 30 plus 30 plus 30 is absolute bull regardless of what it says on the contract smile.gif - in 30 years, I hope I am dead from too much sex

3. the land officials are corrupt not all - see #1

4.¨the police are corrupt not all but most rolleyes.gif - I've never paid a fine, and, if I ever get into an encounter, my girlfriend is a police officer

5. a lot of the law companies are corrupt - I'm a lawyer, I would see right through it, but I don't expect to ever need the services of a lawyer here

6. the property companies are dishonest ¨generally - see #1

7. all sorts of stupid rules about not being able to take your money out of ´the country ohmy.gif - I don't intend to take money out of the country

8. tuk tuk drivers operate like the mafia wink.gif - I haven't taken a tuk tuk in over 15 years

9. 2 pricing structures one for thais one for farangs - I don't do tourist things, so never have encountered this

10.¨price of fuel is getting higher all the time - try living in Hawaii, I'm running LPG which is price controlled

11. thai baht has crashed gone from 70 to the ponud 4 years ago to 45 now biggrin.gif - I saw the writing on the wall for the U.S. dollar, and I've put 50% of my retirement fund in gold, which has doubled in value over the last 3 years

12. thais will generally try and screw you blind rolleyes.gif - and falangs don't? A little bit of care will usually protect you.

It looks like you set yourself up for failure with a lot of unreasonable expectations. Return to the UK, and just visit Thailand for your holidays.


easy to answer

it is a beautiful land

with beautiful kind heated people - yes, they do their their bad point, who does't?

with such potential

which could really use some positive influence from positive people

its very safe compared to many other place

has the best food in the world

the above statements could be applied to everywhere ( bar the safety aspect)

lets back the energy we give out

see negative and negative is what you will get ( usually)

Hmm..well im not here for any of the reasons above. Particularly not for the Thai girls.

Im here because I like the pace of life, the food, the weather, the mannerisms, the scenery...many reasons.. and all out of choice. I am not stuck here..i choose to be here.

Edit: moving this to general..

Ummmm I'd suggest the pub.

Got exactly what I needed from Thailand and never plan on returning except for short visits. Thailand has completely turned to shit after I left. Luckily for me the Red Shirt portion of the political bullshit theatre started about a month after I left, and I did not need to leave when the asshol_e Yellow Shirts shut down the airports.

LOS falls under the same category as Southern California (Los Angeles, Anaheim. San Diego) and Orlando, Florida. They are nice to visit for short periods of time to see the tourist attractions and then go home. They dropped off of the list of retirement choices after Khun Thaksin (another jackass corrupt politician) was ousted from power by coup d'etat.

When the babies are grown, I'll be retiring to the Republic of The Philippines. The Heath care is for shit, but the Department of Veterans Affairs has medical care setup in country. The citizenry has a true appreciation for tourists and retirees, especially Americans. The ladies are lovely. The beaches are beautiful. American food is readily available. An American on Social Security can live like a king. And as a plus I will be able to leave my children my property in Balirong, Cebu. With the tradition of Filipinos and Filipinas travelling abroad to support their families have kept them from being xenophobes (LOS) and has added to the culture making them more willing to integrate into other societies. I can't wait to get back to Cebu.

Thailand needs to pull it's head out of it's ass really soon or they will be losing the rest of their long stayers. I don't think the "normal" citizens want to live like the Cambodians. Laotians, or Burmese. I can't imagine living on less than a dollar a day and that is where Thailand is headed. The alternative is a government ala' Ferdinand Marco's oppressive regime of The Philippines circa 1965-1986. If it gets much worse there, a authoritarian government with a supreme dictator will become appealing to the majority. When people have anarchy and a broken government, a dictatorship gets real appealing.

I feel for all of you stuck there, hope you don't have too much money sunk into the country. When the dictatorship takes over Thailand, your assets will be seized right before you are forced out of the country.

"May you live in interesting times." Sounds like it is getting more interesting my the day. Buy some bulletproof underwear and machete proof clothing.

what history has shown is that the very people who should stay in a place to help it change for the better, are the first one to leave..they cannot be balmed, but the logic is flawed

good people change places for the good

the bad stay-it suits them

my best friend is a top UK policemen, he cannot do his job due to all these PC law's

so, now he wishes to emigrate

such a shame

I have hope for Thailand. It saddens me how much potential this place has, yet is still so behind.

Despite what is going on now, there is very little danger for foreigner's.

And here I will go off again on my conspiracy tirade, the west could stop the trouble, ensure peace in day's.

So, could others who would be seen more in the right to do so, but have been told not to.

Some people want this.

The personal agenda's of some is over riding the concern's of the masses who are being used as tool's.

No doubt I will be insulted for this, accused of being a conspirator- and it is true, I cannot prove it.

I also cannot prove that tomorrow will exists :) , nor that I am not a complete lunatic.

  • Like 1
Life's Good.


Bill is the only guy I take any notice of, like me he actually lives in Thailand and has done for many years, like me also, he does not whine about the property ownership laws, (That we all knew before we bought property anyway ), who cares anyway, I can't take land with me when I die.

Why on earth Farangs whine about land ownership laws when they know the laws that exists is beyond me. Whining on an internet forum does nothing, you still can't own land, but you already knew that, so why freekin' moan about someting that you already knew ????

I paid for land that will never be in my name, big deal, oh wow, I'll be on my deathbed thinking about it................. and if it was in my name, I'll still be on my deathbed, thinking about it ..... I'd leave it to my wife or kids either way.

Do Farangs think that the land they ' OWN ' will follow them to the afterlife ?

We never own nothing, we just have it for a few years, we die, then somebody else owns it until they die, then somebody else owns it until they die and so on and so on...................................................

Good luck Bill......

Life's Good.


Bill is the only guy I take any notice of, like me he actually lives in Thailand and has done for many years, like me also, he does not whine about the property ownership laws, (That we all knew before we bought property anyway ), who cares anyway, I can't take land with me when I die.

Why on earth Farangs whine about land ownership laws when they know the laws that exists is beyond me. Whining on an internet forum does nothing, you still can't own land, but you already knew that, so why freekin' moan about someting that you already knew ????

I paid for land that will never be in my name, big deal, oh wow, I'll be on my deathbed thinking about it................. and if it was in my name, I'll still be on my deathbed, thinking about it ..... I'd leave it to my wife or kids either way.

Do Farangs think that the land they ' OWN ' will follow them to the afterlife ?

We never own nothing, we just have it for a few years, we die, then somebody else owns it until they die, then somebody else owns it until they die and so on and so on...................................................

Good luck Bill......

Thanks. your post just reinforces why I rent. :)

Thanks. your post just reinforces why I rent. :)

Thats great, I'm happy for you.

I came to Pattaya in 1990, I could buy a terraced bungalow in a farang village for less than 400,000 baht, I could buy a great house for 1 million.

Rent either for 20 years and it will cost you more.

But hey, you know best................ :D


I cannot believe guys complain about home ownership in Thailand. The houses are so cheap. If a guy is in a relationship and cannot risk the little a house costs here,he should go home get a job and get some money together. I was married to a thai woman for 4 months I bought her a house so what. She felt she was the big winner I thought the big loser, settling for crumbs.

Thailand is so inexpensive the odd double pricing anyone can handle, my brother had a carlot back home, not everybody got the same deal,no one left the country because of that.

Try Canada for corruption all billings now come with enough added fees to double the cost. Recycling fee, management fee,accounting fee,records fee you get the point?

To go back to housing if a guy thinks he can retire and cannot even afford to risk a couple million baht he shouldnot retire. And if he is working and cannot afford it get another job or 2 jobs. A good sports car costs more in Canada than a house in Thailand

As far as tuk tuk mafia just donot go to Phuket easy.

Or as one poster said go shorttime and rent and leave your worries behind.


if i new what i new now thailand would not have been my retirement destination, but in to deep now to go. just wish they would give us a break and stop, short changing, adding to bills, charging farang tax etc etc day in day out from the goverment down. never remeber it being like that, maybe its because i check more now days.

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