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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces


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Been living in Thailand since 1987 and that's the first time that i will be

under curfew,, first time for everything i guess.

I am not as long as you do, but indeed this is the first time curfew !

hope this is an effective way to STOP the remaining 'red cancer cells' who set fire everywhere !

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anyone from Chiang Mai? I'm watching reports from Chiang Mai Mail on the Facebook The reds blocked Nawarot Bridge, burning tires, buildings on fire, banks are being robbed... Lots of helicopters in the air - that's all i can see.. (sorry for off topic, someone should create a topic for the news from the provinces - i can see that there is a lot of this suff happening)

A friend of mine arrived there yesterday to present a paper this week. This morning she said everything was OK, but it seemed like everything went to heck after that... I hope she is out of harm's way...

The redshirts are totally insane. I hope that someday Thaksin will pay for his crimes against the Kingdom. He has to rank among the world's top villains.... At least Saddam Hussein went to his execution with dignity and courage, while Thaksin enjoys his ill-gotten fortune in Europe. I will not condemn the government for any action they take against the reds at this point.....

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Just heard on news that Channel 3 TV station is on fire and firefighters have said up to 100 trapped inside, if true I hope they get out safely..

A Curfew IMO is a must at the moment..

Edited by MB1
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it's pointless to do curfew in the whole bangkok - most of the areas are peaceful.

this city lives 24/7, a lot of fresh food trading and deliveries are done throughout the night from the night markets and from the agricultural provinces.

tomorrow morning there might be not much left on the street markets

Yes, most areas are peaceful for now, but if you recall the Rodney King riots or the two NYC blackouts, people who were previously uninvolved may decide that tonight would be a good time to get a new television for free or generally cause mayhem for the fun of it. My neighbourhood for example is full of young thugs - mostly red and mostly poor. Riots can pop out of seemingly nowhere.

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Just heard on news that Channel 3 TV station is on fire and firefighters have said up to 100 trapped inside if true I hope they get out safely..

The SEC stock exchange, the cinema across from paragon and other places are on fire too.

Edit: Krung Thai, Asok and Bangkok bank klong teoy are on fire too

Edited by hungryhippo
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it's pointless to do curfew in the whole bangkok - most of the areas are peaceful.

this city lives 24/7, a lot of fresh food trading and deliveries are done throughout the night from the night markets and from the agricultural provinces.

tomorrow morning there might be not much left on the street markets

Yes, most areas are peaceful for now, but if you recall the Rodney King riots or the two NYC blackouts, people who were previously uninvolved may decide that tonight would be a good time to get a new television for free or generally cause mayhem for the fun of it. My neighbourhood for example is full of young thugs - mostly red and mostly poor. Riots can pop out of seemingly nowhere.

That's why they should be shot at sight... it seems they understand only that as a way to discuss any issues.

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Prudent security measure. Those outside after that time should be immediately restrained and detained.

In some ways, this might be a danger time for farangs, the reds are now a deranged mob, and there could be random violence or attacks anywhere.

More than likely. The reds aren't gonna go away any time soon. Bombs,car bombs, arson and random shootings will be the order of the day from now on. Baghdad on Chao Phaya.

Thaksin alluded to this when interviewed. Guerilla tactics he mentioned. Whether it was a call by him or just an observation , who knows?

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Now one can see who is at the core of this uprising. A bunch of hired goons. Thugs. Terrorists. Killers. Call them what you will. Individuals not capable of building anything so they choose to tear things down. Perhaps the only way to deal with this is a military coup then govern with an iron fist?

Sad events for Thailand. If the army fails to clean things up there will be an uprising amongst the people of Bangkok and it won't be pretty for these thugs.

The police must be completely overhauled, investigated and possibly jailed for their apparent complicity in these events.

I don't think there will be an election for quite some time. Would you want these thugs running your country?

I agree.

One would have hoped that by removing the leadership, the rank and file would head home and prepare for November elections.

No - current activity suggests you are right. The residual scum, and their backers, have no place in Thailand democratic future.

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Oh, there have been a few curfews in BKK through the years. I know I'm showing my age by relating this, but in Oct 1973 during the student uprising, there was indeed a two or three day curfew throughout the whole city. The first night the curfew was imposed, I was out on the street trying to get to my Thai friend's house near Sanam Luang when a soldier approached me and told me I had about half an hour to get my ass off the street because of the impending curfew. Needless to say I winged it to a farang friend's apartment on Petchburi Rd and there we stayed. His apt was quite close to Petchburi and we could see the road from the top of the apt building. It was eeerily silent with some sounds of sporadic gunfire in the distance all night and not a soul was spotted venturing out onto the main road. That's what we have in store for us tonight I'm afraid.

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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

People in areas under curfew are not allowed to leave their homes from 8pm to 6am, with immediate effect.

State authorities are allowed to perform their duties in the restricted areas to restore peace and order.

The curfew order was signed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva late this afternoon.

-- Source: Bangkok Post 2010-05-19

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Now one can see who is at the core of this uprising. A bunch of hired goons. Thugs. Terrorists. Killers. Call them what you will. Individuals not capable of building anything so they choose to tear things down. Perhaps the only way to deal with this is a military coup then govern with an iron fist?

Sad events for Thailand. If the army fails to clean things up there will be an uprising amongst the people of Bangkok and it won't be pretty for these thugs.

The police must be completely overhauled, investigated and possibly jailed for their apparent complicity in these events.

I don't think there will be an election for quite some time. Would you want these thugs running your country?

I agree.

One would have hoped that by removing the leadership, the rank and file would head home and prepare for November elections.

No - current activity suggests you are right. The residual scum, and their backers, have no place in Thailand democratic future.

What amazes me is how gullible, idealistic and shortsighted some people can be. From the very beginning this had all the makings of a Thaksin organized uprising wrapped in a secondary and of little importance to him people's movement. Thaksin was owner of a large cell phone company and like Carlos Slim in Mexico royally screwed the poor who could least afford his services. I think many Thais see him for what he is and these bands of thugs are not representative of the true feelings of most Thais. However, these thugs must be dealt with an iron fist from this point forward. Bring in the tanks.

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Does anyone have any useful info about what a curfew entails. I’ve never been under any other than those imposed on me by my parents as a teenager. What are the rules of a cerfew? What does it mean? Does is mean if you are on the street you get shot? :) Arrested? Have to show ID?

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Does anyone have any useful info about what a curfew entails. I've never been under any other than those imposed on me by my parents as a teenager. What are the rules of a cerfew? What does it mean? Does is mean if you are on the street you get shot? :D Arrested? Have to show ID?

It means stay home. :)

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Perhaps the only way to deal with this is a military coup then govern with an iron fist?

Yeah. Might want to have a look at Burma for how that would work out . . . The Army is not exactly a paragon of incorruptible virtue.

No need for a coup.

It's just about time to remove these useless gloves and deal with criminals the right way.

Actually, it's not an option. It's the duty of the state.

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We had a curfew for a week in 1992 from 1800 - 0600 in the morning. But never ever has the Country seen some things like that going on right now. The hard core of the Reds stays on and will leave a road of anarchy behind it. While CNN and BBC report BS to the world. No other Government in the world would have shown the restrain the Khun Abhisit has shown to the demand of the Red. In any Country of the world there would be hundreds if not thousands of dead, try somethings like that in Washington DC, can you imagine what would be happen?

But Thaksins Red Terrorists have shown their true face. And not the face Gohock as always, while your Master goes on a shopping Spray.

You know Guys and Girls from the Red Terrorists why you are poor? Because you think and you live poor, you want to implement your own self made misery to every one. Look at your self how you live in Isan or the North? You build your own Garbage around you, the money you get is turned in the Monshine wiskhey or in gambling. You abuse your daugthers and sisters and you want a better Life? If you want a better life first of all you have to change your old life but you can not, because you are even worst than an animal, you place your kids and woman in front of you, you are brain washed by the lies your leaders have repeated again and again to you just to get rid of the last of your sense and you carry on your pad of destruction.

You know what are the right way to do? When ever you start to burn, take a tyre or throw a molotow cocktail, you should be shoot point blank. To safe your low life makes no sense at all. You do not deserve to live.

Your brutal and inhuman actions you have shown for the last couple of weeks, has brought out the true Red Color of you and your coward leaders, with your own stupidity, you have gambled all away what you could have reached, when the Prime Minister offered you Elections in November you should have gone home, but as usual you just lied as always.

Yes when this is over, then there will be changes, but you will not the ones who will sit on the table for a unchangeable constitution, for more rights and a better life. It will be the once who have to live under your dirty treat and terror and they will make sure that such a dirty act will be never repeated.

I am waiting for the Day, when the Thai Government strips Terrorist Leader Thaksin of his Citizen ship and all his business and wealth in Thailand including all family, to pay for the damage inflicted by you paid Garbage. Humans can find common ground by negotiation, you are not human you just look like.

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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

People in areas under curfew are not allowed to leave their homes from 8pm to 6am, with immediate effect.

State authorities are allowed to perform their duties in the restricted areas to restore peace and order.

The curfew order was signed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva late this afternoon.

-- Source: Bangkok Post 2010-05-19

any more details on the curfew, where and what cannot ( other than in the street ) ?

I don't understand much about the Thai curfew, same as the western one ?

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anyone from Chiang Mai? I'm watching reports from Chiang Mai Mail on the Facebook The reds blocked Nawarot Bridge, burning tires, buildings on fire, banks are being robbed... Lots of helicopters in the air - that's all i can see.. (sorry for off topic, someone should create a topic for the news from the provinces - i can see that there is a lot of this suff happening)

A friend of mine arrived there yesterday to present a paper this week. This morning she said everything was OK, but it seemed like everything went to heck after that... I hope she is out of harm's way...

The redshirts are totally insane. I hope that someday Thaksin will pay for his crimes against the Kingdom. He has to rank among the world's top villains.... At least Saddam Hussein went to his execution with dignity and courage, while Thaksin enjoys his ill-gotten fortune in Europe. I will not condemn the government for any action they take against the reds at this point.....

The local radio station across the Ping from me (Lamphun) has been broadcasting the Red Shirts protest live from BKK for weeks, in the past 3 days, it has already been warning that Lamphun and Chiang Mai Government buildings will be burned! I cannot really understand why this comes as a surprise to anyone, ESPECIALLY the police! Wouldn't you think that they would have put 2+2 together and set up some checkpoints?....Sorry, I forgot 2+2= 100 Baht to the police up here!

The other thing, on a slightly different note is - would it not be better on the NEWS forums to turn that stupid advertising off? not the ones in banners, which are understandable, but those pathetic ones that appear inside posters posts, personally I think they seem a bit tacky...I mean we are reading about riots and chaos in Thailand, someone posts a perfectly reasonable reply, and his post is hijacked with "meet pretty girls in Thailand" - Snipers Open fire - "Get a Hip Replacement"....no? you don't think so?

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Does anyone know if the public buses are still running tonight?

My brother in law needs to get back home to Surin for a family emergency. We already bought a ticket this morning for a bus leaving Pathumthani at 9 pm. Bus leaves from Mor Chit at 8.

Does the curfew mean that all travel is suspended?

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What happens to the weary traveller wh arrives on a plane after 8pm and wants to go to his/her hotel. got to stay at the airport till 6 am I guess.

He gets shot. He should know better. Or he could hold up his child as a shield.

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anyone from Chiang Mai? I'm watching reports from Chiang Mai Mail on the Facebook The reds blocked Nawarot Bridge, burning tires, buildings on fire, banks are being robbed... Lots of helicopters in the air - that's all i can see.. (sorry for off topic, someone should create a topic for the news from the provinces - i can see that there is a lot of this suff happening)

Yes, you are correct, they are burning tyres on the bridge, they are also burning a bank on Thapae, beats burning rice stuble I suppose.

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Prudent security measure. Those outside after that time should be immediately restrained and detained.

In some ways, this might be a danger time for farangs, the reds are now a deranged mob, and there could be random violence or attacks anywhere.

More than likely. The reds aren't gonna go away any time soon. Bombs,car bombs, arson and random shootings will be the order of the day from now on. Baghdad on Chao Phaya.

Thaksin alluded to this when interviewed. Guerilla tactics he mentioned. Whether it was a call by him or just an observation , who knows?

I think they should send someone to pay a "respectful" visit to mr. Takhsin, wherever that coward is hiding.


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this is a scarey list :

Details of Fires in Bangkok as Red-shirt Renegades Lashed out

A number of fires and chaotic incidents broke out in Bangkok after the red-shirt core leaders have called off the red-shirt protest earlier today. The firefighting department has been able to put the fire under control at some areas but others remain unreachable and unsafe for firemen to entire. These areas include;

1. Siam Square and Paragon: firefighters are unable to enter the area, red-shirt protesters are armed and are shooting at will

2. Centara Grand: fire has been put out

3. Stock Exchange of Thailand office: firemen unable to enter the area

4. Mahachon Plaza (entrance of Wireless Rd-Ploenchit Rd): firemen also unable to approach the area

5. Krung Thai and Bangkok Bank (Asoke Branch)

6. Narcotics Control Board

7. Bangkok Bank (Din Daeng): fire under control

8. Maleenont Building: firemen unable to enter the area

9. Bangkok Bank and Lotus Rama 4: firemen unable to get in

10. EGAT Klongtoey: fire under control

11. Central World: currently being put out by firefighters

12. Bangkok Bank (Victory Monument)


-- Tan Network 2010-05-19

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it's pointless to do curfew in the whole bangkok - most of the areas are peaceful.

this city lives 24/7, a lot of fresh food trading and deliveries are done throughout the night from the night markets and from the agricultural provinces.

tomorrow morning there might be not much left on the street markets

Yes, most areas are peaceful for now, but if you recall the Rodney King riots or the two NYC blackouts, people who were previously uninvolved may decide that tonight would be a good time to get a new television for free or generally cause mayhem for the fun of it. My neighbourhood for example is full of young thugs - mostly red and mostly poor. Riots can pop out of seemingly nowhere.

I think 711 have taken the same view . 711 soi 81 Sukumvit ONNUT closed 5pm and windows covered in newspaper. Same elsewhere?

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What is not clear is how many of those animals are devastating Bangkok, are not all those sensitive sites been guarded by army (I don't mention police as they worth nothing)?

Due to what they are doing, and as I already said, they deserve to be shot at sight otherwise this mess will go on for a looong time.

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