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Thousands Of Thai Protesters Defy Deadline To Leave

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Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

That's what a human shield is - "don't shoot at us behind standing behind the red barricades because we have brought our children here."

Not even worth a reply if thats what you think a human shield is

It amounts to the same thing Mr Somtam. Thats what people are trying to explain.

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

That's what a human shield is - "don't shoot at us behind standing behind the red barricades because we have brought our children here."

Not even worth a reply if thats what you think a human shield is

Please provide us with your definition

still waiting for your definition, which, as per usual when red apologists get asked something directly, will never come. Just hard to believe that there is no action the reds can take which is not defended by some on the forum. "it's okay to (invade hospital / shoot rpg at hotel / bring children into hot fire zone / set city on fire) because (we're too lazy to work our way out of poverty / there was yellows in the airport / a coup in 2006"). pathetic.

How can anybody who watches Shrek be taken seriously,its for kids mate,didnt you know

If you think it's just for kids, you've got no sense of humour.

There is nothing else the government can do at this time. The reds have painted the government into a corner.

Look at the last 4 days. The government moves to contain the Rachprasong rally. Contain ---- not crackdown! The troops move in to the areas around the reds and the reds attack. They continue to come OUT of Rachprasong and attack. The troops have not moved into the rachprasong area. The troops are working on containing them and that is all.

Personally, I assume that the government thought that this would happen. The roudier, violent, and less well trained reds are coming out and attacking and this so far has kept the 'relatively' innocent grannies, women, and totally innocent children safer inside the main rally encampment while the troops deal with the more violent reds.

I am stymied at how they plan to really proceed though. I don't see how they can move in from here. I also think that Sae Daeng's ronin will open fire on the hostages inside the red compound if the government moves in, in a bid to discredit the government.

I hope they have a plan that can give some safety to the grannies and children.

Has it occured to anyone in TV that the good General Seh Dang has trained well, the RD leaders, who have spread the training down the ranks. Look at the big picture people. They seem insane to us on the internet, but they have been very organized, very tactical, very self controlled, and the women, elderly, children have been kept in the center, or close to pathways to get to center of the compound when needed. Very strategic on their part, and very systematic in their activity day by day. Its the govt and military that are fully aware that the Reds have been trained by the best, and its the govt and military that acts more like the amateurs. Thats why he was taken out of the equation by a sniper. The probable thought being, if the general is dead, panic will sweep thru the RD camp and they will either scatter, or be confused and easily swayed or conquered. It appears that the general has instilled not only tactical training, but also fed their intestinal fortitude as well. Oh, and for the love of God, drop the infamy building of Tacksin. This grew far beyond one man oh so long ago. Live or dead, Tacksin is not the center of the Red universe. Democracy is. Some of you are right, Thai don't know what Democracy really is, but they have learned enough from the outside to know they want it, and when it comes to learning what all is involved with Democracy, the Reds and students are learning at an exponential rate. For you average iq and education farang, that means Thai are like dry squeezed sponges released in water. They are absorbing their fill, and Thailand will never be the same after this is finally settled.

maybe a luk kreung or half kid

Luk kreung translates into "half child". You must be fresh off the boat. :)

That, unfortunately, is the commonly used term for a Farang/Thai child.


It is actually quite amazing that the Thai army is so baldy trained. I know at least one department that could stand a 5)5 budget cut without being influenced on an operational level. Even yellow shirt mouthpiece nation concludes so in an editorial today.

The choice is easy. You go in and kill, provoking a guerilla war. 50,000 soldiers could get a hard time when 500 insurgents start attacking them After all the army is big and slow insurgents are fast and know the area.

There is just one road, the road of negotiations if not. Good luck with Thailand. On the other hand it might balance the fall of the Euro, Not a bad prospect.

Just hard to believe that there is no action the reds can take which is not defended by some on the forum.

I think in part this is what is driving Thaksin and his thugs on. They are fascinated to see how their army of Thaivisa fans will manage to spin their next stupid violent blunder into a positive.

Wow! The reds defied the deadline? I thought that they would pack up and go home peacefully :D .

Well since the reds claimed a million would come that means that with 5000 remaining, 995,000 have gone home.

No, that means that 995,000 never showed up. Look at the havoc that a mere 5,000 have caused. BTW the pic. of the human boy shield is disgusting. Our little boy about his age. Churns my insides. :)

You are right in spirit, but there were an estimated 6 figures at the beginning and now they are reduced to a hard core rump.

So much for claims that the people of Bangkok would rise up to join them.

There are thousands of Bangkok locals put out of work by these remaining Thaksin stooges.

Unfortunately Thaksin is not at the centre in his bunker preparing for the end.

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here


Looks like a set up..the cell phone camera just happened to be turned on and held by the person in the back?

reds jerking themselves off :)

Since you will not vote at next election , your views are unimportant :D

In terms of expressing an opinion on a forum, all views are equal - even yours.

still waiting for your definition, which, as per usual when red apologists get asked something directly, will never come. Just hard to believe that there is no action the reds can take which is not defended by some on the forum. "it's okay to (invade hospital / shoot rpg at hotel / bring children into hot fire zone / set city on fire) because (we're too lazy to work our way out of poverty / there was yellows in the airport / a coup in 2006"). pathetic.

Invade hospital yes and wrong

Shoot RPG at hotel . Any proof ? None

Bring children in hot fire zone . yes wrong

Set city on fire . A few tires yes , not city .

Shooting at civilians with live bullets : yes and wrong

Shooting 10 yo boy yes and wrong

Why dont you cut the BS and stick to facts

There is nothing else the government can do at this time. The reds have painted the government into a corner.

Look at the last 4 days. The government moves to contain the Rachprasong rally. Contain ---- not crackdown! The troops move in to the areas around the reds and the reds attack. They continue to come OUT of Rachprasong and attack. The troops have not moved into the rachprasong area. The troops are working on containing them and that is all.

Personally, I assume that the government thought that this would happen. The roudier, violent, and less well trained reds are coming out and attacking and this so far has kept the 'relatively' innocent grannies, women, and totally innocent children safer inside the main rally encampment while the troops deal with the more violent reds.

I am stymied at how they plan to really proceed though. I don't see how they can move in from here. I also think that Sae Daeng's ronin will open fire on the hostages inside the red compound if the government moves in, in a bid to discredit the government.

I hope they have a plan that can give some safety to the grannies and children.

Has it occured to anyone in TV that the good General Seh Dang has trained well, the RD leaders, who have spread the training down the ranks. Look at the big picture people. They seem insane to us on the internet, but they have been very organized, very tactical, very self controlled, and the women, elderly, children have been kept in the center, or close to pathways to get to center of the compound when needed. Very strategic on their part, and very systematic in their activity day by day. Its the govt and military that are fully aware that the Reds have been trained by the best, and its the govt and military that acts more like the amateurs. Thats why he was taken out of the equation by a sniper. The probable thought being, if the general is dead, panic will sweep thru the RD camp and they will either scatter, or be confused and easily swayed or conquered. It appears that the general has instilled not only tactical training, but also fed their intestinal fortitude as well. Oh, and for the love of God, drop the infamy building of Tacksin. This grew far beyond one man oh so long ago. Live or dead, Tacksin is not the center of the Red universe. Democracy is. Some of you are right, Thai don't know what Democracy really is, but they have learned enough from the outside to know they want it, and when it comes to learning what all is involved with Democracy, the Reds and students are learning at an exponential rate. For you average iq and education farang, that means Thai are like dry squeezed sponges released in water. They are absorbing their fill, and Thailand will never be the same after this is finally settled.

Two very good posts. I would also say that SD presumably also had a battle plan that was in place before his death and it is likely he will have told his officers. The government is hampered by having to react, wait and see. The insurgents are better prepared for this.


Buddhist monks leading prayers with the reds? Err... non-violence, peace, compassion... who would have guessed this is a Buddhist nation.

The government has been very very restrained thus far, I do not know another county that would let 5000 people shut down a city of 16 million.. It's about time this ended.


-- The Nation

Pheu Thai MPs, party officials rush out of party head office

Pheu Thai Party MPs rushed out of the party at 3 pm and closed the party head officer, leaving red-shirt people outside.

The MPs and officials at the party head office, which is located near Montien Hotel on Suriwonge Road, left the head office when a plane distributed copies of an order of the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation, urging the people to leave the protest zone.

Earlier, the party allowed red-shirt people to gather at the party if they could not join the protest at Rajprasong.

The MPs included party spokesman Prompong Nopprit and Bangkok MP Wicharn Minchainan.

The abrupt closure of the party's door caused the red-shirt people there to become dissatisfied. They complained that the MPs left women and children without caring about their safety.


Nothing surprising. That's SOP whenever there is trouble lurking.

Same with the Shinawatra clan.

Potjaman and her son and daughter, Panthongtae and Pinthongtha Shinawatra, have left for Singapore and the other daughter, Paethongtan, has left now for an unnamed European country.

With them safely away, anything can happen now.

From english-language local paper.

If we decide to appease the international standard, talk will resume. But given the way that the UDD are behaving, should talk resume and only to be broken down by unbelievable demands again? The funny thing is how the international press (CNN and BBC) are portraying Thaksin as 'only' living abroad and not as a fugitive, what gives, are there too many definition of fugitive? It's these kind of press misinformation that gives Thaksin legitimacy to his claim of innocence.

Now that it's off my chest. Let's get back on topic.

since the govenrment gave the UDD a clear deadline to vacate the premises, then I believe that they are disobeying the law. There should be some punishment for that. The demand by UDD to withdraw the troop is totally outrageous, that would tantamount to 'red' victory. If only the leaders would take off their blindfold (or off any medications) then maybe they'll give realistic demands. But that's too late now. They have now given the gov't every right to use force to disperse the crowd, though I wish that they'll use 'less than lethal' force to do it.

Also funny that BBC and Al Jazeera were having a stupid hat contest today on their broadcasts.

Both also were filming live bullets randomly whizzing through the streets. Absolutely no thought on part of Elites servants as to where they would end up. BBC filmed live, and unarmed man get shot!!!

Containment is so funny it is unbelievable. They thought this would have be finish at weekend ha, more funny. Not allow for tyres burn and reds playing hit and run with them. Area affected now 3-4 times size it was before and food, water, tyres move free because police want to let them in still. Never do they learn that cannot make police love them.

CRES spokesmen now look like scare children. Small police and army boys play and talk about photo shop :) show some big gun that break his arm if he fire it because he weakling. Obvisou that big elite push some more to front to be tough and make name for themselves. make laughing stock though is all what can do :D

Lost on all that PAD did more damage in Bangkok with blessing of same men on CRES and army top peoples. Lost that court officials failed to do duty and prosicute anybody for airport. Som Nam Nah, they could nip this in bud 2 times already - first time by not coup Thaksin, and second time by get PAD off street and airport.

News media, Embassies, Governments UN, Thai all know this.

maybe a luk kreung or half kid

Luk kreung translates into "half child". You must be fresh off the boat. :)

That, unfortunately, is the commonly used term for a Farang/Thai child.

So true. It is a term that I never use with my child. My wife stopped using it at least around me. In laws use it though (with pride), but given them the benefit of the doubt i don't think that they have another term in their vocabulary, so i forgive them. :D

A real mess indeed. They must be really proud of themselves.

"The authorities will do everything possible to inform (the Reds) to leave, including broadcast radio messages, police loudspeaker trucks and leaflets," Satit said.

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.

Albert Einstein

Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

Carrying a child to a barricade where you are likely to encounter violence and then showing the child IS using the child as a human shield. The child shouldn't be there and the parents should be tried for negligence! If the troops take fire from that area they are now faced with the moral quandry --- return fire knowing a child is there or accept the fire!

Mixing in non-combatants with combatants is the very definition of using human shields.

absolutely agree!!!

Buddhist monks leading prayers with the reds? Err... non-violence, peace, compassion... who would have guessed this is a Buddhist nation.

The government has been very very restrained thus far, I do not know another county that would let 5000 people shut down a city of 16 million.. It's about time this ended.

your memory short. How about Suthep at cres and Anupong head of army in thailand, allow and encourage PAD to shut down this same city, Gov house and Airport.

They loved it then but not sure why, then not lovin it now! Som Nam Nah

Invade hospital yes and wrong

Shoot RPG at hotel . Any proof ? None

Bring children in hot fire zone . yes wrong

Set city on fire . A few tires yes , not city .

Shooting at civilians with live bullets : yes and wrong

Shooting 10 yo boy yes and wrong

Why dont you cut the BS and stick to facts

The RPG was shot at the Dusit Thani by the yellow mob protesting in Lumpini Park.

Or was it the army that are further down Silom (and therefore can't see the hotel).

It was the reds. There was no one else around.


whay are the military not using water cannons as they do in the west??? all it would take is a few and you would blow them all out of the area as the tropps advance behind

still waiting for your definition, which, as per usual when red apologists get asked something directly, will never come. Just hard to believe that there is no action the reds can take which is not defended by some on the forum. "it's okay to (invade hospital / shoot rpg at hotel / bring children into hot fire zone / set city on fire) because (we're too lazy to work our way out of poverty / there was yellows in the airport / a coup in 2006"). pathetic.

Invade hospital yes and wrong

Shoot RPG at hotel . Any proof ? None

Bring children in hot fire zone . yes wrong

Set city on fire . A few tires yes , not city .

Shooting at civilians with live bullets : yes and wrong

Shooting 10 yo boy yes and wrong

Why dont you cut the BS and stick to facts


Set a city on fire -- FAR more than "a few tires" --- buildings, vehicles, molotovs thrown at troops and THREATS to burn it all down (that were issued even before the rally started)

RPG at hotel ----- hmmmm Reds control the area the RPG came from. Simply the prevarication of a red there!

"Civilians" is a misnomer. If you are actively participating in an armed insurgency (see the reports from the international press speaking of firefights .. prolonged firefights ... m79's etc)

Remember the child from the housing that was wounded when the reds hit it with THREE m79's --- THAT is targeting civilians. Shooting at people that are breaking the law and have been warned ... that isn't.

The 10y/o getting killed is TRAGIC but the troops were not wrong. The kid wasn't targetted and the troops were under attack by a vehicle.

Wow! The reds defied the deadline? I thought that they would pack up and go home peacefully :) .
They still want to line-up for their 500baht!

My girlfriend has a visa appointment with the Britsih Embassy Bangkok on tuesday.

Sure the embassy will be closed.

I know the red shirts are standing up for their own rights but how many people's lifes

of all parts of society have they inconvenienced and as for the government.

Could you imagine this in London, New york or Moscow in the finacial districts.

Would have been sorted out with in a couple of weeks.

Remember how pathetically the government dealt with the yellow shirt demostrators

at Bkk airport. Could you imagine that being tolerated in Heathrow or JFK airport.

Sorry to say this but Thailand is looking a bit of a joke and it is a good time for

another South East Asian country to really promote themselves as a new major

holiday destination.

whay are the military not using water cannons as they do in the west??? all it would take is a few and you would blow them all out of the area as the tropps advance behind

I've been wondering the same thing.

Invade hospital yes and wrong

Shoot RPG at hotel . Any proof ? None

Bring children in hot fire zone . yes wrong

Set city on fire . A few tires yes , not city .

Shooting at civilians with live bullets : yes and wrong

Shooting 10 yo boy yes and wrong

Why dont you cut the BS and stick to facts

The RPG was shot at the Dusit Thani by the yellow mob protesting in Lumpini Park.

Or was it the army that are further down Silom (and therefore can't see the hotel).

It was the reds. There was no one else around.

Show some proofs then ...

Or tell me a reason ...

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