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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

1.) The Yellow went in a pacific demonstration to the airport that the local authorities decide themselves to close

the YS were in the airport building for 9 days, and the only thing they took was a couple of liters of ice cream that would have gone bad anyway. They did not touch any of the duty free goods, alcohol or cigarette that were left ungarded while they were "occupying" the airport. After they left, nothing was missing, nothing was damaged.

2.) If the YS did not confront the gouvernment at the time, which by the way was not Abhisit, today Thaksin would still be looting the country in total impunity. I am not sure the way they did was the best, I am not a YS Supporter but I must admit that it probably was the only way to get rid of Thaksin and his cohorts of hooligans. See what they can do today to attempt to regain control of the country

3.) How can you now try to compare the killing and destruction orchestrated by this egomaniac and his troops with a pacific demonstration that liberated the country?

not only that they cleaned the airport before they left in a peaceful way,the reds are burning bangkok and esan down and you want to put this lot in charge <deleted>

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Reminder: Overnight curfew between 8pm (Wednesday) and 6am (Thursday). You are not allowed to leave your homes during this period.

finally, but does it mean there is a way to clean up the remaining 'cancer cell' of the red riot, who set fire everywhere ?

seems that the arrested red leaders are more safe than us :)

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

"Fair trial and sentence" You really must be joking? This is Thailand! If they have sufficient money (money #1) then they may have a chance of 'negotiating' a fair deal.

"No ceasefire until the army withdraws... No ceasefire until the government steps down... We will never give in... We will fight to the bitter end..."

Shinawatra money transactions frozen

"We've had enough... Don't shoot, we're coming out..."

Sure, it's got nothing to do with Thaksin :)

:D You sir, are awesome!

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

I have no sympathy for Taksin other than the above but he's one of the few sucess stories your talking about as it rarely happens. If your born poor in Thailand your extremly likely to stay poor.

Wow, how do you define "success"? And at what cost? If success to you means amassing enormous wealth at the cost of many lives and the stability of an entire country, then I guess you and I have different definitions of "success".

You go on to say: If your born poor in Thailand your extremly likely to stay poor.

How is that different from any other country in the world today? The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class gets thinner and thinner. Unfortunately the Red Shirt mobs have never put forth any ideas or plans to actually address this problem- they're only serving the interests of their puppet-master Taksin.

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

want to put money on it clueless


A forme Us President once said, from the deck of an aircraft carrier, "Mission Accomplished". For the military to stand in Bangkok today and say they have defeated the "Red Shirts" has about the same meaning.

All that has been done is the wakening of the dragon. Just look to Udon Than and Khon Khean today to see a glimps into the future of Thailand. e dragon isawake and he has 7 heads. This is not the end, but simply the beginning.

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

Thanks for that McFly - you can crawl back into your Utopian delusion now.

Yes, you are right but one thing i have to remind you.

He offered the date he k n e w they will not accept.

If you are in their shoes, would you wait 5 months (November) for some elections?

Anywhere in the world, matture. ressponsible and experienced politicians would not provoke another side in negotiations by giving them so long time for elections, especially if country is in civil war, especially if an eye of international community is on your country.

Would you be so stubborn and irresponsible to give to your opposition so long time, despite you know all is about your government stay or go?

Would you provoke protesters about your government and you, by cutting supplies, basic things as water and food and after they react about the ciolence-to blame them for violence?

Would you put the finger into an eye of tiger, especially if tiger is wounded? Would you?

Would you feel bad about making Warsaw gheto over your people, but people who are not thinking same as you?

Would you punish your opponents by taking water and food from them, same time affecting innocent citizens around rally point?

Would you use rubber bullets instead real ammo?

Would you allow Amnesty International has to involve in something what you, as PM, should to fix inside of your country?

Would you allow to yourself your people in capital wait in the line for food in 21st century?

Would you call yourself, in that case, modern politician even democrat?

Would you be able to accept your acting, even just by 10%, caused deaths of so many people?

Would you step down after so many tragical mistakes you made, as politician, as a matter of dignity and morality or you would be so stubborn to keep going on, despite new casulties and deaths?

Would you?

Please answer to me. :)

I doubt so.

Yes - I would have done most of things. Difficult though when posters such as yourself make a drama out of every item.

I would have tried to ensure that I was acting in the best interests of ALL of my country in everything I did. Tricky at times when I would have had to adhere to the rule of law whilst protest leaders, terrorists and others on the other side did not.

Still, I would stick to my game plan to protect the interests of the law-abiding citizens of Thailand and, difficult though it would be under provocation, I would seek to ensure that casualties were kept to a minimum.

Almost impossible task, don't you think, but someone has to try and forge a civilised path in the face of barbaric thuggery from a few people who do not deserve the democratic evolution that will inevitably take place.

Waiting 5 months for elections is a tiny price to pay - assuming, of course, there were no other agendas !

I guess you think its ok for these idiots to be running amok damaging Govt property, shooting at people.

Crazy thing is I have not seen 1 red supporter come on here and condone what the scum bags are doing.... NOT ONE!!!

That tells you the type of mindset the Red brigade have!! Its Sick

It certainly is sick that a minority ruling elite in Bangkok can use the labour force of a majority of country folk to create wealth, yes, I agree with you. If you think it's okay for this majority to have been repressed for decades (not being allowed to voice their opinion because of draconian laws), then I have to disagree with you. Rioting on the streets for a few days is nothing compared to decades of repression. BTW, this is just the beginning...

And stop calling people who post against you a troll, else I'll start calling you a buffalo. Okay? :-)

'Rioting on the streets for a few days'........... :):D :D

I suggest you get back your brain cell from whoever you lent it to, and try putting it to good use.

Feel free to call me names.... you see I am of the yellow persuasion, in other words I agree in free speech. Unlike the red side which does not allow you to have an opinion contrary to theirs.


At last peace in our place, in our heart and soul.

Peace on the place to be near the district in Bangkok.

But what is going on?

Is this realy the end?

I hope so, realy I hope so.

For the red shirts and the yellow, police and army.

A lost off lifes for what, for nothing.

I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

:):D :D :D :D

Dont hold your breath!!!!

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

If this was a real movement for poor people that were suffering under tyranny, I would support it for sure. But this? A fake revolution created by paid leaders and demonstrators, just to save an ousted corrupt criminal? NEVER IN MY LIFE!

well said and spot on. thailand does not have a cast system! all thais are free to geto ut of bed and go to school, study and apply what they learn to amke a better life for themsleves, get bank loans, take risk and do what they want to improve their life. Thailand is not a communist country where distribution of wealth is norm. many countries have a wide gap between the haves and have nots including developed countries such as the usa.

Don't be silly there's no comparison. I don't know what planet you live on but you don't see the same level of poverty in the developed west as you see in the provinces of Thailand. It has got better in Thailand but there's still many people living in leaky wooden shacks with a rusty roof. Yeah they seem happy as they don't have a culture of 'entitlement' like we have and usually have a close nit family to help them out.

In most of Europe the more kids you have the more money the government gives you, you get free accomodation if you don't have a job, everyone has running water, a bathroom and a flush toilet, a sterile kitchen if they choose to clean it and welfare and they don't have to pick rice in the blazing sun allday for a couple of dollars. Taksin gave the country free education and healthcare up to a limit but that won't get the poor through university as they still have to pay for that.

I have no sympathy for Taksin other than the above but he's one of the few sucess stories your talking about as it rarely happens. If your born poor in Thailand your extremly likely to stay poor.

I wouldn't call a corrupt ex policeman that bribe his way to the top as a good success story. Nor is he a good role model. He's a cancer symptom of a society that needs to do something about the corruption that is spread among both rich and poor. With equal rhetoric, you would also call historic figures like Al Capone and the rest of the gangster mobs a success story, since they came from poor immigrant families.


Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

I know lawyers already working on this case. Abhisit is up there with Sadam now. How can the government use the Thai army to kill Thai people? It will likely be one-two hundred when all this is over. Maybe more. Abhisit is finished and so is his government.


Dont hold your breath!!!!

Are you laughing because nearly one hundred protestors have been shot by their own army? Do you think this is funny Jackn? Will you be able to sleep tonight?

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

I know lawyers already working on this case. Abhisit is up there with Sadam now. How can the government use the Thai army to kill Thai people? It will likely be one-two hundred when all this is over. Maybe more. Abhisit is finished and so is his government.

Abhisit and Saddam - I see the tire fumes from your terrorist friends are wafting into your window! Breathe deep!

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

. Abhisit is up there with Sadam now.

Any credibility you may have once had, has now definitely disappeared!! Are you really in Thailand? Are you on Planet Earth, even??

khunjamespittman and bangkoklight......... Thai Visa version of Morecombe and Wise.. :):D

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

I know lawyers already working on this case. Abhisit is up there with Sadam now. How can the government use the Thai army to kill Thai people? It will likely be one-two hundred when all this is over. Maybe more. Abhisit is finished and so is his government.

bangkoklight? your lights are on but no ones home post-105662-1274262640.gif

Maybe its the US that needs some of this rioting as a recent report put them in the top three countries in the world for greatest disparity in wealth between rich and poor.

Pretty sad how the land of the free has become the land of the hoodwinked.

No country "needs" death and destruction. No one wins in a fight. Everybody loses, including you...loser.

Now this sets the stage for the politicians to face trial in the the Hague for using the Thai Army against Thai citizens. The killing orchestrated by the politicians will be avenged in the World Court now.

I know lawyers already working on this case. Abhisit is up there with Sadam now. How can the government use the Thai army to kill Thai people? It will likely be one-two hundred when all this is over. Maybe more. Abhisit is finished and so is his government.

Funniest post of day :)

You know Lawyers working on it :D

saddam :D


Dont hold your breath!!!!

Are you laughing because nearly one hundred protestors have been shot by their own army? Do you think this is funny Jackn? Will you be able to sleep tonight?

I will sleep like a baby, thanks :D

I guess you think its ok for these idiots to be running amok damaging Govt property, shooting at people.

Crazy thing is I have not seen 1 red supporter come on here and condone what the scum bags are doing.... NOT ONE!!!

That tells you the type of mindset the Red brigade have!! Its Sick

It certainly is sick that a minority ruling elite in Bangkok can use the labour force of a majority of country folk to create wealth, yes, I agree with you. If you think it's okay for this majority to have been repressed for decades (not being allowed to voice their opinion because of draconian laws), then I have to disagree with you. Rioting on the streets for a few days is nothing compared to decades of repression. BTW, this is just the beginning...

And stop calling people who post against you a troll, else I'll start calling you a buffalo. Okay? :-)

Please provide evidence of these draconian laws that you refer to,and who implemented them ?

if you are to play the blame game ,at least understand at who and what you are angry with !

All the reds: time to shut up now you terrorists losers, I just wish they take the IP address of every red sympathizer farang and deport him! red farangs OUT OF THAILAND NOW !

Now that's what I call democracy!

OK Loud Mouth, Please feel free to get my IP address and you can come take care of me yourself. You are a loud mouthed nobody. Sorry you have missed out on chasing your bar girls for the last few weeks and sitting around and getting sloppy drunk. But you obviously have no idea what is happening in Thailand and have no mind to even try to understand it.

You are a brown stain on the Farang community. Do us all a favor and and go stick you nose back in the bottle.

Hear Hear farfetched!!

At this point there are no winners. The Country of Thailand and its people are the losers. History has shown that the batle may have been lost by the opposition but the politicians who used the Army against the people of Thailand will eventually have to face the world for this violation of human rights. The politician may have been able to manipulate the media but that will be their downfall as investigator will have a treasure of evidence in the daily TV broadcast and print media full of politicians clearly stating their violations.

Pray for Thailand to recover and begin the international legal processes to incarcerate the government that has trampled on the human rights of the Thai citizens.

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Actualy he withdrew the offer

exactly... once they balked at the offer. In other words, "Offer expired".

WOW... This is the 3rd time challenging all Ahbisit bashers to come forth. C'mon StarWars boy... what's the hold up? So easy for you to sit there in the comfort of your home and draw your light sabre on the PM. I want ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisits shoes. Pray tell how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens.

I would have called an early election :-)

Abhisit offered that to the reds. They rejected it.

Yes, you are right but one thing i have to remind you.

He offered the date he k n e w they will not accept.

How could he know that?

If you are in their shoes, would you wait 5 months (November) for some elections?

Why 5 months? The elections were in 2008 and brought to power Samak and Somchai and then Abhisit, all by the same election. Somchai did not ask for new election, because he didn't have to. Same for Abhisit. Please read the Thai Constitution.

Anywhere in the world, matture. ressponsible and experienced politicians would not provoke another side in negotiations by giving them so long time for elections, especially if country is in civil war, especially if an eye of international community is on your country.

In a mature and responsible democracy, the opposition would have waited until the next election to hope for a democratic change of power.

Would you be so stubborn and irresponsible to give to your opposition so long time, despite you know all is about your government stay or go?

The constitution does give the answer.

Would you provoke protesters about your government and you, by cutting supplies, basic things as water and food and after they react about the ciolence-to blame them for violence?

Oh, poor poor demonstrators! What about the rule of law, order? Double standard?

Would you put the finger into an eye of tiger, especially if tiger is wounded? Would you?

A criminal has to face the law. Dura lex, sed lex.

Would you feel bad about making Warsaw gheto over your people, but people who are not thinking same as you?

Now come on! The Red Shirt put themselves inside their barricades, not vice versa. Please get your history facts straight. This is an insult to all Jews.

Would you punish your opponents by taking water and food from them, same time affecting innocent citizens around rally point?

Would you use rubber bullets instead real ammo?

Would you allow Amnesty International has to involve in something what you, as PM, should to fix inside of your country?

Would you allow to yourself your people in capital wait in the line for food in 21st century?

Would you call yourself, in that case, modern politician even democrat?

And my return question: Would you call rioting, senseless violence, coward grenade attacks on innocent people, snipers shots from terrorists in black overalls a "Fight for Democracy" ?

Would you be able to accept your acting, even just by 10%, caused deaths of so many people?

As of now, we do not know with certainty who killed whom. My guess is that the Reds killed most people, most of all, themselves.

Would you step down after so many tragical mistakes you made, as politician, as a matter of dignity and morality or you would be so stubborn to keep going on, despite new casulties and deaths?

Well, Abhisit has one problem: Thaksin has not yet transferred 100 million to his bank, like he did to the Red Shirt leaders, so he must go on working, earning a living..

Would you?

Please answer to me. :)

I doubt so.

right attitude being responsible leaders, but not all there yet :

Jatuporn Prompan

Nutthawut Saikua

Weng Tojirakarn

Jeng Dokjik

Korkeaw Pikuntong


Nisit Sinthuprai

Veera Musigapong

Kwanchai Praiphana

Arisman Thongruangrong

Payap Punkate

You forgot the main leader Tacky Wacky

"Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

Never a truer word spoken!

Well said!

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