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Thaksin's Vendetta Is Wrecking The Country


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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

I believe you have a very good point. Dolling out consequences seems to elude many Thai individuals and others however unfortunate for what is not being taught.

I do not know how any police/army can feel any pride in themselves or the uniforms they wear. I hope they are never called "royal" anything. A very informative article can be found by linking to:

Thai protests expose military rifts, incompetence - Yahoo! News


I would also pose the question:

Are “red shirts” being defined wrongly?


   [dem-uh n-strey-ter] Show IPA



a person or thing that demonstrates.


Also, demonstrant. a person who takes part in a public demonstration, as by marching or picketing.


   [rev-uh-loo-shuh-ner-ee] Show IPAadjective, noun,plural-ar•ies.



of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.

The hardworking, honest Thai people deserve more from their government/leaders/financially secure.


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Absolute rubbish. The US tried using the national guard in the 70s to quell unrest. The result was predictable. Look it up.

Absolutely Right Vindie!

The US has only used violence against anti-government protests a few times and when they did, it was a complete failure. The US does not murder their citizens in the street as happens in Thailand.

In Thailand, when a leader is elected, and the elite want that leader out, they create a coup and kick out the democratically elected leader. Of course the rural poor are very tired of having their votes and rights violated! This could never happen in the US because US citizens have basic human rights assured. Votes count in the US. In Thailand, votes have no meaning, only guns have meaning.

In Thailand, the population has very little rights, and when they try to exercise what little rights they have, the government issues an "emergency degree" and arrests and murders them in the the street.

Read Thai history and get educated. Don't be brainwashed by the press. Thanks!

You should check Thai history too. There was no elected PM when the coup occurred.

And maybe read up a bit on what happened before the government had to issue the SOE.

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Isnt it strange how the army leadership is remarkably quiet and invisible. In ant other such armed conflict, the media would be all over the generals and colonels - getting statements. No pix of any officers lieutenants, captains even in the field?

Same with the police btw

I too cannot understand (well i can really TIT) why the money source was not publicly investigated at the outset

It is very obvious that the whole power structure is rotten to the core - and will likely remain so.

So if you think this conflict is troublesome now, wait until the inevitable passage of time

I am truly in mourning for the old days when we really had a land of smiles or perhaps it was only an illusion.

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Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

I challenge you to name one lawful event in US history where protesters were murdered in the streets. There are none.

Kent State

Chicago Republican Convention

LA Riots

Harlem race riots

Stone wall Inn riots.

Edited by animatic
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The Red Tshirts are the ones who declared War on this government. In war, all enemy are equal targets. There is no sorting out the "good" tshirts from the "bad" tshirts. Those who choose to stay there know full well the possible consequences. Their leaders know full well what they're sending their zombie fool followers into. They are the ones to be held responsible.

And I say it again, why should this government react any differently than that of, let's say, the USA, considered by many to be the most successful democratic government on earth. Any group pulling the sh*t that this brainwashed mob has gotten away with over there would have been met with the firepower of the law looooong ago. And I can tell you, the head count would be MUCH higher.

Absolute rubbish. The US tried using the national guard in the 70s to quell unrest. The result was predictable. Look it up.

Rubbish???! Please inform me as to how many people were killed in the much more recent (not not something that happened 40 years ago) Rodney King riots in L.A.? But again, you're splitting hairs here to save face (are you Thai?), obviously missing the point. Aggression is met with aggression and NO major government will put up with it.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

And you are obviously walking around with your eyes closed!

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I think some of the posters here have been living in a cave for the past three months!

The Red Shirts were protesting peacefully in Bangkok months ago. I was there. I witnessed it directly. I am not brainwashed by reading a bunch of lies in the media.

The Red Shirts were not permitted (as I recall) to peacefully assemble in Sanam Luang, so they had no choice but to assemble where they could. They assembled peacefully and rode through the streets, winning the hearts of the people. They were joyous and having fun, protesting and exercising their birth rights at Thai citizens.

Then, afraid of what was going on, the government issued the standard "censorship" emergency order and shut down the Reds TV station. Then, naturally, the Reds became angry. Then, the government cracked down and murdered Red Shirts in the streets.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a crackhead, LOL.

What the hel_l are you talking about? The reds were peacefully protesting in Sanam Luang.

The government let them do that, so the reds decided to take their protests to the streets.

The government let them do that, so the reds decided to take over Ratchaprasong.

The government let them do that, so the reds went and stormed parliament and Thaicom. That's when the government decided to stop the "peaceful" protests.

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Thaksin is Thailand's antichrist. The man has no soul, and the lives and blood of many innocents are on his hands, in his relentless pursuit of power and money. The fact that the international media doesn't condemn him outright, shows you just how far his money is capable of reaching. May he rot in hel_l.

they didn't want to spark more violence. but now they have violence anyway, and now is a good time don't you think, to arrest him?

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You should check Thai history too. There was no elected PM when the coup occurred.

And maybe read up a bit on what happened before the government had to issue the SOE.

OH, I do know Thai history. I can name at least three books I have read about it. I can name one book that discusses Corruption and Democracy in Thailand written by a Thai expert (educated in the UK). Can you name one?

When the PAD occupied the airports and basically shut down Thailand, they were permitted to assemble, they were permitted to protest, and they were not murdered.

When the UDD protested, their rights were violated and they were murdered in the streets.

When the PAD broke the law, no one was detained.

When the UDD broke the law, everyone was arrested. Some were murdered.

This struggle will continue as it has been for many years because Thai people do not have basic human rights. The rural poor are treated a bit like slaves, which if you study Thai history you will know that slavery was only abolished around 105 years ago. Of course, you knew that already :)

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Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

Hi Yeeoww.....

Your statement about the US is a complete fabrication.

You cannot name one respected instance in US history where protester's who were peacefully assembled were subject to being shot at and murdered by the US government. Even in the most emotional protests against the US war in Vietnam, when 100s of thousands came to Washington DC and camped out on the mall, there was virtually no violence.

The problem is Thailand is just the opposite. The people cannot assemble peacefully without being murdered. They cannot voice their opinion without their TV stations being shut down. They cannot speak out against social injustice without fear of arrest. They cannot even peacefully assemble on public fields without fear of arrest.

Anyone who says the US would "crack down" on something like this is completely wrong. In the US, citizens have a birth right to assemble peacefully. They can have their own TV stations, new papers, web sites, full freedom to assemble and to protest and to express themselves. In Thailand, the citizens to not have these basic rights, especially the rural poor.

When read these threads and post, I am truly amazed at misinformation and lies posted here. In the US, what is happening in Thailand would never happen because in the US, when you cast your vote at the polls, the military does not kick out the winner just because the elite do not agree with the results. In the US, there is a working form of democracy and the bulk of the power is with the people. Not in Thailand. The power is in guns and murder of people who protest. You can easily witness this is the streets of Bangkok today.

You left out one small detail re: US protestor's rights. They have to protest legally. That means they are restricted where they can protest. They cannot 'set up camp' in any downtown area that would affect businesses without a permit and that would be very limited so as not to disrupt the free flow of commerce. I dare you to name a protest which took place anywhere in the US that was even remotely similar to the one at Ratchaprasong. As long as the BKK protestors stayed at Pan Fa Bridge, the govt. went out of it's way to accomodate them. They could have protested there forever and a day but they wanted trouble and started moving to non permissable areas via Kok Wua and the govt. drew the line. That still wasn't enough reaction for the Reds, who want civil war, and they shut down ome of the best money-making areas in Bangkok. When has anything like that been allowed anywhere in the world? You have painted a totally false picture of the Red's behavior. That makes you a propagandist.

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Thaksin is not even in Thailand.

Well that completely rules him out then.

Nobody is a puppet really, in the end we all make our own choices. Sure Thaksin is a creep, but both sides use him as a excuse to hide behind from their own poor behavior. Same old passive-aggressive way of dealing with conflict.

As mentioned by another poster, have you been down the rally site? Said it many times before but you seriously think this would be happening now if the courts said he could keep his money?

Take some responsibility people and put your boner for Thaksin back in your pants.

Nothing like a silly little insult to ruinreinforce your point.

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The Red Tshirts are the ones who declared War on this government. In war, all enemy are equal targets. There is no sorting out the "good" tshirts from the "bad" tshirts. Those who choose to stay there know full well the possible consequences. Their leaders know full well what they're sending their zombie fool followers into. They are the ones to be held responsible.

And I say it again, why should this government react any differently than that of, let's say, the USA, considered by many to be the most successful democratic government on earth. Any group pulling the sh*t that this brainwashed mob has gotten away with over there would have been met with the firepower of the law looooong ago. And I can tell you, the head count would be MUCH higher.

Absolute rubbish. The US tried using the national guard in the 70s to quell unrest. The result was predictable. Look it up.

Rubbish???! Please inform me as to how many people were killed in the much more recent (not not something that happened 40 years ago) Rodney King riots in L.A.? But again, you're splitting hairs here to save face (are you Thai?), obviously missing the point. Aggression is met with aggression and NO major government will put up with it.

The LA RIOTS (where there was no leadership and no organization and existed only as a means to destroy and create chaos) had many fatalities... none of which were at the hands of the military or special forces snipers. You win. It's exactly the same in Thailand!

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You should check Thai history too. There was no elected PM when the coup occurred.

And maybe read up a bit on what happened before the government had to issue the SOE.

OH, I do know Thai history. I can name at least three books I have read about it. I can name one book that discusses Corruption and Democracy in Thailand written by a Thai expert (educated in the UK). Can you name one?

When the PAD occupied the airports and basically shut down Thailand, they were permitted to assemble, they were permitted to protest, and they were not murdered.

When the UDD protested, their rights were violated and they were murdered in the streets.

When the PAD broke the law, no one was detained.

When the UDD broke the law, everyone was arrested. Some were murdered.

This struggle will continue as it has been for many years because Thai people do not have basic human rights. The rural poor are treated a bit like slaves, which if you study Thai history you will know that slavery was only abolished around 105 years ago. Of course, you knew that already :)

Please give me a time line of when the UDD's rights were violated, and they were murdered in the streets.

Have you been stuck in a hole for 8 weeks? You do realise that this isn't (and hasn't been for some weeks) a peaceful protest.

Edited by whybother
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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

If you suggest Thai society functions according to Buddhist beliefs which is claimed by 95+% of the Thai population it is difficult to justify various behaviors. For reminders:

What are the 5 Precepts?

The moral code within Buddhism is the precepts, of which the main five are: not to take the life of anything living, not to take anything not freely given, to abstain from sexual misconduct and sensual overindulgence, to refrain from untrue speech, and to avoid intoxication, that is, losing mindfulness.

Humn, much to ponder.......

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You should check Thai history too. There was no elected PM when the coup occurred.

And maybe read up a bit on what happened before the government had to issue the SOE.

OH, I do know Thai history. I can name at least three books I have read about it. I can name one book that discusses Corruption and Democracy in Thailand written by a Thai expert (educated in the UK). Can you name one?

When the PAD occupied the airports and basically shut down Thailand, they were permitted to assemble, they were permitted to protest, and they were not murdered.

When the UDD protested, their rights were violated and they were murdered in the streets.

When the PAD broke the law, no one was detained.

When the UDD broke the law, everyone was arrested. Some were murdered.

This struggle will continue as it has been for many years because Thai people do not have basic human rights. The rural poor are treated a bit like slaves, which if you study Thai history you will know that slavery was only abolished around 105 years ago. Of course, you knew that already :)

I suggest you ask Somchai and Samak who were the Cracker Jack Government leaders during that time why they could not control the situation.

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Most of you farangs come from western democracies... and most of you would support one political party over another. If you think the best solution to political impasse and or civil disobedience is to shoot those who disagree with you, then you should move to a place that supports that kind of thing (domestically) like Burma. The violence started when the army showed up... PERIOD. The rest of these arguments are pure political rhetoric, hearsay, and paranoia. Of course, if this continues, maybe you folks ARE in the right place.

MOST foreigners who come from western democracies would wait until an election was due to cast a vote for the party/person we preferred, not hold a capital city hostage behind a wall of woman and children.

Whether I preferred the party in power or not I would still expect that party to protect me and mine from a gang of lawless thugs who have chosen to operate outside the bounds of democracy in order achieve their/their paymatsers goals by all means necessary. As it stands in Bangkok the Police are useless, with pictures of them wearing red scarves in support of the hostage takers, there is no other alternative than sending in the military in order to reclaim the city.

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You left out one small detail re: US protestor's rights. They have to protest legally. That means they are restricted where they can protest. They cannot 'set up camp' in any downtown area that would affect businesses without a permit and that would be very limited so as not to disrupt the free flow of commerce. I dare you to name a protest which took place anywhere in the US that was even remotely similar to the one at Ratchaprasong. As long as the BKK protestors stayed at Pan Fa Bridge, the govt. went out of it's way to accomodate them. They could have protested there forever and a day but they wanted trouble and started moving to non permissable areas via Kok Wua and the govt. drew the line. That still wasn't enough reaction for the Reds, who want civil war, and they shut down ome of the best money-making areas in Bangkok. When has anything like that been allowed anywhere in the world? You have painted a totally false picture of the Red's behavior. That makes you a propagandist.

OH, don't resort to name calling...... it makes you look small and uneducated, LOL.

If protesters assembled in Times Square in NYC, they would not be shot and murdered, I assure you.

You are missing the basic fact that in the US, citizens have basic rights. They cannot be tossed in jail for 15 years for "insulting" anyone. Also, they are free to print, publish and broadcast. Their TV stations are not shut down at will.

In Thailand, the government simply declares whatever they don't want "illegal" and imposed some "emergency decree" which basically gives them the authority to murder anyone they wish and violate their rights.

Why was this not issued against the PAD when they occupied the airports?

It is complete foolishness to rail against the UDD for what they did in Rajaprasong and at the same time support the PAD and what they did at the airport.

Propaganda? Don't be silly. I am not the Thai government, or a UDD or PAD supporter, or a rich elite who is worried about my Mercedes Benz getting damaged.

Edited by silkroadasia
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Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

Hi Yeeoww.....

Your statement about the US is a complete fabrication.

You cannot name one respected instance in US history where protester's who were peacefully assembled were subject to being shot at and murdered by the US government. Even in the most emotional protests against the US war in Vietnam, when 100s of thousands came to Washington DC and camped out on the mall, there was virtually no violence.

The problem is Thailand is just the opposite. The people cannot assemble peacefully without being murdered. They cannot voice their opinion without their TV stations being shut down. They cannot speak out against social injustice without fear of arrest. They cannot even peacefully assemble on public fields without fear of arrest.

Anyone who says the US would "crack down" on something like this is completely wrong. In the US, citizens have a birth right to assemble peacefully. They can have their own TV stations, new papers, web sites, full freedom to assemble and to protest and to express themselves. In Thailand, the citizens to not have these basic rights, especially the rural poor.

When read these threads and post, I am truly amazed at misinformation and lies posted here. In the US, what is happening in Thailand would never happen because in the US, when you cast your vote at the polls, the military does not kick out the winner just because the elite do not agree with the results. In the US, there is a working form of democracy and the bulk of the power is with the people. Not in Thailand. The power is in guns and murder of people who protest. You can easily witness this is the streets of Bangkok today.

You left out one small detail re: US protestor's rights. They have to protest legally. That means they are restricted where they can protest. They cannot 'set up camp' in any downtown area that would affect businesses without a permit and that would be very limited so as not to disrupt the free flow of commerce. I dare you to name a protest which took place anywhere in the US that was even remotely similar to the one at Ratchaprasong. As long as the BKK protestors stayed at Pan Fa Bridge, the govt. went out of it's way to accomodate them. They could have protested there forever and a day but they wanted trouble and started moving to non permissable areas via Kok Wua and the govt. drew the line. That still wasn't enough reaction for the Reds, who want civil war, and they shut down ome of the best money-making areas in Bangkok. When has anything like that been allowed anywhere in the world? You have painted a totally false picture of the Red's behavior. That makes you a propagandist.

You are absolutely right. The reds did move and demonstrate illegally on public and private property. They absolutely deserve to be shot on site. What other options are there? We should also extend powers to the police to shoot shoplifters, grifters, bar girls, people who don't wear helmets, gamblers (that's illegal in Thailand, too), and there should be special forces squads outside every bar for the bust-ups that follow closing. Kill 'em all because they're breaking the law. Of course, murderers should still get due process... arrest them, process them, and sentence them... but folks that sit in the street, sing silly songs, and make a lot of noise need to be dealt with on a whole different level. Human rights suck! Power to the military and the governments who use them to 'ensure public safety'!

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You left out one small detail re: US protestor's rights. They have to protest legally. That means they are restricted where they can protest. They cannot 'set up camp' in any downtown area that would affect businesses without a permit and that would be very limited so as not to disrupt the free flow of commerce. I dare you to name a protest which took place anywhere in the US that was even remotely similar to the one at Ratchaprasong. As long as the BKK protestors stayed at Pan Fa Bridge, the govt. went out of it's way to accomodate them. They could have protested there forever and a day but they wanted trouble and started moving to non permissable areas via Kok Wua and the govt. drew the line. That still wasn't enough reaction for the Reds, who want civil war, and they shut down ome of the best money-making areas in Bangkok. When has anything like that been allowed anywhere in the world? You have painted a totally false picture of the Red's behavior. That makes you a propagandist.

OH, don't resort to name calling...... it makes you look small and uneducated, LOL.

If protesters assembled in Times Square in NYC, they would not be shot and murdered, I assure you.

You are missing the basic fact that in the US, citizens have basic rights. They cannot be tossed in jail for 15 years for "insulting" anyone. Also, they are free to print, publish and broadcast. Their TV stations are not shut down at will.

In Thailand, the government simply declares whatever they don't want "illegal" and imposed some "emergency decree" which basically gives them the authority to murder anyone they wish and violate their rights.

Why was this not issued against the PAD when they occupied the airports?

It is complete foolishness to rail against the UDD for what they did in Rajaprasong and at the same time support the PAD and what they did at the airport.

Propaganda? Don't be silly. I am not the Thai government, or a UDD or PAD supporter, or a rich elite who is worried about my Mercedes Benz getting damaged.

Why don't you ask the PREVIOUS Thaksin puppet government about that.

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Absolute rubbish. The US tried using the national guard in the 70s to quell unrest. The result was predictable. Look it up.

Rubbish???! Please inform me as to how many people were killed in the much more recent (not not something that happened 40 years ago) Rodney King riots in L.A.? But again, you're splitting hairs here to save face (are you Thai?), obviously missing the point. Aggression is met with aggression and NO major government will put up with it.

The LA RIOTS (where there was no leadership and no organization and existed only as a means to destroy and create chaos) had many fatalities... none of which were at the hands of the military or special forces snipers. You win. It's exactly the same in Thailand!

C'mon vindie... get real. want me to continue. Waco, Texas. Again, unruly mobs in ANY major city are met with force. ANYONE who infiltrates and sabotages government buildings with intent to cause harm in ANY city WILL be shot. These zombies know no limits and have painted themselves into this corner. They are reaping what they've sown... of course they could all GO HOME! WOW, what a concept!

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Absolute rubbish. The US tried using the national guard in the 70s to quell unrest. The result was predictable. Look it up.

Rubbish???! Please inform me as to how many people were killed in the much more recent (not not something that happened 40 years ago) Rodney King riots in L.A.? But again, you're splitting hairs here to save face (are you Thai?), obviously missing the point. Aggression is met with aggression and NO major government will put up with it.

The LA RIOTS (where there was no leadership and no organization and existed only as a means to destroy and create chaos) had many fatalities... none of which were at the hands of the military or special forces snipers. You win. It's exactly the same in Thailand!

Oh yes, you conveniently forgot to mention the insignificant fact (to you perhaps) that they were protesting the ruling of the government in the case. But no, there are no similarities...

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You are absolutely right. The reds did move and demonstrate illegally on public and private property. They absolutely deserve to be shot on site. What other options are there? We should also extend powers to the police to shoot shoplifters, grifters, bar girls, people who don't wear helmets, gamblers (that's illegal in Thailand, too), and there should be special forces squads outside every bar for the bust-ups that follow closing. Kill 'em all because they're breaking the law. Of course, murderers should still get due process... arrest them, process them, and sentence them... but folks that sit in the street, sing silly songs, and make a lot of noise need to be dealt with on a whole different level. Human rights suck! Power to the military and the governments who use them to 'ensure public safety'!

Hahahah... excellent point Vindie.... !!!

Here is my last word on this topic, as I have posted enough on this foolishness.

If it is OK to shoot and murder people because what they did was "illegal" then just about every activity in Thailand would result in murder!

People simply use these arguments to justify the murder and violation of human rights in Thailand. This is nothing new. This has been going for hundreds of years and will not stop after the Red Shirts are murdered, as so many here seem to demand. I have never seen so many people demand blood and murder!

Basically, the rural poor are treated like slaves who are paid 2000-10000 baht a month to wash their Mercedes and clean their shop houses; and when the rural poor for a leader who they support, the rich elite just find "laws" and "coups" to kick them out.

Just read Thai history and stop being brainwashed by all the lies you read in the press! Educate yourselves!

Don't read the Thai press, as they are mostly afraid to publish the truth!

Good luck!

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

Your hero Seh Daeng, just before his demise, told western reporters it was all about Thaksin, that he (Thaksin) was calling the shots (pun intended). So who are we to believe? SD was a bit closer to the man and the situation than any of us, don't you think?

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Now with his new PR manager, Robert Amsterdam, he's taking the fight onto the world stage. But he forgot that Amsterdam has a poor image internationally and has wrangled a few country's government like Singapore. Googled his background and check the article "Robert Amsterdam continues to attack the Singapore government on Huffington Post". He is going to do the same for Thailand.

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One must deal harshly with such a man as this. When he takes democracy and turns it into anarchy than take democracy from him. If his family was never allowed to leave the country this would never have happened. Fight fire with fire.

Edited by losworld
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Right Vindie... Try pulling any of the crap these zombies have in any other major city in the world and see how quickly the respective governments would break out the big guns. The problem with Thailand is they waited too long. This shi*t would have been mopped up in 72 hours in the USA, and the death toll would have been directly related to how many idiots chose to stick around after the authorities had given the order to disburse or face the consequences.

Hi Yeeoww.....

Your statement about the US is a complete fabrication.

You cannot name one respected instance in US history where protester's who were peacefully assembled were subject to being shot at and murdered by the US government. Even in the most emotional protests against the US war in Vietnam, when 100s of thousands came to Washington DC and camped out on the mall, there was virtually no violence.

The problem is Thailand is just the opposite. The people cannot assemble peacefully without being murdered. They cannot voice their opinion without their TV stations being shut down. They cannot speak out against social injustice without fear of arrest. They cannot even peacefully assemble on public fields without fear of arrest.

Anyone who says the US would "crack down" on something like this is completely wrong. In the US, citizens have a birth right to assemble peacefully. They can have their own TV stations, new papers, web sites, full freedom to assemble and to protest and to express themselves. In Thailand, the citizens to not have these basic rights, especially the rural poor.

When read these threads and post, I am truly amazed at misinformation and lies posted here. In the US, what is happening in Thailand would never happen because in the US, when you cast your vote at the polls, the military does not kick out the winner just because the elite do not agree with the results. In the US, there is a working form of democracy and the bulk of the power is with the people. Not in Thailand. The power is in guns and murder of people who protest. You can easily witness this is the streets of Bangkok today.


Silkroad... What about your misinformation?...Have you forgotten the demonstrations of Kent State Demonstrations against the Vietnam War in the 60's where 4 students (not armed) were killed and 5 were wonded from the National Guard? Have you forgotten when the anti-Vietnam demonstrators had the #hit beaten out of them during the Chicago Democratic Convention in the 60's also????? Yes, the same thing happens in the USA... it is "thugs" who are out in the 'hood in the big cities firing off their guns at night at innocent people (just like the Red "thugs" running around BKK causing havoc in the name of "democracy". How many people are coldly murdered in the USA a week? More than 20!! - I am truly amazed with your misinformation. By the way, Thailand has a democracy ; the various political parties want to change it each time they don't get their way. This crisis is more on the topic of discrimination that we Americans face with our racial riots back in the 60's.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

ahhhh thats the ultimate response.... your a farang... you dont know how Thai society works...

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It is nice to see someone actually using his brains on TV. Let's see what kind of replies he gets..

(I don't have a sound theory for that, but would give my two satangs worth later on)

Unfortunately he got 1 negative reply already by the most irritating form of expat - the Mr. I know more about Thailand than all of you expat :)

You can't even ask a basic question on here without one of these clownshoes chipping in about how much of an expert they are on Thai society, culture, you name it they are the foremost authority on all things Thai. sorry off topic and I thought the OP asked a fair question and didn't deserve to be made to feel stupid for doing so.

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It's must be some kind of a record.

This is the only photo of Thaksin in recent weeks that has no one claiming it's been photoshopped.

Psst, did you notice that the handbag shadows are towards the left while Thaksin's shadow is having a cuppa at the sidewalk cafe?


Ummm... ever heard of light coming from more than one source (especially in an expensive designer shop). Check it out next time you're at the mall... oh wait, all the malls here are shut down! Guess you'll never know Einstein.


sar·chasm ('sär-"ka-z&m) : The giant gulf (chasm) between what is said and the person who doesn't get it.

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