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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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For what it's worth, Sean Boonpracong makes a reference on his FB page to the "beautiful blue waters of Koh Samet" or some such. Could be misdirection, or he could be on his way to points unkown.

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How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

I do not think that the government needs to tarnish Thaksin---he does a superb job of that all by himself. Actually it IS NOT about democracy and equal rights. And should (HEAVEN FORBID) ever regain power, the light will finally go on in your head. But by then, it will be too late.

Mr.T has shut him self in the foot (feet) so many times, next time he show up in a 24carat weelchair :)

Now we're talking. Contrary to corruption charges, a lot of countries have the legal framework to arrest and extradite people wanted on terrorism charges. Thaksin can at least say bye bye to any first-world country for the foreseeable future - and maybe with a bit of luck see the inside of a jail cell very soon.

Dreaming again.

Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

Someone needs to charge you with "Juvenile Delinquency", some of your posts today are just that IMO....In London my ass, he's not allowed if my memory serves me correctly.... :)

Maybe a mod could use a mod hammer upon your head to knock some sense into it... :D

So many farmers remain pathetically attached to the prehistoric (basically) economy of goats, buffaloes, chicken and some land to grow cabbage or some other such commodity. They haven't any idea of the human resource requirements of the modern (post Industrial Revolution) economy. I once got a taxi driver who as soon as he flicked the fare flag on this farang began to take the occasion to initiate griping about and denunciations of the money economy, the introduction of which to the former LOS he attributed to falhang, carrying on instead to extol the simplicity and virtue of his beloved traditional goat and farm economy, and that now in Bangkok he had to learn English, had to get a a high presure and fat job with Seimens to participate in the money economy and has to drive a cab nights and weekends to help finance his daughter's college education. As if he were the only one and that Thailand were the only such place.  :D  

I casually welcomed the guy to the modern world by pointing out to him that creating/having a modern economy is a high intensity activity which isn't easy, especially in the readjustment phase which the country seems to have immense difficulty transitioning (youknow, the sufficiency economy and all of that sort of rear view mirror crap). The fact is these Old World simplistic lifestyles die hard. Conversely it's a great credit to the guy because he's managed a remarkable upward mobility in the society and economy, yet is resentful he's had to do it by exerting a radically different kind of perspiration and inspiration, not to mention absolute necessity both for himself and his country. 

Anyway, after my response he looked like he'd heard a new and to him a radical perspective, got quiet and just drove the cab to where I wanted to go. I think each of us should spend ten or fifteen minutes with the reactionary of character and culture farmers some of whom might get some reality put into their 'good old days' heads to supercede their petrified values and attitudes which are predicated in a passe' world long gone by, long kaput.  

The court at first approved the request but later withheld the arrest warrant for Thaksin, asking for more time for consideration, Tharit said.

They wont go thru with it..

Its a bit like that other conspiracy thing they were banding about a few weeks ago that they dropped like a hot potatoe!!

No basis!

no evidence!

just propaganda!!!!

They know that to get other countries to recognize a warrant, it has to be air tight. So no doubt they are giving themselves time to go over every detail. Nothing wrong with that. We'll see- its up to other countries to decide. Have you seem the evidence? I'm guessing no, so your no basis, no evidence is just wishful thinking on your part. Remember, you red cheerleaders have been wrong with every prediction so far - Abihist is still PM. parliament is still seated, there has been no coup, the soldiers didn't change sides, the reds leaders have surrendered, and Thaksin has not returned. You need a new crystal ball; too bad the reds burned down Central World.

and maybe its wishful thinking in your part ( and the goverment)???

and maybe they jumped the gun on this?

like they did before a few weeks ago?

you remember?

and then dropped it like a hot potatoe!!

they've accused him off a lot more things and where has it got them (outside thailand)?


the international community havent taken much notivce of these other accusations, have they??

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Agreed. Thaksin is a "Dead Man Walking".

He is to lazy walking.....he´s flying. Hope he will do a hard landing soon :)

I said the same, 2 or 3 years ago. He's like a zombie.

I doubt most countries will buy the terrorism charges against Khun T. I suspect things will remain the same for him regardless of what happens in thailand. I think even if Khun T was dead this mess will continue....

Perish the though of "Khun T" dead...if Khun T however were instead in a proper prison with his finances totally confiscated on the basis of terrorist activities I think the Reds and their armed killers would be hard pressed to continue to destroy the country.

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Listen, if the red-shirts are only looking for a new election they WAIT for it, they don't come "peacefully" to throw 800 liters of their own blood on buildings, they don't throw grenades on skytrain stations , they don't kill people, and they don't block the economic centre of a capital city, because this is not peace, this is war!

So very true,thanks.

Can you understand that, or are you so stupid to don't be able to understand something so simple. In any country - i mean democracy - in the world what happened during two months in Thailand would not have lasted more than two weeks! So, believe me, Thailand is not only a democracy - not perfect like all democracies but a democracy anyway - and this government is not the "worst" but probably the best you could have find in this kind of situation. No other country in the world would have wait that long to react, but when it's too much, it's too much. The red shirt movements was destroying the country and the government who has been widely patient had to act.

Now, if you want a new election, it's f+++ing simple: YOU WAIT FOR THE DATE OF THE NEXT ELECTION, like any democratic people would do, you don't put a country on fire because you want an election right now!

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

Uh-huh? There speaks the voice of intelligence/the well-informed/reason, oh take your pick, I've never read such absolute and utter drivel! :):D :D

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

I guess "remodeling" Bangkok is also part of the fight for democracy and equal rights.

The Gov't really needs to a do a major PR campaign about Thaksin.

His being dead would probably be a good thing but you just never know.

The reds up North years ago replaced all the pictures in the house of someone truly worthy of their respect and loyalty and replaced them with Thaksin. Many tend to see him in a worshiping fashion. I believe there is one women at the red camp who told CNN she wanted to die for Thaksin.

Bottom line it is a delicate road to go down but first and foremost is the law much be upheld.

When we're touring 'oop norf', especially around the Golden Triangle area, there are many businesses with the usual picture of a certain famous monarch (hope I've been careful enough?) who shall remain nameless, but the usual instantly recognisable yellow jacket they were wearing for certain celebrations in their honour awhile ago have been photo-shopped red? I'm certain this honoured soul would not be best pleased to discover their respected & revered official photos of this event had been, sorry, but, bastardised?

Please PM me with any necessary changes for posting rules, no offence meant but thought the truth should out?

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

This is, contrary to your misguided ideas, NOT about democracy nor about equal rights.

This is about power, money or both.

You got it spot on!!

This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

Since you are "new", we'll give a break. Please check youtube for arisman's video urging supporters to bring empty bottles to bkk with them so they can fill them up with petrol. this was BEFORE they arrived - as in the beginning. They knew what they wanted, and now they have it.

And you do know about the Abhisit govt programs like free education, debt forgiveness for farmers, extension of Thaksins health care plan, program to cut-out middle men in rice sales, etc right? You did do your research before you posted so you wouldn't look like, well, uninformed?

Thanks, took the words right out of my mouth...

I can't see him getting arrested but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets whacked. Upset some heavy hitting business interests today.

Wouldn't surprise...

The government need not even deal with him in too much longer,

because he's stepped on serious toes, MUCH richer and meaner

than he is or ever was.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

This is exactly what I hear from every Thai, regardless if they like Thaksin or not. Makes me wonder what's really going on...

How many inches is Arisman's neck? :)

This truly is a thread full of narrow-minded individuals. It utterly stinks of far-right wingism.

And of left wing "Maoists" :D

Robert Amsterdam must also be include on the terrorist list for his involvement with Thaksin and his blatatnt terrorism.

Hey Bobby A. your client is toast.

Call off your PM specialists, no matter how much lies they spout on the net,

the evidence is gonna way out pace your wildest efforts.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

This is exactly what I hear from every Thai, regardless if they like Thaksin or not. Makes me wonder what's really going on...

Thats very strange because every Thai i have spoken with seems to agree its because of Thaksin.

The Thai you hear this from, would they be the ones burning BKK or the ones in the provinces burning city halls?

Robert Amsterdam must also be include on the terrorist list for his involvement with Thaksin and his blatatnt terrorism.

Hey Bobby A. your client is toast.

Call off your PM specialists, no matter how much lies they spout on the net,

the evidence is gonna way out pace your wildest efforts.

Wow, you guys are getting more and more ridiculous. You don't see the lawyers of Pinochet, Saddam Hussein or Milosevic put on terrorist lists either, and those people did much worse. Just shows that a lot of people talking here don't know a whole lot about anything. Sorry, that's the truth. Lawyers represent the client in legal matters, they don't necessarily support the actions of the client.

The rank and file reds (NOT the paid protesters and worse, the mercenaries on the red payroll in BKK) have legitimate complaints ...... but the show in BKK was about one thing and one thing only. Thaksin

- Do you really believe people are preapred to die, suffer injuires, cause mass destruction just because of one man? Surely, it's about something much more than that.

How about money?

Lots of it!

A few hundred thousand baht dangled in front of a poor SOB who never saw as much money in his life, how can he refuse?

A cynical piece of excrement this rich guy is. I wish him a long life with an enduring, painful illness.

Too harsh? Ok, I take it back.

I hope he departs very soon.

Is he gone yet?

Wonder what he will become in his next life, any ideas?

Even a dog is better than anyone who has the idea to support for the military attack..

I see no any "military attack". US "operation in Iraq in reply to someone's mined and destructed a couple of bldgs in NY" - is the military attack.

Here I see the only soldiers following the gov's order to keep country's internal peace.

See the difference, if you got any eyes wide open.

I believe this government can do whatever they can .. even to kill people..

You are believed right. The government actually HAS a right to kill people. Reactively (executions in law) or proactively (under SOE) for example.

a riot can be formed anytime in any country if the government dont know how to handle it..

You're funny. Try to "stage a camp" at Times Square, or at Ho Chi Minh lane, or at Tianganmeng Square, or Red Square, or Ginza - and see what you'll get.

Ever heard about "gov's permission to protest" at the desired location within desired timeframes? :D

Or in North Korea :)


I think it should be made clear that most people (red) were just regular folks from Isaan who just wanted what they were told and promised-simply mislead with false promises and finger pointing. They deeply believed that Thaksin was the savior.

However the leaders and few others have taken advantage of the situation and extremists have gone way to far.

We do not have ALL red protesters burning down the city, only a very small number

Sadly it is the people who suffer on both sides-red,yellow and every other color.

Thai Government should get a Red Corner Notice against Thaksin from Interpol and his trial should begin asap

Do you think Interpol people are idiots ?

Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ?

Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

I see your point, but this is not that simple. As for democratically elected, the votes were paid for, I have friends in Isaan and they explain this this way, if they come to your home and offer you money and you accept you are obliged to vote for the person who paid you. At least he was not trying to be elected for free but made the expense. This could be one way of looking at it. It obviously worked as a lot of people still like him.

I've always seen the 'Vote Buying' as just the same as back in the west, usually your chosen party gives the greatest tax cuts to your social structure, what's the difference, before or after? At least with cash up front the buggers you voted for can't renege on the deal 2-3yrs on with a flimsy excuse! :D Don't get me wrong, I'm no Thaksin supporter, but this vote buying lark has me in stitches, my missus has taken money from both sides before now, and continued to vote exactly as she would of anyway...as I'm sure did many, many others; not only politicians who take the money & run in this country! :)

I think it should be made clear that most people (red) were just regular folks from Isaan who just wanted what they were told and promised-simply mislead with false promises and finger pointing. They deeply believed that Thaksin was the savior.

However the leaders and few others have taken advantage of the situation and extremists have gone way to far.

We do not have ALL red protesters burning down the city, only a very small number

Sadly it is the people who suffer on both sides-red,yellow and every other color.

These are not legitimate protesters. The women, children and poor farmers paid off to protest were not burning down Bangkok and are not burning down their own infrastructure in their own cities. These are ex convicts, drug addicts, discontented youth, former army members, former cops, active criminals and the like. This is what composes the heart and soul of this movement and of course their leader Thaksin. Does the 5000 number not tip anyone off? If this was the great democratic uprising so many have spoken of then you would see close to a million protesters. This was never the case. This is a wolf in sheep's clothing but now the wolf has been revealed.

So many farmers remain pathetically attached to the prehistoric (basically) economy of goats, buffaloes, chicken and some land to grow cabbage or some other such commodity. They haven't any idea of the human resource requirements of the modern (post Industrial Revolution) economy.

I agree Publicus.

That's exactly the point since the Thai elite governments, since memory, didn't invest in (agricultural) education whatsoever.

They were only interested in expanding their own interests....not the farmers' ones.

The poor had to be kept poor and uneducated to let their wealth grow and their sons and daughters educated abroad.

Thanks to Internet and Mobile phones the farmers woke up and are learning fast. They don't accept their prehistoric fate anymore and want to be taught also; their kids demand the same.

I'm afraid his is only the beginning.

The Thaksin era is just an accelerator in Thai -rapid changing- history, nothing more.

In the end, the elite have to bow and give way and accept there are dozens of millions of poor people, demanding their future as well as the future of their children are as important as the elite's.

History in so many countries have told us the same story, over and over. You can't suppress the poor much longer, not in the 21st century with Internet, YouTube, Mobiles and other sophisticated communication systems.

The Thai government is blocking like heck, but you can't stop the people to shut up their mouths.

It will take time but the time WILL come that your "prehistoric" farmers will become educated more and more.



I doubt that anyone will act on the arrest warrant. They have a arrest warrant already and no one is doing anything.

The other truth is all these things that people on here are suggesting should happen to Thaksin are never in reality going to come to pass. "a short trip to the gallows...." Well they don't even have death by hanging. Death by lethal injection is the follow up to the machine gun that was previously used. If they did put a warrant out for something that carried the death penalty then no first world Country would extradite him save for America as they all have prohibitions on extradition where the life of the person is at risk.

The problem it appears to me is that the charges have suddenly appeared and have all the hallmarks of being politically motivated. I really can't see anyone buying into it at all.

The other thing the Thai government has to be wary of is taking extra judicial steps. The very thing that people accuse Thaksin of ! They cannot impound people's monies without taking steps - one would assume that they have the process that would allow them to re-install the freeze that was on the accounts not that long ago. At least that would keep it where they can ensure it is not moved.

I still go back to the theme that i and i am pleased to say a number of people have sort of agreed with. The Country in my humble farang opinion needs to step back and try to move forward in a different way. It won't happen in the short term but it needs some kind of leadership. I don't know where it is going to come from.

It is true that the majority support the Reds. What is clear also is that most of them are misguided and miss led by the various party leaders. How therefore the impasse is broken is a question for debate and one that perhaps would be the area that those who love the Country should concentrate on.

I believe i will make a camp in Thailand airport first..

When confronted with rational arguments, follow the red cheerleader's mantra: "The yellows took over the airport, so anything we do is ok" :)

Now that the reds have done 100 times the damage the yellows did, I think that argument is going to have a LOT less traction.

Comparing what the reds done for 2 months, taiking the Survarnabpumi Airport looks like a picnic in the park!

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