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Chefxp Release All Customer Emails

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Chefxp today released all customer emails to the world if you are registered with chefxp standby for spam.

Very unprofessional....Foodbyphone managed to send out the the same curfew information without compromising your acccount details.

So far I have received 37 spam emails and also all the customers replies to chefxp including Stephen leathers 555

Be warned.


Just spoke to my boss and a couple of colleagues and friends they are all getting the same shit....cannot believe it. Everyone agreed may as well pay the extra for food by phone....

Hate to say it chefxp but this will cost u a lot of customers at a time where you should be hanging onto every customer u have as the thai economy goes south.

Well done.

Edited by negreanu
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Strange - I haven't received even one spam. Funnily enough, I ordered from them yesterday and got NO confirmations at all by email, and they said they were moving to new servers so there might have been a glitch.

Try their new online support - might be faster that way.

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Spam seems to have stopped in the last hour and all the customers emails...interesting reading customers associates replies to the owner 555

Looks like you have some seriously pissed off customers mr chefxp. Free food for all customers to make It up? :)

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May have slowed down but they managed to subscribe me to ICE newsletter & FEMA

The idiots replying to ChefsXP are just as clueless. Hitting "reply" is not a good idea.

My boss just called back he is seriously not happy with chefsxp clogging up one of the main companies emails with crap said he is going to pay their office a visit tomorrow morning on the way to the office to express his unhappiness.. Rather them than me.

Spoke too soon just got another 4 spam and customer replies. <deleted>

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Me too . . . been signed up to god knows how many sites and had 35 spam so far and 15 email replies back to the owner. Interesting to see who knows who tho :)

Food-by-Phone is looking more attractive by the minute. ChefsXP, you <deleted>*&ed up big time on this one I'm afraid to say. Bye Bye.

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I too got their bulletin email.....and then some other emails, and some replies, and a bunch of Spam. Annoying as hel_l but not the end of the world. They obviously were using some kind of distribution list, which normally include a bunch of options regarding level of access. They should have set the list up requiring authentication....that would have eliminated the possibility of spam-bot accessing the list...and would have made it impossible for anyone to send anything for that matter....unless they had the access code.

Its an easy mistake to make and I guess it would escalate as soon as people started sending replies. But the simple fact is, once the "[email protected]" distribution list was deleted, (and they assure me it was) there is nothing more to worry about.....without that list, the spam cannot get to you. I know my email address is still safe....my inbox has some unwanted crap in it.....but I ain't throwing the baby out with bath water!

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Still getting spam and customer replies this morning. Pissed off. Some people depend on email communications for their work and u just seriously screwed my work and life up.

You bunch of amateur idiots. Chefxp you just lost 8 customers from our company alone!

Will I recommend chefxp to anyone?? No way.

Foodbyphone maybe more expensive but at least they would not let this happen and my email has been with them for 5 years!

Edited by negreanu
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Jesus Christ. I am getting the same!!!!!

I am going to call them tomorrow and read the riot act to them.

Unfortunately not the only ones doing idiotic things:

on 22nd, I received an advertising email from "The Gastro Cooking Studio by Villa Market -- www.the-gastro.com" with a large enough number of recipients in the "TO:" field. Everyone visible, spam no doubt to follow soon. All because I once signed up for one of their % discount cards. :)

Note to everyone sending emails to more than 1 person: use the BCC: field and leave the TO: field empty (or if your email client doesn't allow for that, put in your own email address). That way, nobody sees anybody else.

Note to self: always use throw-away email address for such things...

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I too got their bulletin email.....and then some other emails, and some replies, and a bunch of Spam. Annoying as hel_l but not the end of the world. They obviously were using some kind of distribution list, which normally include a bunch of options regarding level of access. They should have set the list up requiring authentication....that would have eliminated the possibility of spam-bot accessing the list...and would have made it impossible for anyone to send anything for that matter....unless they had the access code.

Its an easy mistake to make and I guess it would escalate as soon as people started sending replies. But the simple fact is, once the "[email protected]" distribution list was deleted, (and they assure me it was) there is nothing more to worry about.....without that list, the spam cannot get to you. I know my email address is still safe....my inbox has some unwanted crap in it.....but I ain't throwing the baby out with bath water!

Not true . . . the emails/distribution list is now out there in the public domain and will be increasingly distributed amongst various spammers, so it won't stop, it will get worse. ChefsXP deleting their list and/or bulletins email address won't stop the spam cos the spammers already have the email addresses from it.

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As stated above. Nothing can be done now. Your email address is already there and the spam will get worse by the day. Your only option is too change your email address or put up with the now ever increasing spam.

And of course teach these idiots a lesson by not using their services anymore. Not even a apology from the owner / manager.

My boss has passed their customer privacy policy to the legal department for review :)

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I queried with them yesterday why this was happening but not had any reply as yet, guess they've been too busy going through all the crap that they've been getting into their email boxes. Since then I've been forwarding every email I receive back to their email addresses, let them see how this is affecting everyone on that mailing list.

Also, rather than decreasing, spam is increasing . . . the opposite of what one (less than informed) poster suggested earlier, and it's only going to get worse. I hate to do it, but if it continues I'll have to turn off the email address I used with them as I can't be dealing with 30+ spam messages every day.

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What are spamfilters on email accounts for? I very rarely have a spam mail slip into my inbox these days. Just periodicaly empty the junk folder and job's a good one.

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@TerraPosse: You're lucky then as I guess you haven't yet been inundated by spam, I've had now 60+ emails in 24 hours since their message went out. Spam filters are great . . . to a point . . . with well known spammers they get blocked automatically, but otherwise you have to teach them. Regardless, lots of the spam nowadays isn't always so obvious and it takes a manual check to ensure you are not blocking/deleting a legitimate email, this takes time.

The point is, when registering your email on any website, the owners have a responsibility to maintain user details confidential and I for one am more than a little pissed that it's been over 24 hours and I haven't even received an acknowledgment that they screwed up nor an apology.

Per their website:


7. Protecting your Personal Information. Your information is stored on ChefsXpress servers located in the Kingdom of Thailand. We use procedural and technical safeguards to protect your personal information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access and disclosure to protect your privacy, including encryption, "firewalls" and Secure Socket Layers. We treat data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. We employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside and outside the company. Although ChefsXpress has and will continue to undertake reasonable measures to ensure that your Personal Information is secure, "perfect security" does not exist on the Internet. Therefore, ChefsXpress cannot guarantee that the Personal Information you provide will not be intercepted by others or that unauthorized access will never occur. ChefsXPress shall not be liable for a breach of security that occurs for reasons outside of its reasonable control.

So is releasing everyone's email addresses "outside of their reasonable control"?


In your mailing list settings, you need to change your "post/reply" options to "subscribers post/reply to the moderators address" so that any posts or replies to the mailing list are ONLY sent to the moderator. I think currently it is set to "subscribers post/reply to the list" which means that any posts or replies get sent to everyone on the mailing list which is what is currently occurring.

Edited by Tatsujin
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@TerraPosse: You're lucky then as I guess you haven't yet been inundated by spam, I've had now 60+ emails in 24 hours since their message went out. Spam filters are great . . . to a point . . . with well known spammers they get blocked automatically, but otherwise you have to teach them. Regardless, lots of the spam nowadays isn't always so obvious and it takes a manual check to ensure you are not blocking/deleting a legitimate email, this takes time.

The point is, when registering your email on any website, the owners have a responsibility to maintain user details confidential and I for one am more than a little pissed that it's been over 24 hours and I haven't even received an acknowledgment that they screwed up nor an apology.

Per their website:


7. Protecting your Personal Information. Your information is stored on ChefsXpress servers located in the Kingdom of Thailand. We use procedural and technical safeguards to protect your personal information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access and disclosure to protect your privacy, including encryption, "firewalls" and Secure Socket Layers. We treat data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. We employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside and outside the company. Although ChefsXpress has and will continue to undertake reasonable measures to ensure that your Personal Information is secure, "perfect security" does not exist on the Internet. Therefore, ChefsXpress cannot guarantee that the Personal Information you provide will not be intercepted by others or that unauthorized access will never occur. ChefsXPress shall not be liable for a breach of security that occurs for reasons outside of its reasonable control.

So is releasing everyone's email addresses "outside of their reasonable control"?


In your mailing list settings, you need to change your "reply" options to "Subscribers reply to the moderators address" so that any replies to the mailing list are ONLY sent to the moderator. I think currently it is set to "Subscribers reply to the list" which means any replies get sent to everyone on the list which is what is currently occurring.

The worst part of all this is they have not taken the time to say "Oops sorry, we screwed up".

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On 23 May 2010, ChefsXP sent an email from [email protected] with the intention of informing our registered customers that the situation in Bangkok was returning to normal.

Unfortunately, the ‘permissions settings’ for the distribution list was not properly configured and resulted in all replies to [email protected] being distributed to the entire list. As well, a ‘spambot’ targeted the same [email protected] email resulting in spam also being distributed to the list. In neither case were replies, nor spam, sent directly to individual customers’ addresses from an outside source. No email addresses were compromised.

ChefsXP considers your personal information strictly confidential. While it does appear that a few customers who replied to [email protected] may have inadvertently shared their email address with other list members, at no point were those addresses available to the spam source. The spam source was only able to send email to [email protected]. (As is normal practice with spam-mail, please simply delete or filter the spam – do not use the ‘unsubscribe’ function)

We understand that even after deleting the bulletin list, customers may continue to receive spam, however, these were initiated prior to the deletion of the bulletin list and any spam received after the deletion is a result of residual email backlog.

Of course this has been an annoying exercise for everyone and we sincerely apologize for the trouble we have caused, but we hope that this serves sufficiently as an explanation and puts to rest any concerns that your personal email address has been exposed or shared to the spam source.

ChefsXP, along with our partner restaurants, continue to be Bangkok’s NO MARK UP food delivery service. We deeply appreciate your support, understanding, and forgiveness

Kindest Regards,

Sorot Chamlongsupalak,

Managing Director,

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I got about 2 spams from chefxp. I did not reply and dropped them in the trash. I have not gotten anything else. Maybe the people replying to the spam sent emails got themselves signed up for more spam. One of the golden rules in spamland is "do not reply." Another is, "do not open the links."

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We switched back to Food by phone this week after using Chefxp for over a year 2 or 3 times a week. I must admit I forgot how professional Foodbyphone are compared to the chefxp.

They always seem to deliver quicker and the food is much hotter when it arrives than ChefXP (Central BKK) and of course as covered in another thread the delivery guys are far more polite and shall we say washed than their competitors.

The VIP club is well worth joining for Foodbyphone and you can easily get back 3 or 4 times what it cost to join (Stock up on the wine for your first few orders after joining). Of course you get what you pay for. Actually there was 1 mistake along the line this week at Mrs Balbirs they sent a prawn curry instead of the fish one we ordered. One call to FbyP and they sent the fish one within 30 mins and said we can enjoy the prawn one with their compliments and that was a 400thb+ dish.

Also nice to have the extensive wine options with food by phone.

Also interesting test this order Tabbeluh and say mixed sharwama from food by phone at beirut restaurant then compare the size of the portion to what u get at the cheaper chefxp option.........was pleasantly surprised.

The DOWNSIDE you will pay slightly more. Sticking with Foodbyphone from now on sorry chefxp (Actually I am not after your spam nonsense) :)

Edited by negreanu
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