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Curfew In Chiang Mai & Situation Updates


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21 May 16:45

Nawarot Bridge

Night Market

Municipal Stadium

Thaepae Gate

Alcoholic Alley

other than very light traffic, nothing to report.

What about those places? A rather odd post.

Perhaps a little too short-hand for you but not odd at all - the poster went round those places and had nothing to report.

Alcoholic Alley, would that be Loi Kroh or Moon Muang? Did anyone test the curfew in these areas last night, and if so, how did it go?

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21 May 16:45

Nawarot Bridge

Night Market

Municipal Stadium

Thaepae Gate

Alcoholic Alley

other than very light traffic, nothing to report.

What about those places? A rather odd post.

Perhaps a little too short-hand for you but not odd at all - the poster went round those places and had nothing to report.

Alcoholic Alley, would that be Loi Kroh or Moon Muang? Did anyone test the curfew in these areas last night, and if so, how did it go?

I would think its Loi Kroh but it may be the local 7-11.

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21 May 16:45

Nawarot Bridge

Night Market

Municipal Stadium

Thaepae Gate

Alcoholic Alley

other than very light traffic, nothing to report.

What about those places? A rather odd post.

Perhaps a little too short-hand for you but not odd at all - the poster went round those places and had nothing to report.

Alcoholic Alley, would that be Loi Kroh or Moon Muang? Did anyone test the curfew in these areas last night, and if so, how did it go?

trying to update via phone. near impossible. Post 9pm, both of those areas have at least 90% of the bars in full swing. looks like a normal night. less tourists than normal, tho. bar owners on Loi Kroh are telling me they dont have plans to close unless the police come force them to.

Reaggae corner is shut down, but the bars around un irish pub were all open just prior to 9PM. (about 8:55). didnt look like they plan to shut. lot of people out and about at the moment. Due to my overwhelming thirst, im going to break curfew and see how this plays out for a little while.

further updates done via my twitter (much more mobile friendly). twitter.com/wetfdstamp


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hey bruce.

re ... Alcoholic Alley, would that be Loi Kroh or Moon Muang?

it could be soi one ( starts near mandalay ) to the hash bar ( soi two moonmuang road ) or loi kroh road .

my guess is ... if you want to see the same early drunks every day ... go to soi one or two.

if you want to see the afternoon / early evening drunks ... go to loi kroh road

enjoy ... dave2 : )

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Just returned from Miguels and yes, they were open (one could tell my stomach has stopped growling.... :D ). Afterwards I drove around the moat some and then stopped to do a little shopping at Rimping (near Airport plaza) before heading home down CM-Hangdong Rd near Big C.

The only things where I noticed any differences from a normal Friday afternoon were:

  • Lot less traffic all around (me likes that... :D )
  • Traffic lights were out on both sides of Narawat bridge
  • Few stores closed all around
  • Hardly any bread left on the shelves at Rimping
  • Although there were some but a lot less tourists walking the streets looking lost

BTW, The ATM in front of Rimping was working as I withdrew my normal 20 baht weekly allowance my wife allows me... :D

Am I the only one wondering how dingdongrb manages to get such a huge allowance from the missus?? :)

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re ... Am I the only one wondering how dingdongrb manages to get such a huge allowance from the missus??

nahh ... but im sure hes worth every baht of it in one way or another ? : )


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For those not following me on twitter, plenty fun to be had in Chiang Mai post curfew. Other than police begging bars to keep it a bit quiet tonight, there was zero enforcement of the curfew from what I could see.

I would venture to guess that the rain this evening kept more people in than the curfew did.

With all the extra "thirsty" expats in town, I expect tomorrow to be a VERY busy night, curfew or not.


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hey bruce.

re ... Alcoholic Alley, would that be Loi Kroh or Moon Muang?

it could be soi one ( starts near mandalay ) to the hash bar ( soi two moonmuang road ) or loi kroh road .

my guess is ... if you want to see the same early drunks every day ... go to soi one or two.

if you want to see the afternoon / early evening drunks ... go to loi kroh road

enjoy ... dave2 : )

I only asked out of idle curiosity. I have enough drinking experience to be an alcoholic pretty much anywhere. I think there are many streets and soi's that qualify for the name Alcoholic Alley, and since Loi Kroh easily qualifies for one or two other names, we should let another place have the Alcoholic Alley designation.

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re ... With all the extra "thirsty" expats in town, I expect tomorrow to be a VERY busy night, curfew or not.

thanks for that info ... maybe ill venture out tomorrow instead of staying in .

many thanks ... dave2

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'Alcohol Alley' (I think Loi Kroh should qualify) to Sansai on bike tonight at 2am......no worries....all quiet! No snipers, no shooting, no petrol bombs, no kill on sight due to curfew, no police....in fact.....nothing......dead quiet.....but then again, the forces are at play!? :D Get me outta here!!! :)

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Rats. And there I was Mr. Good Farang laying in stocks of snacks and beverages diligently before running home to catch the Thai soaps. :)

To be honest, my greatest concern was the risk of having to spend baht for tea that I've set aside for a night out once it's all over.

I'm advised that the curfew extends through tonight but not tomorrow at this point. Is that accurate (at this point, at least)?

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สรุปความเสียหายเบื้องต้นจากเหตุ เสื้อแดงป่วนเมือง

เมื่อวันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2553 กว่า 13 ล้านบาท

กอง กำลังจังหวัดเชียงใหม่สรุปความเสียหายเบื้องต้นจากเหตุ นปช.แดงป่วนเมืองเมื่อวันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2553 กว่า 13 ล้านบาท

นาย สุรชัย จงรักษ์ เสนาธิการกองกำลังจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ พร้อมด้วยตัวแทนหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องด้านความมั่นคง ร่วมแถลงข่าวผลการดำเนินงานของกองกำลังจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ณ สโมสรค่ายกาวิละ มณฑลทหารบกที่ 33 ถึงผลการดำเนินงานและสรุปความเสียหายที่เกิดขึ้นจากกรณีความไม่สงบทางการ เมืองในจังหวัดเชียงใหม่เมื่อวันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2553 ที่ผ่านมา จากกรณีที่กลุ่ม นปช.เสื้อแดงเชียงใหม่ได้บุกเผาบ้านพักปลัดจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ และเผารถดับเพลิงของเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ 2 คัน ล่าสุดจากการประเมินเบื้องต้น บ้านพักปลัดจังหวัดเชียงใหม่พร้อมทรัพย์สินภายใน มูลค่าประมาณสามล้านบาท บ้านเสียหายทั้งหลัง ต้องรื้อถอนทิ้งทั้งหมด ขณะที่รถดับเพลิงเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ 2 คัน มูลค่ารวม 10 ล้าน 6 แสน 9 หมื่นบาท รวมมูลค่าความเสียหายเบื้องต้นกว่า 13 ล้านบาท

ยังไม่นับ รวมไฟฟ้าแสงสว่าง ป้อมยาม ถนนหน้าจวนผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ตู้โทรศัพท์ ตู้เอ.ที.เอ็ม.สัญญาณไฟจราจร ซึ่งกำลังอยู่ระหว่างรวบรวมพยานหลักฐาน โดยเบื้องต้นได้รวบรวมพยานหลักฐานคนร้ายกรณีเผาบ้านพักปลัดจังหวัดและเผารถ ดับเพลิงส่งศาลเพื่อพิจารณาออกหมายจับแล้ว

นอกจากนี้กองกำลังจังหวัด เชียงใหม่ยังได้เก็บรวมรวมยางรถยนต์และยางรถจักรยานยนต์เก่าทั้งตามสุสาน ป่าช้า และเวทีของ นปช.แดงเชียงใหม่กว่า 300 เส้น ไปเก็บไว้ในที่ที่ไม่สามารถนำมาก่อเหตุได้ ขณะเดียวกันประสานไปยังร้านจำหน่ายยางรถยนต์ให้ทำบัญชียาง และหากต้องการเคลื่อนย้าย ต้องแจ้งเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจหรือนายอำเภอทราบด้วย โดยได้มีการควบคุมวัตถุระเบิด สารตั้งต้น อุปกรณ์ที่ใช้เป็นอาวุธ น้ำมันเชื้อเพลิง ไม้แหลม ตะปู หนังสติ๊ก ด้วย ขณะที่เกษตรกรได้ร้องขอเรื่องการขนย้ายพืชผลทางการเกษตรในช่วงประกาศ เคอร์ฟิวนั้น เพื่อบรรเทาความเดือดร้อน ได้สั่งการไปยังทุกท้องที่ ให้ผู้ประกอบการไปขออนุญาตกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจหรือทางอำเภอก่อนเดินทางด้วย ขณะที่วันที่ 21 พฤษภาคม 2553 ทั้งวันมีกลุ่มเสื้อแดงที่ไปร่วมชุมนุมกับ นปช.เดินทางกลับโดยรถไฟสองขบวนรวมกว่าสามร้อยคนและได้จัดรถรับ-ส่งกลับภูมิ ลำเนาแล้ว

ข่าวโดย : ธนวันต์ ชุมแสง สวท.เชียงใหม่

Military and other officials in Chiang Mai discuss the damages from the unrest on May 19. The deputy governor's residence was completely destroyed by fire. Initial damage estimates, including personal effects in the house, the building itself, and the two fire trucks that were burned, come to over 13 million baht. This doesn't yet include street lights, signs, phone booths, traffic lights, and ATMs, the damage to which is now being evaluated. The tires, stage, and other materials of the UDD have been moved out of the way. Businesses must inform the authorities if they need to transport tires. Farmers and vendors who need to bring goods to the market during curfew hours may request permission from the authorities. Lastly, throughout the day on May 21st, about 300 Red Shirts returned from Bangkok on two trains and [someone--not clear if they mean the authorities or local UDD] arranged their

transportation home.

Reported by Tanawan Chumsaeng, Chiangmai Radio

[My own question: I hear the farang in the green shirt who was captured on video throwing rocks at street signs with the red shirts on May 19 has been arrested. Anyone know the story?]

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The guy in the white shirt and black trousers has definitely been arrested: http://www.thairath.co.th/content/region/84444 don't know if they've got the guy in the green shirt yet.

Quick update from Wat Pra Singh, access to the reds' ex-HQ at Warorot Hotel is being restricted by the army. There are armed soldiers stood blocking each of the streets leading to the hotel, at the moat-side entrances they have riot shields as well as guns. They look bored and, apart from the streets mentioned, traffic and activity around Pra Singh is carrying on as normal.


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Broke the curfew last night driving down night bazaar at 11.30pm.. lots of traffic really, a few foot patrols in the shadows, nearly drove into one patrol on the side of the road as they were so camouflaged! 711s open, - but didnt have any cheese sarnies dam_n them. Only a few days left thank goodness, my wife is a redshirt and I took great pleasure in telling her it was her fault that she has lost trade these last 3 days. :)

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Just to confirm not a scoop...

FIrst time, I really notice armed soldiers in Chiangmai: around Wat PraShingh, most probably to prevent access to the former site of Red shirts which was cleaned off Thursday. I pretended that I was going to buy some food, but the smiling soldier said " cannot go" and when I asked what was happening, replied there was nothing there, I tried to ask if theye were Red shirts, he kept smiling when saying No.

Most probably, armed soldiers are there to prevent access to the former Red shirts site in case they would like to have as TGIS meeting.

Quite friendly atmosphere and if you park your car, you are not prevented to go... was too lazy to do it... :)

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Just to confirm not a scoop...

FIrst time, I really notice armed soldiers in Chiangmai: around Wat PraShingh, most probably to prevent access to the former site of Red shirts which was cleaned off Thursday. I pretended that I was going to buy some food, but the smiling soldier said " cannot go" and when I asked what was happening, replied there was nothing there, I tried to ask if theye were Red shirts, he kept smiling when saying No.

Most probably, armed soldiers are there to prevent access to the former Red shirts site in case they would like to have as TGIS meeting.

Quite friendly atmosphere and if you park your car, you are not prevented to go... was too lazy to do it... :)

About 4 PM saw 4 solders across the street from the RR station, setting under a cover next to the cop box. One talking on a phone, another reading a newspaper and the other two just looking down as board RR parking lot back to normal.

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Just been out for a drive around and here's what's open/closed (as of 9.10pm):

Nimmanhaemin: Monkey Club - open, Berlin - open, The Box - closed, Warm Up - closed, Chalerm Krung - closed.

Loi Kroh (including the boxing ring) - open.

Night Bazaar - open.

Good View & Riverside - closed.

Bars in the JJ Market area (behind Tesco Lotus Kham Tiang) - closed.

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I was feeling a lot of sympathy for the loss of business due to the curfew here. My opinion quickly changed when we tried to call KFC for delivery about 7 p.m. last night. They were not answering their phones and had a recorded message in Thai . Translated by a Thai person, he said that due to the curfew, they were not making deliveries until 9"30 PM. Come on give me a break...how stupid can the Thais get ??

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I drove around the old city around 10 p.m. A few noodle shops and small Thai restaurants were open, but with the exception of Loi Kroh and Moon Muang, most places were closed. On Loi Kroh all of the rent-a-friend bars and a few other bars were quietly open, and a few bars on Moon Muang, but it was a slow night in general. There was no problem riding my motorbike around and there was a moderate amount of traffic on the road, but much less than usual.

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I was feeling a lot of sympathy for the loss of business due to the curfew here. My opinion quickly changed when we tried to call KFC for delivery about 7 p.m. last night. They were not answering their phones and had a recorded message in Thai . Translated by a Thai person, he said that due to the curfew, they were not making deliveries until 9"30 PM. Come on give me a break...how stupid can the Thais get ??

this is either the driest attempt at irony i've ever seen, or something else. i'm hoping it's the former.

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