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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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haven't I always said Thaksin is a NERO? Years ago, when I observed this cretin on a psychological aspect it was pretty clear that he's character problems, big ones.

Agree 101%, this guy has shown mental instability under pressure since 2006 at least.

Amoral and disconnected from all but his desires and motivations. Sick, sick, sick.

A new Nero for the internet age for sure.

Actually Nero was the Emperor of Rome who played while it burned. Ahbist is the current ruler of Bangkok, and so would more match Nero at this moment, right?

Well said Mr. T. I hope you are enjoying you day as your sheep are being slaughtered.

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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :) !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

What a picture :D

About as ridiculous as Gandhi wearing a Thaksin t-shirt.

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It had to happen sooner or later. Now I hope for two things: Firstly minimal casulties on both sides. And secondly for Abhisit to to go through with his roadmap inclusive early election plans instead of abusing a successful crackdown to suppress the opposition. What we need is real reconciliation. Without concessions to all the moderate red supporters in the provinces, i fear, it won't take long before more of them are radicalized.

You're nicer than I. I can see Abhisit going through with his 'roadmap' ....but he should not feel compelled to go ahead with early elections. The Reds had that option - wide open - but shunted it rudely. Early elections have not been on the negotiating table for a week. Thaksin and the Reds gambled and lost. Abhisit should go ahead and have elections at the end of 2011. And all expenses for dealing with the rallies/riots should be borne by T, and members of his friends and family who sponsored it.

Thaksin always gets the blame for for this peacefull rally, :D he is just a puppet in this somewhere to shovel the blame to so as not to see where it really lies. :D

The Redshirts have had enough of poverty,when you have to live day to day scrounging,existing not living.

Then Dying wouldnt bother them and as for women and children are women not able to protest after all they are the ones trying to bring up a family, so if they go to protest who looks after the children ??????????? and as for abhisit well with a bit of luck a strange Sniper might shoot him then they will need elections .

He is a murderer and i hope he gets whats coming to him.


I am not sure about Thai laws will have to check Mr. Newbee. But I believe it is against the law to advocate the killing of the PM. You sure are a compassionate person. I trust you are using a proxy to hide your IP address. If not :D .

I doesn't seem that most of mainstream Thai society cares very much or is even aware of the expat subculture/community. Short of les majeste and trying to get tea money, or recent stepped up interpol efforts, mainstream thai society that is aware of the expat subculture view it as a bizarre anomaly; an entire community, much of which is centered around the sex business ie; pattaya, nana, etc etc

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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Edited by siampolee
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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :) !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

What a picture :D

About as ridiculous as Gandhi wearing a Thaksin t-shirt.

Where is Danny Glover when we need him?

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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :) !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

send him to his home town, he wouldn't make it too long there for sure!!!

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The interview of this professor was indeed very good. I am trying to spot it in the CNN website but I can't. I wanted to post it here. I think that the Reds will not stop and although I do not think that separatism movements will emerge I am not at all sure that we have seen the last act of this drama. We see today a major act but I am sure that it will not end. I see two possible outcomes in the long run: 1. The Reds are disorganised and the current government can pass it's agenda and do whatever they want. 2. The Reds learn from their mistakes (use violence to respond to violent government) and they find new means to fight.

His name is Thitinan Pongsudhirak and I think that everybody should listen very carefully to his proposals. I wish that both the government and the Reds will think seriously what he says. It is quite impressive to see that Thailand has so moderate and clever academics but is also quite a pity to see that nobody takes their advices into account.

Edited by datum
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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :) !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

send him to his home town, he wouldn't make it too long there for sure!!!

Is Guantanamo bay still open?

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The Red fake monks are busted


A Thai soldier handcuffs a Buddhist monk as another looks on after they were arrested from Lumpini park in downtown Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.

Reds seem intent on destroying every fabric of Thai society with their BS.

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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Damned straight!

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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :D !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

What a picture :D

About as ridiculous as Gandhi wearing a Thaksin t-shirt.

That's the funniest thing you've ever posted!


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The ones suffering most from looting and arsons, or even that people are too afraid to go out and shop, are those smaller business owners that are just like them, struggling to live, often opening their stores with help of big bank loans...losing their stock or stores will put them into huge troubles.

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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Also tell us how this helps poor farmers in Isaan

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The ones suffering most from looting and arsons, or even that people are too afraid to go out and shop, are those smaller business owners that are just like them, struggling to live, often opening their stores with help of big bank loans...losing their stock or stores will put them into huge troubles.

i know. i feel so bad for them. no insurances in thailand will cover them. even so, they can't afford to have insurances anyway. very depressing...

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Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong UPDATE : 19 May 2010 More citizens of Montenegro?
No surprise there!! It's been clear all along that these simian, paid Red firebrands are really ... Yellow!  :) Brainwash - and threaten - the 'cannon fodder' in order to get them to stay and confront the army, then run the <deleted> away yourself?    (.... well, 'waddle' might be the properverb for these porcine p***ks! :D ) This clearly shows how they really feel about the so-called  "marginalised, democracy-starved masses" they purport to represent! Shows too the real dark truth that's alwaye been behind this "Red" sham.  :D Let's hope these rats are caught real soon and introduced to a lovely firing squad.

Obviously you and other posters criticizing the esacpe of red shirt leaders are not educated in protest or military strategy. Something akin to "hit and run" fighting or protesting. The leaders or fighters do not surrender but escape to keep the fight or protest going. The leaders are going to keep the fighters organized. Do you believe the leaders of militarized states (as in a war between two countries) are going to surrender in the face of an enemie's forces if they have the option of escaping? No...they will evade in order to fight again another day. I am amazed at the number of TVF posters who can not think logically. I am neither a red or yellow supporter...so save your ignorant hate for somone else. I hate Thaksin but understand why many people (red shirts, etc.) feel cheated by the removal of two elected PMs that were booted out by the yellow shirts. I agree with the few posters who are dismayed by the vile hatred and stupid comments regarding the situation in LOS. This situation might be the begining of the end to a country I enjoy. LOS could burn like LA during the Rodney King riots and the government/military is not going to be able to control rural cities, etc..

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Thaksin - enjoying watching his paid-for terrorists burn the city? He is not Thai - he will become an international pariah from this affair - just wait.

That's why sadly he will keep fighting until the end and also the reason he has lawyered up with the esteemed firm, Amsterdam & Shyster.

Hi lawyer talks as much _______ as Thaksin does


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The ones suffering most from looting and arsons, or even that people are too afraid to go out and shop, are those smaller business owners that are just like them, struggling to live, often opening their stores with help of big bank loans...losing their stock or stores will put them into huge troubles.

i know. i feel so bad for them. no insurances in thailand will cover them. even so, they can't afford to have insurances anyway. very depressing...

Hey this is Democracy! You have a shop and I don't, so I am going to torch it.

Poor Thais burning out poor Thais, it is sickening. Sleep tight Mr T and don't worry too much about losing your sheep even though they are getting fewer by the minute.

Cheers, Rick

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Some of those arrested so far including, fake monks and a Che Guevara t-shirt wearer:






Blindfolded detainees sit on the ground during an operation to evict anti-government "red shirt" protesters from their encampment in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

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the surrender of the cowardly porcine Red "leaders" (aka ... The hero 'martyrs') - one of them even had the audacity to wear a shirt emblazoned with Gandhi's image :) !

that would be Jatuporn wearing the t-shirt with the antithesis of his role model Thaksin


Jatuporn Prompan, one of the core leaders of the anti-government "red shirt" protesters, is taken into custody after he surrendered, at the police headquarters in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

send him to his home town, he wouldn't make it too long there for sure!!!

Is Guantanamo bay still open?

Take him up 5000feet and open the door and give him a push! Over shark infested waters.

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Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong UPDATE : 19 May 2010 More citizens of Montenegro?
No surprise there!! It's been clear all along that these simian, paid Red firebrands are really ... Yellow!  :) Brainwash - and threaten - the 'cannon fodder' in order to get them to stay and confront the army, then run the <deleted> away yourself?    (.... well, 'waddle' might be the properverb for these porcine p***ks! :D ) This clearly shows how they really feel about the so-called  "marginalised, democracy-starved masses" they purport to represent! Shows too the real dark truth that's alwaye been behind this "Red" sham.  :D Let's hope these rats are caught real soon and introduced to a lovely firing squad.

Obviously you and other posters criticizing the esacpe of red shirt leaders are not educated in protest or military strategy. Something akin to "hit and run" fighting or protesting. The leaders or fighters do not surrender but escape to keep the fight or protest going. The leaders are going to keep the fighters organized. Do you believe the leaders of militarized states (as in a war between two countries) are going to surrender in the face of an enemie's forces if they have the option of escaping? No...they will evade in order to fight again another day. I am amazed at the number of TVF posters who can not think logically. I am neither a red or yellow supporter...so save your ignorant hate for somone else. I hate Thaksin but understand why many people (red shirts, etc.) feel cheated by the removal of two elected PMs that were booted out by the yellow shirts. I agree with the few posters who are dismayed by the vile hatred and stupid comments regarding the situation in LOS. This situation might be the begining of the end to a country I enjoy. LOS could burn like LA during the Rodney King riots and the government/military is not going to be able to control rural cities, etc..

A Captain normally stays with his sinking ship!

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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Damned straight!

You mean straight angle. Its absolutely horrible to watch what happens right now, as it has been with government killing civilians the last few weeks, but why does it come as an surprise? It could have been avoided. The government could have ruled just fine without the SOE. They could have done so many things different. Instead they've chosen the very Thai way of denial and let the situation spiral way out of control.

Now more then ever Thailand need foreign intervention. If a government had let something spiral this much out of control in a European country they would step down. A all-party government formed. If the constitution allowed it (multiple European countries do not allow dissolving the parliament), there would be fresh elections.

Right now Abhisit is going down the road of anarchy that end in some sort of totalitarian state Myanmar style, most likely yellow, but might be red as well. Or we could see the rumored coup surfacing - what good that would do for prosperity and tourism...

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You Red Shirt supporters .

Please tell us all what the Thais have done to deserve the current looting and arson situations.

Also lets hear or rather read your defence of matters if you can actually justify these actions and misdeeds,

Thaksin and his clan hopefully will never ever set foot on Thailands ground ever again, any money, assets property companies must be taken by the state as part compensation for the damage the Shinwatra clan have done to Thailand and its people.

Thaksin and his cronies hi-jacked a peaceful grass roots credible organisation led by sensible people ( which I fully supported as did many others ) and turned it into a first class terrorist organisation led by thugs to further Thaksin their own ends as we are sadly seeing now..

Damned straight!

You mean straight angle. Its absolutely horrible to watch what happens right now, as it has been with government killing civilians the last few weeks, but why does it come as an surprise? It could have been avoided. The government could have ruled just fine without the SOE. They could have done so many things different. Instead they've chosen the very Thai way of denial and let the situation spiral way out of control.

Now more then ever Thailand need foreign intervention. If a government had let something spiral this much out of control in a European country they would step down. A all-party government formed. If the constitution allowed it (multiple European countries do not allow dissolving the parliament), there would be fresh elections.

Right now Abhisit is going down the road of anarchy that end in some sort of totalitarian state Myanmar style, most likely yellow, but might be red as well. Or we could see the rumored coup surfacing - what good that would do for prosperity and tourism...

Your friends are trying to burn down Bangkok, - why don't you go out and join them!

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Obviously you and other posters criticizing the esacpe of red shirt leaders are not educated in protest or military strategy. Something akin to "hit and run" fighting or protesting. The leaders or fighters do not surrender but escape to keep the fight or protest going. The leaders are going to keep the fighters organized. Do you believe the leaders of militarized states (as in a war between two countries) are going to surrender in the face of an enemie's forces if they have the option of escaping? No...they will evade in order to fight again another day. I am amazed at the number of TVF posters who can not think logically. I am neither a red or yellow supporter...so save your ignorant hate for somone else. I hate Thaksin but understand why many people (red shirts, etc.) feel cheated by the removal of two elected PMs that were booted out by the yellow shirts. I agree with the few posters who are dismayed by the vile hatred and stupid comments regarding the situation in LOS. This situation might be the begining of the end to a country I enjoy. LOS could burn like LA during the Rodney King riots and the government/military is not going to be able to control rural cities, etc..

A Captain normally stays with his sinking ship!

A captain usually has honor and a sense of responsibility, he does not aim his ship on the iceberg and flee in a boat while the rest of the crew beats up the passengers...

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I thought the end of the protest would end in a bit of 'headless chicken' violence - but what is going on now seems very well organised.

Something happening round the corner from me towards Phra Kanong BTS - hundreds of people just came running up my Soi (65) as well as cars and motorbikes.

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Or we could see the rumored coup surfacing - what good that would do for prosperity and tourism...

Probably quite a lot. There's so much silly emotion around the word 'coup'. The last one was as benign as any civilian gov't in the 1-year that it held power and duly returned the power to civilian rule within the 12-month period as stated on the day of the coup. During that time and since the country has been moving steadily forward, and Abhisits' gov't has been doing more real work on the problems of poverty than Thaksin ever did. Alas, real policies like free education don't hit the 'sweet, give it me now' fix that Thaksin's credit cards and cheap loans did ( which a later gov't wrote off completely, I think that was under Samak's term).

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