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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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He did say he'd be back in Thailand before the end of the year...

Yes, he has said a lot, and then either contradicted himself or just denied what he said (for the record). It is difficult to understand what he means from one day to the next.

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Name one country or journalist with links that has called Frank Sinatra or the reds terrorists! They are a rabble run by a criminal, but terrorist is the wrong terminology. Once you call someone that, there is no recourse and u start to look very stupid when nobody (apart from the imbeciles on here) calls them that

I agree that the term terrorist is thrown around far too often by governments all around the world, however, I would have thought the random grenade attack on Saladaeng skytrain station was without doubt a terrorist attack as it targeted random protestors and passers-by, it certainly instilled terror in a lot of people.

The pre planned arson of many large buildings around Bangkok could also be construed as an act of terrorism, if they had been bombed using explosives I don't think anyone would argue that it was a terrorist attack, I am not sure it makes any difference that it was petrol bombs that did the damage.

The laying of tyres on the skytrain could also be construed as a terrorist attack, attempting to derail the train.

Basically a while back the Thai government screwed up Thaksins travel by playing with his passports and issuing arrest warrants on corruption cases and making him apoltical ho potato. Thaksin eventually got Montengrin citizenship which because of certain agreements with the EU made it easier for him to travel in certain EU countries again and because the nature of the crimes was only corruption meant most countries in the EU would turn a blind eye if he stayed quietish.

The issuance of a terrorism arrest warrant is another matter which raises the stakes. Terrorism is the ultimate scary buzzword in the west. Throw in that Thailand has alwys been a player albeit a minor one in the wests war on terror. Throw in the destruction of Bangkok landmarks in a dramatic manner which few if anyone thinks wasnt associated with the reds who are connected to who? Throw in the Thai government are indicating they regard Thaksin as a not just a major criminal but a terrorist and consider what any western government would think if a country harboured those they labelled as terrorists. It makes flying under the radar and being semi-ignored on a Montenagrin passport a lot harder than when it was on some corruption charges.

It will be interesting to see if the charges are honoured by the international community. Having Kasit presenting the case doesn't help with its objectivity. Maybe time for a change at the foreign ministry.

Im not convinced anyone is worried about charges being honoured. If it came ot a question of that it would be decdied by a local court and no doubt be appealed right to the top level by both sides which would be very time consuming and so probably best avoided by Thaksin which I would guess is one aim of this ie have him think I better avoid the countries with extradition treaties that would use due process ( Cambodia may remain safe on this one as they skipped due process). However, I would guess the main aim is to create a diplomatic hot potato again who most countries especially western ones would rather not have on their soil.

There is also a darker issue that Thailand knows that the last thing the west wants is any precedent of a friendly allied state providing harbour to someone another freindly allied state has labelled a terrorist, which brings us back to hot potatoes.

Well said, so true.

Interesting times indeed. It seems as if the walls may be closing in on this person. :)



How wrong you are , He is on terrorism charges I would say he will be arrested in days not months.

I hope you are right but the arrest warant isn't issued by an international court is it?

Don't you think the international community has to recognize the arrest warrant first?

I really don't know how long that would take but now all countries will be aware of his charges and I would think none of them would want to have him on their soil now.

Sorry, the warrant is only written in Thai, not English, nor French, nor Montenegrin.

It only requires and officially authorized translation.

And please list which countries, besides Cambodia, have stated,

for the record, they don not recognize Abhisit as legal PM of Thailand.

Nobody cares!!!!!! Thailand has a terrible reputation for human rights and lies!! He can go anywhere and everywhere! The Western world love an underdog fighting against an oppressive junta!


I don't think anyone seriously expects another country to go out and apprehend Thaksin.

What it does achieve is to up the 'ante' in terms of the charges against him and freeze him out even more.

It would not be easy to welcome back to Thailand someone who has been charged with terrorists offences. Similarly, it will make it more difficult for Thaksin to travel freely.

Alienate and isolate.

Every airport should be on the look out for him now and that private plane seized.

Thaksins days on the run are numbered :)

after his fair trial ,, can he expect .

a long sentence , in the bangkok hilton ,

or, RIP and therefore move up/down to another level ? ,

in the budist life chain ,


I miss FM Kasit chasing behind Thaksin and telling the press every day where he's been spotted. What ever happened to that? :)


I fail to understand that posters here say stay out of Thai politics but seem to take great delight in talking about it in the most extreme ways.

It would seem to me that bringing him back on whatever charges would create far more trouble than solve anything.

One mans terrorist is another mans martyr, there has been more than enough proof that he does have strong support from a large section of the Country. Bring him back and even if the proof is abundant against him he will still be a matyr to many with all the problems that would bring. Unfortunatley proof means nothing when someone believes in an ideology, no matter how ill informed.

Perhaps the gung ho farangs on here should think what is best for the Country they profess to love and not what is best to satisfy their bloodlust.

A couple of terrorists


One down one to go!

They should let Col. Romklao's regiment have him for a little fun and M-79 DANCE!

Supporting and endorsing assassinations is allowed now under ThaiVisa forum rules?

No. Unless your name is Thaksin or Seh Daeng.

Every airport should be on the look out for him now and that private plane seized.

Thaksins days on the run are numbered :D

Yep, sure they are. Don't you worry, the first airport he lands at, he'll be arrested immediately and his airplane seized. Then they will deport him to Thailand straight away. No matter what country it is. Sure, of course. Yep. This arrest warrant just sealed the deal. No worries there, buddy.



Just a question:

What is the international definition of a terrorist / terrorism?

The reds including Thaksin are certainly rioters and/or instigators of violence, but would this qualify for terrorism charges in international terms?


Basically a while back the Thai government screwed up Thaksins travel by playing with his passports and issuing arrest warrants on corruption cases and making him apoltical ho potato. Thaksin eventually got Montengrin citizenship which because of certain agreements with the EU made it easier for him to travel in certain EU countries again and because the nature of the crimes was only corruption meant most countries in the EU would turn a blind eye if he stayed quietish.

The issuance of a terrorism arrest warrant is another matter which raises the stakes. Terrorism is the ultimate scary buzzword in the west. Throw in that Thailand has alwys been a player albeit a minor one in the wests war on terror. Throw in the destruction of Bangkok landmarks in a dramatic manner which few if anyone thinks wasnt associated with the reds who are connected to who? Throw in the Thai government are indicating they regard Thaksin as a not just a major criminal but a terrorist and consider what any western government would think if a country harboured those they labelled as terrorists. It makes flying under the radar and being semi-ignored on a Montenagrin passport a lot harder than when it was on some corruption charges.

It will be interesting to see if the charges are honoured by the international community. Having Kasit presenting the case doesn't help with its objectivity. Maybe time for a change at the foreign ministry.

Im not convinced anyone is worried about charges being honoured. If it came ot a question of that it would be decdied by a local court and no doubt be appealed right to the top level by both sides which would be very time consuming and so probably best avoided by Thaksin which I would guess is one aim of this ie have him think I better avoid the countries with extradition treaties that would use due process ( Cambodia may remain safe on this one as they skipped due process). However, I would guess the main aim is to create a diplomatic hot potato again who most countries especially western ones would rather not have on their soil.

There is also a darker issue that Thailand knows that the last thing the west wants is any precedent of a friendly allied state providing harbour to someone another freindly allied state has labelled a terrorist, which brings us back to hot potatoes.

Maybe true. But creating a political hot potato with a terrorism charge is using a sledgehammer to crush a nut. You can't very well accuse the man of being a terrorist and leave it at that. It does have serious consequences. You can't just name someone a terrorist for local consumption. The western governments will now have to decide one way or another where they stand on this issue.

I can see that there if the government makes a good case, there is every chance that the governments overseas will agree and co-operate. The problem is, if the evidence and judgement doesn't clearly show connections between Thaksin and the red's and that the proof in the case doesn't prove completely that the Reds are terrorists by western, acceptable, definitions, the only judgement that a foreign government will take is that the case is political, and then the Thai government looks completely like an ass.

I don't think it would be particularly good for the government to have to come back from presenting its evidence overseas with its tail between its legs. It will serve nothing more than to embolden Thaksin, if the case is not accepted overseas.

Basically a while back the Thai government screwed up Thaksins travel by playing with his passports and issuing arrest warrants on corruption cases and making him apoltical ho potato. Thaksin eventually got Montengrin citizenship which because of certain agreements with the EU made it easier for him to travel in certain EU countries again and because the nature of the crimes was only corruption meant most countries in the EU would turn a blind eye if he stayed quietish.

The issuance of a terrorism arrest warrant is another matter which raises the stakes. Terrorism is the ultimate scary buzzword in the west. Throw in that Thailand has alwys been a player albeit a minor one in the wests war on terror. Throw in the destruction of Bangkok landmarks in a dramatic manner which few if anyone thinks wasnt associated with the reds who are connected to who? Throw in the Thai government are indicating they regard Thaksin as a not just a major criminal but a terrorist and consider what any western government would think if a country harboured those they labelled as terrorists. It makes flying under the radar and being semi-ignored on a Montenagrin passport a lot harder than when it was on some corruption charges.

It will be interesting to see if the charges are honoured by the international community. Having Kasit presenting the case doesn't help with its objectivity. Maybe time for a change at the foreign ministry.

Im not convinced anyone is worried about charges being honoured. If it came ot a question of that it would be decdied by a local court and no doubt be appealed right to the top level by both sides which would be very time consuming and so probably best avoided by Thaksin which I would guess is one aim of this ie have him think I better avoid the countries with extradition treaties that would use due process ( Cambodia may remain safe on this one as they skipped due process). However, I would guess the main aim is to create a diplomatic hot potato again who most countries especially western ones would rather not have on their soil.

There is also a darker issue that Thailand knows that the last thing the west wants is any precedent of a friendly allied state providing harbour to someone another freindly allied state has labelled a terrorist, which brings us back to hot potatoes.

In all this discussion you forget all one fact: Thailand has the death penalty (not only for terrorism). Every fully civilised country (US only partially) cannot extradite in a country with the death penalty. Before Thailand can ask for extradition of Thaksin the dealth penalty must be abolished (all real Buddhist would be happy) or exclude officially

the death penalty as punishment for Thaksin.


Will make it rather hard to get visas for many parts of the world.

I can see him ticking boxes on the form now: Q: Are you a member of a terrorist organisation? A: No, but I own one.

Name one country or journalist with links that has called Frank Sinatra or the reds terrorists! They are a rabble run by a criminal, but terrorist is the wrong terminology. Once you call someone that, there is no recourse and u start to look very stupid when nobody (apart from the imbeciles on here) calls them that

:) at least THIS imbecile can get quotes right :D

Thaksin is wanted on charges of terrorism as of today. He's made "the list". Your opinion doesn't really matter :D

The government of Thaiand calls him a terrorist and Thailand is a strategic partner for many countries so at the very least they will prevent him from travelling to any of those countries. No other country HAS to call him a terrorist. They just have to say "Today, we have arrested Thaksin on a warrant issued in Thailand. The charge is Terrorism." They don't have to call him anything at all except a person wanted by the Kingdom of Thailand, a country they have an extradition treaty with.


Had a quick chat with a Thammasat law professor yesterday. He was very sure that this would change things.

I pointed out that InterPol has infuriated Thailand by declining to assist them in the arrest of Thaksin. "Yes" he said "but this is a terrorist charge". He seemed to think it obvious that this would change the dynamics.

I recall InterPol having Red Notices up for British citizens, who are evidently living quiet lives in the UK, where the police do not attempt to arrest them, and where their homes and sometimes telephone numbers can be found with a quick google search [see the enormous number of British newspaper articles on this subject about 3 years ago]. They are able to idly live their lives in peace despite being classed as 'fugitives' on the Interpol website becuase it is Libya that asked InterPol to put them on it. The UK simply ignores these obviously politically motivated requests by Libya.

So my impression was InterPol would just about assist any sovereign state with their dirty work, yet Thailand's humiliating treatment suggests otherwise. It does reinforce the point that in the (real) world outside Thailand this government is regarded as illegitimate, no matter how many democratic technologies it uses to usurp power.

Oh well, you can keep track here:



More then a few European countries wont extradict to a country that have the death penalty. It would be enough for Thaksin to take this charge to any scandinavian contry, combined with a few photos of his friend Seh Daeng and he would be given asylum.

Me personally would welcome seeing him in an international court on charges put forth by the thai junta.

There's a number of ways to look at this.

1) While the warrant was issued in Thailand, a lot of countries pretty much consider Thailand as not much better than some Banana Republics, and therefore not pay much attention to this warrant.

2) Even should they recognize it, that does not mean that if he were apprehended that the country which apprehended him, or even if it is Interpol, will be willing to extradite him, as many, if not most civilized countries will not extradite someone who faces a possible death sentence if returned to their country of origin which has issued the warrant.

3) While this undoubtedly place some "pressure" on him, it hardly stops him in his tracks, as there are still a whole list of countries who will still allow him to come and go freely, based on their own corruption, and his financial contributions to it.

In my opinion, bringing Thaksin back to Thailand would be a major mistake by the current government. That would put the hero of the Reds on their soil, and they would probably storm any prison or jail he was being kept in, or at least attempt to. And should he die, whether by true accident or something like a heart attack, while in custody, the entire world would be suspicious, and the Reds would truly rampage then. What we saw in BKK and the provinces with fires and arson would look like a Sunday picnic and this country would go up in flames.

To me, the best thing this government could do is make Thaksin a "non issue", stop putting him on the front page every day, and stop trying to blame everything on him. Make him a non entity that doesn't exist. They have themselves to blame, in some ways, for continuing to make him an issue. My advice to the government: "Forget about him and get on with business".

But, hey, to me that would make sense, and everyone knows that "sense" is something in seriously short supply of here.

Interesting post. I agree and think Thailand should erase him, no more mention of him and refer to him as irrelevant. This would be the ultimate punishment for an obvious egomaniac.

Erase? Like Seh Daeng?

Why not just call the A Team.

See my last sentence above.


@Opalhort: The short answer is there is no internationally established definition: however, as an example the FBI summarises this as

"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives".


Name one country or journalist with links that has called Frank Sinatra or the reds terrorists! They are a rabble run by a criminal, but terrorist is the wrong terminology. Once you call someone that, there is no recourse and u start to look very stupid when nobody (apart from the imbeciles on here) calls them that

I agree that the term terrorist is thrown around far too often by governments all around the world, however, I would have thought the random grenade attack on Saladaeng skytrain station was without doubt a terrorist attack as it targeted random protestors and passers-by, it certainly instilled terror in a lot of people.

The pre planned arson of many large buildings around Bangkok could also be construed as an act of terrorism, if they had been bombed using explosives I don't think anyone would argue that it was a terrorist attack, I am not sure it makes any difference that it was petrol bombs that did the damage.

The laying of tyres on the skytrain could also be construed as a terrorist attack, attempting to derail the train.

one person unfortunately died during the skytrain grenade that has never been proven to be a red shirt action. If so, I condemn it, but the lack of proof condems it more! The attacks on central world were known about in advance so the govt turned off the water in the vicinity!! Therefore the sprinklers did not kick in. Fishy or not?? Tyres on the skytrain was a very minor event that was resolved quickly and dismissed by the higher echelons of the red party. There was no inherent risk in that, just stupidity by a few numbskulls!

Every fully civilised country (US only partially) cannot extradite in a country with the death penalty.

Not exactly true. Some countries won't extradite someone for crimes likely to result in the death penalty. However, they will extradite people facing lesser penalties, or if the requesting state gives an undertaking not to apply capital punishment (ie. conditional extradition).

Nobody cares!!!!!! Thailand has a terrible reputation for human rights and lies!! He can go anywhere and everywhere! The Western world love an underdog fighting against an oppressive junta!

:) There are quite a few places where he couldn't go BEFORE today. Today will add significantly to the list. The western world know there is no "Junta" here and all the governments recognize the government of Thailand. What Western countries HATE are corrupt leaders and since Thaksin is already convicted of corruption and now a wanted terrorist ...... Poof ..... there goes those shopping trips to Louis Vuitton in Paris.

@Opalhort: The short answer is there is no internationally established definition: however, as an example the FBI summarises this as

"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives".


yes, this about sums up the PAD when taking over the 'only' international airport in a major tourism country in high season. Well done for your observation!

BTW b4 anyone says phuket and chaing mai are int!! think again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know the PAD takeover cost MORE yes MORE in dollars to the economy than the red's protest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please list the countries that have Thaksin as a known 'terrorist'. With links and substantiated proof! Not, just the Nation or Bangkok Post


Mr T is waving hand to many terrorist countries :

brother, do you want a billionaire terrorist in your country ?

He did say he'd be back in Thailand before the end of the year...

He also said he'd be back here when the first shot was fired!

@Opalhort: The short answer is there is no internationally established definition: however, as an example the FBI summarises this as

"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives".


yes, this about sums up the PAD when taking over the 'only' international airport in a major tourism country in high season. Well done for your observation!

BTW b4 anyone says phuket and chaing mai are int!! think again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know the PAD takeover cost MORE yes MORE in dollars to the economy than the red's protest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's a bit hard to measure less than a week after the red protests, isn't it?

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