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Pue Thai Party To Sensor Pm

maccaroni man

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sorry if this is dumb q. but as a yank i dont know parlementry process. I read in the daily updates that the pui thai party is going to run their own man for pm and try to dissolve the current govt. for those of you in the know, is this likley to happen?

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cen·sure   [sen-sher] Show IPA noun, verb, -sured, -sur·ing.



strong or vehement expression of disapproval: The newspapers were unanimous in their censure of the tax proposal.


an official reprimand, as by a legislative body of one of its members.

–verb (used with object)


to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner: She is more to be pitied than censured.

–verb (used without object)


to give censure, adverse criticism, disapproval, or blame.

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cen·sure   [sen-sher] Show IPA noun, verb, -sured, -sur·ing.



strong or vehement expression of disapproval: The newspapers were unanimous in their censure of the tax proposal.


an official reprimand, as by a legislative body of one of its members.

–verb (used with object)


to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner: She is more to be pitied than censured.

–verb (used without object)


to give censure, adverse criticism, disapproval, or blame.

ok sorry for the spelling, so how can this end the current govt and put a new one in place without general elections?

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The goal of a censure debate is to get enough MPs to drop support for a government. This would depend on getting some MPs in the government/coalition side to end supporting the coalition.

If that happens, then either a new government can be formed that does have enough support, or new elections can be held.

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Abhasit is the first decent PM in many years and he has proved he is concerned about human life by not mowing the protesters down as they would have done in most other countries. Who knows what kind of bonehead will take over if he is removed from office? Let's hope he sticks around as PM for a long time as Thailand need someone like him for a change. :)

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More than 80% of Thai Visa members who answered this poll agree that the protesters would have been crushed in the beginning in almost any other country. The PM did what he had to do to protect the economy and majority of Thai people and he did not go overboard. We are lucky to have him.


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More than 80% of Thai Visa members who answered this poll agree that the protesters would have been crushed in the beginning in almost any other country. The PM did what he had to do to protect the economy and majority of Thai people and he did not go overboard. We are lucky to have him.


Most democracies have been calling for a negotiated solution to the crisis, which gives a hint to how they may have handled the situation dont you think ?

That 80% proves little. Most Thai Visa members are Thaksinphobes and simply by reading through these political threads, one realises that objective reasoning is subordinate to this fact.

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More than 80% of Thai Visa members who answered this poll agree that the protesters would have been crushed in the beginning in almost any other country. The PM did what he had to do to protect the economy and majority of Thai people and he did not go overboard. We are lucky to have him.


Most democracies have been calling for a negotiated solution to the crisis, which gives a hint to how they may have handled the situation dont you think ?

That 80% proves little. Most Thai Visa members are Thaksinphobes and simply by reading through these political threads, one realises that objective reasoning is subordinate to this fact.

Right, define 'crushed' UG. If by crushed you mean a well trained crowd control force employing water cannons, tear gas (properly), horses and proper tactics then I agree in full. If you mean that other countries would have sent in the military with no other means to act other than an M16 assault rifle, then we have less agreement. :)

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More than 80% of Thai Visa members who answered this poll agree that the protesters would have been crushed in the beginning in almost any other country. The PM did what he had to do to protect the economy and majority of Thai people and he did not go overboard. We are lucky to have him.


Most democracies have been calling for a negotiated solution to the crisis, which gives a hint to how they may have handled the situation dont you think ?

That 80% proves little. Most Thai Visa members are Thaksinphobes and simply by reading through these political threads, one realises that objective reasoning is subordinate to this fact.

Clearly, on the contrary, an 80+% poll proves objective reasoning disagrees with you. There were public negotiations, we all saw the result, your opinion will not change that.

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Money was never the issue and you know it - the army has had billions of baht thrown at them since the 2006 coup and it wouldn't have cost much more to have executed a more human dispersal.

Maybe the cost of one of those airport scanners or the multi million baht toy blimp would have done it.

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Do you really think that the Thai army has the training, funding and equipment to do anything different than what they did. :)

Or a head nod :D

Yep, they were following orders. Orders that came from the top - Abhisit.

Obviously his dispersal of the protesters was his primary objective, but the crushing way he went about it hints at his secondary objectives, which are roughly inline with all other rough, dictatorship like tactics he has taken against his political opponents.

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Most countries would have done whatever it took to disperse the protesters, but, the ones that could afford it, would start with the methods that you have mentioned Winnie.

Wait, what? Thailand can afford F16s, an Aircraft Carrier, etc, etc, but they cannot afford horses and getting a crowd control consultant in? They can afford Cobra Gold, but not to bring in some riot policing expertise?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Most countries would have done whatever it took to disperse the protesters, but, the ones that could afford it, would start with the methods that you have mentioned Winnie.

Wait, what? Thailand can afford F16s, an Aircraft Carrier, etc, etc, but they cannot afford horses and getting a crowd control consultant in? They can afford Cobra Gold, but not to bring in some riot policing expertise?

You are going to apply logic to what goes on in LOS?

TIT. :)

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so if it is possible to disban the current govt through a censorship process why didnt the red shirts approach it this way first before doing what they did? i know, no need to answer but it does make me wonder.

it is just a political technique to deflect blame. they are essentially putting Ab on trial.

Edited by Chunky1
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Most countries would have done whatever it took to disperse the protesters, but, the ones that could afford it, would start with the methods that you have mentioned Winnie.

Wait, what? Thailand can afford F16s, an Aircraft Carrier, etc, etc, but they cannot afford horses and getting a crowd control consultant in? They can afford Cobra Gold, but not to bring in some riot policing expertise?

You are going to apply logic to what goes on in LOS?

TIT. :)

I suppose that makes all Abhisits decisions subject to the same illogical and irrational LOS processes...

By the way, that smug whistling smiley does nothing to help your weak, pityful excuses for the mans inhumane actions.

Edited by RussellHantz
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More than 80% of Thai Visa members who answered this poll agree that the protesters would have been crushed in the beginning in almost any other country. The PM did what he had to do to protect the economy and majority of Thai people and he did not go overboard. We are lucky to have him.


A poll created by farang Yellow Shirts for farang Yellow Shirts. Come on Ulysses, think.

Maybe an election (a big poll) for the entire country is better.

Edited by bangkoklight
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You are going to apply logic to what goes on in LOS?

TIT. :)

I suppose that makes all Abhisits decisions subject to the same illogical and irrational LOS processes...

By the way, that smug whistling smiley does nothing to help your weak, pityful excuses for the mans inhumane actions.

As indeed, your avatar adds no value to your ramblings.

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Do you really think that the Thai army has the training, funding and equipment to do anything different than what they did.
Most countries would have done whatever it took to disperse the protesters, but, the ones that could afford it, would start with the methods that you have mentioned Winnie.
Wait, what? Thailand can afford F16s, an Aircraft Carrier, etc, etc, but they cannot afford horses and getting a crowd control consultant in? They can afford Cobra Gold, but not to bring in some riot policing expertise?
You are going to apply logic to what goes on in LOS?

So the Thai army did what they did because they didn't have the training, funding, or equipment to do anything different OR the Thai army did what they did because they can't apply logic to their actions?

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Yep, they were following orders. Orders that came from the top - Abhisit.

If you believe that the Thai army follows orders from K. Abhisit, then I believe you are misinformed or naive.

Klikster, it's the pro-government supporters here that say Abhisit has complete control of the army in this true democracy, so Russell based his comment on what the pro-government supporters want to believe. Russell is not misinformed or naive.

So are you saying that the Thai army controls the current government?

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Yep, they were following orders. Orders that came from the top - Abhisit.

If you believe that the Thai army follows orders from K. Abhisit, then I believe you are misinformed or naive.

Klikster, it's the pro-government supporters here that say Abhisit has complete control of the army in this true democracy, so Russell based his comment on what the pro-government supporters want to believe. Russell is not misinformed or naive.

So are you saying that the Thai army controls the current government?

No, please don't attribute to me what I haven't said nor even necessarily implied.

The Thai army responds better to the wishes of the privy council and those above, than to the Thai P.M. It's no real secret. It has little to do with Abhisit or the reds. It has to do with the military seeing themselves beholden to the Monarchy.

So I will repeat. Russell is misinformed or naive. If you think he isn't, maybe some research on your part is in order.

Actually, when RusselHantz wrote, "Orders that came from the top - Abhisit," it said volumes about his grasp of the true power structure in Thailand.

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Actually, when RusselHantz wrote, "Orders that came from the top - Abhisit," it said volumes about his grasp of the true power structure in Thailand.

Technically orders come through Abhisit, from the military and people like prem (since he owes his job to them), but Abhisit is the one who basically gives the final "yes", so I suppose my point was that he must take some responsiblity for the deaths.

And if he can't say "yes" to the killings (as any decent human being would have) then he should have stepped down.

Problem is Abhisit thinks he is gods gift to thai politics when he is simply an irresponsible, stubborn, leader who will never get voted into power by the people no matter how many of his opponents he kills and tries to silence

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