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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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I'm torn...part of me REALLY hopes I see him on the street in BKK one day.

Why ? :D

So he can teach him a lesson for being violent by beating him up :)

Although the types who display macho agressive hints on web forums are usually 5'1 weigh 90lbs and have large multicoloured underpants.

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I can't believe you are all getting your knickers in a twist over one person, who didnt actually do anything. It's not as if there aren't enough Thai idiots causing people distress on a daily basis.

Get over it.

He said he didnt do it. After the rant he obviously spewed in the vicinity of a camera, do you take his denial of involvement in the actual deed, as gospel? Many raise issue with farang in red or yellow cloth amongst either group. A more profound question would be, what is a farang doing in Red security black clothes?!?! That pushes the envelop right off the table, one might think.

He did indeed say that he didn't do it. But if a witness, say a Thai passer-by, were to say in court that he or she saw ol' Jeff lob a petrol bomb into the store, I for one would believe the witness over the wanke_r. Chances are that a Thai judge or jury would be similarly inclined.

I said that because of the anti English feeling of his blog...

just imagine the reaction if this demented soul had been an american....

Well, I'm I’m gobsmacked ol' man!

Carry on, cheerio, keep your chins up, 'ave a pint.

Takin' the pee-pee are we? Good lad.

My chum Percival Wormsly III would have had a good go at this hooligan if he wernt pissin his pants down the pub.

[earthpig, all of us who were stationed at Bragg know where your old swamp is! no need to google it.]

Why show off by saying where you were or served, why not just say in the American Army or Forces, some of us do not need to shout out where we served to make ourselves look good.

This guys on steroids? For what? He doesnt look like he exercises.

Yeah he must of only received the side effects like hair loss and mini testicles.



I wouldn't worry... He will be dealt with, Thai style when the time comes... And can't really say that he doesn't deserve it. As many stated before, we are guests in this country and we really don't need the bad PR he is giving us... I am not British, but I am a foreigner nevertheless and as such I am ashamed... He probably went to school (atleast for a few years?) and should know better...

I wonder if they will ever find traces of his remains once he is "caught" ? :) I really dont care, just take a picture in the process and post it around, that would calm my anger just a bit :D

But he's not even reading this. He's not getitng any abuse. You are all just spouting off hate filled 'and quite bizarre' comments. You all sound like a lynch mob far worse than anything in Bangkok. What ever happened to remaining level headed and civilized. It's just an idiot who was obviously missing some purpose in his life. And for the record there are at least 12 comments on this post alone saying that foreigners shouldnt get involved in Thai politics.

The fact that you are all dictating what the Thai judiciary should do when you are all foreigners is amusing to say the least though. Almost makes up for the embarrasing comments people are writing. I would be far more ashamed of Thai people reading these comments than of one man's actions.

Well seeing as he wanted to be filmed, it could well be he reads all this. And manybe at least one person he knows will read this and let him know what people are saying about him. I still don't get your reasoning; if someone does something bad, of course people will comment; when Gordon Brown slipped up with the Bigot comment, forums all over the UK were in full swing; did Brown read it? No because people wanted to discuss it. That's what a Forum is for.

This person has EMBARRASSED us farang and put us in a bad light; so yes, of course people are going to be annoyed on this forum. What did you expect? If people are not outraged, he will think he is some sort of 'legend' back home or with his mates. The lynching thing is over the top, yes I agree; but everyone here has every right to show their disgust at this man. Why have a Forum otherwise?

Re your last comments, bar the odd one; I think most Thais will be happy that we condemn this man and his actions.

He hasnt embarrassed me because I dont behave like that and his behaviour isnt associated with the general population of the country I am from and certainly not with my friends family or associates. How can he embarrass you if you have absolutely nothing to do with him and may even not be from the same country????

If some uneducated thai person decides that because one single white person acted like this the other 2 billion must be like it thats his problem not mine. Embarrassed indeed. You should be more embarrassed with writing something like that than the effect one man you have never met will have on you.

Why have the forum? Well primarily to discuss Thai visas, but that has branched out into other aspects of Thai life. Thats why, not to show their disgust at a man. If you want to do that try the Thaidisgust.com forum.

I refer you to the title of this thread. If you wish to discuss visas, you are on the wrong thread.

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

:D :D :D he doesn't have any other choice, to be in his bankrupt country or in a senseless country where he lives at present :D :D :)

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

A bit of anti Britishness coming out there from you, where are you from, as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British. What has Britains financial state got to do with this idiot (Bankrupt country)? Most British people are in general good people. Although there does seem to be a small section that come to Thailand to get away with things that they wouldn't be able to do in England, this hasn't nothing to do with Colonialism, just stupidity. I hope he gets what he deserves for getting involved with things that he shouldn't be, surely its common sense to not get involved. Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

Another uneducated Brit.

Another bigot

miz alwaz so appie when i c the spelin polece rock up on the forum and givem free lezzons just from the godenez of their harts. Wot on erth wuld we does wifout em? :)

Or maybe from his local pub "Dog <deleted>" :)

Come on Mr. Savage... by opening my TV profile you will know exactly who I am and where I am living -I have nothing to hide-...

And please bring your Chelsea Headhunters c#nts with you... we gonna have a party tonight! :D

I don't get what you mean really, are you having a party and inviting him and his friends ?

Or are you saying that you would take care of him and his friends in a confrontation ?

You have identified yourself too.... :D

Yes apparently... you didn't not catch my Belgian sense of irony...

I was one of the first to put his picture -not the video- on facebook and that helps to trace this c#nt!

Regarding my own identification, I repeat myself: I have nothing to hide. :D

That's why profiles are made for... Ain't, keyboard warrior!?!


Sorry if this has already been posted here or not, but previously he'd been receiving money from the Reds to bring in food:

"Jeff Savage, a British expatriate supporter of the Reds, said he was originally paid expenses by the movement to transport food and drink daily from his home town of Pattaya, southeast of Bangkok.

"I'm paying my own petrol money now so something's gone wrong somewhere," said the 48-year-old, whose wife is from Thailand's northeast. But he doubted that Reds' passions were likely to dwindle, even if their funding did."


Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

Under British law

A threat of violence against another person is deamed to be assult

The British government should arrest this man and send he back to Britian to face charges

Its people like this weed that will get all Farang a bad name in Thailand

already I am hearing Thais talk of why this is all Farang fault

Do not support this jerk, as a vote for his innocense is anoth knife in the back of good farang

Lets Thai people know we do not condone his behaviour and he must be punished same as Thai man

The last thing I want is a new wave of

Double Standards one for Thai man one for Farang

TV members you know have a chance to prove to Thai people we want a better Thailand

get rid of Scum

I think all farangs are already seen as all bad and scumbags in thailand and this brit is just an other more special case. :)

'nuff said?

not quite.

we're not in a common law jurisdiction here.

could you imagine quoting thai law in, say, australia?

another example of the colonial mentality.

why don't you do your own bloody homework? How about this then:

Homicide in the Penal Code of Thailand is defined as an act of putting an end to another human being's life. Homicide is divided into three subcategories: murder, negligent murder, and manslaughter. Murder is defined as causing death to another person purposely. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 288). A person acts purposely when he conducts with consciousness to cause a result or he is aware that his conduct will practically cause such a result. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 59 paragraph 2). Negligent murder is butting and to another person's life by negligence. (The Penal Code of Thailand, §, 291). A person acts negligently when he conducts with a failure to exercise sufficient standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the actor's situation. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 59 paragraph 4).

Arson would result in charges of murder or negligent murder IN THAILAND.

Gotta go, time to feed the pigs!

as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British....

Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

you criticize the man's spelling and then you write "assume your not" or "showing there dislike"? :D

I said that because of the anti English feeling of his blog, you've taken it a little bit out of context... I see what your saying though haha

YOU GOOFED BIG TIME!!! hahaha :D:) (suggest you think b4 u speak or better still don't speak if you're going to attack others :D )


what a maroon! He should have kept his opinions dictating arson and destroying property to himself let alone broadcast them to the world through local media, it was not his business, is not his country and doesn't reside in Bangkok. My wifes family is devided but I choose to stay out of the political discussion even though what happens directly affects me and my family as I have made Thailand and Bangkok my home . the smoke is clearing here and I hope the smoke in his brain clears soon. Just send him to jail ,so he can do his time and be better for it, then he will know when to keep his mouth shut.


Don't know if mentioned or posted elswhere, but there is youtube vid of a farang in CM throwing rocks and breaking neon billboards and shows hi 5's to the Thais and cheers from the crowd.

These guys were once upon a time sent to Australia.


every body knew that bkk will be in fire . the reds said that after APRIL 10th ( if the government crackdown on us ,will burn bkk ) get back the news archive.

you really look worst than that poor brit who just did act like a parrot. but as you are living in thailand ,sure you will use half of your brains as you don't need all. :D:):D

People here are being too tough on this guy. Yes, he's a fool, but to his credit he understand that fact and is penitent.

"I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper..."

Let it go guys.

He ain't penitent. His only regret now is that the fun's over. He's also lying that he "lost his temper." He was involved for quite some time, pictured and filmed in various locations. All he "understands" now is that he's in deep doo-doo and is preparing his cowardly "defense."

We're not going to let it go.

Truer words have never been spoken.

the red shirts may be gone, but that doesnt change the primal need for certain TV posters to beat something up. ever so conveniently along comes this caricature of a pattaya brit twit.

"there by the grace of god..." right boys?

enjoy yourselves!

You are off your head. You're on some distant planet. You NEVER see Brits acting like this in Pattaya - NEVER. you're as dumb as they come you are :)


He said: “I don’t mind if they knock on my door and throw me out of the country. But I would be disappointed to end up in a Thai jail.”

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

The Thai government were kind enough to let everyone know in advance that every foreigner that anticipates in the demonstrations or red-shirt activities, will be arrested. Didn't that message reach Mr. Steroids? If you break the law, then you have also accepted the consequences of that. Even if you like it or not.

Weather he torched the building by himself or not, the future may tell us. But the aspect the he could the one who planted the seed of doing such among the protesters, can't be neglected. He's a westerner, wants attention (he fronted the camera, not the opposite), verbal, doesn't mind being brutal minded, etc... All this could have negative influences among the Thai demonstrators since they easily would accept him as a leader of some way. If he (means it or not) tell the frustrated demonstrators to burn down the mall, chances are great the they will take his word for it. The demonstrators, in their frustration after their leaders gave and everything started to fall apart with this whole fake movement, are very vulnerable and open to all suggestions were they can get rid of anger and despair.

It could very well be that this guy's words maybe were the catalyst of the arsonist actions which later occurred. It takes only one wrong word and one wrong ear to trigger a chain of disastrous events.


Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

How can you, and how dare you say that you have no problems with farangs being politically invovled. It is not our country nor your's, and it is not our business to get involved in any Political involvement in any country other than your own.

Maybe you too could be classed as the same as this lunatic! Making threats to cause so much damage and steal property is a very serious offence in the UK Mr. Yoshiwara, and is punishable by a lengthy term of imprisonment... Please refrain from making such comments that doesn't involve you. Thailand is in a very delicate and difficult situation.These remarks could result in you being found with re-percussions heading your way!! You are walking on very thin ice with no safety equipment Mr. Yoshiwara. :D

Hahahahaha. Thats the funniest thing I have read all day. I bet yoshiwara is trembling in his boots now. Hahaha. Calm down before you pop something inside.

I dont see the problem with having a political view in the country you LIVE in, especially if you are expected to pay taxes. Maybe the way this fool did it isnt the best way to express one's views but honestly, whats wrong in stating your views. Especially in a mature democratic political system like Thailands :)

demonstration is not stating one's view , that's political action and that's forbidden ; Why do you think he had that big stick ? a toothpick for his big mouth? this is a weapon against police force.

It reminds me of

-the Brit teen ager who got caned and expelled from Singapour like § 15 years ago for vandalizing a car

( tagging it I think)

-theold farang (Brit?) who spent time in jail like five years ago for adding whiskers on posters of the King in BKK

if he feels stressed living in Pattaya, how will he feel in a big European city after his time in Hong Kong ( I heard Thais use this phrase for jail) . There must be quite a few reds now in Police stations having a hard time and ready to tell whatever could sound interesting to Khun Tamrouat about the big Farang like " he had this zippo lighter " and " he spoke bad of someone we all love" or " he threw stones at the police" or " he taught us to make the cocktail molotovs" or " he gave heroin to my under age sister to seduce her" , the list is endless and he must have had a very sheltered life so far not to be out of the country already or at least not to have a lawyer speak for him.

wonder what the Brit Embassy will say.

BTW i read last night Thaksin left for London after Paris .

Right! Officer Krupke

You're really a square

This boy don't need a judge

He needs an analyst's care

It's just his neurosis

That oughta be curbed

He's psychologically disturbed


I'm disturbed


We're disturbed, we're disturbed

We're the most disturbed

Like we're psychologically disturbed

--"Gee, Officer Krupke" from West Side Story

<deleted> is this fool blabbering on about?

God knows! :) He/She's on planet Magic Mushroom :D

I said that because of the anti English feeling of his blog...

just imagine the reaction if this demented soul had been an american....

Well, I'm I’m gobsmacked ol' man!

Carry on, cheerio, keep your chins up, 'ave a pint.

Takin' the pee-pee are we? Good lad.

My chum Percival Wormsly III would have had a good go at this hooligan if he wernt pissin his pants down the pub.

[earthpig, all of us who were stationed at Bragg know where your old swamp is! no need to google it.]

Why show off by saying where you were or served, why not just say in the American Army or Forces, some of us do not need to shout out where we served to make ourselves look good.

:) You must be Percy. I apologize for embedding a private message and cross-linking posts from another thread (or as you say, "shouting".) However, it nothing to do with showing off. For that I wear really tight fishnet pants.

Back to topic. Do you suppose the Brit who allegedly committed crimes against Thailand has repented? Over to you, Percy.

I can't believe you are all getting your knickers in a twist over one person, who didnt actually do anything. It's not as if there aren't enough Thai idiots causing people distress on a daily basis.

Get over it.

He said he didnt do it. After the rant he obviously spewed in the vicinity of a camera, do you take his denial of involvement in the actual deed, as gospel? Many raise issue with farang in red or yellow cloth amongst either group. A more profound question would be, what is a farang doing in Red security black clothes?!?! That pushes the envelop right off the table, one might think.

He goes well along the wannabe Police Guys and <deleted> Leaders we have down here in Pattaya. Not sure if he could affortd a yellow Hummer, but after he was probably looting some Gold and Watches he should have enough Money for a yellow Honda Wave.

This needs to be investigated by police immediately.

1.) He did know events in advance which where a threat to public and property. His duty should be to report such crimes planed to officials.

2.) Participating in the protest is not allowed for foreigners.

I think he really did know that in advance and also some details about it.

He was clearly upset because things didn't went as he expected and to make him feel better and somehow important he leaked that info to another foreigner, so he can feel as hero who is truly involved and knows something important.

He deserves at least that he get kicked out of Thailand without return.

Congrats on your first thaivisa post :D

Its always good to have new members that can input such valuable and conclusive evidence especially when its been so well thought out that the sad minority on these campaign threads would make fools of themselves if attempting to ridicule a post of this excellence.

However I'd like to offer my advice to help you make more solid posts for our campaigns. Below are a few simple guidelines we regard as gospel and is the key to gaining warrior level respect.

Welcome to the gang :)

All posts should at least once have a defamatory statement about the witch hunt victim. Inclusion of personal recommendations such as death, deportation, torture, Hilton vacations are particularly welcomed and encouraged.

Defamatory posts about the victim should not be questioned or be refered to as false when quoting said post, except when the new post results in further damage to the victims character.

Any post not defamatory or defending the victims character should be disregarded even if the post could be true. Replying to said post is not recommended unless replying post discredits said post AND defames character of said poster.

Any poster repeatedly defending the victim shall become the target of hate posts commencing immediately after the second post. Hate posts should contain statements of the defending posters lack of intelligence and accusations that it is infact the victim defending himself.

The use of pictures, videos or any electronic media that can defame the victim is welcomed and encouraged. Such media will be regarded as actually evidence regardless of its origin or lack of evidence connecting the media to the victim. For example, a video of a huge male elephant mistakenly trying to mate with a smaller male elephant would undeniably prove the victim guilty of being a homo pedo.

All witch hunts will result in the victim branded as guilty regardless of any actual criminal or legal proceedings proving otherwise and will be archived for eternity.

You can receive a complete copy of the unwritten rules by actively posting in ten witch hunts or by using hate posts to drive a defending poster away from the witch hunt and personally persue the defending poster on any thread with more hate posts.

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

How can you, and how dare you say that you have no problems with farangs being politically invovled. It is not our country nor your's, and it is not our business to get involved in any Political involvement in any country other than your own.

Maybe you too could be classed as the same as this lunatic! Making threats to cause so much damage and steal property is a very serious offence in the UK Mr. Yoshiwara, and is punishable by a lengthy term of imprisonment... Please refrain from making such comments that doesn't involve you. Thailand is in a very delicate and difficult situation.These remarks could result in you being found with re-percussions heading your way!! You are walking on very thin ice with no safety equipment Mr. Yoshiwara. :D

Hahahahaha. Thats the funniest thing I have read all day. I bet yoshiwara is trembling in his boots now. Hahaha. Calm down before you pop something inside.

I dont see the problem with having a political view in the country you LIVE in, especially if you are expected to pay taxes. Maybe the way this fool did it isnt the best way to express one's views but honestly, whats wrong in stating your views. Especially in a mature democratic political system like Thailands :)

demonstration is not stating one's view , that's political action and that's forbidden ; Why do you think he had that big stick ? a toothpick for his big mouth? this is a weapon against police force.

It reminds me of

-the Brit teen ager who got caned and expelled from Singapour like § 15 years ago for vandalizing a car

( tagging it I think)

-theold farang (Brit?) who spent time in jail like five years ago for adding whiskers on posters of the King in BKK

if he feels stressed living in Pattaya, how will he feel in a big European city after his time in Hong Kong ( I heard Thais use this phrase for jail) . There must be quite a few reds now in Police stations having a hard time and ready to tell whatever could sound interesting to Khun Tamrouat about the big Farang like " he had this zippo lighter " and " he spoke bad of someone we all love" or " he threw stones at the police" or " he taught us to make the cocktail molotovs" or " he gave heroin to my under age sister to seduce her" , the list is endless and he must have had a very sheltered life so far not to be out of the country already or at least not to have a lawyer speak for him.

wonder what the Brit Embassy will say.

BTW i read last night Thaksin left for London after Paris .

You see. This is where gossip and heresay cause all sorts of problems. The Singapore case was against Michael Fay who was American. If you read into the details of the case it was clear that he didn't actually do it.

So you're spouting off about a British kid who was vandalizing cars in Singapore when the facts were it was an American kid and there was extremely suspect evidence to suggest the contrary.

Thank god no one in any political arena or position of authority takes the opinions of a few english teachers and retired alcaholics on this forum an any contect other than for amusement. (Not that they would reat this site or even know it existed)

Don't know if mentioned or posted elswhere, but there is youtube vid of a farang in CM throwing rocks and breaking neon billboards and shows hi 5's to the Thais and cheers from the crowd.

These guys were once upon a time sent to Australia.

What a prick...what's the point of such mindless vandalism.

What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

A bit of anti Britishness coming out there from you, where are you from, as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British. What has Britains financial state got to do with this idiot (Bankrupt country)? Most British people are in general good people. Although there does seem to be a small section that come to Thailand to get away with things that they wouldn't be able to do in England, this hasn't nothing to do with Colonialism, just stupidity. I hope he gets what he deserves for getting involved with things that he shouldn't be, surely its common sense to not get involved. Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

Another uneducated Brit.

Another bigot

and he didn't speak of Britain, he spoke of England.


That's hardly the same. Firstly, there were hardly any Thais living in the UK back then. Secondly, none of the Thais living there were miners and thirdly, the miners strike happened in 1984, not the 70s. Well?

I dont remember seeing any thais spouting off in the miners strikes of the 70s ! :)

A typical Pattaya farang;

Brains in his trousers Maybe he didn't start the fire but He was inciting violence and maybe the reds heard him and in their usual brain dead way thought " dohhh dat's a good Idea !!! "

He should be sentenced to 10 years in a Thai jail then sent back to his football hooligan friends in the UK

I am British and feel ashamed of morons like this

Incidentally the Reds Remind me very much of a bunch of European Football hooligans

Only there for the kicks and violence

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