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Monday, Tuesday Extra Holidays For Bangkok


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And now this:
CRES freezes 106 bank accounts to cut support for red shirts

The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation declared that 106 bank accounts have been frozen as a measure to cut support for red-shirt protesters.

The CRES said the accounts include 13 firms.

Those whose bank accounts are frozen include red-shirt leaders and former Thai Rak Thai excutives.

Sends a strong message to foreign investors ...your money isn't safe in Thailand!! We can take it anytime!!

U.K. banks freeze accounts for terrorists, money laudering etc......is your money not safe there for that reason?

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'Public holidays' generally means for government entities.

'Bank holidays' means all banks are shut too. Basically I think this depends on what the Bank of Thailand announces and I understand that they are currently in a meeting with the Thai Stock Exchange which I suspect is to make a decision on this. My firm and I believe a lot of private sector companies adopt the policy of giving their workers a day off if it is a 'bank holiday' but not if it is just a 'public holiday'.

Of course some firms may take the view that this is an exceptional situation and just tell everyone to take a holiday (perhaps depending on where they are located and how easy it is for their staff to work from home/make alternative arrangements), others may wait and see what the Bank of Thailand say and follow their approach. Personally I won't be surprised if the Bank of Thailand shortly announces a bank holiday on Monday and possible on Tuesday too.


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Any one got any idea if the British embassy in BKK will be open

monday or tuesday.


Last information I saw was: British embassy will be closed Friday. After that the situation will be evaluted day by day.

Considering the situation I seriously doubt it will be open Monday and most probably Tuesday (if not longer).

Bottom line: call and find out.


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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

What would you suggest? Allow millions of people to go to work and possibly get mixed up in the clashes? Use your brain and next time don't leave your seasoning till the last minute.

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Any one got any idea if the British embassy in BKK will be open

monday or tuesday.

I am on the british embassy emailing list. The embassy is closed but admin staff are working as best as they can from home. The embassy is closed both monday and tuesday at present.

If you want, PM me with your email address and I will forward the email on to you - it has the contact details of the staff etc.


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'Public holidays' generally means for government entities.

'Bank holidays' means all banks are shut too. Basically I think this depends on what the Bank of Thailand announces and I understand that they are currently in a meeting with the Thai Stock Exchange which I suspect is to make a decision on this. My firm and I believe a lot of private sector companies adopt the policy of giving their workers a day off if it is a 'bank holiday' but not if it is just a 'public holiday'.

Of course some firms may take the view that this is an exceptional situation and just tell everyone to take a holiday (perhaps depending on where they are located and how easy it is for their staff to work from home/make alternative arrangements), others may wait and see what the Bank of Thailand say and follow their approach. Personally I won't be surprised if the Bank of Thailand shortly announces a bank holiday on Monday and possible on Tuesday too.


Ha - looks like I spoke too soon:

MCOT: Bank of Thailand: Banks open Monday, stock market opens until 3.30pm;

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

So what is more important

The safety of Bangkok citizens who would be risking life and limb to get to and fro work

or you and your visa? Since you waited until the last minute to make the arrangement

I feel zero sympathy for you.

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Nice to see that your not worried about yourself and have the state of the country in mind.....Semms to me the only clowns are the farangs

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

What would you suggest? Allow millions of people to go to work and possibly get mixed up in the clashes? Use your brain and next time don't leave your seasoning till the last minute.

As it's only a government holiday millions of people are not only allowed but required to go to work. Who are the clowns now?

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Nice to see that your not worried about yourself and have the state of the country in mind.....Semms to me the only clowns are the farangs

Since it's only a holiday for government officials, the average Thai will still have to go to work. It just shows that the government only cares about themselves, not the average Thai, who still has to go to work and risk being shot in the head by army snipers.

Shame. Shame. Shame. :)

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement!!!??? Good lord, did you ever hear of funds transfer hiccups or unexpected events like something delaying the sending bank from sending on day/hour-X, a fat finger typo in sending/receiving, electricity outage, earthquake, storm, terrorist attack, riot, or about a zillion other things that could happen "in our in-perfect world where the unexpected happens everyday." I wish this had not happen to you and hope the money shows up in time, but you took a chance/assumed a perfect world and probably lost. A lesson from the school of hard knocks.

P.S. This is probably a good move by the government as it will keep a lot of people away from the protest area which should improve safety for many people and put more pressure on the red shirts to end the protest.

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And now this:
CRES freezes 106 bank accounts to cut support for red shirts

The Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation declared that 106 bank accounts have been frozen as a measure to cut support for red-shirt protesters.

The CRES said the accounts include 13 firms.

Those whose bank accounts are frozen include red-shirt leaders and former Thai Rak Thai excutives.

Sends a strong message to foreign investors ...your money isn't safe in Thailand!! We can take it anytime!!


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It will only keep government people away and safe at home. The average Thais without an inflated salary will still have to risk getting shot in the head by army snipers to earn their money.

..and on top, the Thai government has just blocked www.ireport.com (CNN's iReport). If you want to watch it from today onwards, you better move to North Korea or Myanmar.

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Well, I'm guessing Immigration will be closed as well, so it's a wash.

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Nice to see that your not worried about yourself and have the state of the country in mind.....Semms to me the only clowns are the farangs

I could not agree more....

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a-one of my friend working in CP tower Silom got a call, his company will be close Monday / Tuesday

b-one of my other friend working in Sathorn got a call, the boss book hotel rooms for the staff to be able to work ... WOW !

one is a Australian company / the other is a Korean company

could you guess the a & b ... hahaha

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

Who's the clown here? I think it's the guy who cut his wire transfer too close. LOL

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i've to go to the italian embassy tomorrow ... anyone knows if the public holiday will affect it?

This a joke?

The Italian Embassy uses any excuse imaginable to stop working.

ahahahahah that's true!! italians ... lazy ... like me.

but i hope something extraordinary ...

they no answer by phone since 3 days. they don't write anything new on the website since ... 2007

still have an italian embassy in bkk?

Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,


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For those of you saying the just declared holidays on Monday and Tuesday only affect government agencies and will not affect the average Thai, we'll that ain't quite right. I have several in-laws who work in Bangkok in private companies, they have contacted their companies, and the companies have told them "not" to come to work due to the declared holidays. Now, I'm sure a lot of private companies will attempt/conduct business as normal, but I expect a lot of companies will be closed or reduced staffing on Monday and Tuesday. And you gotta remember, Thai's love holidays and sure have no shortage of them!

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Shame on the Farangs here supporting this red group is all I can say

really guys…. what is wrong with your thinking?

Did you mother forget u to teach you to think properly?

What sort of minds can u have to support this red group.... led by the biggest (by far) Thai rip off artist in the history of Thailand?

Don’t you recall when he was leading the country?

You could never ever say anything bad about him or fear for your life…

You must have forgotten he was censoring the whole country including Thai visa.

I am sure that is why the TV owners are not in favor of this group and while I don’t agree also with some of their politics either

(I was banned once for saying something not nice about George W Bush)

I am sure they know how so so evil this man really is.

Get a grip on reality… really no joke.... this is embarrassing to hear, coming from supposedly educated folks

Hey boys and girls out there…. This F…… he had the country in a virtual strangle lock.

He had everyone almost ready to bow down to him. No s……. either.

I wrote this in another thread below and I think its appropriate here too

Honestly the smartest thing I have seen the reds do is to burn tires

can u imagine what sort of Gov they will run?

dumber than dumb is what I call this group...

anyone who can support them is supporting very low minded people I am convinced

my dog could do a way better job.... no joke!

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Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

Way to go, clowns.

You're the clown, pal :)

A day here and there won't concern them, particularly in light of what's occurring. I've been couple weeks over before now and haven't had an issue.

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Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,



Doesn't Gogggle work for you? Embassy

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i've to go to the italian embassy tomorrow ... anyone knows if the public holiday will affect it?

This a joke?

The Italian Embassy uses any excuse imaginable to stop working.

ahahahahah that's true!! italians ... lazy ... like me.

but i hope something extraordinary ...

they no answer by phone since 3 days. they don't write anything new on the website since ... 2007

still have an italian embassy in bkk?

Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,


Embassy of Italy in Bangkok

399, Nang Linchee Road, Yannawa

10120 Bangkok

Edited by Sisaketmike
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Hello there,

Would anyone know if the Airport is still operational..?! I'm flying in on Wed, Also, would anyone please pass me the Bankok's Italian Embassy website please..?!

Cheers, I much appreciate that..!

Molte Grazie,



Doesn't Gogggle work for you? Embassy

And it comes up as the first choice on Google when typing in Embassy of Italy in Bangkok. I'm now understanding more of why the Euro is having issues now.

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I love the way they soft sell everything here. Holiday ???, My guess is they are tired of this BS and things are going to get serious real soon. :)

More "serious" than they already are????

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