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Thousands Of Thai Protesters Defy Deadline To Leave

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...the guilty reds should be turned in and not given an amnesty except an amazingly beautiful kicking under the guise of re-education

what a wonderful incentive to stop the violence and bring about the elections necessary to bring this society back from the brink!

it is delusional to believe that it is possible for one side to enjoy victory and the other defeat. both sides are too strong for that, and besides at this point the violence has gone too far.

only a solution that allows both sides to see a way forward that is consistent with their core interests can succeed. amnesty for all law breakers--red, yellow, government--together with early elections is the only solution.

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now it is time to act on behakf of the vast majority of Thais who want to see this mob finally eliminated

your are confusing the desires of the vast majority of thais with your own lust for thai blood.

...the guilty reds should be turned in and not given an amnesty except an amazingly beautiful kicking under the guise of re-education

what a wonderful incentive to stop the violence and bring about the elections necessary to bring this society back from the brink!

it is delusional to believe that it is possible for one side to enjoy victory and the other defeat. both sides are too strong for that, and besides at this point the violence has gone too far.

only a solution that allows both sides to see a way forward that is consistent with their core interests can succeed. amnesty for all law breakers--red, yellow, government--together with early elections is the only solution.

jolly good idea and in one month another mob will take over the same area and demand ..........

If you do not want constant anarchy the government has to hit them now and hit them hard - its the only way out

Water cannons must be used when a mob starts to form and escalate, but with still thousands dispersed over the whole country - look at the pictures from other cities like Chiang Mai and Ubon - no chances any more for the government to be in control. I wonder what new elections would bring, because here ... only money brings power. And we know who has all the money.

agreed on the water cannon, not on the money.

nobody has all the money. plenty will be spent by both sides.

I did not make any of this up. In addition, I do not hate the reds. I actually understand their feelings. People always have sides and it is hard to tell who is right or who is wrong, but I completely understand their concept of injustice, starting with the coup in 2006. Not very democratic at all. To have 3 PM ousted would frustrate anyone who believed in their party. But don't fight stupidity with stupidity.

I am at the point ready to do what it takes to finish this thing. If dissolving parliament fixed it I would say dissolve parliament. This current government has shown itself incompetent anyway in my humble opinion. But the reds need also to do their part. Each side has plenty of blame and I keep saying both sides should try to fix themselves first before worrying so much about others.

The bottom line is what is going on hurts Thailand and both sides need to compromise. I would support a third party such as the UN helping too. Why not? Maybe they would be fair and help both sides get over the stubbornness.

Regardless, I too hope the madness ends soon and I appreciate your thoughts of good luck.

Sincerely welcome and great post

thank you . :)

Wow you are truely of your rocker

Get a grip, people are detroying your country

and you support it, you are as bad as the people

burning the tires, trying to blow up a gas tanker.

They havent killed anyone as far as i know

If you get shot at with live bullets what would you do ?

There is madness on both sides , i grant it to you

You obviously know very little. Then again, if Jatuporn cut someones throat in front of 30 reporters, you would deny it. TROLL

Yap Yap Yap... Talk about a bunch of trolls

The thread is what happens now ? ... everytime a new thread is added it gets hijacked into a mud slinging contest I can only conclude its the only thing some posters are here for.Some of us dont want to hear all the point scoring so go take it to the local bar :)

Moderators you need to tell people to stay on topic its getting ridiculous.

Excellent post...I feel exactly the same way. Come on, moderators, do your stuff....

now it is time to act on behakf of the vast majority of Thais who want to see this mob finally eliminated

Absolutely disgusting post :)


Water cannons must be used when a mob starts to form and escalate, but with still thousands dispersed over the whole country - look at the pictures from other cities like Chiang Mai and Ubon - no chances any more for the government to be in control. I wonder what new elections would bring, because here ... only money brings power. And we know who has all the money.

agreed on the water cannon, not on the money.

nobody has all the money. plenty will be spent by both sides.

Can you elaborate? When you talk about "both sides" we all understand The Reds at one side and the government on the other (the tax payers). I would not know any entity who would be willing to match the funds available to the Reds. Please elaborate.

now it is time to act on behakf of the vast majority of Thais who want to see this mob finally eliminated

your are confusing the desires of the vast majority of thais with your own lust for thai blood.

couldn't care less about Thai blood - don't care if any reds get killed, they deserve it, they had enough time to leave and if they do not, than they have to bear the consequences - this is not a game, the countries whole economy is being washed down the drain and peoples existences are being destroyed

This whole thing is about Thaksins private revolution using al queda methods and nothing else. He does not care about the Buffs who are too stupid to realize what is going on - but there are now thousands of criminals rioting, looting and killing and this has to end - even in civilized countries, under emergency rule, looters are shot on the spot and so is anyone besides the security forces who carries a gun or disobeys orders

Interestingly there are some non-racist Westerners prepared to call this masssacre precisely what it is - an act of outright mass murder against unarmed or grossly underarmed (catapults!) civilians. From New Mandala today:

"The definition of massacre is: “The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly.” Let’s be clear about what is happening on the streets of Bangkok: this is a massacre. Perhaps not a single act or instance, but when taken as a whole, the military and police operations against the red shirt protesters have killed up to this point more than any crackdown by previous Thai military regimes in the past 50 years. "


Note that the "author" of the piece in The New Mandala is anonymous.

'nuff said.


I had very high hopes for the young Abhisit when this present government was formed with him as premier and I was one of his supporters. For he was young + educated in the West, a fresh breeze, I thought this would be better than getting "the same old wine in a new bottle" I'm not sure this is the exact wording, but you might understand. Unfortunately, he has completely failed. My admiration has faded. Water cannons must be used when a mob starts to form and escalate, but with still thousands dispersed over the whole country - look at the pictures from other cities like Chiang Mai and Ubon - no chances any more for the government to be in control. I wonder what new elections would bring, because here ... only money brings power. And we know who has all the money.

Yes same here . I think in Thailand there is no moderate response by any governement . Its either no action at all , or blazing guns . Nothing "in between"

Interestingly there are some non-racist Westerners prepared to call this masssacre precisely what it is - an act of outright mass murder against unarmed or grossly underarmed (catapults!) civilians. From New Mandala today:

"The definition of massacre is: “The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly.” Let’s be clear about what is happening on the streets of Bangkok: this is a massacre. Perhaps not a single act or instance, but when taken as a whole, the military and police operations against the red shirt protesters have killed up to this point more than any crackdown by previous Thai military regimes in the past 50 years. "


New Mandala and the Red cell at ANU sinking to even lower depths of tendentiousness than usual. No wonder the writer didn't identify him/herself.

Re: the child sitting on the tires/barricade ...

It matters not whether you support the protesters-cum-terrorists or not, but to suggest that using that boy as a shield was justified is insane.

If you read the Thai posts about it online (I'm sure all you arm-chair politicians read Thai) you'll see that every post looks like this ...

ควายแดงถ่อยมาก = "red-water-buffalo-(is)-very-despicable" and, yes, that refers to the father or uncle holding the child.

Believe it or not the 66.45 million Thais that are NOT protesting today are just like real people. They are pretty horrified by the images of parents endangering their own kids.

I think that the red sympathizers lose site of the fact that 99.5 of the Thai population are disgusted as to what's going on in their country. Like it or not the Govt. has every right to defend the majority, and if that means controlling the MOB by force even it it comes to deadly force then so be it. For red fools to put their kids in harms way is abusive to say the least. Remember that many of these soldiers taking the brunt of the blame for the blood in the streets are conscripted into the military, and come from poor families.Many of these poor families do not see colors.

Most Thais (I have met) will say they are เบื่อ (bored, sick-and-tired) of the tit-for-tat, endless red-yellow drama. Don't forget that the biggest difference between 1992 and today is that there is a now substantial middle class in Thailand and it is thriving (considering the state of the world economy) ... it's true that a lot of that prosperity does not make its way to the Laos frontier, but that is another matter.

the government has to hit them now and hit them hard - its the only way out

absolute disgusting drivel. violence is never the only way out.

look what bush achieved with amnesty for the sunni tribes in iraq. of course amnesty and democratic elections have a chance to work in thailand.

to date your strategy has resulted in nothing save people hurt, dead and huge economic losses. when the government seriously threatened RachaP what did Thaksin do? he immediately carried the fight to the four corners of bkk. and it can go much further out into thailand from here.

the lives of untold numbers of innocents is at stakes.

give peace a chance, and work out your personal issues with blood lust elsewhere.

Interestingly there are some non-racist Westerners prepared to call this masssacre precisely what it is - an act of outright mass murder against unarmed or grossly underarmed (catapults!) civilians. From New Mandala today:

"The definition of massacre is: "The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly." Let's be clear about what is happening on the streets of Bangkok: this is a massacre. Perhaps not a single act or instance, but when taken as a whole, the military and police operations against the red shirt protesters have killed up to this point more than any crackdown by previous Thai military regimes in the past 50 years. "


Note that the "author" of the piece in The New Mandala is anonymous.

'nuff said.


Rest assured that Thaksin has hired a whole PR staff to handle this side and he may have even bought off some western media jornalists

whay are the military not using water cannons as they do in the west??? all it would take is a few and you would blow them all out of the area as the tropps advance behind

I'm f u l l y in favor of water cannons, the most effective means to disperse any crowd or any mob .WHY the government is not using them and using them correctly (!) is something nobody will ever comprehend. Abhisit has a website which is www.abhisit.org. In the past I thought he would sometimes look at emails arriving there, but obviously he doesn't. I have sent emails there many times suggesting to use water cannons as a very effective and legitimate means, but helas... I'm just another stupid fool. Showing restraint is one thing, but instead that he and his government control the Reds, the Reds are already all the time controlling the government. Sad story, because much misery could have been averted.

Well not defending the PM but i really start to believe that he is not in charge .

The roadmap was his idea , now he sounds to me like a mere spectator .

Moderate reds same same

Moderate reds? Name one leader that has NOT publicly called for violence.

The only "moderate reds" there are, are in their homes right now asking themselves why their hope for anything was dashed on the altar of Thaksin's ego!

Can you elaborate? When you talk about "both sides" we all understand The Reds at one side and the government on the other (the tax payers). I would not know any entity who would be willing to match the funds available to the Reds. Please elaborate.

you dont think that there are large numbers of wealthy and middle class voters in bkk and elsewhere who hate thaksin and would be happy to donate to parties opposed to the reds?

A real mess indeed. They must be really proud of themselves.

"The authorities will do everything possible to inform (the Reds) to leave, including broadcast radio messages, police loudspeaker trucks and leaflets," Satit said.

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.

Albert Einstein

Well Albert was right on the button!

Another thing that we should try to understand ...... societies "program" male children from a very early age to subconsciously see aggression and hostility as a positive male attribute. Running around with toy guns, watching movies where the heroes (the ones we all wanna be like) kill and maim without as much as a flinch. The man we all wanted to be was usually displaying the positive characteristics that we all recognise, however the violent aspect is always there and I think that emerges in some people in some situations. Subconsciously we take in far more than most people realise.


the klong toei stage needs to be dispersed.

the government should also ask for citizens who would like the reds to stop their protest to either organize mass gatherings in quiet parts of the cities (nationwide) or to hang white or blue cloth from the windows or both.

The anti-riot police/army needs vehicles which can be put under electric current, equipped with own internal generators.

Park one of these in the middle of an intersection with 4 snipers inside and the intersection is secure.

Army snipers should be equipped with scopes which take a pic when the trigger is pulled, to avoid unnecessary violence.

This equipment is a dream of mine, but it could be so useful now.

the government has to hit them now and hit them hard - its the only way out

absolute disgusting drivel. violence is never the only way out.

look what bush achieved with amnesty for the sunni tribes in iraq. of course amnesty and democratic elections have a chance to work in thailand.

to date your strategy has resulted in nothing save people hurt, dead and huge economic losses. when the government seriously threatened RachaP what did Thaksin do? he immediately carried the fight to the four corners of bkk. and it can go much further out into thailand from here.

the lives of untold numbers of innocents is at stakes.

give peace a chance, and work out your personal issues with blood lust elsewhere.

How much more of a chance can you give those gnus than to say 'LEAVE PLEASE GO HOME if not by 3pm you will..... how much effort has been put into negotiations and the road map ?

Thaksin wants to coma back and rule - would you want that ? than you can write much more about people being killed who are against him ... from another counrtry though - since there would be no such forum here anymore and any comment against the state would be punished by imprisonment or death - is that what you want? if the government does not take severe action now, this is what you are going to get

Can you elaborate? When you talk about "both sides" we all understand The Reds at one side and the government on the other (the tax payers). I would not know any entity who would be willing to match the funds available to the Reds. Please elaborate.

you dont think that there are large numbers of wealthy and middle class voters in bkk and elsewhere who hate thaksin and would be happy to donate to parties opposed to the reds?

I'm fully aware of that fact! Been here long enough to know, but it would only help if those wealthy ones would pool their funds.


That little boy on the tires is shocking, but equally sad is so much of this violence is kid on kid.

I live in the conflict area and I see soldiers and red shirt guards, and most of them are teenagers.

I remember how stupid I was when I was 18 or 19 and thank god i didn't have a gun in my hands.

How young are some of the kids fighting? Somehow I have to think these young people are being exploited.

Wow you are truely of your rocker

Get a grip, people are detroying your country

and you support it, you are as bad as the people

burning the tires, trying to blow up a gas tanker.

They havent killed anyone as far as i know

If you get shot at with live bullets what would you do ?

There is madness on both sides , i grant it to you

You obviously know very little. Then again, if Jatuporn cut someones throat in front of 30 reporters, you would deny it. TROLL

I know what i see . Not soldiers has been killed in the latest protests .

Stick to the facts

couldn't care less about Thai blood

Herm, thank you for being honest.

there are significant numbers of posters on thai visa who share your view and dont have the courage to state what you have just said. and what you have said is absolutely necessarily true of all posters who advocate a violent solution to the current situation.

i certainly dont share your view. but your honesty has advanced the discussion here. you deserve credit for that.

and you should be an inspiration to certain other posters--who well know who they are--to be more honest about their own feeelings.

i do hope that one thing we could agree on is this: if one day, perchance, you were to care to not see thai blood spilt, then you might come to different conclusions as to what the next approporiate step might be for the government.

Remember their ID cards are being held by them..think you can just easily leave?

I don't understand what the big dilema about the id card is. Simply leave, get another id card at a later date. Why bother even telling the leaders you're leaving. :)

Because they have to apply for a new ID card with their local leaders, which will give them away as "traitors" facing all kind of revenge and harassment from the local Red Shirt leaders.


My wife lost her id card

just took her 5 mins at the centre in Victory Monument to get a new ne

She is from Issan

Stop making up lies to help Red shirts save face

Wow you are truely of your rocker

Get a grip, people are detroying your country

and you support it, you are as bad as the people

burning the tires, trying to blow up a gas tanker.

They havent killed anyone as far as i know

If you get shot at with live bullets what would you do ?

There is madness on both sides , i grant it to you

You obviously know very little. Then again, if Jatuporn cut someones throat in front of 30 reporters, you would deny it. TROLL

I know what i see . Not soldiers has been killed in the latest protests .

Stick to the facts

May be you should get your facts right = how about the soldier yesterday who got killed??? or did he get hit by lightning ?? check your own red facts before commenting you muppet

since there would be no such forum here anymore and any comment against the state would be punished by imprisonment or death - is that what you want? if the government does not take severe action now, this is what you are going to get

i admit that you possibly be right.

but if the government does take severe action now, that is almost surely what we are going to get.

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