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The letter did nothing to change anything. It was just some nobody on the internet making wild accusations without any evidence to back them up. Do you really think the BBC and CNN change their coverage because some nobody on the internet posts a few links to Youtube?

You are really a piece of work!....my response:

1. The Letter was in fact received by CNN, together with many similar criticisms...and collectively they did have an impact. That is a fact. (You are sadly misinformed if you really think the MSM is never impacted or lead by the blogosphere, when MSM reporting is inaccurate?)

2. "Wild accusations" in the Letter... "Wild accusations" is what you are doing. And therefore you cannot differentiate between an opinion letter and a letter filled with references and actual video clips that speak for themselves. The text of the letter was really not the point...the point of the letter were all the references and video clips which did show that what Dan and Sara were saying on CNN was one-sided.

3. Whether as a result of the Letter and others like it....or just because Dan and Sara "saw the light" on their own...the fact is that CNN and all western media began providing better and more accurate reporting...stating that the Red Shirts were armed, that the military was facing grenades and rifle fire, that Thaksin was a major factor backing the Reds, and that the Red Shirt leaders were inciting violence.

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The foreign media did poorly, I agree with that. But they're not in Thailand. However, the English-speaking Thai media did absolutely awful... and there is no excuse for that, as they're in Thailand and know the facts. I'll leave it at that.

The Thai media are only allowed to present one side of the argument. Scanning through the TV channels now. It's all government PR spin of a united country working and living in harmony. It all looks very nice and convenient but if the people only see one side and don't know the realities, the country won't be able to evolve and move forward.


As I posted yesterday, Thursdays Australian newspaper had a pro red piece in it, written by a certain Robert Amsterdam, but neglected to make any mention of the fact that he's working for Thaksin. Believe what he said or not, the paper has an obligation to inform its readers where it gets its opinion pieces from. An obligation it neglected to carry out. Last weeks Economist, a rag I try to avoid, but was given to me to read on a flight, too had a typically pro Thaksin piece, the accompanying photo being some "typical" poor Thai farmers riding along in their cart towed by a couple of buffalo. Come on, how many Thai farmers in this day and age ride about on a buffalo cart? In 20 years of living in Isaan I have never seen a single one being used, other than for show, and the last time I saw a buffalo towing a plough around here was around 15 years ago. More deliberate misleading of the readers. Those poor farmers, can't even afford an iron buffalo, no wonder they're so pissed off. The article itself had a local red leader as it's main source of quotes, no balance whatsoever. Ironically, elsewhere in the ragazine was an article slamming Hugo Chavez for, amongst other things, populist policies, attempts to change the electoral system, putting cronies in powerful places, and corruption. What a bunch of clowns.

Ironically, elsewhere in the ragazine was an article slamming Hugo Chavez for, amongst other things, populist policies, attempts to change the electoral system, putting cronies in powerful places, and corruption. What a bunch of clowns.

PBS are showing some clowns on TV now - a fundraising activity or something.

Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

How contradictory. BBC and CNN did nothing of the sort. In fact, their entire coverage of the events in Bangkok were exclusively presented in a good guys (poor, unarmed freedom fighting farmers) vs. bad guys (corrupt, abusive, human rights violating, malicious and murdering everyone in sight military). It is pretty clear that you are fond of this biased view as well. BBC was more one sided than the N. Korean Dear Leader channel and couldn't have been further from the truth that was happening around us.

They seem to have shockingly dropped this story off the map once:

1. They set the city on fire, endangering the lives of thousands of people who live here, completely ignoring the heroic effort of the fire brigade and medics working through the night to prevent a completely horrific disaster from spreading.

2. Numerous footage of red shirts with weapons of war firing into crowds and military surfaced.

3. A plethora of IED's, grenades, guns and ammunition were found hidden around the site.

4. Red shirt leaders were charged with terrorism.

5. Car bombs, stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site.

I could go on, but the OP's article is spot on. I knew that BBC specifically pandered to bleeding heart liberals but I never would have thought that they would go this far. I can say with complete confidence that they are no where near a legitimate source of information.

Never read about stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site...source please!

1,000 of ID Card in sewage lines. FOUND

You're right, I apologize. The correct term should be 'allegedly confiscated'. My point stands.


I think we should put this whole story a little into perspective here..... :)

what do we have?

A columnist of The Sun in Malaysia, a newspaper, circulated in Kuala Lumpur in 7-Eleven stores, LRT-stations and fast-food outlets, being on holiday on Phuket, "...... was disappointed, if not disgusted, by the reports of respected international media covering the protests in Thailand"

and told his story to the Phuket Gazette.

Suddenly it's Thailand "world" news because, in his opinion, the Major media did poorly in the Thai protests ?

What about the Malaysian news about the sodomizing accusations (for the 2nd time!) against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim ?

Was that covered enough in the major media according the the esteemed columnist Terence Fernandez ?

Give me a break :D

Who's next?



BBC, CNN & Sky News (the only ones i'd normally watch) should send their Bangkok reporters home on the next flight and replace them with people that have eyes, ears, brain and can talk sense!

Complete disappointment with the 3 above news agency's

BBC, CNN & Sky News (the only ones i'd normally watch) should send their Bangkok reporters home on the next flight and replace them with people that have eyes, ears, brain and can talk sense!

Complete disappointment with the 3 above news agency's

I think they did a good job with their "on the streets" reporting style. It's harder to tell a lie with video footage so it's up to the viewer to form his/her opinion. Can you get Fox News where you are? They normally have reporters in every nook and cranny.

The foreign media did poorly, I agree with that. But they're not in Thailand. However, the English-speaking Thai media did absolutely awful... and there is no excuse for that, as they're in Thailand and know the facts. I'll leave it at that.

The Thai media are only allowed to present one side of the argument. Scanning through the TV channels now. It's all government PR spin of a united country working and living in harmony. It all looks very nice and convenient but if the people only see one side and don't know the realities, the country won't be able to evolve and move forward.

Absolute nonsense, channels 9, 11, (NBT) and Thai PBS all have discussion programmes with people from all sides and walks of life discussing the present situation.

'Scanning' the channels, yopu are probably just seeing the fillers between programmes,(especially on NBT), which are very patriotic and nation building, but the actual programmes contain participants from all sectors excepting arsonists.

Absolute nonsense, channels 9, 11, (NBT) and Thai PBS all have discussion programmes with people from all sides and walks of life discussing the present situation.

'Scanning' the channels, you are probably just seeing the fillers between programmes,(especially on NBT), which are very patriotic and nation building, but the actual programmes contain participants from all sectors excepting arsonists.

I thought the game shows and slapstick comedies were the fillers and the patriotic/nation building features were the actual programmes. Sorry for my misunderstanding. Maybe I don't watch enough Thai TV.

Absolute nonsense, channels 9, 11, (NBT) and Thai PBS all have discussion programmes with people from all sides and walks of life discussing the present situation.

'Scanning' the channels, you are probably just seeing the fillers between programmes,(especially on NBT), which are very patriotic and nation building, but the actual programmes contain participants from all sectors excepting arsonists.

Watching NBT now. Doesn't seem like a discussion to me. Just a one-sided homily, then a video clip of the Red Shirts' arsenal with some dramatic, military marching music in the background.


As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs. No credibility whatsoever.

I think we should put this whole story a little into perspective here..... :)

what do we have?

A columnist of The Sun in Malaysia, a newspaper, circulated in Kuala Lumpur in 7-Eleven stores, LRT-stations and fast-food outlets, being on holiday on Phuket, "...... was disappointed, if not disgusted, by the reports of respected international media covering the protests in Thailand"

and told his story to the Phuket Gazette.

Suddenly it's Thailand "world" news because, in his opinion, the Major media did poorly in the Thai protests ?

What about the Malaysian news about the sodomizing accusations (for the 2nd time!) against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim ?

Was that covered enough in the major media according the the esteemed columnist Terence Fernandez ?

Give me a break :D

Who's next?


While I agree that Malay news and the Phuket Gazette are not the best! I was watching, CNN, BBC, Al Jazerra, MCOT, TAN as well as Channel 3 Thai, until is was fire bombed, as well as others. My internet was out for the four days during the peak of the crisis. And as I said before, Al Jazerra was the least biased of the reporting I saw. They presented both sides. When the burning and looting started, everyone could see the peaceful demonstrators in action... Give the rest of us a break! My glasses are photo gray, not rose colored or yellow...

As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs.

No credibility whatsoever.

I agree that the BBC and CNN didn't interview any government officials or spokespersons but they were reporting events which were actually happening on the streets. I remember the BBC's video reports quite well - as video reports will be remembered most by the majority. Alistair Leithead was telling stories of what was happening there and then - the Red Shirts are there, the army are here, the army respond when a rocket is fired at them, the Red Shirts run out and set light to a tyre when they can, the Red Shirts have stuck out for 6-7 weeks. This is what was happening.


Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

mate you don't need anymore proof about Western Media and their attitudes, than to go back to when that Australian Shiela STOLE the bar mats from the pub in Phuket.

I followed the entire episode very closly in all forms of the Australian media. TV, Radio, Press and Internet. It was the most blatantly biased and supremely arrogant reporting since the Dingo ate Azaria.

My mother in Aust who is well into her 80s now, has been a frequent visitor to the LOS and Mother In Law to my Thai Wife was so incensed, for the first time in her entire life, rang the top rating radio station in Melbourne and gave them all a spray!

She refused to go on air though.

Wonderful report from a Journo in a Phuket deckchair. It was really bad everywhere ,why do you think we had ED in so many provinces, and the violence could have broken out anywhere, do not forget it was a political rally, and terrorists were involved. If you read one of the previous articles they even had problems in Pattaya and Phuket among others provinces.

The Shiela "Her friend" put one bar mat in her handbag. Yeah missed out on some easy money eh! They were not happy at all.


I watched everything I could in N America when Thai protests were mentioned and let`s just say that it was poor, very poor and frustrating when it came to giving a clear picture of who Thaksin Shinawatra and who his reds really were. I lost all respect I had for CBC SRC correspondent Michel Cormier for insisting on wearing flak gear instead of sitting at his pc doing research on Thaksin Shinawatra and his past. The neutrality was sickening, to the point of misleading viewers in the west into thinking the reds really were a credible democratic movement when most of us knew long before by watching the TRT-PPP-PTV-UDD-REDS metamorphosis orchestrated by a megalomaniac, the non-asian PR firms he hires and an unlimited army of criminal cult-zombies ready to kill at the smell of a few 1000 baht notes. The reds did a 100% job in shamelessly exploiting words like democracy and wearing Gandhi t-shirts.

Shame on the media for not calling a criminal a criminal when they see one.

May the upcoming trials put the media to shame as well as Thaksin and his money-hungry criminal parasites.

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Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

The Thaksin PR firms continue to do a fine job here on TV - evidenced by the "resurrection" of posters, registered years ago, who post their first few comments only this past week, and only in a clearly anti-government spin. lol My ignore button got quite a workout.

Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

How contradictory. BBC and CNN did nothing of the sort. In fact, their entire coverage of the events in Bangkok were exclusively presented in a good guys (poor, unarmed freedom fighting farmers) vs. bad guys (corrupt, abusive, human rights violating, malicious and murdering everyone in sight military). It is pretty clear that you are fond of this biased view as well. BBC was more one sided than the N. Korean Dear Leader channel and couldn't have been further from the truth that was happening around us.

They seem to have shockingly dropped this story off the map once:

1. They set the city on fire, endangering the lives of thousands of people who live here, completely ignoring the heroic effort of the fire brigade and medics working through the night to prevent a completely horrific disaster from spreading.

2. Numerous footage of red shirts with weapons of war firing into crowds and military surfaced.

3. A plethora of IED's, grenades, guns and ammunition were found hidden around the site.

4. Red shirt leaders were charged with terrorism.

5. Car bombs, stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site.

I could go on, but the OP's article is spot on. I knew that BBC specifically pandered to bleeding heart liberals but I never would have thought that they would go this far. I can say with complete confidence that they are no where near a legitimate source of information.

Well said Sir!

so you can all guess lies you swallow about war in irak ,afghanistan and so on ..................!!! :) aljazeera is the most objective nowdays.

I grew up with the BBC ("Auntie" as it is affectionately called in the UK)

I can't tell you how disapppointed I am to see them go down so fast.

Of course it's all about viewing figures, advertising and money.

I'm really shocked. In fact about as bad as finding out that your aunty is a hooker!

The 24/7 cable satellite news cycle has altered broadcast journalism radically. The BBC (Auntie's become a hooker), CNN (crashing fast) and Faux News ( :) ) which astoundingy has not been mentioned in this thread (unless I somehow missed it) have 1,340 minutes of each day to keep our attention whether they are commercial or publicly licensed enterprises. Since MTV many people's attention span is commonly a millisecond so the news has to show 'hot' flashy visuals supported by emotive commentary/reportage. There are some 'serious' programs but even those are compressed and often overly dramatic (e.g., Tim Sebastian's Doha Debates programme/program).

More consequently, the internet has placed pressing demands on journalism both print and broadcast while newspapers continue to lose readers to consequently fade eventually into the distant sunset (unless we want to pay 10x - 20x the prices we currently pay). I haven't seen the Guardian mentioned here which didn't exactly enlighten its readers with the realities that comprise contemporary Thailand, but in fairness the Guardian isn't the only perp.

In short, a lot of people are growing up as they see how the foreign mass media report a situation we know well and firsthand, a situation and circumstance that you or I would report differently except we don't work in the foreign/global mass media. We see firsthand in the case of the Newsweek idiot Joel Schectman how easily expensive cosmetic manipulation of media can work. Many are learning we always need to view the foreign mass media from their position and place in the distant abroad. After all, in this instance the foreign mass media are reporting on Thailand, not the PRC, France, Iran or any other such places where the narratives are more familiar to regular consumers of news.     


As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs.

No credibility whatsoever.

I agree that the BBC and CNN didn't interview any government officials or spokespersons but they were reporting events which were actually happening on the streets. I remember the BBC's video reports quite well - as video reports will be remembered most by the majority. Alistair Leithead was telling stories of what was happening there and then - the Red Shirts are there, the army are here, the army respond when a rocket is fired at them, the Red Shirts run out and set light to a tyre when they can, the Red Shirts have stuck out for 6-7 weeks. This is what was happening.

Didn't interview any government officials? What about the interview they did with Korn? And the one with Panitan? :)

If they're not government officials, what are they?

As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs.

No credibility whatsoever.

I agree that the BBC and CNN didn't interview any government officials or spokespersons but they were reporting events which were actually happening on the streets. I remember the BBC's video reports quite well - as video reports will be remembered most by the majority. Alistair Leithead was telling stories of what was happening there and then - the Red Shirts are there, the army are here, the army respond when a rocket is fired at them, the Red Shirts run out and set light to a tyre when they can, the Red Shirts have stuck out for 6-7 weeks. This is what was happening.

Didn't interview any government officials? What about the interview they did with Korn? And the one with Panitan? :)

If they're not government officials, what are they?

CNN several times interviewed several individuals from both sides. Once the government began routing the Reds however, only government officials were available for interview as the Red leaders were rather breathless while on the run. It's the nature of the situation and circumstance, the nature of the beast called journalism which relies heavily on the official body count, the official crowd estimate and alternative crowd estimates, the question of whether the government is in control or will fall etc. Various analysts were interviewed by most media whether print or broadcast which assisted the foreign mass media to gain a needed perspective. 

Eventually, almost all the foreign media began to find and to read people such as Shawn Crispin and others who have a daily familiarity with the country and the cast of players, the background, the deep background, so began to assemble a larger picture than the simplistic surface claims of a class war of poor vs rich. The once pivotal fact Thaksin was deposed by a coup, which gave the foreign mass media a bias against the government, eventually faded into the background of the foreign media paradigm as the foreign media began to take the lead of those journalists and analysts from many countries near or far who are seasoned in Thai politics and society, subsequently and consequently causing greater and more focused foreign media reporting on the dynamics and the principals central to the extant time, place and circumstance. A for instance is the more mature mass media focus on the armed thugs in opposition to the establishment, Thaksin's paymaster role from abroad and the real presence of the Maoist influence in the present conflict which among other exigencies made the foreign media forget about the undemocratic coup of four years ago to refocus on the undemocratic opposition of the present.    

So, the media didnt print the government spin, so now they have to feel the wrath of the forum kings. Its pathetic.

Yes, how disappointing that the international press don't allow history to be written by the current victors. Never mind, we can still resort to childish insults: "Dick" Head has now been replaced by "scary crew cut". First class news corps such as the beeb didn't kow tow to the odious Thaksin when he was in his pomp, and massive kudos to them for treating the latest bunch of gangsters at the helm with the same deserved contempt.

Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

The Thaksin PR firms continue to do a fine job here on TV - evidenced by the "resurrection" of posters, registered years ago, who post their first few comments only this past week, and only in a clearly anti-government spin. lol My ignore button got quite a workout.

But what about all the anti-red posters who've popped up from nowhere recently? Two of them ran up a thousand posts in the News Clippings threads in a month. Not one post about food, travel, sport, visa issues (which originally brought me to the forum), etc. just a need to post anti-red propaganda. Speaking of which, have you posted anything other than political comment in the seven hundred posts you've made since you joined the forum four months ago?


Thailand is a very independent nation and does not fit into the one world puzzle. Best to break down its institutions and divide and conquer. Its worked everywhere else why not Thailand? Get rid of independent nation states, merge them into superstates, put the superstates together and you have one state. Control the one state and you control the world. Simple? We shall see in the next twenty years.

The open letter concerning alleged bias was totally debunked in the following article:


Some of the posters here seem to think that the international news media should just parrot the Thai government in the same way that the Thai media does.

Debunked? Not really. Different view maybe.

I will say that The Nation does appear somewhat biased.

I recall one piece of BBC video footage where some old red shirt biddy was quoted as saying " all we want is democracy". Next time it was translated as "we know what's happening"

Sorry, but I just do not trust the BEEB anymore

Truly amazing how twisted things and people get. The "debunking" by BP did nothing to change the import of the letter. BP seems to be a true a--hole....and misses the whole point of the letter. The letter was meant to provide CNN with ample information to show both sides. You could not possibly be watching CNN International and be not be pissed off, unless you were a Red Shirt supporter. Period. BP going point by point trying to discredit the letter was a ridiculous waste of time with no purpose. The letter is not trying to be an opinion letter. It is trying to say that there was ample information on the internet and from other news sources that show that trying to present the Red Shirt movement as a "poor helpless innocent people vs the armed and dictatorial government" is a one sided presentation. The letter did its job. And CNN and BBC both, as a result of the letter, and as a result of other criticisms received by CNN, dramatically changed their reporting to a much more even sided presentation. THe BP "debunking" reads more like a self serving obsessive trying to show how smart he is. Go to the Letter itself...go to the references and clips...and you cannot end up missing the point that the Red Shirts were an armed and dangerous mob, inciting violence. The rampage that took place after the Red Shirt leaders surrendered have perhaps now made the Letter mute...because everyone, all media, all governments, now see both sides of the story; everyone knows the Red Shirts were armed and out of control. The government did not act perfectly...but they were facing a dangerous threat in the form of an armed and dangerous red mob, who surrounded themselves with misinformed elderly, children and women led on and incited by the Red Shirt leaders.

Very well put

I've always respected you as one of the few earnest anti-reds on TV, Hammered. But you have discredited yourself by thumbing-up the garbage quoted above.

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