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Thai Troops Violate Law In Bangkok Action: Amnesty

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I have been hesitant to accept the accusation that the hardcore reds are terrorists, but if Amnesty International is taking their side, that is not far from conclusive evidence. :)

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all talk of m79s, RPGs and calibre of sniper ammunition is completely irrelevant when discussing breach of human rights laws.

Q. is the elected thai government's army using live rounds in live fire zones where there are unarmed protesters present including women and children?

A. if yes, they are breaching international human rights laws and need to bloody well stop.

Why don't the reds stop burning tires, shooting rpg's, using children as shields? oh, yeah, thaksin won't let them.

OK, again for the slow kids at the back. because the reds are not an elected government. not an elected government the reds are. elected government the reds are not. the reds have a minority of their protestors employing guerilla tactics, there is still a massive majority of innocent people within their camp.

the government of thailand seems incapable of resolving the situation without breaking international human rights laws. so, you get the UN in to mediate and at the very least get the innocent people out of the line of fire.

there's a quite staggering lack of understanding in this thread of what constitutes a breaking of international human rights laws. that many people can't get their heads around the fact that human rights laws apply to elected governing bodies and administrations and not to groups of people shacked up in a road somewhere breaking domestic laws reflects very badly on the average IQ of a thaivisa poster.

Agreed. Very upsetting video of Thai Army sniper killing 5 people in Rang Nam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXcT4dtRtnE

This doesn't even happen in Burma or North Korea!

For you who insist it's the reds shooting and not the Army. CNN filming Army snipers killing Thais

you forgot before and after the scene there, where the men at the left and right aren't hit at all.

Bottom line, don't play with fire, you won't get burned. if you're retarded enough to be in the firing zone, then you got it comin'

are you saying that you advocate war crimes against innocent people? seems like a lot of people on here are actually.

you call insurgents and people who hurt soldiers, fire bombs, overtake and incite violence innocent?

there's a quite staggering lack of understanding in this thread of what constitutes a breaking of international human rights laws. that many people can't get their heads around the fact that human rights laws apply to elected governing bodies and administrations and not to groups of people shacked up in a road somewhere breaking domestic laws reflects very badly on the average IQ of a thaivisa poster.

Agreed. Very upsetting video of Thai Army sniper killing 5 people in Rang Nam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXcT4dtRtnE

This doesn't even happen in Burma or North Korea!

can only see one dead people on the video and we see no sniper, so we don´t know who shot!

Amazing how many people defend killing these poor people. You sell bullets or something? "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" as Sinclair so rightfully said.

Who do you think is shooting in this video? Micky and Mini?

Pretty much says it all in that video and could be used in evidence to prosecute the government after all this is over

Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

This is the most amazing video I have seen.

Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" as Sinclair so rightfully said.

Very well quoted. Thank you.

all talk of m79s, RPGs and calibre of sniper ammunition is completely irrelevant when discussing breach of human rights laws.

Q. is the elected thai government's army using live rounds in live fire zones where there are unarmed protesters present including women and children?

A. if yes, they are breaching international human rights laws and need to bloody well stop.

Well said, although will not sink in to a lot of 'senior' members heads

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

Such credibility... you gotta be joking.... its an ultra left wing body... has nothing to do with the real world.... run by communists... and liberal #ankers....

Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

This is the most amazing video I have seen.

Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

That incident was so fast I am not even 100% it was a machine gun looked like he was playing around but t was too quick for me ot see what it really was

you call insurgents and people who hurt soldiers, fire bombs, overtake and incite violence innocent?

christ almighty. do you really believe that every red shirt protestor within their camp is armed and dangerous? there is a massive majority of innocent people in there. are you prepared to wipe all of them out to end this? why not just napalm the whole camp eh?

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

and there I thought all the Farangs thinking with there little head are already doing such a good job by buying there Teraks Gold, Land, Cars and building houses, taking care of sick buffalos and Kubotus in rural Isaan so they have a good time with there familys. :)

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

Such credibility... you gotta be joking.... its an ultra left wing body... has nothing to do with the real world.... run by communists... and liberal #ankers....

what a charming first contribution to the debate. it's a politically-neutral organisation which puts at-risk and vulnerable innocent people around the world first in its work. it seeks to encourage peaceful resolutions to conflicts and to help those under threat in the process. what a bunch of evil bastards eh?

Wonder how fast Thaivisas member would behead Mother Theresa herself...

Amnesty is a respected organisation. It may not be without flaw, but that is not the point. The point is that Thailands government is breaching major human rights.

I would like to see Amnesty beeing alowed to look at the rights of those that are arrested and given blanket jail penalty. Did they get the right to lawyers? Right to appeal? All experience from western demonstrations shows that most of who get arrested are innocent. Thats also why the penalties for beeing caught in protests in european countries are low.

These Red Shirts being shot are Not protesters...They are terrorists... lets not get this wrong..!! what are they doing where they are..??


Everything nearly normal at Ramkhamhaeng Uni.A few guards and student guards. The area around is flourishing with business and delicious food.

Wonder if Amnesty condemns Ram students after they chased away the mob when they tried to erect a stage and by calling them criminals. They told them if they not leave they will face the students.

Wonder how fast Thaivisas member would behead Mother Theresa herself...

Amnesty is a respected organisation. It may not be without flaw, but that is not the point. The point is that Thailands government is breaching major human rights.

I would like to see Amnesty beeing alowed to look at the rights of those that are arrested and given blanket jail penalty. Did they get the right to lawyers? Right to appeal? All experience from western demonstrations shows that most of who get arrested are innocent. Thats also why the penalties for beeing caught in protests in european countries are low.

These Red Shirts being shot are Not protesters...They are terrorists... lets not get this wrong..!! what are they doing where they are..??

Yawn Yawn unarmed civilians are not terrorists the guys in black with automatic weapons I agree could be labeled as such but in the governments words there are only 500 at the most of them the rest are unarmed civilians

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" as Sinclair so rightfully said.

Very well quoted. Thank you.

OMG! Look whos landed. :)

Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

This is the most amazing video I have seen.

Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

That incident was so fast I am not even 100% it was a machine gun looked like he was playing around but t was too quick for me ot see what it really was

It may not be a machine gun or automatic weapons but is certainly appears to be a rifle that the guy is firing randomly under the cover of the fire crackers. If true, then it is clear the army is likely not the ones who pulled the trigger on many reds, reporters or medics ... one also has to wonder who has gained and who has not from reporters and medical workers being shot.


Pretty much says it all in that video and could be used in evidence to prosecute the government after all this is over

So is this going to prove the case for you're 47 alleged murders Mr prosecutor.....mmmmmm, me doesnt tink so. :)

Has anyone seen the CNN news clip with the red protester ?

And just think! This IDIOT is now the Red Shirt top dog......

I think I'll go out and make me one of those " hand made guns" just so I have some protection when someone tries to stop me from exercising my God given right to commit mayhem and murder.

Pure Weng gold throughout on this video....

"the harm from this gun is so limited"

"to call someone a terrorist, he must have an M-16... but not this... it's a handmade gun"

"this is a protection gun"

etc. etc.

and he's their leader???? :)

it's a politically-neutral organisation which puts at-risk and vulnerable innocent people around the world first in its work.

They seem to specialize in terrorists. :)

it's a politically-neutral organisation which puts at-risk and vulnerable innocent people around the world first in its work.

They seem to specialize in terrorists. :)

really? despite the vast majority of people being shot at by the thai army in a live fire zone not being terrorists of any description? despite their work consisting mostly of reminding people of human rights law breaches, laws which are in place to protect the most innocent and vulnerable in any conflict? i know you're not being particularly serious but that's still a cheap comment.

you call insurgents and people who hurt soldiers, fire bombs, overtake and incite violence innocent?
christ almighty. do you really believe that every red shirt protestor within their camp is armed and dangerous? there is a massive majority of innocent people in there. are you prepared to wipe all of them out to end this? why not just napalm the whole camp eh?
But the reality is that the 'innocent' are being used as cover for a group, who ironically may not even be operating on the Red's agenda, but are using the 'innocent' to hide, mime damage and injure other 'innocents'. If the Red leadership, had shown leadership and taken the early election date none of this would have happened. The odd thing is that they didn't, and this set in train a series of events the tragic outcome of which we are all witnessing. Why is it that the 'innocents' do not leave, and please don't start on the 'it's all about democracy' nonsense, it's not. It's about who wants power in the north, who needs it to ensure that their [the mercantile class outside Bangkok who own the villages, in some case lock-stock and barrel] retain their perquisites. They are after all the people who organised, bankrolled, transported these 'innocents' offering them the possibility of a better life, whilst ensuring that the monopolies on power [rice milling, money lending etc.] remained in place, thereby ensuring that the 'innocent' remain poor.

If you are a solider and you see movement, probably accompanied by the cover of smoke and or noise of firecrackers, what decision do you make, fire, or not? On that point, if the allegations of wild firing where even fractionally true the numbers would be horrifically higher. The reality is that the security forces are, by and large, acting in a reasonable manner. Any life cut short is a tragedy, but please let's stop this inane war crimes hysteria, we are not facing a Mehmed-pasa Sokolovic Bridge incident here.


Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

This is the most amazing video I have seen.

Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

That incident was so fast I am not even 100% it was a machine gun looked like he was playing around but t was too quick for me ot see what it really was

It may not be a machine gun or automatic weapons but is certainly appears to be a rifle that the guy is firing randomly under the cover of the fire crackers. If true, then it is clear the army is likely not the ones who pulled the trigger on many reds, reporters or medics ... one also has to wonder who has gained and who has not from reporters and medical workers being shot.


Could also be a stick

you call insurgents and people who hurt soldiers, fire bombs, overtake and incite violence innocent?
christ almighty. do you really believe that every red shirt protestor within their camp is armed and dangerous? there is a massive majority of innocent people in there. are you prepared to wipe all of them out to end this? why not just napalm the whole camp eh?
But the reality is that the 'innocent' are being used as cover for a group, who ironically may not even be operating on the Red's agenda, but are using the 'innocent' to hide, mime damage and injure other 'innocents'. If the Red leadership, had shown leadership and taken the early election date none of this would have happened. The odd thing is that they didn't, and this set in train a series of events the tragic outcome of which we are all witnessing. Why is it that the 'innocents' do not leave, and please don't start on the 'it's all about democracy' nonsense, it's not. It's about who wants power in the north, who needs it to ensure that their [the mercantile class outside Bangkok who own the villages, in some case lock-stock and barrel] retain their perquisites. They are after all the people who organised, bankrolled, transported these 'innocents' offering them the possibility of a better life, whilst ensuring that the monopolies on power [rice milling, money lending etc.] remained in place, thereby ensuring that the 'innocent' remain poor.

If you are a solider and you see movement, probably accompanied by the cover of smoke and or noise of firecrackers, what decision do you make, fire, or not? On that point, if the allegations of wild firing where even fractionally true the numbers would be horrifically higher. The reality is that the security forces are, by and large, acting in a reasonable manner. Any life cut short is a tragedy, but please let's stop this inane war crimes hysteria, we are not facing a Mehmed-pasa Sokolovic Bridge incident here.


i take your point but all of that is irrelevant as long as there are unarmed and innocent people within the camp. the thai army cannot use live rounds on its own people where there are unarmed citizens, whatever activities a minority of them is engaged in. this thread is about human rights law breaches, that action breaks human rights laws and it's unacceptable.

the UN must be called in.

all talk of m79s, RPGs and calibre of sniper ammunition is completely irrelevant when discussing breach of human rights laws.

Q. is the elected thai government's army using live rounds in live fire zones where there are unarmed protesters present including women and children?

A. if yes, they are breaching international human rights laws and need to bloody well stop.

Why don't the reds stop burning tires, shooting rpg's, using children as shields? oh, yeah, thaksin won't let them.

OK, again for the slow kids at the back. because the reds are not an elected government. not an elected government the reds are. elected government the reds are not. the reds have a minority of their protestors employing guerilla tactics, there is still a massive majority of innocent people within their camp.

the government of thailand seems incapable of resolving the situation without breaking international human rights laws. so, you get the UN in to mediate and at the very least get the innocent people out of the line of fire.

Provide ONE example of a person killed within the legitimate (and i use that term loosely) red camp

"The red guards here told me they have red guards up above in case soldiers come along the skytrain tracks" /via @RichardBarrow

You see what they say? :)

Yes, agree with you that some RED shirt need to be executed death penalty by law. BUT not before a fair hearing is conducted.

REDS have already been excecuted without trial look at Da Saeng execution if ever i saw one

For info only it is Seh Daeng who you are trying to allude to. And no one knows who did it, it may even even have been the reds to, after all he had happened to threaten some of the red leaders with death if they did not keep the course. And that is in his own words from one of his interviews. He even named the leaders that wanted to defect and mentioned who he felt were loyal to "Taksin".

Yeah thats him however I and many others believe he was assasinated by the government, funny how as soon as there are government snipers deployed he is suddenly targeted.

Believe what you will that's your right as is mine to believe it was the government who ordered his killing

he wasn't hit by a sniper. They use 50 CALIBER! His head would have been gone with one sniper shot. He was shot twice. the accuracy of a sniper wouldn't need a second shot. and the range, much closer than what a sniper can manage.

well hats off to whoever did it!

Wouldn't need a 2nd shot? Watch this clip min 1:10. He needs a 2nd shot to confirm the kill even though his boss shout for him to stop shooting (hence the smack on the head).

Watch at 32 seconds (look at man on right) and you will see why Reds are using fireworks and why fireworks & bottle rockets always precede attacks such as the grenade attacks on the SkyTrain.

This is the most amazing video I have seen.

Did you also see the red who empties a machine gun clip while the string of firecrackers is set off???

Who would be filming these? Maybe the video comes from a confiscated camera.

It is clearly not a real machine gun. They are just pretending to shoot with a piece of wood or something while the firecrackers are going off. Still an amazing scene though. You would think that they would have a bit more of a sense of self preservation.


What I miss in this whole discussion is the originof the snipers! A lot of media and organisations assume they are army snipers, but just think of it for a second. If you want to incite a civil war, who do you shoot? Soldiers, or your own? Same thing happened on April 10th! The oldest trick in the book.

There are teams of professional hitman in downtown Bangkok, and take a wild guess who finances these! The army and the government have absolutely nothing to gain from internationally covered violence and bloosshed!

But thats just my humble opinion.

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