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ok so i wake up late and turn on the TV. I see this english breakfast show where thai people try to show off their english skills. you have no idea how shocked i was seeing these thai people dressed up like adolph hitler like it was no big thing. I'm a pretty open-minded dude, but, really, watching them do this trivia thing dressed up like Herr Goebbels or whatever really weirded me out. Imagine Thai people watching Farang talking about Plaek Pibulsonggram in a TV show. It's just plain weird..... ewwww.

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A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

It's some kind of religious symbol isn't it, been in use for thousands of years. I doubt the whole world will change their religious symbols because of a bunch of Germans hijacking it 70 years ago ?

A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

The nazi swastika is different to the swastika used in Buddhism, could you have been looking at the Buddhist version? I'll leave it up to you to google the nazi version and compare the two.



There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

Yeah, that shocked me too the first time I saw it too. My Thai friends have since told me that it is a symbol for something completely different here. I can't remember exactly what the meaning was, but I believe it was some sort of spiritual symbol for good luck or long life. It's an ancient symbol that does not appear to have a malicious connotation until the Nazis began using it. You can google it for more details.

Of course, we "all" know the connotation it has now, and it's still surprising to see someone displaying the symbol proudly. But the Thais I know don't have a lot of knowledge about European history (and why would they?), so they have no reason to view the swastica as a disgusting symbol.

Edit: You all beat me too it!

There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.

Yes, and all of us who had grandparents there shouldn't believe the stories that the grandparents have passed on to us, right? ALL of our grandparents were a part of the big hoax, right?

What planet were you deported from, anyway?

There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.


Oy vey, another holocaust denier.


Look, why get all worked up over a symbol? clearly the Thais dont give a rat's hind qtrs over what someone else's thoughts are about a simple symbol. My god, give it a rest.

Yeah, but you just came out as a holocaust denier. That is NOT the same thing as ignorant Thais wearing Nazi symbols.


jingthing, I'm not a denier but neither am I someone who believes the story spoonfed to me. So maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.

anyway, that's all off topic. stick to the topic. Thais are on TV with their Nazi stuff; they say it's ok and I agree

Look, why get all worked up over a symbol? clearly the Thais dont give a rat's hind qtrs over what someone else's thoughts are about a simple symbol. My god, give it a rest.

I couldn't give a rat's butt about how the Thais see the symbol.

I do care that you forget your medicine and start posting crap like you just posted. It is beyond me how anyone can write off all of those people who perished, soldiers and civilians alike. It is beyond me how anyone could buy into that denier crap. The only thing that will ever make sense to me concerning people like you is that you do know better but you choose to act like you don't just to get attention. Well, if you need attention that bad, go help some of the people on this planet that need help. THEY will pay attention to you.

jingthing, I'm not a denier but neither am I someone who believes the story spoonfed to me. So maybe it happened, maybe it didn't

It happened. No maybes about it.

Look, why get all worked up over a symbol? clearly the Thais dont give a rat's hind qtrs over what someone else's thoughts are about a simple symbol. My god, give it a rest.

Why not take a great big cross, preferably an Orthodox one, and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Then talk about getting worked up about just a symbol!

A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

It's some kind of religious symbol isn't it, been in use for thousands of years. I doubt the whole world will change their religious symbols because of a bunch of Germans hijacking it 70 years ago ?

agree. actually the sign remained for peace 70 years ago....still exists in India


The symbol adorns many temples here in Viet Nam'

jingthing, I'm not a denier but neither am I someone who believes the story spoonfed to me. So maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.

So what do you believe?

Some people think that by denying everything as a conspiratorial plot they set themselves up as some kind of great intellectuals.

In the most part they are little more than dangleberries on the butt of humanity.


The swastika common in Thai culture (as graffiti and as a symbol on clothing and in homes and public spaces) is usually that of buddhism, not nazi Germany. (as people have already posted)

With that said, I was at the Mall in Korat last week and noticed little figures of Hitler and other SS/Nazi people in a shop window in the "city walk" area (downstairs). I asked my (Thai) husband about it and he said he had no idea why they had them / were selling them and that it was really weird. He's 35 and said he learned about the Holocaust in school and realizes that Hitler was a horrible person. But as far as details about the Holocaust, he doesn't really know much. We recently watched "The inglorious bastards" and he kept asking me stuff like, "did that really happen?" and "is that what it was like?"

But... as with people everywhere, SOME Thai people SOMETIMES say or wear or do culturally insensitive things. I've been here about 3 years and I've noticed several pro bin laden, anti-American t-shirts. But, as an American, I would hate to say how much racist, hateful crap I've heard and seen and experienced in the US. so...

ce la vie.

Some people think that by denying everything as a conspiratorial plot they set themselves up as some kind of great intellectuals.

In the most part they are little more than dangleberries on the butt of humanity.

Dingleberries (or racist nutjobs) indeed. :)

The swastika common in Thai culture (as graffiti and as a symbol on clothing and in homes and public spaces) is usually that of buddhism, not nazi Germany. (as people have already posted)

With that said, I was at the Mall in Korat last week and noticed little figures of Hitler and other SS/Nazi people in a shop window in the "city walk" area (downstairs). I asked my (Thai) husband about it and he said he had no idea why they had them / were selling them and that it was really weird. He's 35 and said he learned about the Holocaust in school and realizes that Hitler was a horrible person. But as far as details about the Holocaust, he doesn't really know much. We recently watched "The inglorious bastards" and he kept asking me stuff like, "did that really happen?" and "is that what it was like?"

But... as with people everywhere, SOME Thai people SOMETIMES say or wear or do culturally insensitive things. I've been here about 3 years and I've noticed several pro bin laden, anti-American t-shirts. But, as an American, I would hate to say how much racist, hateful crap I've heard and seen and experienced in the US. so...

ce la vie.

Bingo, I saw those Bin Laden shirts here in the months after 9/11. Did I get all worked up about it? Nooo. Here it is 70 years after the "fact" and we still get 1 in 10 movies on the subject and news reports like this is something new and concerning. Why should this be at the top of the heap? Because the powers of mass information put it there. I puke it out and always have. No powers put so much cash and emphasis in such certain atrocities like Kampuchea, and that occurred only 30 years ago. I think arm bands are attractive attire and shake the hand of any Thai I see wearing them


God what a tool you must be my friend same.

Obviously my father who fought and lost many friends in the six years of the war dreamed the whole thing.

He told me to visit Aushwitz, which I did and it was a life changing experience.

And the swastika should remain abhorrent as a symbol of how inhumane people can be to each other when intolerance rules.

jingthing, I'm not a denier but neither am I someone who believes the story spoonfed to me. So maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.

anyway, that's all off topic. stick to the topic. Thais are on TV with their Nazi stuff; they say it's ok and I agree

Whilst I have no doubt that there are those who have agenda to keep this stuff in the public eye, it doesn't make it untrue. There were survivors with no reason to make this stuff up.


I just think that people who want to get all worked up over this stuff should join forums with 1000s of other people who get off on getting worked up over this 70 year old crap. Why drag it into a Thailand forum?

Why should this be at the top of the heap?

To remind us that there are evil, hateful people out there that would love to do something similar to other innocents - the kind of people who would deny that it ever happened. bah.gif

I just think that people who want to get all worked up over this stuff should join forums with 1000s of other people who get off on getting worked up over this 70 year old crap. Why drag it into a Thailand forum?

What do your Jewish and gay friends think about your attitude towards Nazis?

There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.

This has got to be a wind up or you are from Austria

A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

actually if you reshearch the SWASTICA you will find the real meaning of it...


If you notice the religious swastika sits level and the Nazi one is tilted. In Japan and China the religious version appears on any standard map to indicate the location of a temple. Though I have seen SS gear and other Nazi crap sold in Thailand. I don't think the majority of the Thais are really bothered about this. as they probably can not even locate Germany on a map, why should they be?

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