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Are The Police Stopping Mayhem In Chiang Mai?

Ulysses G.

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I have read a few posts that said the police were chatting with redshirts as they were lighting tires on fire and did nothing to stop them. Did anyone witness an incident last night where they interfered with someone causing trouble for political reasons? It could be helpful to know where they stand.

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'They', meaning the Police?

How can you think of the Police as having one way of looking at things?

Individual people have individual ideas :)

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We were reading a blog by a Thai guy (presumably updated by Blackberry or something) as things unfolded in ChiangMai yesterday. In one incident he witnessed, the criminals in red blocked a bridge and when the police came in their car the reds shouted at them and threw rocks, and the police ran away like girls leaving their car. I am going to have trouble not laughing when I next encounter a Thai policeman - it may not be red but they sure have shown THEIR true colours right through this debacle.

The criminals in red appear to be following at least some sort of rudimentary plan. I can't help but wonder why the authorities didn't have undercover people at their camp at the hotel - getting intelligence - and readying countermeasures ... ie. adequate numbers of police and army at bridges, BKK bank branches, etc. Couldn't tear themselves away from the TV set for long enough or what?

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I could certainly be wrong, but in Thailand, certain groups often stick together. If no police have tried to prevent any vandalism, it could be a strong hint that they are not going to.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Using the word 'police' to describe these security guards is an insult to real policemen around the world. Their job is to escort VIPs and blow whistles at traffic junctions and they do not have the ability, training or courage to police anything more than a parking space.

I remember witnessing an incident a few years ago when a policeman was confronted by a member of a samurai gang - he ran away. I have seen drunk policemen on duty. Most of us have heard about the murders of farangs by policemen in Pai and Kanchanburi.

On top of this most are sympathetic to the red's 'cause' - whatever that is.

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What makes you think the police aren't redshirt supporters?

Chiang Mai is a rebel stronghold.

It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

When/If the redshirts win, lets hope they don't throw all foreigners out of the country because some foreigners can't control their mouths.

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I'm sure there are different degrees of red in Chiang Mai. There are probably some reds who don't support violence but want to have their concerns addressed. At the other end of the spectrum are those who would cause problems, commit crimes against people and property and not care about what anything thinks.

I think the reds need to decide what kind of world they would like to live in. If they get their way now, then in the future when some other group, blue shirts, comes to take their property and kill their family members, there will be no one to protect them. Because they created this violent society without rules.

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What makes you think the police aren't redshirt supporters?

Chiang Mai is a rebel stronghold.

It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

When/If the redshirts win, lets hope they don't throw all foreigners out of the country because some foreigners can't control their mouths.

Good point about them being supporters. My husband of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant who makes no attempt to hide his support for reds and Thaksin. And, according to him, the overwhelming majority of police here in C.M. are exactly the same.

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What makes you think the police aren't redshirt supporters?

Chiang Mai is a rebel stronghold.

It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

When/If the redshirts win, lets hope they don't throw all foreigners out of the country because some foreigners can't control their mouths.

You are making one error here; If the red shirts / Thaksin should succeed in toppling the government, farangs would leave Thailand anyway, take their businesses and jobs they created for Thais and take them to Laos or Vietnam or Malaysia, where farangs are not called farangs and are far more welcome than in this country under the best of times, because nobody would want to live in the shit pile this country would become.

Than you can all sit together, eat som tam, drink lao kao and be proud of having reversed time, having turned this country into a banana republic ones again.

Edited by Herm
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It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

You need to look more closely or get a new pair of glasses. There are a lot of Thais in CM who do not support the redshirts and think they are wrong.

Edited by Bill97
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What makes you think the police aren't redshirt supporters?

Chiang Mai is a rebel stronghold.

It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

When/If the redshirts win, lets hope they don't throw all foreigners out of the country because some foreigners can't control their mouths.

You are making one error here; If the red shirts / Thaksin should succeed in toppling the government, farangs would leave Thailand anyway, take their businesses and jobs they created for Thais and take them to Laos or Vietnam or Malaysia, where farangs are not called farangs and are far more welcome than in this country under the best of times, because nobody would want to live in the shit pile this country would become.

Than you can all sit together, eat som tam, drink lao kao and be proud of having reversed time, having turned this country into a banana republic ones again.

no farangs here before the coup then?

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I have read a few posts that said the police were chatting with redshirts as they were lighting tires on fire and did nothing to stop them.

This would appear to be the case,as in many other provinces. Whether the police are sympathetic to their cause, or their Thai mindset we will never know. I sincerely hope that Chiangmai does not go the same way as Ubon city hall pictured below, and the six other provincial city halls that suffered the same fate...


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What makes you think the police aren't redshirt supporters?

Chiang Mai is a rebel stronghold.

It only appears to be foreigners in CM who think the redshirts are wrong.

When/If the redshirts win, lets hope they don't throw all foreigners out of the country because some foreigners can't control their mouths.

This is the sort of xenophobic crap that the Khmer Rouge and Hitler used to justify genocide.

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Please stop calling those fat guys with tight brown shirts "police", because is insulting for the brave people around the world doing a real police job.


and keepin dunkin donuts employed :D

sorry couldnt resist

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The real question should be ... does anybody care? Let these people run wild and burn down the city where they live and have to deal with the consequences of their actions instead of going to other cities to terrorize residents.

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I have business in Chiang Mai also and have no intention of going anywhere, regardless of who is in charge of government. If foreigners are thrown out of country, obviously I will leave. But otherwise have no plans to go anywhere. When I came here Thaksin was PM and now Abhisit but fact is my life is exactly the same either way. This could change in the future, of course.

I do agree that it is smart idea for farang to keep their opinions about whole political situation to themselves or discuss with other farang. Okay to talk with Thais if family or very close friends maybe, but otherwise it is maybe better to keep quiet about it.

Af far as police go, I do know some good Thai police who really try to do good job. I also know others who are useless. Same everywhere I think.

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You are making one error here; If the red shirts / Thaksin should succeed in toppling the government, farangs would leave Thailand anyway, take their businesses and jobs they created for Thais and take them to Laos or Vietnam or Malaysia, where farangs are not called farangs and are far more welcome than in this country under the best of times, because nobody would want to live in the shit pile this country would become.

Than you can all sit together, eat som tam, drink lao kao and be proud of having reversed time, having turned this country into a banana republic ones again.

Well said. It never ceases to amaze me that there aren't more educated and intelligent TV members that realize that that is exactly where Thailand will be once Thaksin comes back. Thailand will most certainly become a backwater and rival modern Cambodia in terms of failed nation status, all while King Thaksin and his cronies figuratively rape and pillage this country.

I may be less optimistic than you -- I suspect Thaksin WILL come back to rule. Not if. Most of us farang will be long gone of course, but I pity other farang who don't have the finances or the option to return to their homeland.

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Yipee! Less farang in CM! Bloody marvelous! You boys need to spend some time in Africa. If it isnt nailed down its stolen! Everybody has guns in the glove compartment and you drive in formation convoys at night! You are chloroformed in your sleep and burgled after your dogs have been poisoned.. Thailand is Disneyland in comparison. Sorry if you have a lot invested in CM, but if you dont have backup plans to integrate with lowest common denominator here (the peasants!) then you will always be miserable. Enjoy the chaos! It could be worse - It could be a clear minority of the electorate pusing for a coup/election.

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You are making one error here; If the red shirts / Thaksin should succeed in toppling the government, farangs would leave Thailand anyway, take their businesses and jobs they created for Thais and take them to Laos or Vietnam or Malaysia, where farangs are not called farangs and are far more welcome than in this country under the best of times, because nobody would want to live in the shit pile this country would become.

Than you can all sit together, eat som tam, drink lao kao and be proud of having reversed time, having turned this country into a banana republic ones again.

Well said. It never ceases to amaze me that there aren't more educated and intelligent TV members that realize that that is exactly where Thailand will be once Thaksin comes back.

Probably Dr. Thaksin is too controversial a figure, but I for one would welcome any democratically elected government, including one that's exactly like Thai Rak Thai was. (Pro rural Thailand, pro business, pro law & order) Some 'Farangs' just hold a grudge because of the social order campaign. Many sexpat rejects thrive on social disorder, hence the rabid hatred of Thai Rak Thai and Thaksin in particular.

Needless to say, I would welcome a re-elected Democrat-led government just the same, and to be honest that looks a lot more likely! :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Please stop calling those fat guys with tight brown shirts "police", because is insulting for the brave people around the world doing a real police job.


We shouldn’t blame the individual policeman, but his leadership.

A Thai policeman is like a headless chicken, blind, no guidance and doesn’t know which direction to proceed.

This seems to be the case for all the Government institutions in Thailand.

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Irrespective whether the police are red white or blue they should in theory do their job but unfortunately the reds are their friends, neighbours, relatives and that makes it extremely difficult.

What I cannot understand is why the reds want to shit on their own doorstep, what's the sense in that? Stupid question, sense has gone out of the window with certain factions at the moment. :)

Best advice, keep your head down and keep out of it- there is no doubt that the vast majority of Thai's are sick of it, leave it to them.

As for Mr T coming back,irrespective of individual views on the man, I guess there must be huge bounties on offer at the moment from many sources- it is quite possible somebody will collect.

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Probably Dr. Thaksin is too controversial a figure, but I for one would welcome any democratically elected government, very much including one that's exactly like Thai Rak Thai was. (Pro rural Thailand, pro business, pro law & order) Some 'Farangs' just hold a grudge because of the social order campaign. Many sexpat rejects thrive on social disorder, hence the rabid hatred of Thai Rak Thai and Thaksin in particular.

So you presume that I'm a "sexpat" because I think Thaksin is a despot? Interesting. If you knew me IRL (and perhaps you do...) you would know that to be far from the truth. But anyway...

I 100% sympathize with the reds and their cause. I am saddened that their movement has been hijacked by drunken thugs and a megalomaniac. It's especially saddening because so many of them have no idea what's really going on. It may surprise you that myself, indeed many farang, are also Pro rural Thailand, pro business, pro law & order, just like yourself, but we also hate/fear Thaksin beyond words!

Some farang need to remove their red coloured glasses and realize that a democratically elected government in Thailand is still a pipe dream. Certainly as long as Thaksin is around he will ensure that.

Anyway, back on topic.... perhaps it's not because of the cops, but maybe we haven't seen any real major incidents in CM yet because many of the Rak Chiang Mai 51 are still enroute back to CM and have yet to regroup and form a new plan. I would not be surprised if we start to see many more M79s flying around, and better-organized public disorder events in the coming weeks and months. The rule about not sh!tting where you eat only applies to dogs, btw. Humans have long since established this fact.

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I 100% sympathize with the reds and their cause. I am saddened that their movement has been hijacked...

A lot of us are sympathetic to their plight, but when they turned down a perfectly good peace deal in favor of anarchy, they lost a lot of support. What is going on now is not helping them either. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I 100% sympathize with the reds and their cause. I am saddened that their movement has been hijacked...

A lot of us are sympathetic to their plight, but when they turned down a perfectly good peace deal in favor of anarchy, they lost a lot of support. What is going on now is not helping them either. :)

i don't think these clowns are really representative of what basic, original redshirt supporters are to be fair. the idiots in chiang mai yesterday are just amateur anarchists, wannabe agitators who think that setting fire to a few tyres or burning an ATM constitutes smashing the state. if this is the limit of their anarchy i'll be quite happy.

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A Thai policeman is like a headless chicken, blind, no guidance and doesn’t know which direction to proceed.


If they don't find some profit, they are unlikely to intervene in something.

Sure is a problem of hierarchy, we all seen this during the Bkk riots, when Thai Royal Police shine for its absence. In ANY country of our world (1st or 3rd) a well trained anti-riot police can face and disperse many thousand of protesting ppl. Only in Thailand the Army has to be brought in to TRY to sedate the riots.

So, ineptitude, couldn't-care-less attitude, laziness, corruption, connivance are virtues of the RTP

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