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Yes, but for all those "law abiding" terrorists the curfew gives the legitimate authorities a chance to put out the fires they started and clean up the mess they made without a mob preventing it.

The curfew is inconvenient, sure. But there is no other way to restore order. If you are out on the street, you will be arrested. If you are intent on obeying the curfew but still causing mayhem during the day, at least the curfew prevents reestablishing protest sites and allows the authorities to do their jobs without violent mobs attacking them.

However you look at it, it is very necessary.

Or possibly shot!!!

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Oh yeah, this is a super great idea. Someone pipes up that they don't like being treated like a child and they receive the usual "thais are always right" bullshit.

"You're a guest in their country." Who would have known? I thought I was an illegal immigrant.

"This is for your own good." Stab yourself in the face please.

Basically I do not have any respect positively whatsoever on any planet, plane, level feeling or any manner whatsoever for this asinine crap. I plan to intentionally violate the curfew on purpose and if this makes me a "keyboard warrior" than shove it up your ass.

WHY? What are you trying to prove?

I hope you don't go running to the police or your consulate when you get shot or attacked or anything else. Thugs are looting and burning 7/11's. Don't complain if you get caught up with something like that.

Why don't you just let the police and army sort the situation out, then you can get back to your life when that is done.

edit: I got your rant, before you edited it. What is the point in going out, when nothing is open?

Finally agree with someone on TV (TB2), and cant run to consulate as last I heard they're forking closed. Blah Blah Blah, kiss my asp flamers.

Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

Selfish attitude. But, what can one expect from the typical Pattaya Farang?

News Flash: This isn't over. There is still fighting, burning and looting going on. My GF's brother is a CID Bangkok cop undercover with the redshirts, monitoring and reporting on their continuing activities. It's turning into a guerilla war. He told her this morning, that the authorities believe that Bangkok will not be completely safe for some time to come, maybe years.

So, a curfew should be the least of your worries.

that has been my concern.

Have been to BKK for a few years and traveled to almost all parts of Thailand including North and North East.

I know many shop owners in my area, they are mostly Isaan, and many know me by name. I also shop at the local Thai market.

Lately,may be it's just me being paranoid, I have noticed some change in their attitude.

Nothing hostile but the smiles and overly friendly demeanor are  gone.

It has not happened over night  but has been going down for about a month or so.

In the beginning the feeling was like something was amiss, not right, not as usual but I could not put my finger on it at first.

Understandably, some of them if not all are upset by the latest events, but a little over a month ago there was no hint of things turning that nasty.

As a result I don't feel as comfortable as before going to a thai market, which was fun  in the past when all was well.

Is it  just my personal experience or there is something going on that I don't get?

I have never felt unsafe in BKK or in Thailand for that matter, now it is starting to change.

Let's wait and see.

9pm???? news is still saying 8pm......can anyone confirm the time?

That is like banning firearms. The law abiding citizen will , but the criminal do not, but it sounds good.

That is the point, get the innocent out of the way so the criminal elements can be dealt with...


So if you don't want to have to got to bed at 9pm and you are in Bangkok or Pattaya - then come to Rayong or Koh Samet.

We don't have any curfew here!! So you can drink and eat and got to bed when you want and work on your tan in the day on the beach!!

Buddy Bar - Koh Samet - Saikeaw Beach

I read in the New York Times that the four leaders who surrendered yesterday, before the greatest unrest and the fires, at the speaking platform inside the Red Shirts area pleaded with those there to just give up that day and to pick up later on, that they could carry on this struggle later on. However, the crowd booed them! The leaders then left to be tried for treason. I really do not believe that, in the hearts of those who lead these demonstrations, they were at all intent on violence; they wanted to peacefully achieve something that the crowd really wants: liberty, equality and fraternity, not the "peace and bread" offerred by the Bolsheviks before the 1917 Revolution. I am sure that these people really care more about Thailand and the future of Thailand than people here seem to give credit. Why are so many here not interested in the deeper ideas behind the protests of the Red Shirts? Is it that you have a "position" here that is comfortable and, of course, with a higher economic level than most Thais will ever enjoy and you are afraid to lose it? Is it that you are carrying with you a certain sense that you are of some higher class or ethnicity than most Thais?

When I move to Thailand in 2011, I know that I will be a guest there. I will act as a guest. I will, most certainly, develop friendships there as well with people of many "classes" as well. I would hope that we could discuss things that are happening in Thai social, political, economic and cultural areas openly and that they can educate ME. I will certainly not be there to dictate what the people want, need or do. When I was there for a month on Phuket, I was fortunate to make friends there and to be able, to this day, to ask questions honestly and to discuss them freely (of course there are some things forbidden and I will not go there with them at all as I respect that as a matter of course). As a "farang" myself, I will never stand in judgement of the actions of any group in Thailand for it is, most certainly, not my "place." Fortunately, you have this forum to talk in and to say as you please to the same extent as I have.

Please, tell me, politically, socially and economically, where the Red Shirts are "off base" here! Also, what are the goods as well as the negatives of BOTH the Red Shirts AND the Yellow Shirts. What are, as you see it, the platforms of each group and how do they mesh or not mesh with the current Thai political, social and economic structure. What are the "classes" in Thai society? Where are you in terms of this heirarchy?

Thank you so much. You may email me directly, if you wish to establish a dialog over time, at [email protected].

Take care. Hopefully, for now, this is settled. However, I am sure that this entire thing will be revisited in the not-too-distant future.

Where do i start,firstly you dont really start that well do you..

Lets not go in to too much detail with regards to your source of news you have used,lets just say it is commonly viewed by many here not just on this forum but in editorials today in Thailands newspapers that there was a serious bias against the Goverment and for the reds in the international press.

That would never be a problem in itself,it is after all a democracy

But when the reporting does not contain any historical facts on the situation ,they have done nothing but distort the truth for the international reader.

I dont know if you are lazy or a troll,but why are you asking all these questions to people on this forum when all you need to do is some research on the subject if you are that intrested

So with your infinite knowledge what was it a month in Phuket ,you know the red shirts are really good people and all they want is equality,freedom etc etc

You state,"why are so many here not intrested in the deeper ideas behind the red protest" ???


You say in your post with a hint of arrogance ,that when you come to Thailand in 2011 ,which let me say i am deeply looking forward to ,that you will have friends from all different social classes and you will all sit down and talk about the social,political and economic ills of the country. yes,good luck with that mate

As you say you will never as a farang make a judgement ,as its not your place but isnt that what you are accusing some of the people that live here of doing with your initial comments of

Why are we not intrested in the deeper ideology of the reds ?

Is it because we have more money than them and we are frightened to lose it ?

Is it because we believe we are a higher class ?

When many of us here have wives and children,that have backgrounds from all over Thailand,i find your statement very offensive !!!!

Take you conceited arrogance,pack ya bags and come and live in it for a while

Then come back to the forum and tell us honestly what you see,maybe then you will treat the people that have lived here for a long time and know a little bit more than you, with a bit of respect

Good luck with your stay in Thailand

it does also help to identify those motherfuc,,,ers because they will be the only ones on the street besides the armed forces andpolice - do you understand the reasoning behind this?

Actually . . . that's total and utter <deleted>. If I was hellbent on torching buildings and causing general mayhem with impunity, I'd probably be respecting the curfew along with everyone else and then, once things got back to normal, I'd resume my nefarious activities.

Yes and no, those that 'need' to launch the attacks to push the country into a civil war will go out anyway. But a lot of the long tail will not, i.e. the break up and reduce the chance of mob-mentality attacks, were seemingly ordinary but angry people cross the line and commit insurgency attacks against society.

Also, the smarter long-term planning insurgents will respect the curfew, especially the leader-elements, but during the curfew, again, the pool of possible insurgents to draw their deeds from is diminishing.

Great news for Pattaya already on its knees, now this, way over the top

Not really so big troubles. Most of BG's have cellphones and will stay overnight. :)

I am sorry guys, but I just don't think it's truly that dangerous. IMHO, many of you sound like chicken little. Be that as it may, I think the smarter approach would be for them to warn people of the potential "peril." and let them decide for themselves. This is not about me parking my bottom on a bar stool. This is about personal freedom, which does exist, even in Thailand to some extent.

So what time you heading out for a casual stroll in Din Daeng?

It's about control! They need to do what needs to be done to try and extricate this country from the hole it's in. Why can't you understand that? What they're doing behind the scenes is up to them but to enable them to do that, they need plonkers like you off the streets and safely bedded down at home.

They are trying to ensure your 'personal freedom' for the years to come. Why can't you just accept it and let them do what needs to be done.

Judging by your argument, when a plane is about to encounter turbulence, the captain pings the seatbelt sign - I am guessing you're one of those that thinks he's above it all and strolls around the cabin?

Control for the army and safety for us. They established a kill zone before and the army did so. The army has expanded that zone to the whole city. If you want to stick your head out then go ahead. See if you catch a bullet.

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

For Gods sake stop whinging and think about others. A curfew is the best thing to have to help stop all this looting and arson. get a grip. If others go out then its up to them, if they get shot its also up to them. If you get shot I doubt from your attitude it will be a great loss

I don't think I was whining at all, I was stating an opinion. You are allowed one as well, though it would be more constructive without the personal snide remark.

I am sorry guys, but I just don't think it's truly that dangerous. IMHO, many of you sound like chicken little. Be that as it may, I think the smarter approach would be for them to warn people of the potential "peril." and let them decide for themselves. This is not about me parking my bottom on a bar stool. This is about personal freedom, which does exist, even in Thailand to some extent.

So what time you heading out for a casual stroll in Din Daeng?

It's about control! They need to do what needs to be done to try and extricate this country from the hole it's in. Why can't you understand that? What they're doing behind the scenes is up to them but to enable them to do that, they need plonkers like you off the streets and safely bedded down at home.

They are trying to ensure your 'personal freedom' for the years to come. Why can't you just accept it and let them do what needs to be done.

Judging by your argument, when a plane is about to encounter turbulence, the captain pings the seatbelt sign - I am guessing you're one of those that thinks he's above it all and strolls around the cabin?

I do understand that it's about control, and I do accept it. I don't have to like it. I also have said repeatedly that it's just over the top. No, I would never walk around the cabin after the seatbelt light goes on, but I don't need lessons from the gits in here who think they are the farang voice of authority to tell me what my opinion should be. I'm done

exactly. this place is full of farang who think they are above others who they deem to be less integrated into thailand. when in actual fact they are just sad bastards sat in front of their laptops with their paid for wives (direct tax or stealth tax its still the same) sat in the other room watching tv texting their thai mates.

You sound a bit bitter. :)

I am sorry guys, but I just don't think it's truly that dangerous. IMHO, many of you sound like chicken little. Be that as it may, I think the smarter approach would be for them to warn people of the potential "peril." and let them decide for themselves. This is not about me parking my bottom on a bar stool. This is about personal freedom, which does exist, even in Thailand to some extent.

Understand your frustration and wanting freedom but without the curfew, half of bangkok would be in flames by now. A curfew should exist until the country is stabilised, and if that takes a 6 months then so be it

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

The curfew is there to protect Bangkok and it's citizens - people like you and me.

The less people there are on the streets - the easier it is to distinguish between troublemakers with bad intentions and innocents.

So keeping us innocent bystanders inside will keep us safe and make the job of clearing up the troublemakers quicker and easier.

And then hopefully normality can return quickly and we can all stay out all night long again until the sun rises :)



Now the citiziens and businesses even in unaffected areas have to suffer from their incompetence! They should have cleaned up this mess the day the protests started. And the curfew what good is it outside bkk, udon, chiang mai? How many red shirt lootings has Pattaya and Chonburi had? Well, none but lets just impose a curfew, why not its kinda cool.

Yesterday they said one night. then its 3 more nights. probably 3 more weeks they way this incompetent bunch of idiots behaved since the start of the crisis.

Why do the citizens and businesses should follow these idiotic orders?? The red shirts were the ones hijacking and destroying property. They certainly did not follow any laws?! What good will come from that curfew outside of certain areas of BKK? Complete joke which makes thailand show its real face that of a coward incompetent nation with incompetent citizens to boot.

I ask all self thinking individuals NOT to follow this silly order!

do not spend even one unnecessary baht in this pathetic country! let them feel the full swing of low season, worldwide recession, terrible exchange rates and let them suffer for their increasingly bad service, corrupt police, hostile attidude, incompetent leadership, ridicoulous education and xenophobic, self-centered world view. RIP THAILAND. SOM NUM NAA

Provinces under State Of Emergency (SOE) and Curfew:

Chonburi, Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Chaiyaphum, Nakhon Ratchasima, Si Sa Ket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan, Lampang and Nakhon Sawan, Bangkok and Nonthaburi and parts of Samut Prakan, Pathum Thani, Nakhon Pathom, Ubon Ratchahani, Maha Sarakam, Roi-et, Nongbua Lumpoo, and Sakhon Nakorn, Kalasin and Ayutthaya

the people are pissed now the war will start poor against the rich not a lot a curfew will do to stop it

I read in the New York Times that the four leaders who surrendered yesterday, before the greatest unrest and the fires, at the speaking platform inside the Red Shirts area pleaded with those there to just give up that day and to pick up later on, that they could carry on this struggle later on. However, the crowd booed them! The leaders then left to be tried for treason. I really do not believe that, in the hearts of those who lead these demonstrations, they were at all intent on violence; they wanted to peacefully achieve something that the crowd really wants: liberty, equality and fraternity, not the "peace and bread" offerred by the Bolsheviks before the 1917 Revolution. I am sure that these people really care more about Thailand and the future of Thailand than people here seem to give credit. Why are so many here not interested in the deeper ideas behind the protests of the Red Shirts? Is it that you have a "position" here that is comfortable and, of course, with a higher economic level than most Thais will ever enjoy and you are afraid to lose it? Is it that you are carrying with you a certain sense that you are of some higher class or ethnicity than most Thais?

When I move to Thailand in 2011, I know that I will be a guest there. I will act as a guest. I will, most certainly, develop friendships there as well with people of many "classes" as well. I would hope that we could discuss things that are happening in Thai social, political, economic and cultural areas openly and that they can educate ME. I will certainly not be there to dictate what the people want, need or do. When I was there for a month on Phuket, I was fortunate to make friends there and to be able, to this day, to ask questions honestly and to discuss them freely (of course there are some things forbidden and I will not go there with them at all as I respect that as a matter of course). As a "farang" myself, I will never stand in judgement of the actions of any group in Thailand for it is, most certainly, not my "place." Fortunately, you have this forum to talk in and to say as you please to the same extent as I have.

Please, tell me, politically, socially and economically, where the Red Shirts are "off base" here! Also, what are the goods as well as the negatives of BOTH the Red Shirts AND the Yellow Shirts. What are, as you see it, the platforms of each group and how do they mesh or not mesh with the current Thai political, social and economic structure. What are the "classes" in Thai society? Where are you in terms of this heirarchy?

Thank you so much. You may email me directly, if you wish to establish a dialog over time, at anyse1@*****.com.

Take care. Hopefully, for now, this is settled. However, I am sure that this entire thing will be revisited in the not-too-distant future.

Mods will be taking that email address off this post. The redshirts dont think, dont have goals, they are just pawns of Thaksin. Dont you get it? Oh wait, you get your news from the New York Times. that explains everything.

So if you don't want to have to got to bed at 9pm and you are in Bangkok or Pattaya - then come to Rayong or Koh Samet.

We don't have any curfew here!! So you can drink and eat and got to bed when you want and work on your tan in the day on the beach!!

Buddy Bar - Koh Samet - Saikeaw Beach


You should at least pay up for "Sponsor" status here if you're going to shamelessly plug your place. :)

(even if you do have a nice place to go to; which you do)

i have no problem with that. make it a week, make it secure, make it like it used to be. :D

definitely relieving to know something is being done about it. Reading Taksin's tweet messages, he's not the most liked person out there, don't let a few fool you, or them really. :)

I agree. Just like when you are sick and the doctor tells you to take the medicine for 5 days. You feel better after a couple of days and stop taking it but then a few days later you feel sick again.

Better to see it through fix the problem properly.

absolutely! :D

Looks like the curfew has upset a few farangs.

I think their is a serious reason though why the curfew has been extended for another 3 nights.

All is not well in LOS.

To be out and about during a curfew, you are putting small value on your life.

If you so wish to risk your life in pursuit of pleasure, then so be it.

Many Farangs are like Abhisit, they underestimate the seriousnes and situation.

i dont think he underestimates ... why else would he have offered a general election before all this sh*t started? he saw it coming and he tried to avoid it.

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

Of course it must be absurd. But then we are so relieved that we may rely upon your adult comprehension of the present situation in Thailand. And of course, everyone should be able to understand that as you cannot see or understand any danger anywhere, there is none. After all, only more than 60 people have been killed so why should you have any fear? Surely any remaining sniper in Bangkok will understand that you have no fear and will subsequently not shoot you. I am grateful for you showing the light for everyone to see.

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

Of course it must be absurd. But then we are so relieved that we may rely upon your adult comprehension of the present situation in Thailand. And of course, everyone should be able to understand that as you cannot see or understand any danger anywhere, there is none. After all, only more than 60 people have been killed so why should you have any fear? Surely any remaining sniper in Bangkok will understand that you have no fear and will subsequently not shoot you. I am grateful for you showing the light for everyone to see.

OH my buddha. 60 people? That is about the normal DAILY death toll from traffic accidents!! GET REAL! in a city of roughly 10 MILLION sixty people dead in about a month of unrests and you call that a problem?? Are you serious? Laughable but I am happy if you will feel safe again once the curfew is over and the competent thai government, army and police have things under control again as they did before :)

Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

yeah, just what the soldiers need is jackasses out and about during the curfew.

I went to the end of the Soi looked around and went back. I was not the only one out, and please refrain from the personal abuse. You don't know the first thing about me. FYI, there were no soldiers where I live...

What I do know is that u have a lot in common with the reds if you're out during the curfew. You and they dont do a whole lotta thinking


Are there any travel restrictions for daylight hours? Are the BTS and MRT open? Are there barricades still on Shumvit?

Sorry if this is the "wrong" place to ask, but I don't know how else to find out.

Thank the "stars" for Thai Visa and all of you.




quite agree Tanaka, Mr Kiss m a is clearly a deluded egotist with superman powers of protection

you do get some incredible tossers on this board

I read in the New York Times that the four leaders who surrendered yesterday, before the greatest unrest and the fires, at the speaking platform inside the Red Shirts area pleaded with those there to just give up that day and to pick up later on, that they could carry on this struggle later on. However, the crowd booed them! The leaders then left to be tried for treason. I really do not believe that, in the hearts of those who lead these demonstrations, they were at all intent on violence; they wanted to peacefully achieve something that the crowd really wants: liberty, equality and fraternity, not the "peace and bread" offerred by the Bolsheviks before the 1917 Revolution. I am sure that these people really care more about Thailand and the future of Thailand than people here seem to give credit. Why are so many here not interested in the deeper ideas behind the protests of the Red Shirts? Is it that you have a "position" here that is comfortable and, of course, with a higher economic level than most Thais will ever enjoy and you are afraid to lose it? Is it that you are carrying with you a certain sense that you are of some higher class or ethnicity than most Thais?

When I move to Thailand in 2011, I know that I will be a guest there. I will act as a guest. I will, most certainly, develop friendships there as well with people of many "classes" as well. I would hope that we could discuss things that are happening in Thai social, political, economic and cultural areas openly and that they can educate ME. I will certainly not be there to dictate what the people want, need or do. When I was there for a month on Phuket, I was fortunate to make friends there and to be able, to this day, to ask questions honestly and to discuss them freely (of course there are some things forbidden and I will not go there with them at all as I respect that as a matter of course). As a "farang" myself, I will never stand in judgement of the actions of any group in Thailand for it is, most certainly, not my "place." Fortunately, you have this forum to talk in and to say as you please to the same extent as I have.

Please, tell me, politically, socially and economically, where the Red Shirts are "off base" here! Also, what are the goods as well as the negatives of BOTH the Red Shirts AND the Yellow Shirts. What are, as you see it, the platforms of each group and how do they mesh or not mesh with the current Thai political, social and economic structure. What are the "classes" in Thai society? Where are you in terms of this heirarchy?

Thank you so much. You may email me directly, if you wish to establish a dialog over time, at [email protected].

Take care. Hopefully, for now, this is settled. However, I am sure that this entire thing will be revisited in the not-too-distant future.

Where do i start,firstly you dont really start that well do you..

Lets not go in to too much detail with regards to your source of news you have used,lets just say it is commonly viewed by many here not just on this forum but in editorials today in Thailands newspapers that there was a serious bias against the Goverment and for the reds in the international press.

That would never be a problem in itself,it is after all a democracy

But when the reporting does not contain any historical facts on the situation ,they have done nothing but distort the truth for the international reader.

I dont know if you are lazy or a troll,but why are you asking all these questions to people on this forum when all you need to do is some research on the subject if you are that intrested

So with your infinite knowledge what was it a month in Phuket ,you know the red shirts are really good people and all they want is equality,freedom etc etc

You state,"why are so many here not intrested in the deeper ideas behind the red protest" ???


You say in your post with a hint of arrogance ,that when you come to Thailand in 2011 ,which let me say i am deeply looking forward to ,that you will have friends from all different social classes and you will all sit down and talk about the social,political and economic ills of the country. yes,good luck with that mate

As you say you will never as a farang make a judgement ,as its not your place but isnt that what you are accusing some of the people that live here of doing with your initial comments of

Why are we not intrested in the deeper ideology of the reds ?

Is it because we have more money than them and we are frightened to lose it ?

Is it because we believe we are a higher class ?

When many of us here have wives and children,that have backgrounds from all over Thailand,i find your statement very offensive !!!!

Take you conceited arrogance,pack ya bags and come and live in it for a while

Then come back to the forum and tell us honestly what you see,maybe then you will treat the people that have lived here for a long time and know a little bit more than you, with a bit of respect

Good luck with your stay in Thailand

Why do'nt you tell him how you really feel.LOL good reply mate! :)

I have to go to Lom Sak in Petchabun province tonight. Does the curfew affect travelling out of province?

Good point - if you are 'in transit' when the curfew time begins, must your bus (for example) stop for the night where it is at that time?



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