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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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is it expected that if the army clears the red shirts will things return to normal or will it erupt into a full scale war?

it just seems unlikely to me that they will just return to their homes and go about their business.

Correct! If they admit their guilt, they will have a year to contemplate the errors of their ways.

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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

Thailand should receive more coverage in the US. The US should have more real issue and international coverage period. Problem is there has been a coercive dumbing down of the public in the US for so long they think important news is a gang shooting, celebrity sighting or ipad review.

They have CNN and CNNI (CNN Inetnernational) CNNI has been all Thailand non stop for hours. CNN just shows Larry King and the oil spill.

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I doubt it i am in Chiang Mai and to tell you the truth every one i meet is a red shirt supporter (That is not to say they all support violence) but i doubt if one would ever see a yellow shirt demo here in CM

And for another simple reason: last time there was one the red shirts murdered the father of a yellow shirt member (culprits are now in jail).

This is how law is interpreted by these great freedom-democracy-fighters.

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HOT: Red-leaders Inc. Jatuporn Promphan to Turn Themselves in

Reports indicate that key leader of the red-shirt movement Jatuporn Promphan is expected to turn himself in at the National Police Office. Key Pheu Thai MPs will act as witnesses to ensure the safety of the red-shirt leader.

Other key leaders also expected to turn themselves in incl. Nuttawut Saigua, Weng Tojirakarn and Pramuan Chuglor who's also known as Jeng Dokjik.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-19


Sure they will turn themselves in. Their word is their bond.

And by the way I am the King of Outer Crabistan.

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It will be a long day and night ahead with hundreds of your friendly neighborhood moto taxi thugs using this opportunity to vandalize what they can.

I see the reds, with their leaders surrendering, are burning down city halls in Issan which alone should speak volumes as to the this group's mentality.

The old saying, much pride no shame comes to mind sadly.

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Arisman, Weng and Suporn are on the run:Nation Channel

less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Witthaya is now near MBK and waiting for police and military's cooperation to take the red leaders from back stage.

6 minutes ago via TweetDeck

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The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

Desperate chacters do desperate things.

Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

This was always going to be the case. They got more press in Bangkok,

but they live up north and their rage is against all government functionaries

connected with Bangkok. Brainwashed, but fortunately a minority.

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This is starting to look like Burma of a few years ago. The military already had a firm hold on government in Burma, Myramar, but squashed the uprising, killing 1200 Monks in the bloody crack down. Is Thailand going the same way as Burma? I hope not, but I do not think it would take that much.

Ridiculous! Thailand may be your basic vanilla Southeast Asian variety banana Republic, but for all its faults it remains a far cry from the complete totalitarain regime that is Burma.

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I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


yes, and he is in contact, according to his own words, with the red leaders on a daily base to discuss the lottery numbers and the latest of fortune tellers. :D

Anyone know which lottery the tickets were for. Just i fancy a flutter myself cause the jackpot must be MASSIVE if clan Taksin is willing to fork out millons in cash for the tickets and chance to win :D:D

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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :D

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

Thailand should receive more coverage in the US. The US should have more real issue and international coverage period. Problem is there has been a coercive dumbing down of the public in the US for so long they think important news is a gang shooting, celebrity sighting or ipad review.

Thailand is being covered on US stations, but perhaps the networks should consult a bunch of cranky, nitpicking expats in Thailand about how much time they devote to the story. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

Robert Amsterdam

:) and :D at the same time

I wonder if these lawyer's know what they have signed up for?

Do you suppose Thaksin has told them the truth?

Think any of them speak Thai?

He knows. He knows. He's a lawyer. That's what they do.

Here's a little gem about him --

He has fraudulently claimed to be a member of the New York Bar Association.
Wiki Edited by Jingthing
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It had to happen sooner or later. Now I hope for two things: Firstly minimal casulties on both sides. And secondly for Abhisit to to go through with his roadmap inclusive early election plans instead of abusing a successful crackdown to suppress the opposition. What we need is real reconciliation. Without concessions to all the moderate red supporters in the provinces, i fear, it won't take long before more of them are radicalized.

You're nicer than I. I can see Abhisit going through with his 'roadmap' ....but he should not feel compelled to go ahead with early elections. The Reds had that option - wide open - but shunted it rudely. Early elections have not been on the negotiating table for a week. Thaksin and the Reds gambled and lost. Abhisit should go ahead and have elections at the end of 2011. And all expenses for dealing with the rallies/riots should be borne by T, and members of his friends and family who sponsored it.

Thaksin always gets the blame for for this peacefull rally, :D he is just a puppet in this somewhere to shovel the blame to so as not to see where it really lies. :D

The Redshirts have had enough of poverty,when you have to live day to day scrounging,existing not living.

Then Dying wouldnt bother them and as for women and children are women not able to protest after all they are the ones trying to bring up a family, so if they go to protest who looks after the children ??????????? and as for abhisit well with a bit of luck a strange Sniper might shoot him then they will need elections .

He is a murderer and i hope he gets whats coming to him.


Always wonder if these nitwits I keep ignoring, are different people, or the same person over and over and over...

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

Give me a break :)

The red T-shirts want "beter living conditions" for this they need money.

Red's think that Toxin can provide them .

A smart PM ,gives them the confiscated Bilions of dollars from Toxin.

In return they have to bring in Toxin .

Fair deal,




Beat the enemy (toxin) with his own weapons (bilions of $)

Simple trick .

This idea I had months before. Unfortunately it is too late now, it won't work anymore.

Well,good ideas seem hard to listen at !

it's such a simple solution ,cost nothing,and everybody (exept those who wanted to steel the confiscated

billoin $) happy ! Taxin before the firing squat,PM enormously famous ending this ,and only one victim :the

villan himself !

Look at the mess now!

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

veen_NT: RT @WizardofWindsor: Breaking. Khon Khaen. #redshirts are storming the City Hall (TPBS)

Wed May 19 2010 12:02:29 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Not a bad development. If a red mob does a bit of damage in KK and Chiang Mai, the locals will get to see their heroes in action. Nothing like the sight of a rampaging mob to evaporate support! It's one thing for support of noble ideals, it's quite a bit different to see a pack of @$$holes burning your town.

I doubt it i am in Chiang Mai and to tell you the truth every one i meet is a red shirt supporter (That is not to say they all support violence) but i doubt if one would ever see a yellow shirt demo here in CM

I'm also in Chiang mai and have noticed quite a change. A month ago almost everyone was a red shirt supporter, but in recent days many are seeing them as thugs holding the country to ransom.

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

veen_NT: RT @WizardofWindsor: Breaking. Khon Khaen. #redshirts are storming the City Hall (TPBS)

Wed May 19 2010 12:02:29 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Not a bad development. If a red mob does a bit of damage in KK and Chiang Mai, the locals will get to see their heroes in action. Nothing like the sight of a rampaging mob to evaporate support! It's one thing for support of noble ideals, it's quite a bit different to see a pack of @$$holes burning your town.

I doubt it i am in Chiang Mai and to tell you the truth every one i meet is a red shirt supporter (That is not to say they all support violence) but i doubt if one would ever see a yellow shirt demo here in CM

There was a multi-colored shirt gathering for some time around nimanheyman Rd. We obviously meet different people because I am seeing more and more support for the government all the time in CNX. The people at work are solidly anti-red to a person. That is not to deny that there are certainly many reds up here but there are many many people that are solidly against them.

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I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


yes, and he is in contact, according to his own words, with the red leaders on a daily base to discuss the lottery numbers and the latest of fortune tellers. :D

Even Thaksin's lawyer said that he had visited the red leaders. Maybe to tell them to keep their mouth shut or Thaksin would sue them.

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The police should be quite concerned after the Government emerges from this - still in power. A house cleaning upcoming this summer - no doubt.

Which was coming anyway, but much more so now.

This was one main reason they never obeyed gov orders,

they want Abhisit out too for messing with their Position for Pay scheme....

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Always wonder if these nitwits I keep ignoring, are different people, or the same person over and over and over...

Most of the newbies going on about the "New World Order" are the same guy. He even answers his own posts. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It had to happen sooner or later. Now I hope for two things: Firstly minimal casulties on both sides. And secondly for Abhisit to to go through with his roadmap inclusive early election plans instead of abusing a successful crackdown to suppress the opposition. What we need is real reconciliation. Without concessions to all the moderate red supporters in the provinces, i fear, it won't take long before more of them are radicalized.

You're nicer than I. I can see Abhisit going through with his 'roadmap' ....but he should not feel compelled to go ahead with early elections. The Reds had that option - wide open - but shunted it rudely. Early elections have not been on the negotiating table for a week. Thaksin and the Reds gambled and lost. Abhisit should go ahead and have elections at the end of 2011. And all expenses for dealing with the rallies/riots should be borne by T, and members of his friends and family who sponsored it.

Thaksin always gets the blame for for this peacefull rally, :D he is just a puppet in this somewhere to shovel the blame to so as not to see where it really lies. :D

The Redshirts have had enough of poverty,when you have to live day to day scrounging,existing not living.

Then Dying wouldnt bother them and as for women and children are women not able to protest after all they are the ones trying to bring up a family, so if they go to protest who looks after the children ??????????? and as for abhisit well with a bit of luck a strange Sniper might shoot him then they will need elections .

He is a murderer and i hope he gets whats coming to him.


I am not sure about Thai laws will have to check Mr. Newbee. But I believe it is against the law to advocate the killing of the PM. You sure are a compassionate person. I trust you are using a proxy to hide your IP address. If not :D .

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I'm also in Chiang mai and have noticed quite a change. A month ago almost everyone was a red shirt supporter, but in recent days many are seeing them as thugs holding the country to ransom.

And with every burned building and attack that affects ordinary people they incinerate their chances of electoral victory. History shows the Thai people do not reward aggression.

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http://truemusic.truelife.com/home/player/.../siamza/?guid=8 red terrorists live at stage

tukky_nt: Natthwaut now speaking

Wed May 19 2010 13:29:34 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

tukky_nt: Jatuporn told reds,,. asked to stop killing..the fight still going on... pls don't blame us

Wed May 19 2010 13:28:45 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Edited by elcent
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The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

Desperate chacters do desperate things.

Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

This was always going to be the case. They got more press in Bangkok,

but they live up north and their rage is against all government functionaries

connected with Bangkok. Brainwashed, but fortunately a minority.

Without wanting to belittle Chang Mai, it is less important strategically than Bangkok and (as happens with the southern troubles) it is easier to sweep this news under the carpet and down play its significance. Not saying that, that is the right thing to do, but out if sight out of mind.

I hope that now the situation is under control the PM quickly presents the people with a plan for reconciliation which all political parties will be responsible enough to endorse, by listening to the needs of the land (and not their wallets) and which will eventually lead to new elections in the not to distant future.

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APC's, Military wearing Balaclavas, Heavy machine guns, and armed police, :)

Now theirs a recipe for disaster.

Balaclavas? Why do they need Balaclavas? They are soldiers.

I believe it's for protection from tear gas.

huh, ... our gardeners are wearing these balaclavas every day!

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you can send messages of support or advise by SMS to Abhisit at 4899006

Should have stayed at your birthplace where you belong with your aristocrats and all of this would have never happend. Thai for Thai

.Be very careful expressing sentiments such as these. Not all thais were born in Thailand

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Anyway I for one am very proud of the young brave soldiers going in to rid the vermin of the streets whether they are my nationality or not.

Yeah well said. Hat's off to the brave soldiers going about their duties in one of the very worse set of circumstances, fighting people from their own nation.



agreed : it has to be done

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