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Red Shirts Move Into Chiang Rai


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Have just been to collect my son from school and saw that a "Fleet" of Red Shirt trucks have blocked the road completely out side the police station....Trucks and cars 4 abreast and a long way back....Not a Police man in sight......

The Mae Kok army barracks are quiet with the army inside as far as I could see.

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How manys a "fleet" david ? . Not a Policeman in sight. It would be interesting to know the role of the Police in this thing.

This is one of the main things that concern me about all this.

It would be much worse if it was on the superhighway though.

Keep us updated.

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How manys a "fleet" david ? . Not a Policeman in sight. It would be interesting to know the role of the Police in this thing.

This is one of the main things that concern me about all this.

It would be much worse if it was on the superhighway though.

Keep us updated.

As I drove passed the new cross roads with traffic lights and had a quick look to the right the trucks were 4 wide all facing the same way towards me.They seemed to be all the way back as far as my quick look could tell.All the way back to the set of lights behind them. Yes no Police in site as they are usually there giving tickets and organising where to go next....

Maybe they will stay or go.I suspect they will be left alone by the Police and the army till they do something.....If anything as there have not been any bombs here as yet..i.e. thrown at the banks...

If anything is done here I suspect the police would not respond but leave it to the army...I will take a quick ride down a bit later after a few phone calls...

If any trouble tonight my boy will have the day off school! First day back today..

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Thanks David. needs to be a lot of them to cause much disruption there though. Police have probably not noticed yet its a hot day.


Anyway I have just been to have a proper look. Yes the trucks are there but not many bodies and no sign of trouble..Now I have had a good look it just seems like a "Defiant gesture" and nothing else...The police are out walking around along the ajoining roads , looks like they are keeping out of the way... asked a police man if there was a problem and he said no...

also noticed that most of the police man walking around did not have their side arms but then maybe they were the office workers who add up the value of the tickets given...I will try to add the video I took.Sorry its not very good as the sun was shinning on the view finder...

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Not really worth watching but will give locals a idea where they are and which road is blocked..Happy days Dave

Sorry can't load as yet..Stupid farang am I!

Edited by davidwright
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I was in town today on a normal shopping run and saw nothing unusual. Even had a brief chat with a farang I just met at BigC.

As for Bangkok, having lived through several coups there over the years, I found that once the containment phase of military action is started, it becomes quite hard to get anywhere near the troubled areas. To get yourself in trouble takes a great deal of effort. Any distance from the flash points and life goes on pretty much as usual.

That said the level of violence and sophistication has progressed in tandem with other advances in modern life. This business in Bangkok, right where I used to live, is a new breed of beast. Things were different before with no TV or radio. Only endless marching band music and no cellphones or internet. Eventually this will become just one more of those old timer stories that bore the newbies to death.

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"Have just been to collect my son from school and saw that a "Fleet" of Red Shirt trucks have blocked the road completely out side the police station....Trucks and cars 4 abreast and a long way back....Not a Police man in sight......

The Mae Kok army barracks are quiet with the army inside as far as I could see."


The red shirts have not moved into Chiang Rai. The majority of people in the province are,I would guess. supporters of the red shirt movement. Not necessarily supporting the 1% who are only in BKK to make trouble. :D:)

There have been red shirt rally's :D:D:D at the Saemphu Hotel virtually every night for months. Red shirt supporters gathering to hear the latest news from down south via satellite link/ Microphone.

I too saw the gathering today between the 2 sets of lights either side of the police station. Took me 1 extra minute to get home only.

Situation normal at the army barracks at the Mae Kok. Even popped in to buy some golf balls on the way home. Only difference these days is you have to leave some ID at the gate and xchange it for a pass. Get back ID on exit.

Personally I don't think there will be any repeat of the BKK troubles in our province. I hope I'm proved right.

Only a few empty beer bottles at my local ATM booth. BLOODY TOURISTS, EH!!!!

C35B :D:D

Edited by chang35baht
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Army and Police should protect their people rather than an ambitious ruler. It is a big shame from the point of view of other country army if armed soldiers fight against unarmed civilian. This kind of army has no honor, they should bring lipstick instead of gun

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Red shirt cavalcade in town.

Hope they are better behaved than their comrades in other provinces.

Time will tell

So what happened Guys ? I guess not much . Are they Still there ? Are you all under seige or under welmed ?

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Red shirt cavalcade in town.

Hope they are better behaved than their comrades in other provinces.

Time will tell

So what happened Guys ? I guess not much . Are they Still there ? Are you all under seige or under welmed ?

I haven't heard of anything happening. My area of town is quiet and the local grapevine is devoted to discussion of BKK turmoil.

We are still on for the meeting tomorrow, as far as I know.

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I was thinking about getting into town early tommorrow. Get the Phantom Serviced at Sintanee first thing and then off to the Bank.

I just heard a rumour that the Banks are Shut. Can anyone verify thats not true !?

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I was thinking about getting into town early tommorrow. Get the Phantom Serviced at Sintanee first thing and then off to the Bank.

I just heard a rumour that the Banks are Shut. Can anyone verify thats not true !?

The wife's friends in the financial sector have told her that the CR banks are indeed closed until Monday.

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I was thinking about getting into town early tommorrow. Get the Phantom Serviced at Sintanee first thing and then off to the Bank.

I just heard a rumour that the Banks are Shut. Can anyone verify thats not true !?

The wife's friends in the financial sector have told her that the CR banks are indeed closed until Monday.

Great. Whats the chances of the ATM's holding out until monday. Slim I should think.

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Apparently banks can open tomorrow and remain open all weekend.

Banks nationwide can be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Bank of Thailand (BOT) assistant governor Sorasit Soontornkes said on Thursday.

Mr Sorasit said the central bank had received many complaints from the public after it announced that all commercial banks and financial institutions will remain closed this weekend due to the continuing political unrest in Bangkok and other provinces.

Bangkok Post

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Apparently banks can open tomorrow and remain open all weekend.

Banks nationwide can be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Bank of Thailand (BOT) assistant governor Sorasit Soontornkes said on Thursday.

Mr Sorasit said the central bank had received many complaints from the public after it announced that all commercial banks and financial institutions will remain closed this weekend due to the continuing political unrest in Bangkok and other provinces.

Bangkok Post

Good ho. A bit of common sense at last . we don't want a 'Run on the Banks' to make the situation even worse.

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"There have been reports of violence in the north eastern cities of Khon Kaen and Udon Thani, and the northern city of Chiang Rai."

This was in a travel advice update - Friday from the British Embassy.

Anyone know what violence they are refering to?

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There was some talk of a couple of guys being arrested with an inner tube and a tin of petrol near the town hall.

No, I'm not making it up, the source is usually reliable.

I have heard of no violence through the local market grapevine, although I have been told by several that bad things will happen soon.

I personally doubt that much will happen here, as the red supporters here, live here. Now if outsiders showed up, then it would be another story. It seems easier to trash someone else's yard than your own. I believe that our local supporters would not allow outsiders to come here and make their mark.

It seems that the reports concerning CR are based on rumor. Maybe the Embassy prefers to err on the safe side where the safety of their citizens are concerned. As near as I can tell, the report is erroneous.

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Not sure I agree, they've done pretty good job in some of the Isaan cities.

A Skype call from a friend in Khon Kaen mentions a number of deaths personally witnessed that seem to have been covered up.

Yes, the violence is documented in the Isaan area and the Brit warning was probably well-founded for that area. Lanaman's post did emphasize CR though, as I read it, with the CR portion of his post being underlined. My reply was focused on CR only. I can see nothing here that would cause me to advise a friend to avoid this town at this time.

Perhaps others are seeing or hearing plenty to cause worry. I only have access to the news, thoughts and feelings in my neighborhood. While this part of town is overwhelmingly supportive of the reds, it is also overwhelmingly protective of this part of town.

Edited by kandahar
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