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Staffs Huddled In Corners And Gossiping


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Just something I noticed. Staff sort of drifted into the corners and using body language (positioning hands over their mouths/facing in directions opposite the customers) suggestive that they do not want anyone to know what they are saying, although obviously, we know what they are talking about. I don't particularly care as long as five of them run over to me the moment I make eye contact, but still, the mood over the city from my viewpoint is that the vast majority of Red Shirts are happy with the outcome of the protest. What have you observed going out and about in Thailand since our beloved Central World was taken from us without mercy.

Edited by TheItaliann
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I have heard some of these gossip/rumours. And trust me, its not all about "that the vast majority of Red Shirts are happy with the outcome of the protest."

And if they are really talking about what I have heard, there is a very good reason they are covering their mouths.

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I have heard some of these gossip/rumours. And trust me, its not all about "that the vast majority of Red Shirts are happy with the outcome of the protest."

And if they are really talking about what I have heard, there is a very good reason they are covering their mouths.

Yeah, I have heard much of this myself. Hoping its just gossip :)

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I have heard some of these gossip/rumours. And trust me, its not all about "that the vast majority of Red Shirts are happy with the outcome of the protest."

And if they are really talking about what I have heard, there is a very good reason they are covering their mouths.

Yeah, I have heard much of this myself. Hoping its just gossip :)

Can you fill us in?

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If they had quit when they were ahead - taken the peace deal - they would have possibly won something important. Terrorism will just destroy the country for everyone and the poor will be even worse off than before. :)

That deal was NEVER going to be accepted

And the word on the street where I am is when the curfew is over Burning will start again

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I am surprised you are surprised. I have worked with Thais in a variety of offices for the last 12 years and this is their default position. I would be surprised if a group of Thai office workers could simultaneously manage half an hour of unbroken work without gossiping, snacking, chatting on MSN, flirting or using their mobiles for non-work-related calls.

It seems you have a lot to learn about Thai office culture.

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they government are too busy patting themselves on the back thinking the issue has been resolved, even yesterday we had them saying peace had been restored even though there was still a gun battle going on, suthep has a habit of declaring things have been solved only to get proved wrong 10 minutes later (the dog crap incident, the grenades were fired from the park only for evidence to come up stating they were fired from the hospital etc). I have no doubt that once again they are counting their chickens before they are hatched. Only time will tell but I fear this is just half time in this game.

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I am sure there will be a few more incidents in the days and weeks ahead, however I also believe the authorities have secured tons of info since before the first singer sang, and more recently that will have many a militant, and those connected, running to the nearest border.

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Only time will tell, but blood has been spilled. I truly hope that things will settle down, but there must be some who will hold a grudge. The people seem to really detest the present administration. They also may be talking about crazy farang still in Thailand. How do you draw international attention to your political cause? At present, there is very little news coming out of Thailand. I always wondered what the consequences of the Thai govt. seizing that plane, and there close association with the US, would be.

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The topic title reminds me of a song by The Smiths.

"Staff huddlers of the world unite".

The original was called "Shirt-lifters of the world unite", I think.

EASY... you'll have Jingy making a poll


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I suppose the ball is back in Abhisits court now, to get on with the task of "reconcilliation". Personally I don't think he can do it no matter how many times he says it.

If he still fart <deleted> around and stuff things up, then the reds will be back to protest again, as is their democratic right. Thats is, unless, a sniper gets him first...

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