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Wasps Nest


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I usually go to the nearest building site and tell the workers there.

There are usually quite a few of them (Thai or Burmese) who know what to do and are happy to smoke them out.

It only costs a few beers as well.

Other than that, I cannot help you, sorry.

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Yeah we asked the village cleaner, and he said he would do, that was a week ago. I know about smoking them out etc etc, and dont need any advice on that, just want somebody to do it! :)

i attacked one at my house with power sprayer, a hose pipe with adjustable sprayer attachment and a plastic motorcycle rain coverall

i attacked in numerous waves with the power sprayer, then retreated quickly and protected myself from attack around the head with an umbrella formed of water from the hose pipe set on mist

i was piss wet through but fairly safe from stings

in the end i had drowned thousands of the little buzz bombs

i got stun 4 times, the most painful being on the underside of my foot when my shoe came off in the mud i had created and i stood on a wasp.

good luck with that.........

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Yeah we asked the village cleaner, and he said he would do, that was a week ago. I know about smoking them out etc etc, and dont need any advice on that, just want somebody to do it! :)

Sorry, didn't read all your post before I let fly with totally useless advice :D

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Yeah we asked the village cleaner, and he said he would do, that was a week ago. I know about smoking them out etc etc, and dont need any advice on that, just want somebody to do it! :)

i attacked one at my house with power sprayer, a hose pipe with adjustable sprayer attachment and a plastic motorcycle rain coverall

i attacked in numerous waves with the power sprayer, then retreated quickly and protected myself from attack around the head with an umbrella formed of water from the hose pipe set on mist

i was piss wet through but fairly safe from stings

in the end i had drowned thousands of the little buzz bombs

i got stun 4 times, the most painful being on the underside of my foot when my shoe came off in the mud i had created and i stood on a wasp.

good luck with that.........

Had a similar problem with Bee's nest. Got the power hose and blasted them, then run like F. a few hour's later Ditto. Took three blast, but I got the bugger's. And no sting's.
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Had a nest full of wasps in the back garden bout the size of a football in the back on the end of the pergola , so got a can of WD40 and sprayed it liberally to say the least then with a plumbers blow lamp already lit and attached to a 3 foot pole burnt the buggers

and any that managed to get out alive were either burning already or I got them with the spray and then waved the burner round which ignited them all

like a minim battle of britain ariel dog fight my neighbour said she feels really bad that she did not video it and put it on YOU-tube

took 3 sprays and half a can of WD40

if you are not brave/stupid enough to want to get close to the nest you could attach the spray can to a pole as well and tape the nozzle down so it sprays continually have a stanley knife close to hand to cut the tape so the spray stops nearl instantly

or maybe buy some firecrackers like the chinese strip ones tied it to a long pole then light the fuse place against the nest and let it blow them all away!!

have fun!

did not get stung once just as well as I am allergic to wasp sting

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If it's safe and you won't burnt your gazebo down wait until dust then hit them with a can of fly spray and a lighter. Just point the spray at the nest and light it. It makes a nice flamethrower. Just keep a hose handy in case.

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Just had a idea to reduce the chance of getting stung

buy some big sheets of wrapping paper,before unrolling it quickly soak each end in petrol then poar a little down the center of the tube

unroll them and stake them in the corners out away from the gazebo on the grass which you have previously watered a lot

coat them all over with a mixture of wood glue and sugar

when the wasps head down to the paperglue sugar mix wait till they have landed enmasse and are stuck in the glue

then set fire to the little bastards

have not tried this myself but should be good fun but be careful

may try it here if any more nests found

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